Fighting is broken, but the heroine script

Chapter 317: Driving the tiger away from the mountain

That is……

Nalan Yanran couldn't help but narrow her eyes slightly and subconsciously looked at the disgusting figure in front of her.

It was an extremely twisted figure wearing a black robe. It was impossible to see the face, and it was impossible to distinguish between male and female. Several people present only felt that the other person was looking at them with his terrifying eyes.

Just that is enough to be annoying.

Not to mention the ominous aura about him that seemed to be despised by heaven and earth.

It is not a difference in attributes, cold and hot, dry and wet, but a simple unknown, evil, and a steady stream of malice with all life, treating it as an enemy.

Just by being watched by him, Nalan Yanran felt an intermittent sense of suffocation in her chest, and at the same time there was an urge to kill him quickly.

But until the real enemy finally showed up, several top experts in the Jiama Empire who had many complaints against each other finally pointed their finger at the outside world.

"It seems that this guy is the abnormality today."

Yunshan frowned slightly. He could feel that this guy was very difficult to deal with. If he was alone, he would probably be able to hold him back. Even with the addition of three powerful Dou Huang warriors, it would be difficult to deal with him easily. , we can only see if we can force the other party away.

"What an ominous aura... How could something like this appear on Dou Qi Continent?"

Not only Haibodong but also Jia Xingtian felt the same as Yunshan, so they immediately took up their positions.

The man in black robe scanned everything around him, and finally confirmed that the only enemies here were probably the few people in front of him. A trace of dirty black energy escaped from all around him, making everyone frown. .

"He is converting the fighting spirit here into his energy! Stop him quickly!"

At the same time as Jia Xingtian shouted, Hai Bodong, who was holding an ice gun, rushed forward immediately. He held an ice gun in one hand and a deep ice-blue halo condensed in the other hand.

The man in black robes immediately sensed the hostility and aggression coming from Hai Bodong, and the black energy immediately condensed into countless sharp cones, pouring down towards Hai Bodong like raindrops.

Hai Bodong waved the ice spear in his hand like a dragon, blocking all the rain-like black cones.

However, those black pointed cones were in a head-on collision with him, and the ice shards on the ice spear peeled off, then fell apart and turned into ice mist, but it also bought Hai Bodong time to get closer.

Haibodong let out a low drink, and the water vapor in the air suddenly condensed into ice together with the fighting spirit, turning into seven blue ice dragons that were more than ten feet tall. The terrifying energy erupted by the seven blue ice dragons was even this terrifying. None of the men in black robes could turn a blind eye.

The dirty black energy immediately turned into a strange shadow, making it difficult to tell what it was. It just let out a piercing roar towards the seven blue ice dragons in the sky that made people couldn't help but cover their ears. , and hit him head-on.

At any time, there were roars, vibrations, and ice chips all over the sky turned into snowflakes, falling on the blue bricks of the imperial capital with the strong wind.

When Jia Xingtian saw that Hai Bodong could not tell the winner, he immediately took action. In an instant, the yellow sand filled the sky and turned into a giant hand, pouring down towards the black-robed man like a mountain.

The giant hand of yellow sand suddenly fell down and directly hit the strange-looking man in black robe.

Upon seeing this, Hai Bodong immediately retreated to a safer distance, and then couldn't help but glance at Jia Xingtian.

The old guy has no other abilities, but he is quite capable of finding opportunities to find opportunities.

However, when he glanced at Jia Xingtian and immediately turned back, his pupils could not help but shrink. The figure of the man in black robe in front of him was distorted, and the attack caused by the giant hand of yellow sand healed at a speed visible to the naked eye.

What kind of monster is this?

Haibodong's expression inevitably became serious.

And just after the two men's attacks proved fruitless, the black-robed man waved his sleeves, inciting a fierce wind to blow, turning into a huge palm print, as if he wanted to crush them to death.

"Trying to play tricks in front of me? Your Excellency, you are a little too contemptuous!"

Naturally, Yunshan could not just sit back and watch such a situation happen. In an instant, a biting wind roared in and hit the fishy wind, disrupting the airflow in front of him.

Then he struck out with a palm, hitting the palm print made of fishy wind, smashing it into pieces, causing the space to vibrate amid the roar.

Hai Bodong and Jia Xingtian were shocked. Douzong was a Douzong, and the reality was different. The huge gap between Douzong and Douzong was not so easy to overcome.

The man in black robe twisted his figure again and seemed to become more slender. He naturally noticed that Yunshan was obviously not as powerful as Jia Xingtian and Hai Bodong, and he became serious.

Later, Yunshan acted as the main attacker, while Hai Bodong and Jia Xingtian acted as containment and support. The three of them worked together to face the strange black-robed man.

But even so, although there is no need to worry about being killed by that weird guy who will seize the flaw, but even if the three people gather their strength, all they can do is contain it.

But Nalan Yanran looked at the man in black robe, but she still didn't take action.

What concerned her even more was why the man in black robe appeared in the imperial capital. A strong man from Douzong, he was still a figure no matter where he was placed, right?

The disturbance of the airflow in front of her did not disturb her keen sense of the wind. Inadvertently, she suddenly realized, what if the man in black robe was not being restrained, but was restraining them here?

As soon as such a frightening guess came into Nalan Yanran's mind, she suddenly felt something was wrong and immediately flew into the imperial capital.

At this moment, the imperial capital was plunged under a dark cloud, and the bright spring day was plunged into oppressive darkness.

In the Miter family, Xiao Zhan and Xiao Li's father and son were quietly waiting for this storm to pass.

This time when I came to the imperial capital, the Xiao family and the Miter family were supposed to further discuss cooperation matters, but they never expected that they would encounter such a thing.

It's just that it's useless to worry at this time.

"It would be nice if Yan'er was here."

Xiao Zhan suddenly said, causing Xiao Li beside him to be startled.

Xiao Li was slightly startled, and then said: "Xiao Yan is still in the Black Corner Region. It is not easy to travel to and from the Ghana Empire, but if it is him, it will indeed make people feel at ease."

After Nalan Yanran came back, she did not reveal anything about Xiao Yan to the Xiao family. She only said that everything was fine with him in the college. Therefore, although the Xiao family often sent some things later, because there was no Xiao family who traveled thousands of miles to travel between the two places, The mere exchange of letters between the two places did not make the Xiao family suspicious. They thought that Xiao Yan was really still cultivating at Canaan College, so they stopped disturbing him.

While the father and son were chatting, a dark shadow sneaked in silently.

Those pair of sinister eyes looked at Xiao Zhan and Xiao Li who were in the hall at the moment. Are these the people from the Xiao family that Wu Ying was sure of at the beginning?

That's all, that's all, arrest him first, report it to the branch hall, and then find out more.

The shadow walked into the lobby impartially, without any worry about being discovered. What if it was discovered? The three Douzongs and Douhuangs who are the only capable ones in the Jiama Empire have been restrained. Who else can stop him and a Douzong?

After swaggering through the door and entering, the Xiao family's father and son saw the shadow covered in black energy looking at them with malicious eyes.

"Who are you?"

Xiao Li immediately protected Xiao Zhan and asked.

"Who am I? Are you qualified to ask?!"

The shadow smiled sinisterly, and then gave a low drink, and a terrifying aura suddenly swept over him. Xiao Li, who had just touched the threshold of Dou Wang, was naturally unable to resist this terrifying pressure, and felt a strong heart palpitation. The feeling stabbed his heart along with his pulse, and he almost immediately lost his ability to resist.


Xiao Zhan didn't feel good either, but seeing Xiao Li's pale face and falling down as soon as he turned around, he immediately pulled him.

"Oh, I almost lost control. If I accidentally scared you to death, it would be really hard for me to deal with you."

The dark shadow smiled.

"Whatever you want to do, do it for me! It has nothing to do with him!"

Xiao Zhan said angrily, but in the eyes of the shadow, it seemed a little funny.

"It doesn't matter, you'll understand what's going on soon."

Saying that, the shadow stretched out his hand to take Xiao Zhan's photo.

And a sharp sword penetrated the roof, made a sweet sword sound, and pierced the man's face.

The bone-piercing sharp light made people feel their souls tingling just by looking at it, causing the shadow to curl his lips and narrowly avoid the flying sword.

"Tsk, I almost forgot about you."

Shadow said displeased.

Xiao Zhan immediately opened his eyes wide and followed the beautiful figure guarding him in front of him through the large hole in the ceiling.


What he subconsciously shouted was still the original title.

"Stop talking about this, take the people and leave quickly!"

After taking the flying sword, Nalan Yanran took a deep breath. Even if she became the Dou Emperor, it would be too difficult for her to directly face a strong Dou Zong man.

But now that I have done it, there is no room for regret.

She can no longer save Xiao Yan. Could it be that she can't even save his family? !

Xiao Zhan picked up Xiao Li, jumped out of the window and jumped out of the room.

Shadow turned his head and looked at Xiao Zhan who was escaping, and smiled disdainfully. For him, this was just a small episode. Even if he let Xiao Zhan escape for three days and three nights, he could still capture him.

"Who are you?"

Nalan Yanran shouted and asked.

"Hey, don't you people ask other questions?"

"Sure enough, since this is the occasion, there is no need to ask any more questions."

Nalan Yanran shook her head, with a stern look on her sword. She knew very well that she was no match for him, but at least she would have to hold on for a while.

"Jie Jie, you have a good talent. It won't be difficult to become a Dou Zong in the future, but it's a pity that your brain is not very good."

Shadow mocked: "Today I will teach you for your elders what it means to overestimate one's abilities and how to write it!"

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