Fighting is broken, but the heroine script

Chapter 318 Nalan, I won the resurrection match.


Nalan Yanran, who had suffered internal injuries, felt a surge of sourness in her throat, and then a fishy sweetness like rust gradually spread in her mouth.

She stared at the shadow in front of her. Although she had tried her best, the difference between Dou Huang and Dou Zong was a bit too great, so the defeat was expected.

"Well, that's right. Although I tried to hold back so as not to kill half of the imperial capital to pieces, but you can survive twenty times in my hands, so you're pretty good."

The shadow came slowly and couldn't help but nodded, praising Nalan Yanran.

"If you are my descendant, then I will protect you no matter what. Unfortunately, young man, you have to pay a price for standing up."

Shadow's words did not waver Nalan Yanran at all.

"Kill if you want, there's no need to talk nonsense."

Nalan Yanran spit out a mouthful of blood and said.


Shadow nodded, but it was a little less mocking towards the weak.

Even a fool who doesn't understand the current situation can be said to be tenacious if he can do this.

"The soul of a genius fighting emperor can only be used as extra money."

Saying that, Shadow was ready to kill Nalan Yanran with one palm.

But a high-pitched dragon roar suddenly came from behind him, and seven ice dragons immediately poured down towards the shadow.


The shadow let out a light sigh, and immediately turned around and faced the ice dragon that suddenly fell. When the strong blow of the Dou Zong master hit the ice dragon, the originally agile ice dragon's eyes turned into gray one after another. , and then fell apart and shattered.

Huge ice blocks fell on the streets of the Imperial Capital, creating a deep hole in the spacious Imperial Capital Avenue.

A biting cold wind came out, and Nalan Yanran suddenly felt someone holding her shoulder.

"Go quickly."

After getting rid of the ice dragon behind him, Shadow looked at Hai Bodong who was holding Nalan Yanran's shoulders.

"You are almost in danger of losing your own protection, and you still want to save others?"

Shadow sneered and mocked.

"No, no, your Excellency really thinks highly of us. Two Douzongs actually came here."

Haibodong shook his head. If there was only that weird black-robed man, one Dou Zong and three Dou Emperors would not be able to kill each other, but they would be enough to force them back.

Who would have thought that two Douzongs would come?

What a hell.

Although Hai Bodong had a headache, it was naturally impossible to escape at this time.

Unexpectedly, the shadow said: "I only want the Xiao family. As for you, who cares? If you hand him over, I will leave immediately."


Nalan Yanran flatly refused without thinking.

Haibodong looked at Nalan Yanran and couldn't help but shook his head, but still said: "I'm sorry, the Xiao family and I are somewhat destined, but you cannot take this person away."

"Hey, it's okay. I'm not asking for your opinion anyway."

Shadow sneered, but this was within Hai Bodong's expectation. After all, if this man was so easy to talk to, there wouldn't be a fight.

But before the fight started again, Haibodong lowered his voice and said to Nalan Yanran: "When the fight starts, you immediately take Xiao Zhan and others to the Black Corner Region to move reinforcements. We can't solve the Jiama Empire's affairs on our own. Whether it’s Xiao Yan or that girl, please bring one back.”

Nalan Yanran was startled: "But -"

"Stop it! Do you really expect us to be able to repel two Dou Zong here?!"

Haibodong said: "Even if you want to die, it is better to fight to the death than to sit back and wait for death."

After saying that, Haibodong pushed Nalan Yanran behind him. He was confident that he could at least delay it for a while, but after a while, it would be hard to say.


As a result, the shadow's eyes changed.

It can even be described as solemn.


Moving forward in time, half a day before the battle in the imperial capital, Xiao Yan and his men hurriedly knocked on the door of the Xiao family in Wutan City.

The servant who opened the door was startled, thinking that his eyes were dazzled.

"Xiao, Master Xiao Yan? Master Xiao Yan! Master Xiao Yan, why are you back!"

The servants were so excited that they stuttered.

But the joys and sorrows between people obviously don't understand each other.

Xiao Yan didn't want to ruin the good mood of his acquaintance, so he could only keep the story short: "Stop talking about this for now, where is my father? Something big may happen to the Jiama Empire!"

"Master? Master, he and Young Master Xiao Li went to the imperial capital to discuss cooperation matters with the Miter family."

The servant was stunned. Seeing Master Xiao Yan's eagerness as if his butt was on fire, the excitement of his old friend's return was diluted a lot. It seemed like something big had happened?

When he got this information, Xiao Yan only felt that the situation was getting worse, but he couldn't turn around and leave, so he had to quickly find a few elders who were still in the clan and asked them to ensure the safety of the clan as soon as possible.

Then, he immediately flew into the sky again and flew to the imperial capital together with the two little fairy doctors.

Along the way, he didn't even dare to rest. When his fighting energy was exhausted, he immediately took Qi Pills to restore his fighting energy. During this half-day trip, he actually flew faster than Zi Yan. She was so shocked that she thought Xiao Yan had eaten something wrong. The medicine is gone.

"I think Xiao Yan's father and brother are very important people to him."

The little medical fairy understands Xiao Yan, but she can't quite empathize with this feeling.

"Well, I don't have parents either, so I'd better talk less. I heard that if you humans accidentally mention each other's parents, you'll get anxious right away."

Zi Yan shook her head. She originally wanted to comfort Xiao Yan, but the brief conversation with the little medical fairy made her give up this idea for the time being. If she accidentally slaps the horse's hoof while flattering him, it would be great fun.

After approaching the imperial capital, Xiao Yan unexpectedly felt the unusual and ominous atmosphere.

Xiao Yan only said in his heart that it was indeed the case, and he speeded up again, heading to the Mittel family in the city to find his father and brother.

As he sped along the streets he passed, a familiar figure immediately came into view.


Xiao Yan quickly called to Xiao Zhan who was holding Xiao Li, and then flew down to support him.

"Father? Second brother?! What's wrong with you?!"

"Yan'er? Yan'er, are you back?!"

Xiao Zhan was startled, and then he was ecstatic, but the joy only lasted for a moment. Xiao Zhan immediately grabbed Xiao Yan's hand and said urgently: "Quick, go and save Yanran! Yanran is in danger!"

"Yanran? Father is talking about Nalan?"

Xiao Yan was stunned, but Xiao Zhan couldn't explain much. He could only say: "Yanran held that man back to save me. Go! Otherwise something will happen!"

"I understand, let's go now, Zi Yan, please protect my father and brother first, I will come back as soon as I can."

Zi Yan nodded, and Xiao Yan took the little medical fairy to support the battle taking place in the imperial capital.

When they crossed the street in front of him, he already saw familiar figures, they were Hai Bodong and Nalan Yanran.

It was just that Haibodong pushed Nalan Yanran back slightly, and Xiao Yan arrived just in time. With the force of Haibodong's gentle push, Nalan Yanran hit Xiao Yan's chest and fell into In his arms.

The eyes of the shadow in front of him changed slightly. Hai Bodong saw that the atmosphere seemed a little awkward. He couldn't help but look back and found that Xiao Yan was hugging Nalan Yanran, which was unexpected.

"The rescuers shouted so fast."

Haibodong's eyes were a little complicated and he couldn't help but say.

"Thank you for your hard work, Mr. Hai."

Xiao Yan said solemnly, and then he couldn't help but glance at the heroic beauty in his arms who was obviously a little weak, and said: "Nalan? Nalan! Are you okay?"

"Xiao Yan...?"

Hearing the familiar voice, Nalan Yanran raised her head with some difficulty and braced herself, but found that it was not her imagination.

"Damn Xiao Yan... If I was fine, would I be like this? Are you the ghost I saw before I died?"

"Well, it's me. I won the resurrection match."

Xiao Yan said casually, and then immediately stuffed a pill into her.

"Xiao Yan...Xiao Yan? Are you that Xiao Yan?"

The shadow shrouded in black energy looked at Xiao Yan, Fighting Emperor? This guy's training speed is really fast. In the last record of Wu Ying, is this guy a Dou Ling or a Great Dou Master?

But now that he is here, things are much simpler. As long as we catch him, the current matter will be solved.

When he thought of this, the shadow couldn't help but laugh and said: "If there is a road to heaven, you don't take it, and if there is no door to hell, you surrender yourself. Well, well, well, I caught you and Yaochen today, and the northwest continent will have one less thing to worry about!"

Xiao Yan's expression turned frosty and he said, "What is your relationship with the person who appeared in Yunlan Sect?"

"You mean Falcon? I'm here to take over his duties. You can call me... Shadow Protector."

"...Soul Palace."

Xiao Yan only felt that a surge of anger in his chest quickly rose and burned like a flame. He had never provoked these people, but these people followed him like a shadow, pulling him like maggots on the tarsus, and even now they are causing disaster. His family, damn it!


Xiao Yan took a breath to calm down, then turned his head and said, "I'll leave this person to you to deal with."

The little medical fairy nodded, while Hai Bodong looked surprised. Where is that girl? Listening to Xiao Yan's tone, could this girl possibly...?

Before Haibodong could make a reasonable guess, the aura belonging to Douzong on the little medical fairy was released, causing the shadow in front of him to have a solemn expression for the first time.

He originally thought that Xiao Yan would lose his backer after the daughter of the rich clan left. Why did another Dou Zong appear to help him now?

Hai Bodong couldn't help but shrink his pupils when he saw the little medical fairy's obviously unusual fighting spirit.

Is this... poisonous fighting spirit? !

Is she from the Izumo Empire? !

Thinking of this, Haibodong couldn't help but glance at Xiao Yan. Where did this guy kidnapped a Douzong from the Izumo Empire?

The higher the level of cultivation of Poison Fighting Qi, the more unstable the mood becomes. How on earth did Xiao Yan get a Douzong to work for him?

It's impossible to step on another boat, right?


--No way?

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