While the little medical fairy was facing the shadow here, Nalan Yanran took a deep breath, feeling that she finally took a breath after taking the elixir, then pinched the corner of Xiao Yan's clothes and said: "Okay, leave me alone. , Go, help my master, that man in the sky is very strange, the master and Jiaxing Tian may not be opponents."

"What about you? Are you okay?"

Xiao Yan naturally knew that what Nalan Yanran said was not a lie, but he was still a little worried about Nalan Yanran.

Although I don't know what happened that made Nalan Yanran become the Dou Huang in a short period of time, her current injuries are definitely much more serious than she looks.

The medicine given to Nalan Yanran not only protects the heart to prevent further damage, but also relieves labor pain and soothes the restless soul. Now Nalan Yanran looks like she will be full of life soon, but this is just the normal effect of the medicine. Just therapeutic effect.

But Nalan Yanran knew how bad her physical condition was, so she couldn't tell her at this time.

"You can turn from a dead person to a living person. There is no reason for me to die right now. Go! Aren't you better than me in everything? You can prove it to me!"

Nalan Yanran cursed.

Xiao Yan had no choice but to listen to what she said. He handed Nalan Yanran to Hai Bodong to take care of him for the time being, and then went to find his father and the others for a round. Otherwise, Xiao Yan was really afraid that if another hidden Douzong showed up, everyone would be killed. Finished.

Zi Yan was able to deal with Douzong for a while, and the rest could only be left to them.

After explaining these things in a few sentences, a pair of purple wings suddenly spread out from Xiao Yan's back, and with a slight flutter, he pushed him high into the sky.

At the same time, Yunshan and Jiaxing Tianzheng were in a stalemate with the strange man in black robe.

Black air and wind-attributed fighting spirit stirred in the sky above, making the already dark sky even more ominous.

Without Hai Bodong, the Yunshan side, which could not be said to be evenly matched, would inevitably show signs of decline. The previous stalemate of three against one was also developing in a more unfavorable direction.

When the black-robed man's demonic energy surrounded Yunshan and Jiaxingtian, a blazing flame suddenly burned away the increasing amount of demonic energy.

This scene made Yunshan and Jiaxingtian, who had gradually become helpless, breathe a sigh of relief. Then they couldn't help but look back, only to find that it was the young man who had ascended to Yunlan Sect three years ago.

"Xiao Yan?!"

Whether it was Yunshan or Jia Xingtian, they couldn't help but feel surprised by Xiao Yan's appearance. Didn't he go to Canaan College? Why are you here at this time?

And the aura released from Xiao Yan that was only stronger than Nalan Yanran made them suddenly filled with astonishment.

Has he also become a fighting emperor? !

Recalling the young man's performance three years ago, Yunshan and Jia Xingtian were stunned and deeply shocked. Almost every time he appeared, they refreshed their understanding.

"Thank you for your hard work, old Sect Leader Yunshan and Jia Lao."

Looking at the black air surging in the sky at this moment, Xiao Yan frowned slightly, and then stirred up his fighting spirit. The magnificent flames of four constantly changing colors wrapped around him, spreading slowly like water, and at the same time completely burned those ominous auras. All gone, turned into nothingness.

He fluttered his wings behind him, stood in front of the two of them, and said, "Then leave it to me."

"Xiao Yan, be more careful."

Yunshan frowned and said, he naturally noticed that the strange fire on Xiao Yan seemed to be able to ignore the strange black energy and burn it into nothingness. However, Xiao Yan was only a one-star Dou Huang after all, and the black robe wanted to match the strength of Dou Zong. People are afraid that they are beyond their capabilities.

"The black energy is very strange. The opponent's strength is at least three-star Douzong or above. Try your best."

Yunshan said, while Xiao Yan nodded and said, "Thank you, old Sect Leader Yunshan, for reminding me."

Looking at the man in black robe not far away, Xiao Yan clearly felt something like hesitation from him. It was obvious that the other party was afraid of the strange fire on his body.

Although this weird figure cannot be tolerated between heaven and earth, is he also afraid of the most violent and destructive energy born in heaven and earth?

Xiao Yan gradually began to have speculations in his mind.

"Don't worry, it's okay."

Xiao Yan said, and then his figure flashed through the air in an instant like lightning. Even Jiaxing Tian could not catch his speed, but the shock wave caused by the collision of black energy and strange fire immediately followed. It exploded in the air, and the surrounding black energy was burned away along with it.

The man in black robe blocked Xiao Yan's punch, and then struck out with a palm, but Xiao Yan dodged it. Then he suddenly exerted his strength. He was as tall as a person, and the Xuanzhong Ruler, which was as wide and rough as a door panel, was attached with four colors. The flames were swung out together, forcing the man in black robe to give up his only attack, and instead used countless black energy to block the frightening blow.

But this is also part of Xiao Yan's calculation.

Using strange fire to attach to the Xuanzhong Ruler to attack is just to lay the necessary conditions for the next attack.

While forcing the black-robed man back, Xiao Yan waved his hand, and a red fire mark appeared above his head. Four-color strange fire spread among his meridians, erupting with extremely terrifying energy, so that the clouds behind him Shantou couldn't help but frown slightly. Even a Douzong like him didn't dare to underestimate this power.

The second level of the Three Mysterious Transformations of Heavenly Fire is the Glazed Transformation.

As Xiao Yan's aura and energy experienced explosive growth in a short period of time, a mysterious rotating wheel spread out behind Xiao Yan. On the wheel, the wolf-shaped pattern located at one corner above the five corners was covered with dark purple. It was lit by poisonous fire, and the leopard-shaped pattern was lit by dim yellow spiritual fire.

As the two patterns on the fifth wheel lit up, a dark purple wolf-shaped fire spirit and a dim yellow leopard-shaped fire spirit emerged from them and pounced on the overwhelming black-robed man.

"Fighting skills?...No, could it be a fire control technique?"

Yunshan and Jia Xingtian were shocked when they saw this. It must have been less than ten years since Xiao Yan became an alchemist. How could he have such a terrifying fire control technique?

The Five Wheels of Fire Technique and Master Tianhuo's famous stunts have all been completely submerged in the magma world along with his era, and only at this moment can he show his former glory.

When Xiao Yan left Canaan Academy, he was in a hurry, and he could only temporarily learn to condense the first two fire spirits in his hurry. Even if he already had four kinds of strange fires, he could not completely combine these five rounds. The power of the Lihuo method is fully exerted to its extreme.

But for Xiao Yan, it is enough for the time being.

And with the fire spirit to restrain him, Xiao Yan was given enough time.

The four kinds of strange fires in front of him flowed slowly, and then merged together skillfully under the power of his powerful soul.

When Yunshan and Jia Xingtian noticed this scene, their eyelids twitched wildly.

Does he want to use the same trick he used during the three-year contract? !

Compared to Yunshan, which was simply shocking, Jiaxingtian's hair suddenly stood on end. This was no other place, but the Jiama Imperial Capital!

If Xiao Yan's fire lotus falls, I'm afraid there won't be any pure land left in the imperial capital!

And the man in black robe also noticed that Xiao Yan was condensing the extremely terrifying energy, and a delicate fire lotus of four colors slowly revealed its magnificent outline and gradually took shape.

It was obvious that the energy of the terrifying alien fires mingling with each other was completely beyond his ability to resist.

The man in black robe subconsciously felt that something was wrong, so he abandoned the entangled two wolf, leopard and fire spirits, turned around and fled towards the northwest.

"Want to escape?"

The terrifying energy in his hand suddenly disappeared the moment the fire lotus took shape. Xiao Yan looked at the escaping figure of the man in black robe and raised the corners of his mouth slightly.

Then, his four wings flew and he chased after him without hesitation.

While flying over the imperial capital, Xiao Yan quickly caught up with the black-robed man under the superposition of the four-wing amplification of Dou Qi Transformation Wing and Ziyun Wing and the three thousand thunder movements.

"You're already here, why don't you leave without grabbing something?"

Xiao Yan said: "I don't have any other gifts. This Buddha's Angry Fire Lotus is just a gift for you!"

With that said, Xiao Yan pushed out the fire lotus. At this moment, it was useless no matter how much the man in black robe tried to escape.

A four-color fire lotus, about a foot in size, was slowly rotating, and as the little thing rotated, the surrounding space was constantly spreading with frightening space cracks.

As the fire lotus was thrown by Xiao Yan, there was first a faint light, and then a dazzling flash.

The fire lotus passed between the sky and the earth, touching the edge of the Warcraft Mountains. The silence lasted for a moment, and then, an earth-shattering explosion sounded in the condensed black mist around the man in black. A terrifying wave of fire measuring over a hundred feet spread suddenly from within the black mist, and spread rapidly at a speed visible to the naked eye.

A thousand-foot-long four-color fire lotus slowly bloomed in a grand explosion, with enough power to cover a hundred miles in radius.

Fortunately, the man in black robe finally chose to escape, otherwise the entire imperial capital would have turned into ashes along with the man in black robe.

The yellow sand melted and turned into crystal clear glass. The vegetation was carbonized in an instant and then swept away in the ensuing shock wave.

And the man in black robe was right at the center of the explosion of the four-color fire lotus. No matter how weird the black energy was, it could not survive the terrifying energy of heaven and earth like the strange fire.

It's really terrifying.


Shadow noticed something strange, and then he couldn't help but look at the little medical fairy, knowing that what happened today would never be possible.

That’s all, there’s still a long way to go!

Shadow no longer wanted to fight, turned around and left.

The little medical fairy also knew that this man was strange. He was not proficient in the power of space, so he might not be able to catch him. If he came back to fight back, he would be caught off guard.

As soon as he thought of this, the little medical fairy immediately went back to find Zi Yan and the others.

Nalan... I'm afraid her injuries won't be too minor.

The little medical fairy suddenly had an inexplicable premonition in her heart.

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