Looking at the big pit outside the imperial capital, Xiao Yan breathed a sigh of relief, but the aura and cultivation level that had been increased in a short period of time with the help of the strange fire gradually fell back to the original state, and even the aura was weakened.

After all, the secret technique of the Three Mysterious Transformations of Heavenly Fire can increase so much combat effectiveness in a short period of time. It is impossible without a price.

But if the current trouble can be solved, there is no need to complain anymore.

Xiao Yan took a breath, then turned around and left. There were still a lot of things to do right now.

As soon as he thought of this, Xiao Yan flew back to Jia Ma Imperial Capital.

After returning to the imperial capital, Xiao Yan happened to meet the little medical fairy and his party who were taking care of others.

"Xiao Yan is finally back."

Zi Yan stepped forward quickly and said, "Your father is worried to death."

As he said that, Xiao Yan couldn't help but look at Xiao Zhan, who had a frightened expression, and felt a little sour in his heart.

In the end, my father was frightened.

"Is dad okay?"

Xiao Yan calmed down his mind and then spoke.

"I'm fine. What matters is your second brother and Yanran."

Xiao Zhan sighed. Although he was still in shock, he felt even more guilty for Xiao Yan.

He is really incompetent as a father. When a disaster is imminent, his son can be saved. If he hadn't held him back, his other son wouldn't be in such an unconscious state now.

As for Nalan Yanran...

To be honest, Xiao Zhan had really complicated feelings about the beauty who was unconscious in the arms of the little medical fairy.

"Your second brother can be sent to the Mitel family. What happened today was because our Mitel family didn't take good care of him, which frightened your father and brother, Xiao Yan."

Hai Bodong said, although the incident did happen suddenly, it is better to take the initiative at this time.

"There's no need to say more, Ebi. Of course, the responsibility for what happened today does not lie with the Miter family, but it's thanks to Ebi."

Xiao Yan shook his head. He has never been an unreasonable person. Today's matter naturally lies in the Soul Palace. Nothing happened to his father and brother. Even if Xiao Yan's wings are stiff, he cannot spread his anger to others casually.

"It's hard work for Mr. Hai to put more thought into taking care of my father and brother."

Haibodong nodded and said, "That's natural, just don't worry."

To be honest, Hai Bodong is actually a little worried that Xiao Yan will turn his back on others now that his wings have hardened. After all, this Dou Qi continent still respects strength. It is naturally too risky to place all hope on the character and morality of others. Okay... Although Haibodong has really been optimistic about Xiao Yan since the beginning, if something goes wrong, he can only blame himself for being a bad person, and there is nothing he can do about it.

But it is obvious that Xiao Yan is not the kind of person who turns against others after becoming rich.

It's better than having the old Haibo in front of him, and now calling him Haibodong as the Douhuang, or even calling him contemptuously.

He couldn't help but sigh, it was not a wrong bet, the girl's eyesight was indeed extraordinary.

After temporarily settling down his father and brother, Xiao Yan couldn't help but turn his attention again to the unconscious Nalan Yanran in the arms of the little medical fairy.

"Nalan's words... He is a member of the Nalan family after all. It would not be appropriate to stay directly in the Miter family."

Xiao Yan took the initiative and said, "It's better if I send her back to Nalan's house."


The little medical fairy nodded without any doubts. After all, Nalan Yanran risked her life to save Xiao Zhan. With Xiao Yan's temperament, it was impossible to turn a blind eye to anything he said.

Besides... there is no way to stop the fire in the world. Some things should happen, and they will happen. Even if she stops it, it will only increase the boredom, so why worry about so many things?

Let's leave this kind of thing to Sister Wan in the future and take it easy.

After all, Nalan Yanran has a close relationship with her, which can be regarded as the cause of tomorrow and the result of today.

Afterwards, Xiao Yan took the unconscious Nalan Yanran from the arms of the Little Medical Fairy. Without further ado, he held her and strode out the door.

He won the battle against the man in black robe, but even if he won this time, it was not something to be happy about for Jia Xingtian.

Not only the inexplicable monster, the powerful Dou Zong sent by the forces that sneaked into the city to try to harm the Xiao family, but also Nalan Yanran of the Yunlan Sect, and the fully grown Xiao Yan, Jia Xingtian only felt that this Jia Ma The empire's innocence is really about to change.

There were even battle reports from the Tagore Desert, and it seemed that Queen Medusa, who was supposed to have died in the catastrophe a few years ago, had also been resurrected.

It was really precarious inside and out.

Jiaxing Tian frowned slightly, the current situation was obviously beyond his control.

Especially Xiao Yan, that weird black-robed man, both himself and Yunshan, were defeated by the other party. Even if Hai Bodong and the three of them joined forces, the battle would be a stalemate at best. As a result, when Xiao Yan came, Under the fire lotus that burned everything in his hand, even the weird Dou Zong had to choose to escape, which was a bit too scary.

"Hai Bodong must be having a good chat with Xiao Yan right now, right?"

Jia Xingtian suddenly heard Youyoudao. After all, it was Hai Bodong who had a vicious eye and took a liking to Xiao Yan, a potential stock in the future.

In fact, it was not that he had never thought of recruiting Xiao Yan, but by the time he found out, it was already the three-year appointment period, so it was too late to say anything.

"What's wrong? Are you afraid that Xiao Yan will seize the territory of Jia Ma Empire?"

Yunshan's matter has nothing to do with him and he is concerned about it. He is even in the opposite mood to Jiaxingtian, because in a sense, not only is there no enmity between him and Xiao Yan, but there may even be some positive relationship between him and Xiao Yan.

Before Jia Xingtian could answer, the two of them saw a figure in a strong suit hurried past, holding the unconscious beauty in his arms and running towards Nalan Mansion.

Yunshan couldn't help but smile slightly at the corner of his mouth. The fate of these people is really not so easy to break.

Jia Xingtian turned around and glared at Yunshan, but he was helpless.

That's all, that's all.


"Is Patriarch Nalan here? I've sent someone back for you."

Xiao Yan tried his best to calm down the complicated mood of coming to Nalan Mansion again, and then couldn't help but say.

Although the servant didn't know Xiao Yan, he also knew Nalan Yanran in his arms, so he immediately went to report it. Not long after, two familiar figures rushed over without even touching the ground.

Nalan Jie and Nalan Su were shocked when they saw that the person carrying the young lady back was actually Xiao Yan, but they still stepped forward quickly and said, "Xiao Yan's nephew? Are you back from Canaan College?"

"Well, I just happened to catch up. You two must also know that something happened in the imperial capital just now, and I just solved it."

Xiao Yan's fluttering words immediately made the two of them open their eyes wide. What? The commotion just now and the violent vibration coming from the northwest were not caused by Yunshan, but Xiao Yan? !

Before the two of them could react, Xiao Yan continued: "Nalan just sacrificed her life to save my father's life. I owe her."

"Don't worry, I will heal her injury no matter what."

Xiao Yan's words almost made Nalan Jie and Nalan Su lose their minds. It was only after a moment of shock that they realized it. So...is this going in circles and back again?

Nalan Jie now only feels that there may be some fate in all these things.

However, it was naturally not convenient for them to say anything. Now, Yanran's body was the most important thing, so they quickly asked Xiao Yan to carry Nalan Yanran back to her room.

Then Xiao Yan used his soul power to check her heart. Fortunately, although she was seriously injured, because she was still young and had strong vitality, it would be much more convenient and easier to cultivate, and she was not hurt. foundation.

Even when Xiao Yan's soul power explores the meridians in Nalan Yanran's body, there will inevitably be some unavoidable tingling sensation.

It was like blood flowing in Nalan Yanran's body. It was another type of energy that was different from Dou Qi. It was the so-called sword intention passed down from the ancestor of Yunlan Sect.

The Yunlan Sect emphasizes that the sword's intention is endless and endless. Although today's Yunshan and Yun Yun have long been unable to do this, it is said that when the sword's intention is brought into play to a certain level, the sword's intention is like fighting spirit. It can help you heal, not just in combat.

The sword intention itself depends on the user's willpower. If the willpower is strong enough to not be destroyed by any force, then his sword intention will naturally be endless.

It's just that Xiao Yan only accidentally heard Nalan Yanran talk about this kind of thing when he had a quarrel with her at Canaan College.

He didn't know, and he didn't dare to bet on whether Nalan had really reached that state.

Therefore, Xiao Yan immediately made some basic calculations on the direction of the elixir for Nalan Yanran's symptoms. After confirming the general direction, he naturally needed to refine the medicine in a targeted manner.

As for refining medicine, he still learned from famous people, and he could always get some advice from Miss Wan. For him, this kind of thing was as simple as eating and drinking.

Not to mention that he even has the flame of life in his body now. Although this thing is not like the fire that Miss Wan once had, which can grow bigger and bigger, but even a little bit is more effective than ordinary pills. went.

When Nalan Yanran opened her eyes again, Nalan Jie and Nalan Su, who were already looking worried, raised their eyebrows with joy.

However, Xiao Yan, who personally refined medicine for Nalan Yanran, knew the possible side effects of his medicine, so he quietly stepped forward and said, "Nalan, it's me, do you feel you are awake now?"

"Well... my head... my head is a little dizzy."

"What's wrong with me?"

"Are you awake? We are already on Huangquan Road, and we will reach Mengpo Bridge later."

Xiao Yan said lightly, but they probably won't be able to enjoy Meng Po's related business in a short time.

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