Nalan Yanran was stunned for a moment when she heard Xiao Yan's nonsense, and then she completely woke up from the rising anger and blood, and said angrily: "What are you talking about! Who wants to die with you!" "

As she spoke, Nalan Yanran subconsciously propped up her upper body, but found that she had no strength to even prop her up.

Seeing this, Xiao Yan couldn't help but sigh, and then took the initiative to help Nalan Yanran stand up, and then raised the pillow behind her to prop up her temporarily weak body.

"I advise you to do less trouble on yourself."

Xiao Yan said: "Thanks to your luck, being beaten like this by a Dou Zong didn't damage your foundation, otherwise I wouldn't be able to make you get better for a while."

"-Well, my sword will never stop, my heart will never die. Although the journey of swordsmanship is long and I don't even have a companion, it is worth my own efforts."

Seeing the unexpected seriousness and worry in Xiao Yan's brows, Nalan Yanran naturally didn't feel like scolding him anymore, so she just shook her head gently and explained.

"You'd better talk to your grandfather and your father. They are worried about you."

Xiao Yan smiled gently, the joke just now just made her feel more relaxed.

Then, he took the initiative to step aside. The two relatives behind him, who were somewhat emotionally complicated for Nalan Yanran, made Nalan Yanran accidentally feel a little sad.

"Father, grandpa."

Nalan Yanran smiled slightly, except that her face was a little pale, everything looked fine.

Nalan Su and Nalan Jie couldn't help but feel a little distressed when they saw each other. The birds had grown up and could fly higher than them. However, they naturally had to bear the price brought by this power. After all, even if they were fighting The emperor can only live in a corner of the northwest continent.

"Okay, just stay here as you are, your health is the most important thing... But now, I'm afraid we won't be able to help you anymore."

Nalan Jie shook his head, feeling a little more sad and sighing.

"It's okay, I can finally help you some, right?"

Nalan Yanran smiled and said, it is indeed a very good feeling to spread her wings in front of her family and prove that she can fly higher.

"Okay - let's not talk about this now. If your injuries can be healed as soon as possible, it will be thanks to Xiao Yan -"

To be honest, their attitudes and feelings towards Xiao Yan are becoming more and more complicated now, especially when different identities, different events, and different causes and fates are intertwined, it is always inevitable that people will Somewhat overwhelmed.

Nalan Yanran was inevitably silent on this topic, but after changing the topic and talking to them for a few words, Nalan Yanran's eyes and attention also fell on Xiao Yan.

"Okay, I know all this. Father, Grandpa, you can go out first. I also... have some other things that I want to talk to Xiao Yan alone, and then I will rest."

For this reason, Nalan Su and Nalan Jie naturally could not refuse. They nodded and agreed without asking any questions. They turned around and left Nalan Yanran's room.

After they left, Nalan Yanran took a deep breath. To be honest, she had a lot of things she wanted to say to Xiao Yan. She also guessed that Xiao Yan must also have a lot of things he wanted to say to her, but she really had to tell her to open up. Although she was tall, she suddenly didn't know what to say.

"What's wrong? Didn't you say you still wanted to tell me something?"

Xiao Yan couldn't help but said: "If you don't say anything, I will go back first."

"Don't worry, give me some time to think, okay?"

Nalan Yanran coughed lightly in displeasure, but she also took advantage of the topic to organize her thoughts, and then said: "I said, how did you survive?"


Xiao Yan was stunned for a moment, then couldn't help but smile, and said: "Of course he is not dead at all. How can there be any resurrection from the dead in this world? I was just trapped in the magma world underground after being swallowed by the Fallen Heart Flame. ."

"Oh I got it."

Nalan Yanran couldn't help but nodded when she heard the words, but she breathed a sigh of relief. Sure enough, it would be hard for this guy to die even if the disaster lasted for thousands of years.

"So, you became the Dou Huang again?"

While confirming that Xiao Yan was safe and sound, Nalan Yanran also gradually focused on Xiao Yan's cultivation. The sword intention was clear, and she could feel that Xiao Yan gave her an even more unfathomable feeling.

"You're not bad either. Aren't you already a fighting emperor?"

Xiao Yan said casually.

"I just took the shortcut left by my ancestor."

Nalan Yanran shook her head. The seemingly inexplicable competitiveness between her and Xiao Yan was always the driving force that urged her to go further.

But in the past two years, she really thought Xiao Yan was dead. She was so frustrated that she couldn't even stay in Canaan Academy, so she returned to the Gate of Life and Death, intending to forget these things.

The result is still not forgotten, people are alive.

He was really like this from beginning to end.

However, Xiao Yan obviously didn't think as much as Nalan Yanran. After pondering for a while, he couldn't help but sit beside her bed.

"What's wrong? Are you so serious all of a sudden?"

Nalan Yanran couldn't help but said.

"Really? I don't think so myself... that or something. Thanks, Nalan."

Xiao Yan solemnly said that one of the pillars of support in his heart are those he cares about, and naturally he does not want to see them hurt because of him.

Nalan Yanran had already guessed that Xiao Yan would say this, so she couldn't help but shook her head and said, "Do you think I did this just to thank you?"

"Of course I know that's not what you're doing, but... what's that for?"

"I thought you were dead until I saw you again."

Nalan Yanran remained calm and said calmly: "At least I feel now that I don't want anyone to protect your family after you die."

Xiao Yan was startled, Nalan, was she... planning to take care of her own affairs?

He was inevitably a little surprised, and the look he looked at Nalan Yanran became more complicated.

"Don't look at me like this. I already told you that I'm just taking care of your funeral affairs. Since you are already alive, you don't have to worry about the family affairs that I have to worry about."

Nalan Yanran shook her head: "As for what you want to thank me for, as long as you can cure me, I don't expect anything else."

As if she suddenly thought of something, Nalan Yanran suddenly said: "To be honest, I have even guessed that if you can't cure me, I will become a useless person like you before and can't continue to practice."

Regarding the initial entanglement between the two people, Xiao Yan naturally still has fresh memories. The then arrogant young master of Yunlan Sect has become today's Nalan Yanran, and the former good-for-nothing young master of the Xiao family has also become today's Nalan Yanran. He has become a new star that everyone needs to look up to. No matter which one of them you have, you have a lot of feelings now.

"But it's a pity that I have already used this trick of breaking off the engagement once. I'm afraid no young master from the Xiao family will come to break off my engagement."

Nalan Yanran smiled and said that now she is particularly open-minded on this topic and even took the initiative to make a joke.

"Yeah, it's a pity, otherwise you should really have a taste of what it feels like to have your engagement broken off."

Xiao Yan didn't care and continued following the topic.

"Hey... whatever, it's all my retribution."

Nalan Yanran shook her head gently.

Xiao Yan looked at her, was silent for a moment, and couldn't help but said: "Sometimes I really feel that there is some unexplainable fate between us."

"You don't think so until now?"

Nalan Yanran said without thinking: "There are so many inexplicable fates between you and me."

"Whether it's good or bad."

"But fortunately, it seems that there are still many good things."

"By the way, I saw the little medical fairy...between you...?"

"Well, I originally planned to bring Xian'er to see my father and the others, but I didn't expect this to happen."

"Have you reached the point of meeting your parents?"

Nalan Yanran was stunned, didn't Xiao Yan just come out not long ago? Why so fast all of a sudden?

"Because there are other things that are difficult to explain..."

Xiao Yan silently looked away, and Nalan Yanran understood, and her eyes towards Xiao Yan became more complicated.

"Then you are really... powerful."

"Where, where..."

"You think I'm praising you!"

Nalan Yanran interrupted Xiao Yan and said: "Forget it... I shouldn't ask this... You go ahead, I don't have anything to do here for the time being."

"Then your body..."

"I'm not dead. You have nothing else to do here except heal me. Do you feel comfortable staying at Nalan's house? Mr. Yan Xiao?"

Nalan Yanran's words made Xiao Yan somewhat uncomfortable, but they did make Xiao Yan give up his intention of staying with her for the time being.

"Well, since you have brought the little medical fairy back, it would be outrageous to just leave her with your father and ignore her."

Nalan Yanran said: "Anyway, you just need to take a look at me every day to see if I am dead. Go ahead."

"I'm leaving?"

"Do you think I want to keep you?"

Nalan Yanran said.

Xiao Yan had no choice but to listen to Nalan Yanran's urging and leave her room.

"Hey... finally gone."

Nalan Yanran gently twisted her unconscious body, feeling relieved.

She really didn't say one thing and think another, she really thought so.



Speaking of which, she quite envied the little medical fairy.

...Ah, no, what is she thinking about?

Envy the little medical fairy? Is it right to envy her Douzong cultivation? If she had her cultivation level, she could force that mysterious shadow away by herself.

As for Xiao Yan, it would be better if he did not get involved as much as possible, lest he accidentally fall into the trap.

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