Fighting is broken, but the heroine script

Chapter 322 The celebration begins

At the same time, the pharmaceutical industry is already in full swing.

The entire sacred mountain of the Medicine Clan is filled with an extraordinarily lively atmosphere. Flowers that will bloom no matter whether it belongs to this period or not are competing to bloom. In the medicine garden, the herbs in each season are all in the most suitable period for picking, but they are arrogantly controlled by the Medicine Clan. It must be used as a decoration to decorate the sacred mountain, allowing the faint medicinal fragrance to linger on the sacred mountain.

Xiao Xun'er and Gu Qingyang, accompanied by an ancient fighting saint elder, followed the receptionist's guidance, flew over the sea of ​​clouds in the medicine world, and saw the towering sacred mountain rising into the clouds.

"Is this the medicine world?"

A trace of curiosity flashed in Xiao Xun'er's beautiful eyes. Since she was already here, she naturally couldn't have a bitter face. Brother Xiao Yan was not around, and naturally no one else was qualified to listen to her complaints.

"That's right, I just heard the elders mention that the sacred mountain of the Medicine Clan towers into the clouds, smoke is everywhere, medicine is being made everywhere, and any flower or grass is a spiritual root that is hard to find outside."

Gu Qingyang also echoed, and then couldn't help but take a deep breath. There was indeed a refreshing medicinal fragrance in the fresh air. It undoubtedly came from countless medicinal materials and elixirs, but it had no medicinal properties. A feeling of discomfort that comes from being overly mixed together.

"I often hear that refining medicine is a common practice among the Medicine Clan. Looking at it now, it seems that it is really the case."

There was a hint of a faint smile on the corner of Gu Qingyang's mouth. It was an extremely confident smile. Alchemy refining was a common practice in the Yao Clan, but it was not as if their ancient clan didn't have enough outstanding alchemists.

In Dou Qi Continent, alchemists are indeed popular, but if we say what is the most fundamental existence, then it is naturally strength.

As long as you have the strength, you can get even the most elusive pills. This is not something that an alchemist can easily obtain.

Compared with the strength of the Yao Clan, their Ancient Clan is naturally the true apex existence on this continent.

In his opinion, the Yao Clan can only be called prosperous but not strong.

While retracting her gaze, Xiao Xun'er accidentally caught a glimpse of Gu Qingyang's expression, and could vaguely guess what he was thinking.

Indeed, the Yao clan is nothing compared to their ancient clan.

...but the medicine family is a medicine family, and the medicine family is a medicine family.

Xiao Xun'er realized this very clearly and firmly believed in it.

There are still many secrets in this woman... Whether it is her mind or the power of her bloodline, I am afraid that no matter what it is, it will not be simple.

Others who think like Gu Qingyang... may suffer big losses if they really confront Yao Wan in the future.

Therefore, Xiao Xun'er couldn't help but said: "Although the Yao Clan is not as good as when the Yao Emperor was there, it still needs to be dealt with carefully... Yao... The eldest lady of the Yao Clan is really not an easy person to get along with." .”


Gu Qingyang raised his eyebrows. Seeing Xiao Xun'er taking the initiative to speak, he inevitably became more proactive. However, this was not the first time that he heard about the eldest lady of the Medicine Clan from Xiao Xun'er. For The eldest lady of the Medicine Clan, whom Xun'er seemed reluctant to mention, inevitably became even more curious.

However, he did not have such low EQ that he took the initiative to ask Xun'er about her. Instead, he nodded and said, "Well, thank you Xun'er for the reminder."

Xiao Xun'er stopped answering and just nodded.

After all, the life celebration held by the Yao Clan this time was an event held to allow Yao Wan to cultivate the flame of life with the power of one person, and to add a powerful strange fire to the inheritance of the Yao Clan.

No matter how curious you are, you will know it soon after you meet the real person.

After all, she is a very popular eldest lady among the eight tribes. Compared with her, the new generation geniuses like Gu Qingyang seem a bit unknown.

After all, the things she did were really not something ordinary people would dare to do.

After that, the three of them stopped talking and followed the medicine clan's lead to fly up into the clouds surrounding the sacred mountain.

When passing through the clouds, the three of them couldn't help but be slightly stunned. Although they had already felt that the auspicious clouds and mist in the medicine world were transformed by the energy of heaven and earth, energy of this purity was rare, so that The three people who have long been used to seeing rare things in the world can't help but be quite surprised.

The energy in this medicine world is already so abundant?

After passing through the clouds and entering the upper level of the sacred mountain, the energy of the heaven and earth here also experienced an exponential surge. Even a simple breath will make people involuntarily feel that their cultivation is improving. .

It can be said that the energy of this sacred mountain of the Medicine Clan is so intense that it is completely abnormal.

This was the first time for Xiao Xun'er and the three of them to come to the Medicine Clan, and they knew that the current concentration of heaven and earth energy was anything but normal.

The fighting saint of the ancient clan subconsciously stretched out his hand, and a thin cloud was held in his palm, and then quickly disappeared.

"...I don't know what the hell this medicine clan has done to be able to activate the energy of heaven and earth in this medicine world."

The fighting saint of the ancient clan shook his head. For a celebration, is it like this?

It is the existence of the Flame of Life that allows the Medicine Clan to reach a higher level, but this energy of heaven and earth is related to the entire medicine world. This is obviously the way someone triggered the tidal reaction of the medicine world's energy. It is difficult for people to imagine that the Medicine Clan actually For the next generation to be able to do this.

"I see."

Gu Qingyang also nodded, and the surprise in his expression became too calm. He even shook his head. The energy of heaven and earth is not inexhaustible, just like It is the ancient world of their ancient clan, which can also trigger the energy tide of that small world, but this approach is also a kind of harm to the small world itself, and there is no such legendary treasure of heaven and earth as a substitute. It will also enter a period of decline in the next thousand years, and the probability of giving birth to tribesmen with better qualifications will become smaller and smaller.

In this way, what is the difference between pulling out seedlings and encouraging them to grow?

He was lucky enough to be able to obtain the magical fire that everyone longed for, such as the Flame of Life, but he couldn't resist his own indiscriminate behavior.

Gu Qingyang has a certain understanding of the current Yao Clan.

Only Xiao Xun'er still looked solemn, even more worried about what would happen next.

She didn't know much about the Yao Clan, but she naturally had some understanding of Yao Wan, her biggest enemy in life.

And what she knows about Yaowan is that she should never make unrealistic guesses and assumptions about her. Ordinary guesses about her have no effect at all. I'm afraid she can give everyone a big prescription later. Eye.

So don't get too happy too soon. The experience with Yao Wan just reminded Xiao Xun'er to never believe other people's unfavorable judgments about Yao Wan. She would only slap them in the face with actual actions.

Seeing that Xiao Xun'er didn't say a word, Gu Qingyang was naturally not in the mood to talk about other topics. Then he turned his head and noticed that at this moment, not only his ancient clan, but also people from the other eight clans were also Coming one after another.

Those were people from the Fire Clan and Thunder Clan.

as well as……

Gu Qingyang frowned slightly unconsciously, and saw several more people flying into the Yao Clan's sacred mountain under a strange black air.

"Those sinister guys are here too."

Gu Qingyang's words also made the fighting saint of the ancient clan frown slightly.

"Forget it, we are here today to participate in the celebration. There is no need to be so stiff. Just ignore them after seeing them."

The fighting saint of the ancient clan explained.

"Soul clan...soul palace."

Xiao Xun'er murmured quietly, but it was not noticed.

By the time Xiao Xun'er and the other three arrived at the huge square on top of the sacred mountain, it was already full of guests, so they arrived too late.

But even though it was late, they were still distinguished guests from the ancient clan. The three of them sat down in the seats that had been prepared. When they glanced around, they found that everyone who should be there was there.

Next to the seat of the Ancient Clan is the Yan Clan, and at the opposite table are people from the Thunder Clan and the Soul Clan.

Leaving aside the new generation, the fighting saints from the big clans who led the team and escorted them were all familiar faces, and they complimented each other a few times.

We are all old friends, so naturally we chatted with each other.

And this topic went round and round, and naturally finally returned to the Yao Clan's celebration of life.

"The flame of living things...the fifth strange fire on the list of strange is said that this flame is surprisingly mysterious. It is not as manic as ordinary strange fires. Instead, it is quite spiritual and can even choose its own master."

Huo Xuan, a young man in the Yan Clan, couldn't help but touch his chin. For the people of the Yan Clan, they naturally knew every type of strange fire on the list of strange fires, and they hoped to get this. The legendary fire.

"Did the creature's Yan choose the daughter of the Medicine Clan as its master?"

A strange light flashed in the eyes of the woman in red dress wearing a veil, and she couldn't help but say.

"That's not necessarily the case."

Elder Huoyao, who led the team from the Yan Clan this time, said: "I heard that the flame of life was obtained from the fire of the old man Shennong. In other words, the flame of life obtained by the Yao Clan was another flower born from the main body. , most likely it does not have that kind of spirituality, but it is almost the same as the original body."

"You can actually develop the fire of the strange fire so quickly? I'm afraid you've wasted a lot of effort, right?"

"So what if it is the fifth strange fire on the list of strange fires? If there is no powerful strange fire, then what is it called a strange fire?"

Someone sneered, causing Huo Xuan to frown and say: "A frog in a well, short-sighted and superficial!"

"Okay, don't say anything-"

Elder Huoyao stopped Huo Xuan's argument and was about to remind them. Unexpectedly, they were particularly sensitive to the fire attribute. They immediately turned their heads and looked towards the end of the square.

"Da da da."

The sound of crisp footsteps echoed in the square, and for a moment, there was silence everywhere.

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