Everyone who was still chatting couldn't help but look for the crisp footsteps, but saw a beautiful figure slowly ascending the steps, walking in front of everyone's eyes with steady lotus steps.

The visitor was dressed in an extraordinarily gorgeous and precious pale golden robe, with her green hair tied up by a fringed crown embellished with red vermilion. There was no expression on her perfect side face, and her beautiful pale golden eyes were heart-stirring, but there were no ripples in them. There was an indifference that seemed to freeze them.

While the graceful figure walking slowly left an indelible memory in their hearts forever, the indifference and coldness were also deeply engraved in their minds.

The so-called turning a blind eye is probably nothing more than that.

Under her long skirt, Lianbu methodically stepped across the weathered stone tiles on the square. Someone immediately noticed that where she walked, there was actually a green life energy that was like a living thing. Along the lines of the floor tiles, The mysterious lines activated the medicine clan lines in this large square, and naturally everyone present subconsciously felt the feeling of life energy and the energy of heaven and earth being mobilized together.

Is this person the rumored beloved eldest lady of the Medicine Clan? The famous yarrow?

Gu Qingyang was slightly startled and nodded secretly. He had to admit that she was indeed a beauty who was not inferior to Xun'er, and for some reason, she actually gave him a feeling that she could not be spied on.

In his opinion, One-Star Dou Zun's cultivation level is too fake to be true. If he just regards her as an ordinary genius of the Eight Clans, it would be a big mistake.

When I thought of this, and recalled the violent remarks made by a group of people who cared about Xun'er back in the ancient world, I couldn't help but shake my head.

This is no longer wrong, but if she really knew it, she might be teased to death.

Oh, what a shame.

But the other party probably won't have the chance to know.

The surprise in Gu Qingyang's eyes gradually disappeared. While looking away from the beautiful figure of Yaowan, he couldn't help but look at Xiao Xun'er and the elders of the ancient clan.

As a result, the two of them frowned in unison.

Xiao Xun'er's frown was naturally due to disgust and disgust, while the ancient clan elder's frown was more filled with disbelief and astonishment.

This induced energy of heaven and earth is actually related to the life energy of the Yan of Creatures? How can this be?

Or is it that the energy of heaven and earth was actually stimulated by itself, rather than being encouraged by the people of the Medicine Clan?

When he thought of this, the elder of the ancient clan suddenly frowned. It seemed that the Yao clan was obviously not as simple as he thought. Not only the daughter of the Yao clan, but also the energy of heaven and earth seemed to be hinting at the Yao clan. It seems that some unknown drastic change is taking place, and it may be more appropriate to report this matter to the patriarch.

Regarding this matter, regardless of the Ancient Clan, the Yan Clan was also aware of it.

After all, the Yan tribe can be said to have a lot of strange fires. Although they may not be able to understand the working principle of the flame of life, they do have a very unique understanding of the strange fires, and they are committed to conquering those who only appear. The strange fire in the rumors.

"Life energy - the flame of living things."

Huo Zhi murmured subconsciously and couldn't help but shake his head: "It should be more than this, right? Otherwise, I have to wonder if this medicine clan got a fake."

Obviously, in Huo Zhi's view, what is shown now is far from the full power and ability possessed by the Yan of Life, the fifth strange fire on the list of strange fires.

It's hidden away like this, why not take it out quickly and take a look.

The herb slowly walked towards the center of the huge square. Under the operation of life energy and the energy of heaven and earth, the center of the square slowly rose amidst the friction between the thick stone bricks. Steps were raised, and the circular stone platform in the center gathered. At the highest point, she walked to the center of the square, and then slowly stepped onto the gentle steps.

With every step he took, the life energy in the square became a little more intense, and the energy of heaven and earth became a little more excited, until these two forces reached their peak.

At the same time, Yao Wan had already stepped onto the rising stone platform.

Naturally, what she wants to do here is not just to walk around in a circle and exit in a hurry like a catwalk, but to have a ritual that must be completed at this moment to end successfully.

The so-called ceremony is to carve a bloodline mark that belongs to herself and the entire Yao Clan on the fire origin of the creature's flame.

In this way, unless one inherits the bloodline of the Medicine Clan or practices the clan's martial arts, one cannot refine this Life's Flame, which is enough to ensure that this Life's Flame will always exist for the Medicine Clan.

This is the step and process that almost all powerful ethnic groups will arrange for the holders of the alien fire to carry out immediately after obtaining a strange fire to ensure that the alien fire will not spread anymore.

The four inherited strange fires of the Yan clan and the two inherited strange fires of the Yao clan were all obtained in this way.

Therefore, the inheritance among these eight ancient tribes can last forever. After all, even among the eight ancient tribes, not every generation will give birth to geniuses who are enough to reach the top.

Yaowan stood on the high platform and slowly opened her palms. A blue-green flame bloomed from her palms like liquid and like a plant.

Green as green as grass, verdant and verdant, life is like drops of life, immortal and immortal.

When the Flame of Life officially appeared, everyone's minds could not help but have a few impressions and descriptions of the Flame of Life over the long years.

Not only that, when the flames of life were injected into the lines of the medicine clan under their feet, everyone present felt their blood vessels trembling slightly, pulsating for the appearance of the flames of life.

The so-called life has an end from the beginning. Even the long-lived monsters will eventually come to an end. If there is anything in the world that lasts the most, perhaps it is the strange fire.

However, the Flame of Life can allow the holder to break through the shackles of this birth, an iron law that even the strongest Dou Sheng cannot circumvent.

Obtaining the Flame of Life means acquiring that long lifespan. In the long years since then, even the strongest fighting saints will usher in their demise, and as long as she, as the holder, will not be killed actively , you can survive forever.

This effect alone is enough to make countless people flock to it, not to mention its terrifying resource replenishment ability for alchemists.

Yaowan did not deliberately wait for the clan leader to issue an order. He just opened his hands slightly, and the flame of life in his hand flew in front of him, and then slowly bloomed.

In the center of the green strange fire, a bit of green light is particularly eye-catching. Everyone present can't help but focus on the medicine and the flame of life, especially the people of the Yan tribe, as the most important thing about strange fire in this world. For the family that craves the most violent energy of heaven and earth, it is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to see the flame of life, a rare fire.

At the same time, they also hope that they can get some experience in cultivating strange fire from Yaowan. Although it is like a miracle that Yaowan can cultivate the flame of living beings, it also proves that this process can be reproduced to a certain extent.

Although the alien fire is difficult to find, it has not yet fully grown, and it may take a long time for them to complete their self-development. The Yan tribe has also learned about a few alien fire seeds.

If we could use Yaowan's experience to directly cultivate those strange fires, it would naturally be an extremely terrifying increase for the Yan clan.

In front of the blooming flame of life and under the eyes of everyone present, Yaowan flicked his finger, and his fingertip was cut, and a trace of golden blood flowed out.

The Flame of Life is connected to her heart, and they have long been indistinguishable from each other. Therefore, there is no need for any mark between the medicine wand and it. This Flame of Life was born for the medicine wand, and its existence is indistinguishable. Conclusive evidence of change.

Therefore, all Yao Wan needs to apply is the Yao Clan's mark on the creature's flame.

The Yan of Life successfully absorbed the drop of blood with a hint of golden light at a speed visible to the naked eye, without any rejection.

For example, for those extremely violent alien fires, even if you have conquered the flames, if you rashly apply a mark directly to the origin of the fire like a medicine wand, it is generally very likely that a backlash with extremely serious consequences will occur.

All alien fires have spirits, and such interference with the origin of alien fires will naturally not be allowed. Therefore, even if the alien fires are tamed, it will be difficult to achieve it overnight.

Several other types of strange fires, such as those of the Yao Clan and the Yan Clan, have been passed down by at least two generations of owners of the same bloodline. The strange fires have long been accustomed to the aura and power of people of the same bloodline, and will be subtly influenced by them. Apply the origin of fire.

This process is undoubtedly very long. The original first- and second-generation owners said that they could only lay the groundwork. It was not until the third generation that they could apply bloodline marks to the alien fires, and even encountered some particularly violent alien fires. It can still be backlashed and end up with hemiplegia, which can take as short as a hundred years or as long as a thousand years. If you want to get along with the alien fire, patience is the most important thing.

However, even though the Yan of the Creature is docile and not arrogant, Yao Wan's actions now seem a bit too realistic.

But perhaps because this creature's flame was cultivated by Yaowan, the creature's flame accepted all the bloodline marks imposed by Yaowan without any rejection.

This phenomenon alone can't help but make the people of the Yan clan look hot. After all, the process of domesticating the alien fire is clearly visible to them.

But it’s a bit strange to say...

Whether it was Huo Xuan, Huo Zhi, or Elder Huoyao who led the team, they all vaguely felt that there seemed to be an unusual...death energy coming from Yao Wan?

Their keen perception of the strange fire prevented them from dismissing it as an illusion, but they were really confused.

It's strange, Yaowan is a holder of the Flame of Life, and the life energy in his body is almost overwhelming. How can there be death energy?

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