"Damn low—"

The person guarding the evil formation let out a heart-rending roar, but before he could finish his words, the glazed fire lotus, which was almost the size of a fist, fell to the ground like a meteor.

At first, only the tiny fire lotus could be seen falling in the black air that blocked the sky. It was just a glazed light falling to the ground, and then it completely exploded, turning everything in front of it into a sea of ​​fire.

The black energy that ordinary people think is almost impossible to deal with is now being annihilated by the most violent energy explosion in the world. Whether it is the demonic barriers unfolded by the evil array or the evil array itself, everything is under the turbulent energy of the world. Return to deathly silence.

Things like formations, in a sense, are actually the least able to withstand hardship.

Because the essence of the formation is to achieve the desired effect through a series of simple or complex reactions, nothing more.

Therefore, the fragility of formations is inevitable, and the strength of those formations against the enemy only cleverly hides the weaknesses. If they are bombarded from all sides, the result will not be much better.

Not to mention that this evil formation is actually just a super-large converter that converts fighting energy and black energy. It is not very fragile. At least it is definitely unrealistic for ordinary Douhuang experts to dismantle it like this. But it wasn't that hard, especially in front of the Buddha's Angry Fire Lotus, which Xiao Yan condensed a variety of different fires.

In the case of absolute strength and attribute restraint, it is already very good that the evil formation did not disappear in the instant of the fire lotus explosion.

However, even if it is not destroyed immediately, it does not mean that this thing can continue to stay here safely and harm all living things.

Under the double explosion of terrifying high temperature and abnormal fire energy, the evil formation like a mirage tower let out an overwhelmed wail.

The powerful Douzong man who was responsible for guarding the evil formation was so angry that he had to avoid the sharp edge in front of the fully bloomed fire lotus.

However, even if you want to run away, it is not inevitable that you can escape easily.

The Buddha's Angry Fire Lotus has no other characteristics, except that it is large in quantity and full of energy, and has great strength to fly bricks. Xiao Yan dare not say that he can safely fly out of the fire lotus's explosion range, let alone him who is in the center of the explosion?

Along with the earth-shattering roar, a huge fire lotus bloomed on the long yellow sand after being purified by the flames. It was magnificent and beautiful.

"Ahem! Damn low-level creatures! When my spirit-devouring clan's army comes to the border, I will crush you bastards into powder!"

From the blooming fire lotus, the man's voice full of resentment came.

"Swallowing spirits?"

Xiao Yan couldn't help but be startled when he heard this. Is this the identity of this group of people? The Spirit Devouring Clan? Never heard of it.

Xiao Yan suddenly had the idea to leave him alone for the time being and ask him clearly, but that would depend on whether he had the opportunity.

When the fire lotus slowly dissipated, the uncomfortable black air in the sky disappeared, and the auras of Xiao Yan and the Little Medical Fairy vaguely increased again.

The evil formation in front of them has long since disappeared, leaving only a thousand-foot pit in the yellow sand. Magma surged in it, and a terrifying high temperature rose from below. It was obvious that the earth veins here had also been manipulated by them, in order to facilitate the evil formation. operation, and directly opened the connection between the earth veins and the evil formation.

The advantage of this is naturally that the evil formation can transform the black energy more efficiently, and then radiate through the earth veins to all places touched by the earth veins.

As for the downside, of course if you do such a thing, you will be punished in the end.

Xiao Yan couldn't help but look at the Spirit-Devouring Clan Douzong who was actually still alive and running away quickly. He couldn't help but be surprised by the other party's tenacious vitality, but I guess it was because this time there was no fusion of poisonous fire, and the three colors The power of the strange fire can only reach this point in the Douhuang realm. If it doesn't work, you can only continue to improve your cultivation in the future.

However, although he is not dead, his condition is not very good. He faced Xiao Yan's Buddha's Furious Fire Lotus head-on. Even under extremely unfavorable circumstances, few people in the same realm can possess this kind of defensive ability. Made it this far.

It’s just that I’m afraid it’s not that easy to leave.

With a move of his hand, the little doctor fairy cut the space with a silk thread wrapped in poisonous fire, and then directly stopped the fleeing Spirit Devouring Tribe Douzong.

Xiao Yan couldn't help but be a little surprised. When did the little medical fairy become so keen on controlling space? Ordinary low-level Douzong can't control the power of space so skillfully, right?

It's just that this is obviously not the time to talk about this. Xiao Yan looked at that person without seeing it. His eyes, mouth, nose and ears were all bleeding. Although his facial features were similar to those of people, he knew clearly based on intuition and that almost instinctive feeling of repulsion. The Spirit Devouring Tribe is definitely not a being related to humans, and he doesn't look like a human at all, but more like an evil ghost.

"Tell me everything you know."

The Douzong of the Spirit-Devouring Clan, who was directly blown to pieces by Xiao Yan's fire lotus, laughed almost crazily.

"Inferior creatures who don't realize that they are about to die! If my compatriots hadn't eliminated other inferior creatures, how could they have been defeated by you?!"

"In this case, I will never let you have an easy time!"

As he said this, the Douzong of the Swallowing Spirit Clan planned to fight to the death. However, just as he said this, a deep purple light suddenly burst out from the meridians on his body.


He screamed in shock and anger, and then a poisonous fire exploded in his body instantly, making the Douzong of the Spirit-Devouring Clan whose breath was no longer stable become even more sluggish.

"It's not a small tone, but I'm afraid you don't have the ability anymore."

The little doctor said in a cold voice, what she dislikes the most is people who don't have the ability to say harsh words in front of her.

Xiao Yan was slightly startled. When did the Little Medical Fairy let this man become infected with the poisonous fire?

Was it the poisonous light just now?

But Xiao Yan didn't think too much after all, and instead threw him into the large hole of magma surging below after the evil formation was broken.

"Forget it, let's use you to make some compensation for the damaged spiritual center."

Xiao Yan said coldly, aside from the fact that this Spirit Devouring Tribe has almost no black energy that can be utilized, he is still a Dou Zong after all. By throwing him into the violent spiritual veins, he can at least get some of his Devouring Fighting Qi. The crystals left behind, as for the black energy, will be burned by the violent spiritual veins until nothing is left.

But don't forget, this spiritual vein has given birth to strange fire, so naturally it won't be easy to bully.

After the Douzong fell into the surging magma, the terrifying energy of heaven and earth suddenly flooded his body, and the black energy was quickly extracted and burned, leaving only the last part of the energy that could still be utilized to be absorbed by the spiritual veins.

After settling the matter here, Xiao Yan couldn't help but recall this man's last arrogance.

It was obvious that this evil formation could not be arranged by him alone. He was not the only one who came here, but more combat power went to solve the trouble.

As for what the trouble is...

Who else could it be? A real local snake in the Tagore Desert.

The Snake Tribe is different from the weak humans. Medusa is now in charge. Xiao Yan guesses that after passing through the Sky Burning Qi Refining Tower, Medusa now probably has a three-star fighting sect, plus the innate ability of the colorful sky-devouring python. With regard to the increase in combat power, even against mid-level Douzong, I'm afraid it won't be too much.


The little doctor said: "Want to take a look?"

What the Little Medical Fairy said was naturally what Xiao Yan was thinking at the moment, but she knew that Xiao Yan might not be able to get over that hurdle for a while, but she also didn't want her own existence to cause any tragedy.

"Well, let's go!"

Xiao Yan suddenly raised his head, then took the little medical fairy's hand and said.

A smile appeared on the pretty face of the little medical fairy.


The main city of the Snake Tribe was filled with black air. Queen Medusa was facing the black clouds pressing down on the city. Among the surging black clouds, two figures formed the eye of this huge storm.

"Inferior creatures."

The two strong men of the Swallowing Spirit Clan in the Douzong realm said disdainfully.

Their idea of ​​coming here was never to make the snake people surrender, but to destroy them.

In their new paradise, there is no need for any lower races to survive.

"Who do I know? It seems that the smog in Tagore Desert is caused by you."

There was an undisguised trace of disgust in Queen Medusa's eyes, and her rejection and disgust for the Spirit-Devouring Clan was engraved into the instinct of almost every intelligent creature in Dou Qi Continent.

"Stop talking nonsense, I'll destroy you, so we can see how much money you, the lower races, really have."

One of the strong men from the Spirit Devouring Clan smiled.

"It's boring. Let's solve it quickly. I'm still not so relieved to leave Exi alone to take care of the formation."

The other person frowned slightly, obviously not so reassured about the safety of the evil formation.

"Eclipse You, you just have too much heart and you don't have any fun at all. It's so boring."

The joking strong man from the Spirit-Devouring Clan said to the other person.

"Don't forget our mission. Eradicating the lower races is nothing more than cleaning up the garbage. If the formation is damaged, we can't afford to walk around and we will suffer."

Eclipse You obviously did not agree with Eclipse's remarks, and then set his sights on Queen Medusa.

"Come and die quickly."

“It’s not certain who leads the death!”

Queen Medusa sneered and ran into the two of them head-on without hesitation. The two spirit-devouring tribes immediately opened up their stance, and with the help of the current location, two powerful energy that went straight towards her vital points came straight towards her door. .

Queen Medusa raised her hand, and the twisted space blocked the first burst of energy. Then she raised her hand to fight back the second burst of energy. The strong energy surge echoed over the entire Snake Tribe main city.

After the first collision, both sides felt their hearts tremble in unison. It was obvious that the other party was not just a chicken and a dog that could be broken into pieces at the touch of a touch, and could be beaten.

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