Over the main city of the Snake Tribe, black clouds pressed down on the city, making the Snake Tribe members breathless.

The leaders of several tribes couldn't help but look up nervously at the fighting above the black clouds. The strong energy waves released by the Dou Zong masters penetrated the black clouds, reflecting a dazzling light that penetrated the clouds like thunder and lightning.

They naturally want to help, but it is obvious that the battle in front of them is beyond their control, and they can only hope that the Queen can repel the invading enemies.

Even the Dou Emperor had to temporarily retreat from the battle between the strong men of the Douzong, let alone them?

Only one of the old snake-men leaders hurriedly said: "Quick, go and invite the four supreme elders. This is a time of life and death for the snake-men. The snake-men cannot lose their queen. Hurry!"

After saying that, a snake leader immediately flew out of the main city of the snake people.

Although the old snake leader may not have a high level of cultivation, he still has this kind of common sense vision. Under the same realm, it is not easy to fight one against two, but the higher the realm, the more difficult it is to fight one against two. It becomes more difficult to fight against many.

People who can reach the level of Douzong are without exception extremely talented, and the gap between them is not the same.

And this is indeed the case.

While Queen Medusa was being forced back, the two powerful Spirit Devourers in front of her were still pressing forward step by step, and their attacks were no longer easily blocked.

Queen Medusa's expression changed slightly, and then she immediately changed her tactics, hoping for a quick victory.

Behind her, a huge seven-colored sky-swallowing python loomed behind her, hissing and spitting out messages.

But as they are both strong men in the Dou Zong, why doesn't the other party not know Queen Medusa's thoughts?

"The mantis is using its arms as a chariot, and it is stubbornly resisting!"

Efu laughed ferociously, and the black energy in his hand condensed into a pitch-black skull. He pinched the spell with his fingertips, and the pitch-black skeleton ran head-on into the seven-colored sky-swallowing python that was hissing and spitting out a message.

The two energies collided together, erupting into a dazzling flame that drowned the black clouds.

Amid the ear-splitting roar, Queen Medusa frowned slightly. She was so proud of herself, but she couldn't guarantee that she couldn't change the reality. Everything was now at a deadlock, and as time went on, her defeat would only become inevitable.

At this moment, Queen Medusa suddenly felt a biting cold air crawling up her back. It was someone else.


Eclipse You's tone was full of indifference, as if he was already looking at a dying person.

Queen Medusa immediately frowned and immediately ran away. However, such hasty avoidance in front of a Dou Zong seemed a bit contemptuous. This is a truth that even Queen Medusa herself knows very well.

Just when Xiyou thought he had succeeded, he caught a glimpse of the beautiful figure in front of him being slightly distorted, and the black light passed her by.

Can you avoid this?

Eclipse You couldn't help but wonder, these low-level creatures really have many skills to save their lives.

However, even though she avoided the sneak attack from Eclipse You through a moment of space distortion, the moment of distraction caused her to have an error in controlling the colorful sky-swallowing python, and the backlash immediately affected her.

Queen Medusa suddenly felt a sweetness in her throat, and a faint smell of blood spread in her mouth.

"That's all."

Seeing that Queen Medusa's attention was focused on him, Eclipse You knew that since he couldn't succeed in one shot, it would be impossible to kill him in one blow.

He then returned to Xi Fu.

"It's your turn."

"Hehehe, it's so rare."

Xi Fu sneered, seeming to be laughing at Xi You for actually making a mistake, but forget it, he would accept the jackpot now.

After saying that, Xi Fu was ready to take action.

Queen Medusa's peace of mind is inevitably a little helpless. She claims that she is not inferior to any of the two people in front of her, and she is worthy of her comparison.

If only there was someone who could help her——!

Queen Medusa secretly gritted her teeth, and the unwillingness to stop there suddenly burst out, and she was about to face the enemy.

However, before she could take action, the figure with three colors of flames mingling in front of her was like a meteor falling to the ground, speeding towards it and bumping into the eclipse head-on.

Xiu Fu was startled, and when he felt the terrifying and extremely violent aura on the other party's body, his face was filled with fear and panic.

"Damn it, it's a strange fire!"

Xi Fu cursed angrily and immediately retreated, as if he was afraid of getting even a little bit of this violent destructive power.

As soon as he finished speaking, the meteor that fell into the black cloud suddenly burst out with extremely terrifying energy. The thick black cloud above his head was burned into nothingness, leaving only the remaining flame that was as red and eye-catching as the fire cloud at sunset.

Eclipse You immediately frowned and raised his hand to weave a magic barrier to block the incoming flames and heat waves.

But even though he was trying his best to defend, when the fluctuations of the strange fire collided head-on with the magic barrier, it quickly melted away at a speed visible to the naked eye, like a hot knife cutting through butter.

Xiyou had to choose to continue to inject his own demonic energy to resist the terrifying alien fire, but it was also a drop in the bucket, but the duration of the alien fire was not particularly long. When the demonic barrier was completely burned by the alien fire, , a slender figure slowly emerged with its true appearance.

The young man with his long hair neatly tied up was dressed in jet black clothes, and behind his back was a large jet black ruler as big as a door panel.

Queen Medusa not only opened her beautiful eyes, but how familiar was the figure that appeared in front of her eyes? So familiar that it looks a little disgusting.

Xiao Yan? Why is he here?

Such thoughts naturally emerged in Queen Medusa's mind.

And she has never been a coy person.

"Is it you? Why are you here?!"

Queen Medusa subconsciously expressed her doubts, mixed with urgency and worry that she was not aware of for a while.

"What can a little Dou Huang do? Only I can resolve the grudge between you and me, so get out of my way!"

She said subconsciously, but she never realized that instead of threats and intimidation, her words contained more worry that suddenly surged into her heart but she was not even aware of it.

The trace of hesitation that Xiao Yan had when he came for her completely disappeared with her words. Xiao Yan's emotional intelligence was naturally not hopeless, and he naturally knew what Queen Medusa's original intention was. What.

So he was quite happy, so he shook his head gently: "That's not okay."

"After all, isn't this what you came for?"

Xiao Yan smiled, and Queen Medusa was slightly startled. Then when she turned her head to look at Xiao Yan, she caught a glimpse of a beautiful figure that had arrived here at an unknown time, and it was none other than the Little Medical Fairy.

Completely different from Xiao Yan, the aura of the little medical fairy is no less than her Douzong aura.

And this breath was somewhat familiar to her. Yes, she did have an impression. There was indeed a remnant of this breath in that woman's room, but she was just a Dou Huang at the time. She hadn't yet set foot on Douzong, but she considered it a non-threatening existence for the time being, so she turned a blind eye.

As a result, after not seeing each other for two years, he has actually become a Douzong?

In Queen Medusa's heart, she could not help but recall that in order to break through the shackles of the Dou Emperor and reach the realm of Dou Zong, she did not hesitate to come into contact with such a terrible thing as strange fire. It also became the indirect cause of the last incident...compared to other people, this man is really infuriating.

It's just that she doesn't have time to worry too much now. In addition, now she has successfully regained the number of people. Two against three, even if Xiao Yan doesn't take action, Queen Medusa is confident that she will not lose anyone in a one-on-one situation.

Xiao Yan tilted his head and twisted his neck.

"I'm sorry to have to send you all back home, but it's a pity because I don't know where you came from, so I'll just make do with it for the time being and go to the underground hell to sit in!"

Xiao Yan's words couldn't help but make Xi Fu sneer: "What a loud tone, but don't think that you don't have to worry because you have the strange fire - where is the Shadow Protector?! Why don't you hurry up and help?!"


When he heard the cries of Xi Fu, Xiao Yan frowned slightly without any trace, Shadow Protector? Soul Palace! That person is actually here? !

"Xiao Yan, this time, no one else can help you."

A depth and darkness that was different from the black energy distorted the space in front of him, and a familiar shadow gradually emerged and said sadly.

However, even though the Shadow Protector's spearhead was aimed at Xiao Yan, for some reason, Xiao Yan vaguely felt that this person seemed to be looking at the Spirit Devouring Clan Douzong over there who summoned him, and his resentment was particularly strong. .

After thinking about it, it seems that it is true. I have spent a lot of effort hiding it. Isn't it just to carry out a sneak attack at the critical moment that will determine the direction of victory? In the end, this idiot was lucky enough to take the initiative to expose his existence.

Sure enough, these guys from the lower races who open their mouths and those from the lower races who keep their mouths shut are all sick in their brains. You guys from the spirit-devouring tribe, just give me shit!

The Shadow Protector has already scolded the eclipse ten thousand times in his heart. If looks could kill, the Shadow Protector's eyes would be even more lethal than Xiao Yan's strange fire.

However, the scolding continued, and the Shadow Protector quickly returned his attention to Xiao Yan.

Xiao Yan couldn't help but shook his head: "What are you talking about? It should be said that no one is helping me this time, it should be me - don't even think about leaving this time, touching my family and hurting Nalan." , your days are also over!"

The Shadow Protector is not upset, as long as he catches Xiao Yan, nothing will be a problem.

When the Shadow Protector finally got his wish and held back the holder of the strange fire, Xiu Fu breathed a sigh of relief for the time being. This strange fire was too terrifying for them, the Spirit Devouring Clan.

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