Fighting is broken, but the heroine script

Chapter 338: Endless Entanglement

As the enemy of life and death suddenly disappeared, the atmosphere among everyone inevitably became a little tense.

After all, the enemy was just ahead, but now that the enemy is dealt with, there is no guarantee that they will become enemies in the blink of an eye.

After all, this kind of thing is still difficult to say.

Xiao Yan himself was mentally prepared to start a fight with her in the blink of an eye. Although he definitely didn't have the strength now, if he wanted to leave, no one would be able to stop him.

But he didn't point it out, he just looked at Queen Medusa quietly, as if waiting for her choice.

Queen Medusa couldn't help but frown slightly, choose? What's the alternative? The only thing she wants to do now is to kill him and wash away her shame——

However, this idea didn't even last long in her mind, and the sound of violent vibrating wings of fighting spirit came to her ears.

Queen Medusa turned her head slightly and looked at the several figures flying out from the main city, as well as the several snake-man figures coming quickly from further away.

Judging from the aura, the figures flying in from the main city are only around the level of Dou Wang, but the figures flying from further away have multiple Dou Huangs, and even their auras are not weak at all, at least they are high-level Dou King. Emperor, even at the peak of Dou Huang is not impossible.

Queen Medusa frowned slightly. She didn't come just now, but now she came in a hurry. She was troublesome.

Just when this thought emerged in her mind, the group of snake people came to Queen Medusa one after another.

"Your Majesty, are you okay?!"

Several leaders of the Snake Tribe who looked familiar to Xiao Yan first said respectfully in front of her.

Medusa didn't give them a good look. Although it wasn't their fault that they couldn't deal with such a disaster, it was inevitable that they would get involved as soon as the party ended, which would inevitably annoy her.

"Okay, if something happened, I wouldn't be standing here listening to you talk."

Queen Medusa said, but her attention was focused on several Douhuang-level snake-men elders who arrived not far away.

And it was only after Xiao Yan got closer that he discovered that these four Snake Tribe elders were actually at the peak of Dou Huang.

Xiao Yan couldn't help but raise his eyebrows. Although he had heard from Miss Wan several times before that the snake people were extremely rich, he didn't have any special feelings about it. However, this time it was four powerful warriors at the peak of Dou Huang, coupled with the beauty of transformed beasts. Queen Dusha, although this kind of lineup is a bit reluctant to deal with the Spirit Devouring Clan and the Soul Clan's Dou Zong, but when placed in the Gama Empire and its surroundings, everyone will be a winner.

"Why are the elders here too?"

Queen Medusa couldn't help but said.

But he saw the old woman at the head slightly opening her eyes as cold as poisonous snakes, and finally slowly said: "I heard that the queen is in such a critical situation, so naturally I don't dare to neglect her."

"My king is fine, elders don't need to worry."

"The queen is fine, I can rest assured."

"It's just that since the guests are here, there's no need to leave, right?"

The leader of the Snake Tribe elder said slowly, aiming at Xiao Yan. With her words, the atmosphere in front of him suddenly became tense.

The snake people, who were originally more suspicious and fearful of the existence of Xiao Yan and the Little Medical Fairy, immediately pointed their finger at Xiao Yan. Obviously, humans and snake people have been fighting for so many years, and there is no anger between them. That's weird.

This sentence is very applicable no matter where it is placed.

The little medical fairy was silent, but she released her Douzong aura. She had no objections from beginning to end, and the fundamental reason why she never spoke for Xiao Yan was that she felt that this was just a grudge between Xiao Yan and Medusa, but This does not mean that she will turn a blind eye to other people's hostility towards Xiao Yan.

"——Okay, what are you doing? Stop it!"

The two groups of people who were quickly becoming at war with each other only gave Medusa a headache and disrupted her original plan. She immediately stopped the actions of the tribesmen around her.

"Her Majesty the Queen?"

"At least they helped us deal with the invading enemies. Is this how we treat our guests?"

Queen Medusa rubbed her brows, feeling that many things were entangled together, which made her have a headache.

"They are not necessarily guests, Your Majesty."

The four elders at the peak of the Fighting Emperor did not completely put down their hostility because of Queen Medusa's words, but they also restrained themselves somewhat and no longer tit for tat.

The leader of the group stared at Xiao Yan, his eyes piercing the bone marrow like ice water. It was so cold that Xiao Yan couldn't help but subconsciously release a trace of strange fire power to protect his body.

The old woman was not surprised by this, but she was also surprised.

"The grievances between me and him can be settled slowly. Before that, there is no need for you to comment on my decision."

Queen Medusa said that compared to the uselessness of her subordinates, the lack of loyalty to herself and the insubordination are undoubtedly more intolerable.

When he heard her say this, the little medical fairy's expression gradually softened.

A faint smile also appeared on Xiao Yan's face.

Let's not talk about what happens in the future, at least this time they don't have to fight each other because of it.

As he subconsciously relaxed, Xiao Yan felt that all the power in his body was gone, and he almost fell down. Fortunately, there was a little medical fairy beside him, who had quick eyesight and hands to hold him up.

Queen Medusa's eyes flashed, but she just watched silently.

"What's wrong?"

The little medical fairy's tone was full of worry.

"It's okay, it's just a bit excessive."

Xiao Yan smiled and shook his head. Just because there is a strange fire, it doesn't mean that you don't need to consume your own fighting energy to use it. He rubbed the fire lotus again and used the three heavenly fires twice in a row to ensure that the power of the fire lotus was maximized. Fortunately, Xuanbian and the Five Wheels Lihuo Technique, as well as the Burning Technique, have swallowed up four kinds of strange fires. They are no longer what they used to be. Otherwise, the blue bar would have bottomed out long ago.

But it’s so cool to explode, I’ll try it again next time.

Seeing that Xiao Yan's fighting spirit had bottomed out, Queen Medusa did not turn a blind eye and said: "In that case, let's stay in the clan for the time being and recuperate for a few days before leaving."

"Your Majesty, no!"

"This won't work."

Surprisingly, both the leaders of the Snake Tribe and the little fairy doctors around Xiao Yan expressed their rejection in unison.

The leaders of the Snake Tribe were naturally full of doubts about Xiao Yan and the Little Fairy Doctor, who were human beings. There were even some who suspected that they had some relationship with the Spirit-Devouring Tribe who came to visit them.

The little fairy doctor is not targeting Medusa, but simply is not so relieved about the snake people.

Medusa is basically certain that she will not take action against Xiao Yan for the time being, but it is difficult to guarantee that others will keep their word like Medusa.

But for her, the so-called keeping her word is actually more of a disdain for lying.

She is too arrogant to do anything inappropriate.

Although the little medical fairy doesn't like her personality, she has to admit that people like her will appear more reliable in comparison.

Queen Medusa said nothing, but glanced at the people of the Snake Tribe with her cold eyes, which made the leaders shiver in shock. Seeing the Queen's firm attitude, the four elders sighed softly in their hearts. Something.

Xiao Yan gave the little medical fairy a calm look. It was obvious that he had completely relaxed after confirming that at least Queen Medusa did not have such a strong murderous intention towards him now.

Having been with her for so long, Xiao Yan was somewhat aware of her temperament. Since she didn't say that she wanted to fight or kill her, he could still be considered half alive with her.

As for the remaining half, it may depend on how we get along in the future.

"Forget it, I'll just stay here for a few days."

Xiao Yan gently exhaled a breath of turbid air and looked at the Little Medical Fairy with a slight smile. The Little Medical Fairy suddenly felt helpless. Could she still not know what Xiao Yan meant?

There is no other way but to let him do it.

The little medical fairy is not particularly worried about this, after all, she is still here.

"Then, please?"

Xiao Yan looked at Queen Medusa, and the smile in his eyes gradually disappeared.

For some reason, Queen Medusa always felt that Xiao Yan was a little strange at this moment, but if it was strange, what could be stranger than herself?

This bastard appeared in front of him again, but he didn't seem to resent him that much, and he couldn't even feel any anger.


She couldn't tell.

Is it because he came at the right time? When she was facing the enemy alone, he appeared in front of her again like this? It seemed as if she had suddenly grasped a life-saving straw.

Queen Medusa frowned slightly. She hated the feeling of weakness of being dependent on others, let alone the queen of the snake people.

Sure enough, he should have been strangled to death in the first place!

Queen Medusa was furious.

But now, it seems that the best opportunity is in front of him.

...that’s all.

She shook her head secretly. There was no use in killing him now. Killing him would only make the woman around her crazy and destroy the entire snake people.

She couldn't do such an irrational thing.

The others were naturally unaware of Queen Medusa's inner feelings as if she had knocked over the five-flavor bottle, so they returned to their respective places.

Xiao Yan lamented that the last time he came with Miss Wan, he was just a little shrimp who could only hide behind others. Now he is also a strong man who can confront Douzong. The past few years have passed so fast. .

The little medical fairy silently looked at Xiao Yan who seemed to be sighing. She couldn't understand Xiao Yan's mood, but she didn't need to understand this. She just needed to stay by Xiao Yan's side.

Others are not as important as I think.

But before they could settle down, the real owner here could not wait to arrive.

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