When Xiao Yan saw Queen Medusa again, she had changed back to the clothes she wore when she was at Canaan College with him. She was particularly eye-catching in a red dress.

He raised his eyes slightly, and the world turned pale.

Xiao Yan's eyes inevitably flashed with surprise, and even at this moment, he was inevitably touched.

Queen Medusa glanced at the little medical fairy, and there was something vague about it.

However, she didn't hesitate for long before she took the initiative and said, "I have something to say to Xiao Yan alone."

The implication is naturally that he intends to take Xiao Yan away, or to let her avoid it temporarily. As for the little medical fairy who wants to refuse, it will save her the time to waste words. She will go back and just pretend that she has no came.

Queen Medusa can actually guess what the little medical fairy is thinking. She probably wants to refuse, right? This was fine, after all, it wasn't that she didn't come on her own, but that she was stopped by other women - she felt so comforted in her heart, and at least it made her feel more at ease.

But the reaction and answer of the little medical fairy made her a little surprised after all.

There was a faint smile on the face of the little medical fairy, which made Queen Medusa stunned - what was she laughing at? What's so funny about this?

She never saw any contempt or ridicule in this smile, but more understanding and tolerance.

The little medical fairy didn't say anything more, but took a deep look at Queen Medusa and left the guest room on her own initiative.

Not only did this make Medusa unexpected, but she also guessed that perhaps only Xiao Yan's last words could buy him some time to talk alone. However, she did not expect this at all just by looking at it. A woman with an extraordinary relationship with Xiao Yan could be so generous.

It's an understatement to say it's jaw-dropping.

Before Medusa could say anything, the little medical fairy moved unexpectedly quickly. After acquiescing to Medusa's request, she stepped forward and turned around to leave, closing the door at the same time.

In the blink of an eye, only Medusa and Xiao Yan were left in the room.

The atmosphere between them inevitably became a little weird and awkward.

"Does Her Majesty the Queen have anything to do with me?"

Xiao Yan was the first to break the silence between the two. The entanglement between them always had to find a way to resolve it.

"What brought you here?"

Queen Medusa's question went to the core: "Do you think I'll let you go once you help me?"

Xiao Yan couldn't help but shook his head: "Of course not, I just destroyed the spirit vein evil formation established by the Swallowing Spirit Clan in the Tagore Desert, and found that there was only one Douzong guarding the evil formation, so I looked for it. The mark chased me all the way, but the Queen misunderstood.”

Xiao Yan's words were light and weightless, but they made Queen Medusa's heart feel heavy.



"Then look me in the eyes."

Queen Medusa said, Xiao Yan paused slightly when he heard the words, and had to raise his head to look into the breathtaking red eyes of the beauty in front of him. After all, if he just ignored it, he would naturally be deceived. No matter how unwilling Xiao Yan was, he had to Just do it.

I don’t know where they got this routine from.

Xiao Yan couldn't help but shook his head secretly, but after glancing at Medusa's eyes, he immediately averted his gaze.

Even Xiao Yan himself may not know what he is thinking, but Xiao Yan's intuition is very accurate. He only knows that if she really sees it, the secret will be exposed again.

But after this moment, it's useless to say anything else.

"Is it fun to deliberately tease me?"

There was a hint of suppressed anger in Medusa's tone.

"I don't think so."

Xiao Yan shook his head, but his tepid attitude just annoyed her.

"——Then you should disappear from my eyes and never appear in front of me for the rest of your life, instead of suddenly popping up again for no reason... or in this way."

Medusa's words were full of resentment, which was the regret she felt after realizing that she seemed unable to kill Xiao Yan.

As for whether she was regretting why she didn't strangle him directly, or whether she was regretting the mistake in the first place, it no longer mattered.

"If you want... I can actually disappear again. I promise I won't appear in front of you again this time."

"Is there any use in saying this now? If you really can't speak, you can just keep your mouth shut."

Regarding Xiao Yan's speech that really didn't understand the atmosphere, Queen Medusa only felt itchy with hatred.

Xiao Yan shrugged his shoulders. A woman's heart is like a needle in the sea. I really can't understand her, but the only thing that is certain is that she probably doesn't want to kill herself.

Although she didn't know what she was thinking, it was somewhat of a relief.

"By the way, after you have almost recovered, the elders seem to want to see you again."

Medusa looked at Xiao Yan, sighed quietly, and then said.

"The elders of the snake people want to see me?"

Xiao Yan looked puzzled, which was natural.

After all, leaving aside the dispute with Medusa, there seems to be no conflict between Xiao Yan and the snake people. It is more of a conflict between humans and the snake people.

From Xiao Yan's point of view, there seemed to be no reason for the Snake Tribe elders to see him.

"Don't ask me why, I don't know very well."

Medusa looked at Xiao Yan and frowned slightly. To be honest, even she felt a little strange.

The elders of the Snake Tribe may not even interfere with the affairs of the tribe, that is, they will take action on some major events that determine the life and death of the tribe. For example, when the Spirit Devouring Tribe attacked this time, they were all present.

Therefore, it was naturally a little strange that they actually wanted to see Xiao Yan.

"If you don't want to go, I'll just refuse for you."

Medusa looked at Xiao Yan with no trace of confusion in her eyes, and seemed to have regained her indifference as a queen.

"No, you are a guest. I can't make things difficult for you."

Xiao Yan shook his head, wasn't he just going to meet the elders of the Snake Tribe? No piece of meat will fall off.

"Then when you are almost rested, I will take you there."

Medusa said that she naturally hoped that if Xiao Yan really wanted to meet the elders, he would at least be prepared, and at the same time it was to protect himself. After all, Medusa knew very well that other people probably had no idea about Xiao Yan. Nowadays she is so patient.

She didn't want Xiao Yan to die in the hands of anyone other than her.

"Well, thank you Queen."

Xiao Yan nodded slightly, he could somewhat understand what Medusa meant.

"No need to thank me, I just don't want you to die in the hands of anyone except me. Even if I am not in a hurry to kill you now, your life is still mine."

When leaving, Medusa couldn't help but glance at Xiao Yan, and then opened the door.

The little medical fairy had been waiting silently outside the door, but it didn't seem like she was lying by the window eavesdropping.

Medusa moved her gaze away, avoiding the inquiring gaze from the little medical fairy, and then turned and left. The little medical fairy looked at her back, seeming to have noticed something, and then returned to the room.

"She's not going to kill you?"

"For now."

Xiao Yan shook his head, but both the Little Medical Fairy and Xiao Yan knew very well that this so-called temporary is a lifetime.

The little medical fairy couldn't help but walked forward and sat next to Xiao Yan, with a hint of resentment in her tone.

"Trouble maker."

"Yeah, it's all my fault."

The faint fragrance of the little medical fairy came to his face, and Xiao Yan couldn't help but move. Seeing the silver-brushed side of the little medical fairy's face showing a hint of tenderness next to his body, he couldn't help but raise his hand to caress it. On her eyebrows.

"I only see you admitting your mistake, but I don't see you correcting it..."

The little medical fairy is a little confused. Although she can tolerate it, she can't be said to be generous.

People are still selfish after all, and she is no exception.


Xiao Yan knew that there was a high probability that he would not be able to answer this question, so he just gave an incomprehensible hum and did not answer.

"Then...Medusa, what are you going to do?"

asked the little medical fairy.

"let it go……"

Xiao Yan shook his head. The relationship between him and Medusa was more about entanglement than indistinguishable love and hate. Even if he wanted to take responsibility, with her arrogant character, she might not be willing to appreciate it. In the end, It's just wasted effort.

But when he heard Xiao Yan say this, the little medical fairy seemed to think of himself in the past. He also wanted to let nature take its course and go with the flow, but in the end, the last chance almost slipped through his fingers.

"It's better that you think about it carefully."

The little medical fairy said seriously.

"What's wrong with Xian'er? Is it possible that you pity her?"

Xiao Yan couldn't help but ask, a little surprised.

"Poor... not really pitiful, more like a person who has been through it..."

The little medical fairy muttered in her mouth, Xiao Yan was startled, and then he saw a blush flying on the pretty face of the beauty in front of him.

Who else could this be?

Xiao Yan opened his mouth, but saw the little medical fairy's eyes indicating that he didn't want him to speak.

The little medical fairy sighed softly and said: "You don't need to take what I mean seriously...but I think if it is possible, if you can achieve righteousness...that would be the best."

"Xian'er really thinks so?"

"Sister Wan didn't think so at the beginning?"

The little medical fairy also took the risk and said: "Well, of course, it's not good to be too much...except for the few you already know, at least you should restrain yourself a little bit in the future..."

After listening to the little medical fairy's words, Xiao Yan was silent for a while, and then couldn't help but step forward and get close to her, giving her a kiss.

The little medical fairy was confused by Xiao Yan's sudden move. She blushed and said coquettishly: "Why are you... so sudden...? This is still on someone else's territory..."

"Nothing, just thank you Xian'er."

Xiao Yan hugged the little medical fairy and said, "I knew Xian'er was the best to me."

"Let me go...glib..."

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