A few days later, Xiao Yan, who had completely recovered his fighting spirit, followed Medusa into the main hall of the snake people, where the four elders were quietly waiting for the arrival of the two.

Xiao Yan couldn't help but look at the four elders of the Snake Tribe again, and he was a little surprised.

"finally come."

The elders of the Snake Tribe saw the two coming and said.

"Don't you know what the elders want from me?"

Xiao Yan asked directly without being polite.

"...I came to you, of course it's important."

One of the Snake Tribe elders said: "It's just that this matter has something to do with our queen."


Xiao Yan remained silent. Since he came to see him and said he had something to do with Medusa, he knew with his knees that he was probably here for that matter.

It’s just that I don’t know whether this is an attack on the enemy or something else.

It couldn't possibly be a forced match between him and Medusa, right?

Xiao Yan shook his head. This is not to say that he resists this matter, but after thinking about it, he knows that it is impossible. The concept difference between the snake people and humans is too big, so that it is impossible to open this mouth.

The more likely thing is to raise an army to hold people accountable.

"Since you are willing to come, then naturally I won't mention any other roundabout things."

The elder of the Snake Tribe said in a gloomy tone: "Did you do it to the Queen who lost her virginity half a year ago?"

Xiao Yan exhaled a breath of turbidity, feeling a little helpless. He wanted to defend himself, but when he thought about the process of letting go of all this, this was indeed the result.


Xiao Yan never refused, nor did he stop making excuses, he just said.

"Well, that's good."

The elders of the Snake Tribe nodded slightly, and then looked at each other, but they did not seem to have any intention of asking for punishment. They just said: "Considering that you can help the Snake Tribe in this critical moment, it is not my fault to offend the Queen. I care too much about you..."

Having said this, the leading elder couldn't help but glance at Medusa. She could make such a decision because she had confirmed her own opinion. Such an important matter involved the queen. How could she not pass the Qi... .

Medusa remained silent. This was indeed something the elders had confirmed with her, and she acquiesced to their attitude. However, what the elders said next was beyond both Xiao Yan and Medusa's expectations.

"Well...thank you elders for your understanding."

Xiao Yan inevitably felt a little strange in his heart. The elders of the Snake Tribe were quite easy to talk to. Is the sun rising in the west?

Xiao Yan didn't know what these snake elders were thinking, but he always felt that something was fishy.

A foreigner took away the virginity of his own queen, and in the end he just asked and nothing happened. Even if Xiao Yan did take action to rescue the Snake Tribe this time, it wouldn't be like this.

"Excuse me? Humph."

The elder of the Snake Tribe snorted coldly, and what he said next made Xiao Yan feel relieved. As expected, this matter is not over yet.

"Of course it's impossible to talk about understanding, but there are some things I hope you can know."

"Then what does the elder want from me?"

"Is such that……"

The elders glanced at Xiao Yan and Medusa, and then said slowly: "After repelling the evil spirits the day before yesterday, we baptized the queen, but we seemed to have noticed a trace of fetal breath in the queen's belly."



Whether it was Xiao Yan or Medusa, their eyes widened in shock. They didn't even know what fetal breath was.

Is this...pregnant?

Medusa's eyes widened immediately and she couldn't believe it. Xiao Yan had a distressed expression as if his finger was caught in the door. He couldn't believe it.

But he also knew very well that it was impossible to lie after such a big event happened. In other words, he probably had to be a father.

But now he can only hope that this is an error caused by these elders, otherwise he himself will not be able to bear it.

Being a father? He doesn’t even understand how to be a good son!

However, Xiao Yan was naturally not allowed to question the issue and could only wait for further confirmation and results.

In addition, regarding this new life, the Snake Tribe naturally has the tradition of taking care of newborns of the Snake Tribe, but Xiao Yan cannot help but worry about other things.

Although Xiao Yan was still a little unprepared for the fact that he might have a child soon, he was absolutely unambiguous about how to deal with it. Naturally, he wanted to prepare the best for her or him.

Pills and the like are not so difficult for Xiao Yan to solve.

But what Xiao Yan is most worried about now is how to deal with this little life that was born as a result of an accident.

When leaving the hall with Medusa, Xiao Yan exhaled a long breath. He felt that he had never been so worried before, not because of pills, talents, or enemies, but just a little life.

"What's wrong?"

Medusa said softly: "I have never seen you like this before."

"At this time...it's inevitable, right?"

Xiao Yan smiled bitterly, feeling that his throat was drying and his voice was trembling slightly.

In response to this, Medusa just shook her head and said: "No need to say more, you can refine the Heavenly Soul Blood Melting Pill, that is enough, I will not bother with the rest, and I will use it." Don’t worry about it, just leave it like that.”

Medusa only looked calm on the surface, but in fact she was inevitably upset. After pretending to be calm and explaining her attitude to Xiao Yan, she turned around and left without looking back.

Xiao Yan looked at Miaoman's leaving figure and couldn't help but hold his forehead.

When he returned to his residence, the little medical fairy was naturally waiting for him, but before Xiao Yan came closer, she had already seen the unnatural look on Xiao Yan's face.

"What's wrong? What happened?"

Based on how well the little medical fairy knew Xiao Yan, he knew at a glance that something must have happened. Even if he didn't say anything about the accident, there was a high probability that something big must have happened. Otherwise, given Xiao Yan's temperament, how could he As for what it is like now?


Xiao Yan was silent, nodded, and then told the little medical fairy what he suddenly learned after meeting a few elders.

The little medical fairy opened her lips slightly, and the throat beads under the snowy neck rolled slightly. If it was an accident, it was certainly a surprise, but apart from an accident, there was no other feeling.

"So are you ready to be a father?"

The little medical fairy couldn't help but say.

"Of course not yet."

Xiao Yan held his forehead slightly and couldn't help but smile bitterly: "I don't even know how to be a good son, so why are we talking about being a father?"

"So don't I think this matter would rather be a misfortune?"

"Are you that worried?"

"It's okay if you don't worry."

"No, that's not what I meant, Xiao Yan."

The little medical fairy said seriously: "Regarding the fact that Medusa is pregnant, do you really just think that you are not qualified to be a father?"

"Well...it's pretty much the same."

Xiao Yan hesitated for a while. He naturally knew what the little medical fairy meant, and he also understood that she didn't want him to have any regrets because of this.

"I guess the relationship with Medusa can't be regarded as a misunderstanding, right?"

The little medical fairy took the initiative.


Xiao Yan nodded, all this had been expected, but the impact of this incident on Xiao Yan was a bit too great, and it inevitably made him feel a little confused.

"It's okay, then just continue to let nature take its course. It's how it is after all, isn't it?"

The little medical fairy took the initiative to comfort Xiao Yan.

"So, what do Xian'er think?"

"Me? If it's possible, then I naturally think it would be nice if you only have me and Sister Wan by your side, but now that you think about it, it's unlikely, right?"

The little medical fairy shrugged her shoulders, although she was a little helpless and resentful, but she quickly returned to her usual lightness.

"It's okay. If Sister Wan gets angry, I'll help you persuade her."

The little medical fairy gently touched Xiao Yan's eyebrows, as if she wanted to smooth out the wrinkles caused by frowning.


Xiao Yan remained silent, but felt a little relieved because of the little medical fairy's comfort.


Unlike Xiao Yan's thrilling life during this period, Yao Wan's life seemed much quieter and more peaceful.

As soon as the eyes are closed and opened, a long time passes.

It's only been a few days in the mountains, but a thousand years have passed in the world. This is probably how it feels. However, Yaowan is not exaggerating to that extent. At most, it is only a few months after opening his eyes after practicing.

Cultivation is not a boring thing, but it is definitely not interesting.

While she was busy practicing, she was naturally also thinking of ways to further improve her soul power.

Thanks to his own act of sealing the power of the soul, Yao Wan has vaguely mastered part of the ability to divide the power of the soul again, which is naturally not difficult for Yao Wan.

Using this method as inspiration, Yao Wan couldn't help but think of the possibility that she had tried to divide her soul power a long time ago, so as to realize the possibility of a clone or incarnation in a broad sense.

It's just that this idea is still in the theoretical stage for Yao Wan today. Theoretical problems are naturally not difficult for Yao Wan, but problems that just need more time to be solved are naturally not considered a problem for her. What problem is there.

But it's easy to say it and it's another thing to actually do it.

Yaowan withdrew a trace of her soul power. Naturally, this soul power could still maintain considerable activity in her body, but once she was far away, it quickly became silent.

This made Yao Wan's eyes light up. If he could divide himself into several incarnations to a certain extent, wouldn't he be able to enjoy several times the training time and efficiency?

Even by letting the avatar become his own eyes, he can observe the goings-on in Dou Qi Continent while he is practicing in the clan.

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