But thinking about it, I'm afraid it will take a little more effort.

Yaowan put away the power of her soul. During this period of time, she had almost become accustomed to the faint burning, smoldering feeling brought to her by the Flame of Ashes.

And because there is already the existence of the flame of life, Yaowan does not need to worry about any adverse effects that the flames of ash destruction will have on his body.

The most likely thing is that there will be more white hair in the future. For Yao Wan, it is naturally just a minor problem. After all, she has never dressed herself up carefully. When her hair is white, it will be white. It's not that there is no way to hack it back.

Yao Wan stood up slowly and couldn't help walking out of the cave, looking at the sacred mountain as it was.

The medicine clan is prosperous.

Unfortunately, this prosperity is far from stable and long-lasting.

The slight turbulence that arose in Yao Wan's heart quickly subsided, and then she returned to calmness again, planning to continue practicing.

But before going into retreat, there are still some things that need to be done.

It's not just a test of the power of the soul, there is also the matter with Qinglin. Although it is just a casual chess piece, it can be regarded as fun to pass the time.

Therefore, taking advantage of the rare opportunity for him to take action in the current environment, Yao Wan sent a message with his spiritual thoughts and summoned Qing Lin.

"Miss is out of seclusion? Do you have any orders this time?"

After feeling that the aura of the medicine plant was activated again, Qing Lin was naturally very happy. Although she has gradually become familiar with the life of the Yao Clan and has slowly gained a few acquaintances and friends, if it is said that among the entire Yao Clan, Who can best bring a sense of security to Qinglin, it is Yaowan.

"Did you pay attention to what I told you a while ago?"

Yao Wan asked. She was not in a hurry. After all, she knew that she would not have time to deal with them for a while. On the other hand, she was not in a hurry to put too much pressure on Qing Lin.

Qing Lin then nodded and said: "I have already inquired about it. This elder Yao Wangui is usually the most powerful person in the clan. Because of the penalty imposed by the clan rules of the Yao clan, he has been punished for it. He has won the favor of many people, and the small circle is eager to be related to a big man like him, while the big circle sells out some good things that even he will be interested in, thereby gaining some benefits."


"Well, for example, let the new generation of someone's family serve as the Criminal Division or some other position within his reach."

Qing Lin thought about it and said, this is not surprising to Yaowan. The only surprise is that Qing Lin actually found out about this kind of thing all at once, which makes people stunned.

Apart from Qinglin's own efforts, it is not difficult for Yao Wan to guess that this old man's style is already well-known among the entire Yao clan.

"Well, it's just that although such rumors can be found when you inquire about them, concrete evidence is not so easy to obtain."

After hearing Qing Lin's words, Yao Wan nodded slightly, not in a hurry.

"As for other news, I have also heard that Yao Wangui has a clan brother named Yao Feng, who was the champion of the Yao Association before Wu Jiazi. According to the clan members' comments, he can be considered to be somewhat talented. people."

Qing Lin thought for a moment and then added.

"Yao...feng? Medicine meeting?"

Yao Wan shook her head. This was the first time she heard the name Yao Feng, or maybe she had no memory of it after her original memory faded.

As for the Medicine Fair, Yao Wan only knew that it was a selection held by the Yao clan to select a new generation with excellent talent in refining medicine. The winner of the last Medicine Fair was Yaotian. As for Yao Wan, most of her from beginning to end. They all spent their time in this small cave. Naturally, she had never participated in the medicine meeting.

She doesn't need to do anything to express herself. Her mere existence represents the most dazzling new star of the Medicine Clan.

As for refining medicine.

Yaowan's attitude towards refining medicine has always been that she knows how to do it, but that's all. It is unnecessary for her to regard refining medicine as a sustenance and belief in achieving life goals like other tribesmen.

The most she could do was tinker with some weirder elixirs.

"By the way, Qinglin, Jitang should keep the detailed results of Yaofeng's medicine conference, right? You can go there for me later and tell the chief elder of Jitang that I want to see that medicine conference. Meeting details and list.”

Yao Wan then said that there was a conflict between Yao Lao and Yao Wangui, and Yao Wan only knew the result.

There are some things that need to be understood.

"Miss, are you so interested in these things?"

"When you have nothing to do, it's time to have some fun."

Yao Wan replied calmly, but Qing Lin also knew that the young lady also wanted to hide something from him, but since the young lady didn't say anything, she probably felt that she didn't need to know yet.

"Well, if the young lady has nothing to do, Qing Lin will leave first."

Qing Lin lowered his head slightly and said.

"Yeah, but you can go if you have time. There's no need to go if you don't have time."

Yao Wan said: "Nothing is as important as your own cultivation. If you find it troublesome, find someone you can trust... ah no, forget about outsourcing. I have seen too many failed cases, so there is no need to repeat the same mistakes."

Qing Lin looked at Yao Wan with a strange expression: "Outsourcing?"

"forget it."

Yao Wan looked away in embarrassment, almost becoming the branch of the Yao Clan of the Soul Palace.

"Forget it, I'm used to Miss saying these weird things, so don't worry, Miss."

Qing Lin understands it very well. After all, he has been with Yao Wan for a long time and has long been accustomed to the young lady occasionally saying some very incomprehensible words out of the blue.

After Qinglin left Yao Wan's cave, Yao Wan then began to further differentiate his own incarnation through the power of splitting his soul.

Regarding this point, I heard that the soul of the Great Perfection in the Heaven Realm can differentiate into distractions, and its strength is no less than that of the Two-Star Dou Sage. However, although Yao Wan is now in the late Heaven Realm, his cultivation speed is not slow, but compared to the Heaven Realm, The natural chasm of Dzogchen still seems a bit far away.

If you want to naturally cultivate a soul to the level of Dzogchen in the Heaven Realm, Yao Wan estimates that it will take several years.

It seems unbelievable to say that the soul is distracted, but after having a certain strength of soul, it is not impossible.

Yaowan's fingertips pulled out a trace of intertwined green and black-red flames, and introduced them into the power of his soul.

If my own soul power cannot remain activated, what about joining the alien fire?

Life and death are inherently mysterious and mysterious things, and they are also the corrective force for all things in the world. Yaowan now understands that if the power is insufficient, add the flame of life, and if the power is sufficient, add the flame of ash destruction to balance it, which saves Yaowan. What a waste of effort.

As Yao Wan injected the aura of life and death into his differentiated soul power, the illusory silhouette in front of Yao Wan gradually solidified, and then the irregular illusory figure gradually turned into Yao Wan's appearance.

Yao Wan looked at the person in front of her and felt a feeling similar to looking into a mirror.

This is not as simple as using arms and fingers, but similar to one consciousness controlling two bodies.

It seems... there doesn't seem to be any difference.

Yao Wan couldn't help but touched her own cheek in front of her, and then touched herself again. Well, it seems to be okay?

She couldn't help but circle around herself. With the power of her soul, there was no problem in controlling the two bodies.

But this was the first time she had seen herself up close.

Yao Wan couldn't help but get closer again.

Although the avatar in front of him has been injected with vitality by himself, it is still as unresponsive as Sleeping Beauty.

However, she could somewhat understand why Yaotian could stare at her eagerly. Even Yaotian was definitely not the only one in the Yao clan who had this idea, but he was the only one who was qualified to chase her for the time being.

Yaowan doesn't like to whet other people's appetites, and it's not much fun for herself. No matter how bad her taste is, she can't make fun of this kind of thing.

It would be better to go back and find an opportunity to beat them all up and tell them not to have any unreasonable thoughts, so that they can stop thinking about it early and you can feel much more relaxed.

But it’s not good to go around with this face on... Do you want to change your outfit?

For example...

Yao Wan silently shifted her gaze and turned to look at the exquisite wooden sculpture wearing a cloak on the tea table not far away where she occasionally sat down to rest for a while.

Yaowan thought for a while, then without thinking, he took out the cloak and hat from his ring and put them on himself.

It’s just that the cloak and hat are no longer the original style.

Yao Wan felt inexplicably regretful, but when the veil fell in front of her eyes, she couldn't help but feel a little dazed in her heart. Although it couldn't be exactly the same, it was still pretty different, right?

With this incarnation here, Yaowan can practice with peace of mind, and this time he is not afraid of being caught again.

As Yao Wan finally began to manipulate the new body brought about by distraction, she slowly raised her hands in front of her, and then raised her eyes to look at herself opposite.

There is no distinction between them, they still have the same consciousness. At most, the same consciousness is controlling different bodies.

And when Yao Wan officially started to control the distraction, the feeling of looking face to face in the mirror became more intense.


At the entrance of the Medicine World, a figure in black robes crossed the gray gate, and then glanced at the iron guards guarding the Medicine World.

When Tie Wei saw that a stranger was entering and exiting the medicine world, he naturally tried to stop him from asking, but she handed over an exquisite little token.

"Miss Yaowan's guest?! Disrespectful."

When the iron guards saw the token, they all lowered their heads in respect.

And she took back the token and immediately turned around and left.

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