However, after watching the figure in a black cloak leave quickly, the iron guard guarding the gate said: "Quickly go and inform the elders of the gate, saying that the young lady may have escaped again."

Although guarding the gate is a matter of no matter where it is placed, no matter how high the realm is, it will inevitably be a bit embarrassing to be associated with this term, but it is still guarding the gate of a wealthy family. How can the iron guards not even have this insight?

They were all dressed in black, and they didn't have fish memories. They could forget who the other party was in the blink of an eye, and they could even directly take out the lady's token. Even a fool would know that it must be the lady who has caused some mischief again.

Therefore, after the man left, they immediately turned around and reported to the elders of the gate hall.

When Yao Wansheng, the elder of the gate hall, learned about this, he naturally did not dare to show any slights. Since Yao Wan inscribed the Yao Clan emblem on the Yan of the Living Being at the living creature celebration, and caused the life energy of the Yan of the living being to flow back, feeding back the blood of the Yao Clan. After the Queen, almost everyone in the Yao Clan has identified Yao Wan as the undisputed leader of the clan in the future. No matter how amazing Yao Tian Yao Ling is, she probably won’t have the slightest regard for Yao Wan’s status. shake.

As for Yaowan, who already has such an important position in the clan, the Yao Clan naturally takes good care of her, and they are even more afraid that she will die young. If she dies, there will be no hope for the revival of the entire Yao Clan. No matter who is responsible, everyone will bear this responsibility. Sorry.

Therefore, Yao Wansheng almost immediately set out to find the two clan elders and clan leader, naturally intending to bring Yao Wan back immediately.

Now this little aunt is so delicate, who can bear to let her lose a hair?

At this time, Yao Wanhuo immediately sent a message to summon Yao Wangui and Yao Dan.

"What? Wan'er went out again?"

Yao Wanhuo frowned, how long had he been at peace? Why are you going out again?


Yao Wangui because Yao Wan had previously violated his authority as the chief of the criminal department and the elder of the Yao clan. Although it was no longer possible for him to say anything violent like catching him back and severely punishing him, he was naturally gloating in his heart and wished he could. It would be better for her to encounter more nails and be unlucky.

Only Yao Dan frowned slightly and remained silent for a moment.

After all, this is something that goes against common sense. Now that Wan'er's bloodline has awakened and the heat of life has been engraved into the Yao Clan's clan patterns, it would be much easier to find her than when she ran away from home after a disagreement.

All you need to do is go to the clan ancestral hall and ask for a jade talisman that matches your bloodline. Not to mention Dou Sage and Dou Zun, Dou Zong can even find the medicine wand with his eyes closed.

But if this is the case, will Wan'er still go out?

Yaodan shook his head. Sometimes Wan'er's personality is indeed more out-of-the-box than she seems, but this obviously does not mean that she has no brains. How could she do such a simple thing?

Therefore, Yao Dan did not remember to order to go to the ancestral hall to get a bloodline jade talisman. He only said: "Wan'er is not sure whether he left or not. Let's go to the cave to confirm first."

Yao Wanhuo thought about it, so he sent someone to ask for Yao Wanhuo.

As for who the candidate is, basically everyone in the Yao Clan knows that the little maid brought back by Yao Wan has amazing talent, and it will not be difficult to become a Dou Sheng in the future.

It's just that Qing Lin felt baffled when he learned about this matter.

ah? Did the lady go out again?

She almost wanted to veto it face to face. How could it be possible? Did she not know anything about the young lady?

However, since several high-ranking elders were here, she naturally couldn't talk too much, so she ran to find the medicine.

Of course, the result is that Yaowan is still there, and is even still concentrating on practicing in the cave, and has sealed off all parts of the cave, but the aura and natural reaction of breathing in the fighting spirit and the energy of heaven and earth cannot be faked in any way.

This is a real mistake.

When he said it, Yao Wansheng still didn't believe it, so the five of them went to Yao Wan's cave together, and happened to see a shadow of Yao Wan who had completely calmed down and was practicing peacefully.

In front of several strong fighting saints, there was no way to lie. Yao Wan was indeed practicing hard, and even completely absorbed her mind, gradually getting better.

It seems that some time ago, the inheritance land and the group really benefited Wan'er a lot.

After Yao Dan breathed a sigh of relief, he couldn't help but shift his gaze to Yao Wansheng in front of him.

When Yao Wansheng saw that Yao Wan was actually there, he felt ashamed and didn't know what to say for a moment.


Yao Wanhuo shook his head, and then glanced at Yao Wansheng. He did not accuse him of his fallacy, but only comforted him: "It is a matter of concern, but it's thanks to Elder Wan Sheng that he took the trouble."

"Hey, I don't dare to take it seriously."

Yao Wansheng was even more embarrassed when he heard this, while Yao Wangui snorted coldly. He didn't take this as amusement, so naturally it made him feel unlucky secretly.

"Well, what Elder Wan Huo said makes sense, thank you to Elder Wan Sheng. As for that person... I think he is really Wan'er's friend, but we don't know it. We old men like us should just leave the affairs of young people alone. .”

"Yes, yes, the patriarch said so."

Yao Wansheng felt relieved, and Yao Wangui originally had some objections to Yao Dan's words, but thinking that Yao Wan was gaining momentum day by day, he kept his mouth shut.

After all the elders left, Qing Lin looked at the blurry figure in the cave sky motionless. He could only vaguely see that the air current that was too rich in energy was stirred by a faint breath.

There is no doubt that the lady is here.

However, this inevitably caused a doubt in Qinglin's mind.

If the young lady is here, who could that person be?

Qing Lin only felt that everything was not groundless, let alone something related to the lady?


Naturally, Yao Wan knew nothing about the little commotion caused by the Yao Clan's subsequent departure from the medicine world, but now that she was out again, it gave her some different feelings.

The most intuitive feeling is naturally that the cultivation level has been greatly improved. Regardless of the main body for the time being, distraction can almost reach the point where Dou Zun is just a vegetable and Dou Zun is a tough food.

But this time, Yao Wan didn't think about returning to the Northwest Continent. Counting the time, it was almost time for Xiao Yan to come to Zhongzhou, right?

Do you want to go find some fun yourself first?

Yao Wan couldn't help but have this idea in her mind. Compared with practicing or anything else, just going out for a walk and seeing the great rivers and mountains on Dou Qi Continent seemed more interesting.

Apart from that, you need to pay attention to the Soul Palace and the Spirit Devouring Clan.

Needless to say, the Soul Palace is the initiator of most of the troubles in Zhongzhou. As for the Spirit-Devouring Clan... To be honest, Yao Wan doesn't know if the Spirit-Devouring Clan still exists in this Dou Qi Continent, but since he heard the ancestor mention it on his own initiative, Presumably there is.

And since there is, it is probably no less harmful than the Soul Palace and the Soul Clan.

The Soul Tribe has finally refined Zhongzhou, and the Swallowing Spirit Tribe's appetite will only grow even bigger, and it might even destroy the entire Dou Qi Continent.

It really happened that the house was leaking and it rained all night.

Yaowan shook his head, and then headed north, from the foothills of the Shennong Mountains to the gap connecting Zhongzhou in the southern continent.

And at this moment, Yao Wan thought about it, and felt that a very annoying feeling emerged in her mind for no reason. Even though Yao Wan was just distracted now, under the influence of the heat of life, that kind of repulsion The disgust is still so strong.

She hurriedly checked her surroundings, fearing that she would be out of luck if she encountered something dirty not far away.

The result was nothing.

Yao Wan frowned slightly, then withdrew his spiritual thoughts. That was really strange. If so, where did this disgust come from?

If it wasn't me...could it be Xiao Yan?

Yao Wan suddenly recalled that she had helped Zi Yan convert strange fire energy into life energy under the Tianfen Qi Refining Tower to be promoted to Dou Huang, and then planned to use this trick to kill Xin Yan so that he would be obedient, but in the end, Xiao Yan, a wild goose, passed away. A part of the creature's flame that the guy who plucked out his hair removed.

Wait, no?

Is he really there?

Yao Wan couldn't help but hold her forehead, and realized that her subconscious guess was indeed correct.

Were you temporarily cut off from contact with the Flame of Life because you were in the medicine world? After all, it is a small world created by Dou Di, so it does not seem surprising that it can isolate the perception of strange fire.

But I didn't expect it would come so quickly.

Since I felt it not long after I left home, this must have happened for a while, right?

With Xiao Yan's ability, he should be able to avert danger no matter what. He doesn't need to worry too much, but... that may not be the case with the Northwest Continent.

At most, Xiao Yan can only ensure that he is safe and sound in the Northwest Continent, but he may not be able to guarantee that the Northwest Continent will not be disturbed by the Spirit Devouring Clan.

In addition, Zhongzhou is where all the top forces in Dou Qi Continent gather. No matter how long their hands are, the Tunling Tribe will never be able to reach Zhongzhou so quickly, but before that, there will be no peace in the other borders of the Sifang Continent.

Yao Wan subconsciously thought that she didn't need to worry about it. Xiao Yan would take care of it anyway, so there was no need to worry about things that had nothing to do with her.

Just when Yao Wan was about to go to Zhongzhou, she couldn't help but recall Yao Emperor's evaluation of herself.

The matter has nothing to do with him and he just hangs it high. This time, the ancestor really got it right. that right? Damn it, she didn't care if she was right or wrong.

Yao Wan's eyes quickly returned to their former indifference, but soon she chose to go south for the time being. First, she went to the southern continental border. With her current fighting strength, she could cross the continental border. If she went faster, it wouldn't take too long. long time.

Just think of it as a precaution.

Naturally, if there is no sign of the Devouring Spirit Clan, it is none of her business.

The Dou Zong-level Swallowing Spirit Clan on the borders of their respective continents can probably be dealt with on their own, but other than that, it is necessary to take a closer look.

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