The southern border of Dou Qi Continent has not been particularly peaceful recently.

In these worlds where the strongest people were only Dou Huang and Dou Zong, some strange beings suddenly appeared. They swallowed up Dou Qi, released demonic barriers, and turned the entire land into a smoky bad land.

The local forces naturally began to organize resistance actions, but for those beings who wanted to destroy everything from the beginning, whether they resisted or not did not mean much to them.

Wherever these evil tribes passed, no grass grew, leaving only a piece of land shrouded in demonic barriers that began to proliferate with some strange flowers and plants.

He picked a flower from it and looked at it carefully, but he noticed that the flowers growing here were very different from the native species of Dou Qi Continent. It can be said that apart from the similar appearance, there were probably no There are similarities in functionality.

These flowers are like extremely tiny converters, converting the fighting spirit between heaven and earth into the demonic energy of the Spirit-Devouring Clan. If such plants are allowed to grow, even though time will be very slow, this kind of plant covered by demonic barriers will The bad land will definitely encroach on the normal land like a living creature.

This is not a flower at all, but more like a moth that specializes in eating away at the energy of the world and changing the environment.

A trace of eye-catching black and red color ignited on the slender jade hand stretched out from under the black cloak, and then the magic flower plucked from her palm quickly twisted and shrank under the heat of the strange fire, looking extremely It was hideous and extremely painful.

In a short time, both the magic flowers in her palm and those that had now invaded the southern continent were burned to death.

Along with the death of a large number of demon flowers, the flames of ash and destruction floating in the air burned away the demon barrier covering the earth in front of them. The so-called death is naturally the end point where everything is equal, even the twisted demons are no exception.

But as Yaowan began to clear away the demonic obstacles on the southern continent that had not been cleared by the people here, her location was naturally exposed.

It didn't take long for Yaowan to feel several surging demonic energies coming from a distance. That was where the demonic barrier was thicker, and presumably the situation was even worse. It must have been that the deeper parts of the demonic barrier were used as a temporary base camp. Bar?

Yao Wan had a guess in her mind, and soon, this guess was confirmed.

Three Dou Huangs and one Dou Zong could easily come across such a lineup on the border of the mainland whenever they went out to visit. It was no wonder that they could easily kill the native forces on the border of the mainland.

Yaowan's pale golden eyes fell on the Spirit-Devouring Clan Douzong, and she was full of curiosity under the veil. After all, this was the first time she saw the Spirit-Devouring Clan mentioned by the ancestor, but it looked like, Just in appearance, there is no difference from normal humans. In this case, further research is naturally needed.

Although these guys were not smart at the moment, they could be regarded as clearing up her temporary doubts.

As for them, there is no need to continue to exist.

Before these powerful men from the Spirit-Devouring Clan could speak, Yao Wan just thought, and the black-red Flame of Ashes began to burn violently from their bodies, but this characteristic was obviously different from that of the Fallen Heart Flame. There is great surprise in the hearts of others.

The flames of ashes did not burn from within their bodies, but ignited their death and covered their lives at this moment.

The strong men from the Spirit Devouring Clan opened their mouths, and without even having a chance to scream, they were burned into nothingness, along with the demonic barriers they had stirred up.

"Huh... I didn't expect it to be quite useful."

Yao Wan exhaled lightly, and then stepped lightly into the increasingly thick and deep demonic barrier.

Every step she took turned into a black and red lotus, exploding silently as it circulated, burning away all the demonic obstacles in its path.

The originally chaotic bad land also showed a trace of its original vitality under the burning of the flames of destruction.

At the same time, she also temporarily observed her body. It seemed that if she used the Flame of Ash Destruction, the only thing that would cause unavoidable damage would be her own body, and if she was distracted, she would not be responsible for using the Flame of Ash Destruction. The burden of inflammation.

That's good, at least you don't have to worry about getting rid of your distraction while typing.

Although Yao Wan's pace was very slow, but coupled with the power of space like an arm and fingers, in a moment, all the demonic obstacles within a thousand miles were swept away.

Yaowan barely took a few steps before he reached the deepest part of the demonic barrier here.

The person who was originally expected did not kill her, but instead asked her to come to the door. The strong man from the Spirit-Devouring Clan who was entrenched here could not help but be stunned. Then he immediately noticed something was wrong and immediately went out to fight against the enemy.

Under the evil earth barrier, a fire cloud spread and burned to the sky, as if even the sky was boiling.

The beautiful figure wearing a cloak is like a black phoenix bathed in karma fire, looking down at the insects that gradually emerged with twisted figures below.

There was no unnecessary announcement, and there was no point in talking trash to these guys. There was not even murderous intent in Yaowan's golden eyes.

Is it possible that someone would look murderous even if they killed a nasty bug? Of course it won't happen.

For her, this is just her tireless garbage cleaning work.

She slowly raised her hand, and the fire cloud that reached the sky burned violently, and then a rain of fire fell.

The black and red flames turned into raindrops, pouring down like a torrential rain, covering the earth and burning all the unknown demonic obstacles.

Even the newly emerged Spirit Devouring Tribes could not avoid it. Under a violent rain of fire, they were burned into nothingness almost instantly without any ability to resist.

After the fire rain subsided, Yao Wan couldn't help but look around. The demonic barriers on the earth were dissipating at a speed visible to the naked eye, but it was hard to say that there were any normal living beings living above.

The demonic barrier was so strong that normal life could not survive at this time. Until Yao Wan used the essence of Ash-Destroying Flame to get rid of all the impurities, the earth was completely empty, and Yao Wan could not help but think of the locusts. The scene of the border crossing seems to be similar to the one in front of me.

The Spirit Devouring Tribe... seems to be a scourge that must be eliminated.

Although he had heard about it from his ancestors for a long time, seeing it was worse than hearing it a hundred times. After the flames of ashes burned everything, Yao Wan saw the empty land and sighed in his heart.

Even the Soul Clan wouldn't be like this, it's really a big trouble.

There was a hint of coldness in Yaowan's eyes, but he did not linger, but continued to pursue along the direction of the demonic barrier.

All demonic obstacles will be burned away, and no spirit-swallowing tribe will be left alive.

In the six months since Yaowan went south, the death of the Flame of Ashes has almost covered the entire southern continent. Wherever the Swallowing Spirit Clan passes, the Karmic Fire of Destruction will definitely come. No matter where they escape, As long as they are still on the southern continent, the dark clouds above their heads will be ignited by the fire of karma, and then rain of fire will fall that will burn everything.

Even the Swallowing Spirit Clan was wary of Yao Wan, a being that could bring about all destruction, and naturally they also tried to attack and kill her.

But before the people from the Devouring Spirit Clan got close, they were already burned into nothingness by the flames of destruction.

In the next year, Yaowan traveled back and forth across the entire southern continent in this way. The empires and regions that could be saved were purified for the time being. If they could not be saved, they used fire and rain to burn away all the demonic obstacles. The Swallowing Spirit Clan stayed in the southern continent for nearly a year. All the preparations and efforts made here were all in vain, and the strong men of the Spirit-Devouring Tribe who entered the southern continent were burned to pieces.

The Swallowing Spirit Tribe was so frightened that they could only postpone further penetration into the southern continent. They only dared to establish outposts in some uninhabited areas on the borders of the continent to prepare for counterattacks when necessary. However, even so, the fire of destruction The rain did not stop falling after all.

Naturally, the Spirit-Devouring Tribe could not bear such a meaningless loss, so they naturally arranged for several powerful Dou Zun warriors from the Spirit-Devouring Tribe to come to help.

What should be said is that the Dou Zun strongman of the Swallowing Spirit Clan has two brushes, so he will not be burned into nothingness by the fire of karma so quickly. In the case of one against three, he finally killed two people with a medicine wand. It ended with one person captured alive.

After all, when you reach the level of Douzong, you can naturally accumulate far more and stronger power in your body than Douzong.

Yao Wan couldn't help but be curious about the origin of the name of the Swallowing Spirit Clan. Of course the ancestor had told her that the Swallowing Spirit Clan could swallow the power of blood and the energy of heaven and earth. This was naturally not a big deal in the era when Emperor Dou was still alive. The ability to be domineering, after all, if you devour someone's blood in front of their ancestor, that's not called devouring, that's called seeking death.

And as the Dou Emperors gradually disappear in Dou Qi Continent, and the strongest ones are only at the peak of Dou Sheng, the power of blood naturally becomes more and more important to a family like them that gave birth to Dou Emperor. For the clan, an opportunity has come. This is probably their golden age in the true sense. Unfortunately, the fierce battle with Dou Emperor severely damaged the vitality of the Swallowing Spirit clan. They have been forced to lie dormant for thousands of years, living in the darkness. Living in poverty, their golden age was wasted.

However, it was not her turn to solve the historical issues. What Yao Wan was interested in was not their innate ability to swallow the power of blood, but the method of converting fighting spirit into demonic energy.

Obviously, it was not caused by any technique, but by innate ability.

And what if such innate abilities could be realized and reversed? Wouldn't it be possible to automatically convert demonic energy into fighting energy?

A strong curiosity arose in Yaowan's heart, and such curiosity naturally required a little experiment.

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