Fighting is broken, but the heroine script

Chapter 344 Dragon and Phoenix Scales and Feathers

Before Yao Wan could figure it out, the swallowing spirit tribe she had captured earlier was killed as expected.

Yao Wan was still very sad after her rare experimental subject died. After all, it was Dou Zun. Couldn't he even resist her Ash-Destroying Flame for the time being? As a result, she died before she could find anything out from her research.

But if there is no gain, that is not the case.

For example, Yao Wan did know how the Swallowing Spirit Clan managed to transform fighting energy into demonic energy.

Her fingertips were then infected with a trace of unknown demonic energy, twisting and twisting together, as if she was struggling to escape from the fingertips of the medicine, and at the same time, she was subtly trying to saturate her fingers with the demonic aura. sharp, to pollute her fighting spirit.

However, this almost instinctive conspiracy lost all meaning in front of the strange fire, and Yao Wan didn't care much about it from beginning to end.

She just lowered her eyebrows slightly and looked at a diamond with strange magic patterns suspended above her fingertips, or a conical black translucent crystal.

Ever since she cut this thing out of the body of the Spirit-Devouring Clan's Dou Zun, the Spirit-Devouring Clan's Dou Zun quickly lost his life. It seems that this thing is not only the core used by the Spirit-Devouring Clan to transform energy, but also their core. The source of life, if this thing is dug away, it will naturally die.

But even so, it doesn't mean that the truth about this matter stops here.

As for the organ that the Swallowing Spirit Tribe is supposed to be born with, Yao Wan calls it the evil core... This is not because Yao Wan doesn't want to give it a slightly nicer name, at least it sounds like a name that a person should give, but how can the demon Hasn't the name "Here" been given to Warcraft a long time ago? Naturally, we can only choose a name with a similar meaning, or it is not impossible to call it the Demon Core.

Of course, the name is just a trivial matter. After discovering the existence of the evil core, Yao Wan's first thought was to understand, try to understand the principle of the existence and operation of this thing, and therefore develop effective restraint and coping strategies.

Also, if the principle of the evil core is reversed, the demonic energy can be converted into fighting energy again.

On this basis, their attempt to slowly bring down the entire Dou Qi Continent will naturally come to nothing.

However, it is a bit too early to think about this now.

More experiments are needed.

This idea came to Yaowan's mind without thinking.

And if you want to carry out such an experiment, the existence of the Swallowing Spirit Clan is naturally indispensable.

Thinking of this, Yao Wan's spiritual thoughts covered the world, sensing the existence that was rejected by this world, but rarely lost his voice.

You don't even have to think about it to know what happened. It's probably because you were scared of being beaten by yourself and didn't want to continue taking action. Let's just put this hot potato away and see if you can start from other directions.

Not everyone has the leisure to dawdle slowly about hot potatoes and prickly porcupines. What's more, this is not dawdling at all. It is clearly just knocking the bones and sucking out the marrow. The Devouring Spirit Clan who came to the southern continent were almost eaten by the medicine for about a year. Time has passed to kill them all. Three Douzuns, multiple Douzongs, countless Douhuangs and other backbone fighting forces. Yaowan only needs a rain of fire, except for the Douzuns and Douzong-level Swallowing Clan for the time being. Except for taking a breath, others will only burn into nothingness along with the karmic fire that burns the sky and purifies the earth.

In the absence of higher combat power as manpower, it would naturally be better to leave it alone.

When it was confirmed that the Swallowing Spirit Clan would not set foot in the southern continent again for a while, Yaowan integrated a wisp of Ash-Destroying Flame into the leyline center of the southern continent. Although there was no way to solve the problem from the root, it could solve the problem. Some of the guys who cause problems are not that difficult.

Afterwards, Yaowan left the southern continent.

In addition, Yao Wan is inevitably dissatisfied with the fact that her speed and space utilization ability are increasingly unsuitable for her. Rushing is still a bit too inefficient for her, and she may have to think of ways to make it possible for her to do so. Just hurry up and go faster, or ask Zi Yan later?

When it comes to the power of space, it is naturally easy to think of the Taixu Ancient Dragon Clan, a body powerful enough to physically travel through the void, and a terrifying ability to control space. If she uses her power, we may be able to develop new ones. Maybe his space fighting skills.

After all, she hasn't tried it yet, so Yao Wan naturally doesn't dare to talk too much about things she hasn't tried before.

But thinking about it, there isn't much of a problem. Yao Wan has always been very confident in tinkering with this thing.

But now that the matter in the southern continent has been settled, Yao Wan took the trouble to go to the eastern continent for a tour. Once again, he swept away all the demonic obstacles there and killed all the Devouring Spirit Tribes. Yao Wan stayed behind. Some things that I think are more important, after all, the Spirit Devouring Tribe is here, but there is no movement at all from Zhongzhou and the Eight Ancient Tribes, which seems a bit too clownish.

If you really have to wait until the call comes to know what to do, I suggest everyone get a red nose and go to work in the circus.

Afterwards, Yaowan's target was naturally set on Zhongzhou. The top priority was to notify the powerful forces in Zhongzhou to be alert in order to deal with the war that would probably come to Zhongzhou in the near future.

But although she was very familiar with Zhongzhou, Yaowan had never been to it once. It was exactly the kind of place that was familiar yet strange.

When Yaowan arrived at the edge of Zhongzhou, he noticed a space storm rising out of nowhere between the mainland and the border, turning into a vortex cloud that tore apart the space. It landed here almost instantly. For Dou Huang, It is said that it is an experience of almost death, and even Douzong, who has initially mastered the power of space, does not dare to approach the strong wind of the space storm rashly, for fear of being involved in it, and finally dying in that uninhabited corner. Or the quiet void is unknown.

Yaowan is naturally not afraid of space storms, but not being afraid does not mean that she will just run around in the toilet without anything to do.

She made a move with her bare hands, and the invisible barrier separated her from the passing space storm. The space storm that tore through space as easily as shredding paper suddenly lost all its power in front of the invisible barrier. No matter how the space storm tore apart, no matter how terrifying the wind was, they could not shake the barrier even one bit.

Yao Wan narrowed her eyes slightly, and was about to defeat the space storm directly, but she caught a glimpse of a stream of light flashing in the space storm. Her pale golden eyes turned slightly and immediately locked onto that stream of light.

what is that?

Yao Wan couldn't help but wonder, and subconsciously thought of whether it was Xiao Yan. After all, this place is almost at the junction of the Northwest Continent and Zhongzhou, and she remembered that when Xiao Yan first came to Zhongzhou, it seemed that it was brought by a space storm. .

What's going on, he's here so soon?

Yaowan shook his head, oh no, you can’t say it’s too late. Calculating the time, it seems to be about the same?

Forget it, saving people is more important, the world is really small, she didn't intentionally look for him, he came to her on his own initiative.

When she thought of this, Yao Wan couldn't help but shook her head, what a bad fate, and then quickly approached the space storm, her golden eyes locked on the stream of light, and she immediately got closer.

However, unexpectedly, the stream of light was not Xiao Yan, but something whose shape and style were somewhere between scales and feathers.

It feels a bit like a stone. After getting closer, it is obviously an almost gray color, similar to the color of the equally dim space storm, but for some reason, this thing can be seen surrounded by a stream of light from a long distance. Miraculous.

What's this?

A trace of doubt inevitably floated in Yao Wan's mind, but an environment like a space storm was obviously not a place for people to think. Yao Wan left the scope of the space storm and then couldn't help but look at the strange scales carefully. Or feathers.

Among the mixture of scales and feathers with the texture of gray-white stone, what Yaoyuan could feel was a kind of life energy that he had never felt before, and a faint breath of space power.

She also didn't know whether the origin of this space power was because the scale feather had been in the space storm for too long and was therefore infected with the aura of space power, or whether it was the power it originally possessed.

But it is undeniable that this thing is probably the relic of an unknown powerful creature, a rare scale claw left in this world. Not to mention anything else, this scale feather is a mixture of scales and feathers. Its appearance indicates that its owner is no ordinary creature.

And Yao Wan couldn't help but have a possible guess in her mind.

... Could it be that the legendary dragon and phoenix hybrid, the dragon and phoenix that the ancestor mentioned and inhabited the Cangwu sacred tree?

It's possible, but not necessarily, forget it, why don't you just take these things back to the place of inheritance and show them to her old man?

An old man in a family is like having a treasure, and who in this world is more knowledgeable than the former Dou Di warrior? Presumably there won’t be any anymore, right?

A slight smile appeared at the corner of Yaowan's mouth. Although this thing seemed to be of little use to her, since it was brought to her door on her own initiative, she didn't want it for nothing. Who could refuse the benefits of it being delivered to her door? I can give it to Zi Yan later, and I don’t know what magical effect the scale feathers will have on Zi Yan, an ancient dragon whose bloodline is too pure to be pure.

Will he directly awaken the pure dragon and phoenix bloodline? Ah, no, thinking about it this way, it seems a bit inappropriate.

Forget it, just put away the gifts of nature for now.

Yaowan shook her head. She thought she couldn't think of any ideas, so she might as well wait until she met them later.

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