Fighting is broken, but the heroine script

Chapter 345 Heading to Zhongzhou

The things for now have been done, so let’s go to Zhongzhou for the time being.

Yao Wan turned her head, and then looked at a few slightly panicked figures in the wasteland at this moment. Yao Wan did not know their identities, but she thought they were just eyeliners, but even though they were eyeliners, they were definitely not. Her eyeliner wants to actively search for her existence, so it seems a little too stupid to show up like this.

And since it was not her spy, it was impossible for Yao Wan to choose to kill someone just because she saw her, not to mention that she didn't even show her true face. If Dou Sheng couldn't show it, others couldn't do anything to her. .

Kunpeng soaring in the sky would not care about the comfort of the sparrow, let alone the gaze of the ants?

Therefore, Yao Wan left here with just a flick of his sleeves. The space door torn open by the power of the soul was much neater and quieter than the space door that the ordinary Douzong tore open with the help of a trace of soul power. This is natural after all. It still depends on how deeply you can understand the power of space, and make the best choice using the often limited resources.

With Yao Wan's understanding of space ability, although it can't be said to be shocking to the whole world, it is indeed enough to kill a group of strong men of the same level under the same realm restrictions.

After Yao Wan left, these people gradually retreated.

Yao Wan's guess was not wrong. They were indeed spies, but to be precise, they were the intelligence dealers in this area.

Selling important information is already the greatest value to them.

And after Yao Wan left, they just happened to leave here.

Good things can only appear in space storms. If nothing else, this gimmick alone is already very attractive. Considering the environment in Zhongzhou, there is no need to worry about the news not being sold.

Naturally, they couldn't get the treasure from these people, but they just needed to spread the news. It was always good to share some soup.

After spreading the news, after several twists and turns, they actually got an unusual guest.

"You said that the secret treasure hidden in the space storm was taken away by a man in black robes?"

In a prosperous city very close to the place where the space storm occurred, a woman with extraordinary temperament and an extraordinary colorful dress narrowed her eyes slightly, and couldn't help but feel some waves in her heart, and asked lightly.


"The direction and orientation are similar... Anyway, if what you say is true, I will reward you after I get the secret treasure. But if you guys work together to deceive me, I will chase you to the ends of the earth until Until you run out of anger, do you understand?"

"I understand, none of us dare to disobey what Miss Feng said."

The leader had a smile on his face. Apart from anything else, the two top forces behind this woman were not people who could be easily provoked even in Zhongzhou.

The person called Miss Feng snorted coldly, turned around and left, followed by a burst of wry smiles from everyone in front of her.

She is truly a proud daughter from a powerful family. It would be unlucky to stand next to such a person.


After Yao Wan left, she briefly inquired about her location, only to realize that she seemed to have arrived in the northern region of Zhongzhou unknowingly. Although she had not noticed it along the way, it was still peaceful and peaceful.

So, next...

Yao Wan was a little confused about what to do next, but she didn't know that someone was coming towards her.

Thousands of miles away from Yaowan, a magical beast named Colorful Feather Crane flapped its wings. The beautiful woman with a noble temperament on her flat back and an extremely cold face closed her eyes slightly, feeling the aura guidance from the underworld.

If she hadn't happened to pass by this place a few days ago, and her bloodline power had not stirred, making her realize that there must be something and existence here that would arouse her interest, otherwise how could she go to find that kind of person to inquire about information?

The beautiful woman then slightly opened her pair of beautiful phoenix eyes. Her blood had never been so throbbing. Even if it was not a scaly claw accidentally left by the Celestial Demon Phoenix clan, it was certainly enough to An existence that brings about huge improvement in oneself.

As for being able to enter and exit the space storm... I think it's just a strange skill. When I go back and ask a few elders to take action, I won't worry about not being able to take down that person.

And her bloodline is peculiar, and ordinary aura isolation cannot block the strong connection between her and that thing, which makes her even more determined to win.

If she can get that thing, her strength will naturally be improved to a higher level, and not only will she be outstanding in Fenglei Pavilion, but her voice will also be heard in the clan.

It seems that although she is an exchange student who is a monster but joins the human force, it is just a facade.

If she could really fear no one among her generation, why would she come to Fenglei Pavilion? But now that she's here, she naturally can't just complain about others, she will only prove that she is stronger than anyone else!


On the other side, Xiao Yan, who had temporarily solved the crisis of the Spirit-Devouring Clan in the Northwest Continent, was preparing to head to Zhongzhou after a few days of relaxation.

However, this preparation took more than a year.

Not to mention anything else, just for the Heavenly Soul Fusion Blood Pill that the child in Medusa's belly needed, and the Bodhi Body Saliva that the little medical fairy needed to condense the poison pill. For these two things, Xiao Yan gave Black Horn another chance. The domain was turned upside down, and it was not until all this was over that heading to Zhongzhou was put on the agenda.

As a result, just after all this ended, news of the invasion of the Spirit-Devouring Clan came from the surrounding empires. Xiao Yan rushed to several surrounding empires with the strong men from the Jiama Empire without stopping, and combined with several local strong men from the empire to kill those Devouring Spirits. The demons of the Eldar race were eradicated, leaving no one behind.

After all this was over, Xiao Yan finally ended it all.

It's just that this time when Xiao Yan went to Zhongzhou, he was not only accompanied by the little medical fairy, but also Zi Yan and Nalan Yanran.

Zi Yan is easy to talk about. Regarding her matter, Su Qian and Xiao Yan have already talked about it once. This girl's bloodline is very mysterious. If she goes to Zhongzhou, maybe she can solve the mystery about her.

As for Nalan...

Xiao Yan didn't know if it was because of his talkativeness at that time, which made her want to follow him to death and not let go.

When heading to the teleportation formation in Zhongzhou and the Northwest Continent, Nalan Yanran really couldn't stand Xiao Yan's harassment, so she had to say: "I didn't mean to follow you and not let go, I just happened to go to Zhongzhou to try my luck."

Regarding Nalan's answer, Xiao Yan couldn't help but shook his head: "You can't say that. Although there are many adventures in Zhongzhou, it doesn't mean that there are only adventures without danger."

"Of course I know."

Nalan Yanran glanced at him and said: "But what I want to find is the inheritance of Yun Potian, the founder of our Yunlan Sect. I heard from the ancestor of Yunshan that Patriarch Potian came from Zhongzhou and was once a member of Zongheng The strong men in Zhongzhou just ended up settling in the northwest continent for some unknown reason and established the Yunlan Sect."

"It's just that the Yunlan Sect has had its ups and downs over the years, and many inheritances in the sect have been lost due to decline."

"The skills of Yunlan Sect are different from those of the outside world. It's okay that I'm practicing the skills she modified back then. But for people like my teacher and master, it's already very difficult for them to be able to practice Douzong. It’s difficult, and it’s even harder to reach the sky if you want to go further, as if you are restricted by an invisible bottleneck.”

Nalan Yanran said: "So I went to ask Patriarch Yunshan. Perhaps Patriarch Potian once left other inheritances in a place called Wujian Mountain at the former mountain gate of Zhongzhou."

"Swordless Mountain?"

Xiao Yan was slightly startled. He was clearly the founder of a sword sect, but the former mountain gate was called Wujian Mountain? It's quite strange.

"Well, I have never heard of Wujian Mountain, and I don't think it is a very famous place. After all, in a place like Zhongzhou, some unknown mountains hide the inheritance of a powerful Dou Zun in the past. It’s not such a weird thing.”

Nalan Yanran explained.


Xiao Yan nodded silently, but that was all he said, but he couldn't help but suddenly said: "Apart from looking for the inheritance left by the ancestor, is there no other purpose?"

"Other purpose?"

Nalan Yanran was startled for a moment, then shook her head: "I have no impression of Zhongzhou. If it weren't for the sect's martial arts, I might have waited until Douzong later to go, but then it's more likely that Master directly passed on the position of sect leader to me, so it would be even more impossible for me to go."

"So, this is a rare outing when you are alone?"


Regarding Xiao Yan's groundless statement, Nalan Yanran couldn't help but shook her head: "I don't have the leisure and leisure like you."

"Humans, it's better to live a more relaxed life."

Xiao Yan smiled and said that he had a romantic temperament. If the Soul Palace hadn't pushed him every step of the way, his goal might have been to catch up with Miss Wan.

It's just that there was a little accident on the road, and now it's inevitable that he will be a philanderer.

"Are you still embarrassed to say that you are relaxed?"

Nalan Yanran sighed softly, but thinking that she was not qualified to make fun of him, she gave up.

"It's not easy, but you always have to have a joyful attitude, right?"

The corners of Xiao Yan's mouth rose slightly, and then the voices of the Little Medical Fairy and Zi Yan came from in front.

"What are you two talking about back there?"

The little medical fairy looked back at the two of them.

"Nothing, just chatting for a while."

Xiao Yan smiled, and Nalan Yanran sighed softly, subconsciously avoiding the sight of the little medical fairy.

Putting aside everything else, she was actually a little resistant to the existence of the Little Medical Fairy, or should be said to be afraid.

After all, she was the one who took the first step.

She... she had done her own sins and sown her own bitter fruits, so she couldn't blame others.

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