After the four people were on the road, they finally settled in Tianya City, preparing to use the space wormhole to cross Zhongzhou.

It is naturally feasible to directly cross the Zhongzhou geographically from the northwest continent, but the distance is a bit daunting.

Unless you are a strong Dou Zong who can cross space and void at will and open up a wormhole that is enough to allow you to cross thousands of miles, otherwise this mountain is far away and even Dou Zong will not be able to cross it easily. of.

When the four of them came to the front of the space wormhole together, they naturally felt the surging power of space coming towards them, which made people feel secretly chilling. What kind of existence would it take to survive such a storm? To protect yourself thoroughly? With Xiao Yan's strong mental power, it is not difficult to observe what kind of terrifying energy is contained under the space barrier around the wormhole. If the space barrier protecting the wormhole is broken, I am afraid that the people inside it will be destroyed. People will not feel better either.

After suppressing the uneasiness in their hearts for the time being, Xiao Yan and the four of them boarded Zhongzhou's spaceship.

But even if there is any uneasiness in my heart, when the disaster really comes, it will seem ordinary.

When the space wall made an overwhelming cracking sound and the strange howling of the wind came from all directions, what appeared in front of Xiao Yan and others was a storm formed by the power of pale silver space. The storm was not included. It was extremely large, but it just blocked all the passages. The raging suction coming from the silver storm made the space ship where Xiao Yan was constantly trembling, giving it a shaky feeling. It was like a huge whirlpool, and their exit is blocked on the road they must cross now.

"Space storm... I'm really afraid of whatever comes."

Looking at the gray-white storm raging in the passage, Xiao Yan frowned slightly, exhaled a breath almost subconsciously, and murmured to himself, he didn't expect that this most unfortunate thing would happen after all.

Being able to do what he fears will come true. At this point, Xiao Yan will definitely not lose to anyone.

Unfortunately, this is never something worth bragging about, so it’s better to escape quickly!



On the way, Yao Wan stopped temporarily. She suddenly felt the heat of life throbbing, like a candle suddenly swayed by the night wind.

She glanced at her head subconsciously, and the creature's flames reacted. Could it be Xiao Yan...?

Forget it, that guy has his own destiny, so there is no need to save him by himself.

Yao Wan shrugged, she was not worried at all, and other than that, compared to worrying about Xiao Yan, the situation on her side seemed to be more urgent.

"Okay, it's almost two thousand miles since we followed you, right? Thank you for your hard work. I've pretty much seen the scenery along the way."

Yaowan clapped her hands, her golden eyes hidden under the black veil swept in all directions, and said jokingly.

"You knew we were coming?"

Now that Yao Wan has spoken, the pursuers are not polite and reveal their figures. There are people on each side of the east, south, west, and north. Among them, there are old men with extraordinary auras on the south, west, and north sides, while the people on the east side move slightly slower. After a while, he dodged, and a pair of gorgeous phoenix wings spread out behind him, making him look particularly graceful and luxurious, fully displaying the noble temperament of his master.

The corner of Yaowan's mouth raised slightly, and then she sighed softly. Some people are like this. They feel embarrassed for dumping you casually, so they deliberately wait for you. When you catch up, they feel that it is them. His ability is great.

It’s time to say it or not, but it’s better not to eat the food delivered to your door.

"Since you started following me, haven't you noticed that I'm walking slower and slower?"

After Yao Wan finished speaking, she turned her eyes to look at the other three strong men, and couldn't help but smacked her lips: "Seven, seven, eight, that's a good move. Even in Zhongzhou, high-level Douzong can be regarded as the absolute backbone. Strength."

In the end, three people were dispatched for her alone, or three high-level Dou Zong. This configuration would be luxurious no matter where it was placed. But now the woman in front of her was invited to help out. It can be seen that she treats Yao Wan, or rather It's the secret treasure in her body that deserves her care and attention.

"The wages of avarice is death."

The noble young woman at the head said calmly.

Yao Wan nodded slightly. This sentence was surprisingly appropriate when applied to her.

"Although I have never met you, I seem to have guessed who you are. But just in case I hit the wrong person later, why don't you give me your name?"

"Fenglei Pavilion, Heavenly Demon Phoenix Clan, Feng Qing'er."

The noble young woman who looked down at Yao Wan calmly looked down on Yao Wan, who was wearing a cloak and covering herself tightly. Her tone was full of contempt and disdain: "Hide your head and show your tail, but I think it's been a good few days." try to find."

"——Hand it over. If you obey me, I can give you a way out."

Before Yao Wan could say anything more, Feng Qing'er had already thought of the next way out for her, or in other words, this was the only ending she thought.

"Something? What?"

Yaowan's fingertips lightly touched the ring, and the piece of gray-white scale feathers, which was about the size of a palm, suddenly appeared in her hand. She raised it knowingly and said, "Miss Feng Qing'er is looking for it." Yes, could it be this?"

"You know what you're asking, don't play tricks!"

Feng Qing'er snorted coldly. From her point of view, she naturally thought that this was Yao Wan deliberately delaying time in order to find a chance to escape. However, her wishful thinking clearly found the wrong person to compete with them in the Fenglei Pavilion for speed. ? Idiot's dream.

And Feng Qing'er didn't want to continue arguing with Yao Wan. She immediately stepped forward, and a strong suction force suddenly appeared between her slender fingers. She wanted to snatch the scale feather directly from her hand, but Yao Wan ignored it. Feeling the wind in her palm, she stuffed the scale feather back into her own ring again.

"If you don't eat the toast, you will be punished with alcohol!"

Yao Wan's disrespectful behavior naturally completely angered Feng Qing'er. A strong murderous aura emerged from those beautiful phoenix eyes, and she started to kill Yao Wan.

"Miss, don't underestimate the enemy!"

Feng Qing'er's every move naturally shocked the three people next to her. The person in front of her was obviously a little weird and yet to be discovered. It was really too dangerous for her to act rashly like this.

Therefore, they didn't care so much and immediately followed Feng Qing'er all the way over.

Yao Wan slapped Feng Qing'er away with a palm of her hand, and then without even looking at her, the invisible force in her palm instantly turned into a stone hammer in her hand, and then with a huge force, she smashed it down. A hammer directly tore the space as fragile as paper, and a space crack like a spider web exploded in the open field in just an instant, temporarily forcing the four people back.

It's not that the other three high-level Douzong experts are actually afraid of the existence of spatial rifts, but rather an almost instinctive fear.

Although they haven't reacted yet, instinct can't be fooled.

When the medicine mandarin smashed down the stone mallet and shattered the space, Feng Qing'er's heartbeat almost stopped at this moment. She...she...

When the power of space surrounded her body, and the cracks finally collapsed, almost exploding close to her body, she suddenly realized that she wanted to intervene in the battle of Douzong, or even high-level Douzong. What a stupid thing to do.

But she guessed wrong after all.

Yaowan is not a Dou Zong who is easy to bully.

When Yao Wan saw the three high-level Douzong in front of him, he chuckled, and an invisible barrier covered the space with a radius of a hundred miles centered on them.

"It's really strange. I never said that I was someone to be bullied, right?"

Yaowan sighed softly, and the terrifying aura that had never been released from her body swallowed up the world in an instant.

Blocking space, the only one who can do this is——

The three Douzong couldn't help but look at each other, and they were all stunned for a moment. It wasn't Douzong, but Douzun?

"Now that we're here, there's no need to leave again."

Yao Wan said calmly, and the relationship between the hunter and the prey changed in an instant.

"...Fenglei Pavilion, right?"

Yaowan murmured, with a bit of contempt and ridicule in his tone, as if he was deliberately admiring their struggle before death.

"Sir, this is all a misunderstanding!"

One of the Douzongs spoke surprisingly quickly, but Yao Wan laughed it off: "Why didn't you just say it was a misunderstanding?"

"It's okay. I don't know much about Fenglei Pavilion, but just one or two Dou Zun can't defeat me, so..."

"Just go with peace of mind."

Yao Wan said, before the three people in front of her tried to fight back, suddenly, Feng Qing'er heard an extremely harsh explosion, which made her immediately block her ears, and right in front of her, in front of her eyes The three fighting masters began to bleed from their seven orifices, and a twisted illusory white shadow behind them shook slightly, and then disappeared.

"The bones of a high-level Dou Zong may still be of some use, so I'll accept it for the time being."

Yao Wan collected the bones of the three people and turned his attention to Feng Qing'er at this moment.

"Tell me, how should I control you better? Miss Feng Qing'er?"

Yao Wan slowly walked into Feng Qing'er. Her body seemed to be weighed down by a thousand weights, and she could not move at all in front of Yao Wan.

Feng Qing'er looked at the figure who was wearing a bamboo hat but emitting a woman's laughter, and clenched her silver teeth angrily: "I have no vision, and I can't blame others. Now I'm just a fish, I want to kill or cut into pieces, it's up to you."

"Follow me? Okay."

Yao Wan laughed out loud, it was really tough.

It's a pity that she won't let Feng Qing'er die so happily.

"Don't you want to follow me? Okay, by chance, I'm missing a mount, so why don't you do it?"

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