"Don't you want to follow me? Okay, by chance, I'm missing a mount, so why don't you do it?"

Yaowan slowly approached Feng Qing'er, then raised her jade hand to hook her chin.

However, Feng Qing'er's body trembled violently at this moment. The power that burst out from her self-esteem was somewhat unexpected. She almost exploded with all her strength in an instant, condensing a colorful energy in her hand. The anger came straight to Yaowan's face.

To be honest, it is somewhat surprising that Feng Qing'er can achieve this level. Strong self-esteem is often an indispensable step to become a strong person, and Feng Qing'er's born aloof temper is undoubtedly invisible. It intensifies the changes brought about by this character. From this perspective, not only is it not stupid, it is actually somewhat admirable.

However, no matter how strong your willpower is, you will only succumb to strength in the end. This is also the same truth. Feng Qing'er's counterattack is surprising and unexpected, but it does not prevent Yao Wan from smashing the girl with a slap. With a burst of energy, he also knocked the unruly little phoenix to the ground, unable to fight back.

"Admirable willpower."

Facing Feng Qing'er's eyes full of anger and resentment, Yao Wan couldn't help but sigh: "Among the people I have met, in terms of pure self-esteem and will, there is almost only one person who can compare with you. Right, but you can’t always resist on your own, poor little Phoenix.”

As he spoke, Yao Wan bent down slightly, then lifted Feng Qing'er's smooth chin and said.

Obviously, for a woman like Feng Qing'er who has a higher level of focus and values ​​racial belonging and self-esteem more important than her own life, giving her such a simple pleasure is far from what makes her most happy. Wouldn't it be too boring to simply kill her with painful means?

"A scholar can be killed, but not humiliated! How dare you do such a thing as enslaving the Heavenly Demon Phoenix, the Heavenly Demon Phoenix Clan will never let you go!"

"Okay, I get it now."

Yaowan gently stroked Feng Qing'er's smooth cheek. She did not show any cowardice because of her threats. She said it was a joke. If she was afraid, how could she worry about enmity with Fenglei Pavilion and even the Sky Demon Phoenix Clan?

"But you also have to understand that since I dare to do this, I will naturally have the awareness to be found, or the confidence that I will never be found. What about you? You failed to find me for a piece of scale feather. What kind of price can you bear? Miss Feng Qing'er?"

"You could have been a free little phoenix, but now it seems that you can only sing by my side from now on. And this is what you asked for."

Yaowan's voice is like the whisper of a devil. She is not in a hurry to destroy her psychological defense line in one breath. At best, it is just a seed buried in her layers of walls. Over time, this seed will bring Everything that comes will subvert it all.

"——Why? Why do you do this?!"

Feng Qing'er gradually realized that the strength gap between herself and Yao Wan had reached a relationship that could not be overcome or transcended anyway, so she naturally gave up the idea of ​​dying with her for the time being.

Yao Wan smiled and said without thinking: "Does it need to be said? Of course it's fun."

"What did you say? So... fun?"

When Feng Qing'er heard Yao Wan's answer, she suddenly felt an uncontrollable surge of blood in her body. The shock and subconscious anger that almost caused her to faint made her extremely uncomfortable.

A rebellious person like her will only attribute her success to her own efforts throughout her life, and she will never hesitate even if she has to step on the backbone of others to reach the top.

Yaowan didn't advertise herself as retribution for her evil deeds. She just thought it might be interesting to play with an unruly person, so she did it. Other than that, there was no very special reason. This was still her. But she has always been fond of Feng Qing'er. She didn't remember many things in the original story line, but only Feng Qing'er, Yao Wan, has always been impressed.

As a woman who has never had any unnecessary complex feelings for Xiao Yan from beginning to end, and who has completely given up on the low-level taste of love, it is impossible for Yao Wan not to be deeply impressed by her.

The source of the so-called intersection is nothing more than mutual interest. However, the results derived from this curiosity are good and bad, and this is the result derived from Yao Wan's curiosity about Feng Qing'er.

"Yes, you will live for me and to please me for the rest of your life."

Yaowan caressed her cheek tenderly, but in Feng Qing'er's eyes, this tenderness was far more terrifying than the taboo spell she immediately used to force herself to control herself, making her life worse than death.

This tenderness is nothing more than the devil's whisper in the ear.

"Don't worry, I'm very gentle most of the time. I'm different from the kind of people who can only use monsters roughly. By my side, you can still practice and reach the top. On the contrary, it will be more difficult for you to fight for the points on your own in Fenglei Pavilion." Are you comfortable here?"


Feng Qing'er subconsciously wanted to spit, but Yao Wan gently grasped her neck. The nausea caused by the pressure on her throat immediately made Feng Qing'er inevitably retch.

"I've heard that raising birds will inevitably result in their cud being sprayed all over them, but don't think of me as someone else."

Yaowan smiled and said softly: "From now on, please call me master."

"Don't you..."

Feng Qing'er forced herself to resist the nausea caused by retching, and wanted to refuse vaguely. However, when she looked into Yao Wan's eyes, she unconsciously revealed her humility towards Yao Wan.

"Lord, man?! Ho-ho--"

She gasped in shock, then opened her beautiful phoenix eyes wide and gasped.

"what did you do to me?!"

"It's just a bit of humility that a mount should have towards its master."

Yao Wan's laughter was so cold to Feng Qing'er's bones that she then said.

"Be obedient and obedient."

"You can't be nice-"

Feng Qing'er wanted to curse unbelievingly, but before she could say the words, a strong soul shock caused rational tears to well up in her eyes, and then she started coughing in an extremely embarrassed manner.

"That's a good reaction, come on, it's true that only a tough guy like you has the value of being tamed."

Yao Wan looked at Feng Qing'er's reaction, her golden eyes under the veil full of interest.

"I'm looking forward to it, little Phoenix, the way you voluntarily kneel down at my feet and lick my shoes."

Yao Wan made no secret of her desire to finally be released, while Feng Qing'er gritted her teeth silently. How could such a thing be possible? Even if he wanted to kill her, she would never do it.

"——Idiot's dream."

Feng Qing'er's tone was full of disgust and contempt.

"Isn't it too early to talk about idiotic dreams now?"

Yao Wan never felt angry at all because of Feng Qing'er's attitude. After all, the more fierce her resistance was, the more interesting it would be when her self-esteem collapsed and she returned to submission.

"In that case, why not do this?"

Yaowan's fingertips slipped down, then hooked her chin, and said: "Within three years, if you can always keep your heart and not succumb to me, then I will let you go free. Not only that, I will also let you go." How about I give you a piece of scale feather?"

Feng Qing'er was slightly startled. She didn't know whether this was a good thing or not. She just sneered and said, "...why should I trust you?"

"If you don't believe it, then don't believe it. Of course you don't have to believe it. There is no loss for me. Just my words are your life-saving straw. This is the fact. ...Are you sure you don't want it?"

"Are you serious about what you say?"

Feng Qing'er hesitated for a moment. Although this woman Yaowan made her want to cut her into pieces, until this moment, she deliberately wanted to leave herself a glimmer of hope... What did she mean? Deliberately fooling her? Do you hope that you can hold on to this life-saving straw and let her play with it for a while without it being broken immediately?

Feng Qing'er remained silent, only the flames of resentment burned in her eyes like charcoal fire.

In this case, she would naturally not refuse, but it was just three years of humiliation. One day, she would make this woman pay back double.

"That's natural. Not everyone can keep their promises, but since I said it, I will naturally abide by it."

The corner of Yaowan's mouth raised slightly. Three years was naturally not because it took her three years to train Feng Qing'er well, but because she wanted to prolong the fun process as much as possible.

She had trained Feng Qing'er to be submissive in just one month. Wouldn't that be too boring?

Happy times are always short-lived, and it’s not like Yaowan is really in need of a groveling servant. Not to mention anything else, as long as there is such a need among the Yao clan, there are also rising stars like Feng Qing’er. She voluntarily served by her side, but she didn't need it. She was just enjoying the process, and the rest didn't matter.

Put a life-saving straw in front of Feng Qing'er's eyes, no matter how calm a person is, he will try desperately to grab it, no matter how illusory this hope seems, but when there is no choice, people will always choose The easier choice to survive.

But Feng Qing'er is not afraid of death. Rather than dying, she is more afraid of having her feathers cut off and becoming a caged bird that can never fly again.

She is arrogant and arrogant, and of course she cannot be willing to succumb to herself for the rest of her life, so she deliberately leaves a small opening for her to have the illusion that she has hope of escaping.

This way, she won't be spoiled casually.

The toy that Yao Wan finally got was spoiled without any thought.

As for the future, won’t there be more interesting things?

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