"In that case, can little Phoenix be a little more proactive?"

Yao Wan said with a joking smile, she had been waiting all this time.

Feng Qing'er also reacted, knowing that she could not escape this situation no matter what, so her mood naturally fell completely to the bottom.

But silence is not a means of escape, and she can't escape it now.

She opened her lips slightly and felt her throat was slightly itchy, but she couldn't say that word no matter what.

Yao Wan didn't force her. At this moment, it was most interesting to see how she had to bend her wings in order to protect herself, and how she lived in the cage in her palm.

Be patient, be patient, this is just the beginning, her past three years are just a test for herself, she just needs to keep her own psychological defense line, on this basis, all she needs to do to the woman in front of her is just a temporary To seek perfection through humiliation is to be conceited and to compromise.

Yes, but that's it, it's no big deal, just two words that float lightly... She will always remember this humiliation, and then find opportunities to repay it slowly -

Therefore, it's just a fooling around, it's just a temporary measure, Feng Qing'er comforted herself in this way.

And how could Yaowan not know what she was thinking?

Hey - she couldn't help but hold her forehead slightly, as if sometimes, she seemed to be really naughty.


But in the end, Yaowan did not wait too long. Feng Qing'er forced herself to slowly squeeze out some syllables that could be barely recognized from the depths of Xue's neck like toothpaste.

Yao Wan looked at her, the corners of her mouth raised slightly.

"Huh? What are you talking about? Sorry, I was a little distracted just now. Can you say it a few more times?"

As expected, Feng Qing'er gritted her teeth silently. Facing Yao Wan's difficulties, she had already expected it, but when all this was actually before her eyes, it was still difficult to accept it.

It doesn't matter, it doesn't matter - since she has spoken for the first time, it won't hurt her no matter how many times she says it.


Without hesitating for too long, Feng Qing'er once again said the title that she hated deeply in her heart.


"Well, you're so obedient."

Feng Qing'er's obedience made Yao Wan particularly satisfied, but if she continued to resist, she would be even happier.

Regardless of whether Feng Qing'er resisted or not, Yao Wan was something to be happy about.

If she was obedient, the seeds of obedience to her would have been planted in Feng Qing'er's heart from the first word of "master" she voluntarily said.

And if she resists, wouldn't it be more interesting just to train this rebellious little phoenix from the beginning?

"Little Phoenix did a good job, the master will reward you."

Yaowan said softly, then took out a pill from his Najie and handed it to her.

Feng Qing'er's heart skipped a beat as she looked at the elixir in her palm that seemed to have elixir patterns floating on its surface. The elixir was fragrant and fragrant, and she couldn't help but be slightly startled.

Is she an alchemist? Pills like this are not something ordinary people can refine.

"Royal Emperor Pill, which cleanses the essence and cuts marrow, increases the chance of breaking through the Douzong. It is a pill that I improved based on the Emperor Ji Pill and the Po Zong Pill."

Yao Wan's words were so shocking that Feng Qing'er inevitably felt a wave of emotion in her heart.

I originally thought that this woman was just a Dou Zun, but I never thought that she was actually an alchemist. Could it be that she had some dealings with Danta?

Feng Qing'er couldn't help but think in her heart. This person is mysterious, but she is not afraid of the intimidation of Fenglei Pavilion and the Sky Demon Phoenix Clan. She is also an alchemist, and can even refine such pills. She is definitely not an ordinary person. He must be from a famous family or from a hidden force, otherwise how could other people have such courage?

As for the elixir she gave her, Feng Qing'er didn't dare to eat it. The efficacy of the elixir was probably true, but it was hard to say whether it was adulterated with anything.

Seeing the hesitation in Feng Qing'er's eyes after the accident, she chuckled.

Feng Qing'er raised her head subconsciously, but she didn't speak. She just asked Yao Wan with her eyes, why she was laughing, and what's so funny about it?

After all, if she takes the initiative to speak, she will inevitably humiliate herself invisibly. Feng Qing'er is not bored enough to cause more trouble for herself for such a thing.

Yao Wan didn't care about Feng Qing'er's cleverness and said, "Do you know what real conquest is? Little Phoenix?"

Feng Qing'er said nothing, just stared at Yaowan, as if just waiting for her own answer.

"Real conquest never requires drug control, but the inner admiration and the peace of mind attached to me."

The meaning in Yao Wan's words was particularly obvious. She didn't bother to use any pills to control Feng Qing'er, and she was particularly confident in her final surrender, and could even be said to be arrogant.

That was different from Feng Qing'er's own arrogance and rebelliousness, but it was even more so.

"...Are you so confident?"

Feng Qing'er squeezed the elixir in her hand tightly, her eyes shining with unyielding light.

Yao Wan's eyes were unwavering. In her opinion, the look in her eyes was not unyielding at all. It was just that she was used to being arrogant and had not yet recognized the reality she needed to face.

It is inevitable that a little bird that has just been caught in a cage will have such thoughts, but Yao Wan is particularly tolerant of this.

Of course, it is only natural that we will recognize the reality in the following days.

"What are you going to call me?"

Yao Wan asked back, Feng Qing'er's cold and pretty face was uncertain, but after a moment of silence, she finally broke the silence and said: "...Master."

"Well, leaving aside attitude and the like, this 'master' is shouting more and more smoothly, little Phoenix?"

Yao Wan laughed teasingly, but Feng Qing'er could barely contain the anger and resentment in her heart. If eyes could kill, Yao Wan and even Dou Zun would be shot to pieces by her eyes.

It's a pity that Feng Qing'er obviously doesn't have this ability, but this also inspired the strong admiration for Qiang in her heart from beginning to end.

You must become stronger, become stronger, and then kill her!

And in the palm of his hand was a pill that others could hardly find in their dreams. This made Feng Qing'er, who was temporarily blinded by anger, slightly startled.

Without much hesitation, Feng Qing'er swallowed the Emperor's Pill, and the concerns that had just emerged in her heart were also thrown behind her mind. Now that she is a Daozu, she will not take this pill. There are still countless ways to get herself tricked, and the difference is limited to her thoughts, whether she wants to or not.

At this point, Feng Qing'er naturally wants to become stronger no matter what. If there is nothing wrong with this pill, it will become the cornerstone of Feng Qing'er's revenge.

He would make her understand what a stupid thing she had done at this moment.

Yao Wan knew Feng Qing'er's thoughts very well, but she didn't care.

Not to mention anything else, her mount alone cannot be used as any other magical beast if she wants to. Yaowan has only encountered two magical beasts with strong bloodlines. Medusa will be Xiao Yan's wife in the future. It's not appropriate. You can't bully a friend's wife. Naturally, Yao Wan can still tell the difference. But Zi Yan, that little girl, can just teach her a lesson. If she really wants to bully her, she will inevitably feel unbearable. Maybe she can only Feng Qing'er is the one who perfectly meets all the requirements of Yao Wan's twisted heart hidden under her normal appearance.

And since riding on her mount, one person can achieve enlightenment, chickens and dogs ascend to heaven, regardless of bloodline, cultivation level must also keep up. Since he is not Nalan, it is not impossible to be a mascot or something by her side.

And Feng Qing'er's unruly attitude as a proud girl is Yao Wan's favorite. What she likes to see the most is the embarrassment of those pretentious and proud girls being torn from the sky and covered with mud.

It's just that those girls in the past were not bad people after all. Even Nalan, who went astray due to family education and sect education, was also educated by himself to be a good boy. Yaowan did have some very dark things hidden in his heart. It's a bad taste, but it's not serious enough that if you catch someone randomly, they will start to go crazy. That's not called a bad taste, that's called a simple lunatic.

As for Xiao Xun'er, it was not convenient for her to do anything, so she could only disgust her with Xiao Yan's issue and serve as a meal replacement.

Ah, speaking of which, the angry look on Xian'er's face after assisting her was indeed soothing. She even felt better for several days, and she didn't dream much when she slept, although she basically didn't sleep much either. That’s it.

As Yao Wan gradually came back to her senses, she naturally noticed that the medicinal properties in Feng Qing'er's body gradually dispersed, transformed, and then turned into pure energy that could be absorbed and utilized.

Feng Qing'er exhaled softly, and she could naturally feel this very intuitive change.

She felt the heat spreading all the way down her spine, into her meridians, and into her limbs.

Just this extraordinarily strong medicinal property is enough to prove that this elixir is by no means a fake, but a genuine elixir that can help her cleanse her essence and cut through her marrow and break through the Douzong!

"Little Phoenix just needs to practice peacefully here. Master still has some patience."

Yao Wan noticed that Feng Qing'er's meridians did not seem to be accelerating as she expected. Naturally, she understood what was going on, and then spoke. After hearing Yao Wan's words, Feng Qing'er also He nodded and took one last look at the yarrow.

There was no trace of gratitude in his eyes, but undisguised resentment and murderous intent.

And Yao Wan was not in a hurry at all. Even when she faced those hateful eyes, she never had the slightest hesitation or fear. On the contrary, the more Feng Qing'er behaves like this, the more interesting it is, isn't it?

As for her elixir...that's not something anyone can take casually.

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