Fighting is broken, but the heroine script

Chapter 349 Flying over the Phoenix

Feng Qing'er did not remain reserved for too long. Perhaps she could no longer bear the feeling of gushing blood and boiling blood. Or perhaps her self-esteem, which could not be stopped like a rolling stone on a high mountain, gradually collapsed. It was like her wetness. A voice like a warm and greasy tongue echoed in Yaowan's ears.

"Haha, you are quite conscious, little Phoenix~"

Yaowan chuckled lightly, and then pulled away her fingertips. A trace of reluctance even flashed in Feng Qing'er's misty eyes.

But before she could reveal her reluctance, Yao Wan took action.

The slender fingertips gently swept over her bumpy and delicate body, and then pressed on several acupuncture points. Feng Qing'er suddenly let out a rapid gasp, as if her neck was being strangled viciously.

Looking at Feng Qing'er's reaction, Yao Wan just thought it was a bit interesting and seemed to have a little more fun.

When Feng Qing'er was almost tortured, Yao Wan channeled the excess energy out of her body.

It's just that she is only responsible for preventing Feng Qing'er from being in danger of life or from having her meridians ruptured or her Dantian damaged and becoming a disabled person. However, she wants to expect her to consider Feng Qing'er's own feelings and make her a little more decent. Then don't think about it.


Feng Qing'er almost looked like she had just been fished out of the water. Her fragrant sweat penetrated the original colorful skirt, highlighting her delicate and delicate body under the colorful skirt.

It's just that now she has no strength at all, and can only rely on her hands to support her body, so as to prevent her body from falling down, which was shaking like chaff just now.

But where she started, she could feel a puddle that was losing heat wet her hands. Feng Qing'er's breathing had not yet calmed down, but she was once again ignited by shame and resentment, and the fire of anger was ignited.


"What's wrong? I finally rescued you. Shouldn't Little Phoenix say thank you? It's so rude."

Yao Wan didn't care about Feng Qing'er's feelings at all, she just let out a pleasant chuckle and said under the veil.

She is like this, she seems to be as peaceful as the wind, but it is not a gentle spring breeze, but a biting winter wind. There is never a conflict between saying gentle words and doing cruel things to her.

"Should the impolite mount be punished~~?"

Yao Wan approached Feng Qing'er, and Feng Qing'er suddenly took a breath of cold air, and the resentment in her heart also dimmed. Yao Wan's method of intimidation was indeed particularly effective, and there was a faint smile in Feng Qing'er's phoenix eyes. The flickering light showed that she was not afraid of any torture, but she could not bear the humiliation of Yaowan.

"Or is it that the little Phoenix actually eats the marrow and knows the taste, and actually wants to use my punishment to satisfy his shameful little hobby~~?"

The corners of Yaowan's mouth raised slightly, and then she raised her hand to lift Feng Qing'er's chin, looking into her phoenix eyes that were about to retreat through the black gauze under the bamboo hat.

"Shut up! I didn't!"

Feng Qing'er retorted without thinking: "It's all you - I must -"

"Hmm? What exactly does little Phoenix want to do? I'm a little curious."

Yao Wan looked at Feng Qing'er, no words needed, just her eyes were enough to arouse in her heart the fear that had just overwhelmed her body and senses.

Her delicate body trembled slightly, but she couldn't tell whether it was because of fear or the aftertaste of the throbbing that had not yet been completely wiped off her body.

"It seems like you haven't figured out one thing yet, little Phoenix."

Yaowan's fingertips gently moved around, and she took out a golden-red dress from the ring, and said: "You have to call me master. My indulgence towards you is only because of my magnanimity, not because of my love for you." On the contrary, if you can't please me, you will naturally be useless to me."

"Is that a relief for you? Maybe it is, but maybe I will throw you into some smelly ditch when I am unhappy? I think even Zhongzhou will not lack such a place."

"What will happen to the little bird that falls into the clouds? I don't think I need to remind you, you know that, right? Little Phoenix?"

Yao Wan's words made Feng Qing'er's breath stagnant. It was impossible for her not to understand what Yao Wan meant. She also had no doubt that Yao Wan would really do such a thing. Feng Qing'er looked at Yao Wan, but only He could curse Yaowan with the most vicious words he could think of in his heart, but this could not change Feng Qing'er's current predicament.

"...I understand...Master."

Feng Qing'er gradually came back to her senses, then lowered her voice and said, and now, she has to formally face her sudden and huge dilemma, and whether she wants to or not, she must finally accept it. reality.

"Well, I know that little Phoenix is ​​sensible. Well, you must be uncomfortable being wet, right? Put on these clothes, and it's almost time for us to leave."

Yao Wan threw the golden-red clothes in her hand to Feng Qing'er. Feng Qing'er silently took the clothes Yao Wan gave her, and no longer cared whether Yao Wan was looking at her, she took off her clothes and cleaned them with fighting spirit. After taking care of his body, he put on the golden-red clothes again.

Yao Wan thought that this piece of clothing did not suit her temperament, so she kept it in the precepts and never touched it again.

This time it was rare to have a good toy like Feng Qing'er. Yao Wan happened to give her this piece of clothing, but it was okay. Feng Qing'er was about the same size as her, so she didn't have to worry about her chest and shoulders not being able to hold it up. .

After Feng Qing'er finished changing her clothes, Yao Wan couldn't help but take a look and nodded secretly. Sure enough, beauty means that she looks good no matter what she wears, let alone Phoenix? The combination of gold and red is also manageable.

"Okay, enough fun? Let's go."

Yao Wan said casually.

"Where are we going?...Master."

A hint of emotion flashed in Feng Qing'er's eyes. If she was in the Eastern Region, she could find a way to send a message to the Pavilion Master and ask him to rescue her, but now Feng Qing'er also somewhat understands or is aware of the medicine. Wan is not infinitely indulgent to herself, so naturally she will be a little smarter and stop showing her rebelliousness so obviously.

It's just that Yaowan still doesn't know the little Jiujiu in her heart? But for Yaowan, the initial obedience is like pushing the boulder down the cliff, and the snowball is getting bigger and bigger. As long as this can be confirmed, the rest doesn't matter.

As for Feng Qing'er herself, as long as she stays with Yao Wan for a day, Yao Wan can make her whatever he wants at any time.

"Find someone."

Yao Wan glanced at Feng Qing'er and then said.

"Find someone?"

Feng Qing'er was slightly startled. She wanted to find someone? Who could that be? What kind of cultivation? Or are they just people with bad deeds like her, worse than animals?

"Calculating the time, it's time for them to come."

Yaowan didn't explain it to Feng Qing'er. Anyway, wouldn't he understand it when he saw it later? As for her thoughts, they were nothing more than calculations and worries.

"Let's go, let's go to the northern domain of your Fenglei Pavilion first."

The corners of Yaowan's mouth rose slightly, perhaps with a hint of cat-catching-mouse playfulness, and she said, "You should be familiar with that place, right? Little Phoenix?"

Feng Qing'er was startled when she heard the words, and she subconsciously felt a hint of joy. That's great. If someone discovers her in the Northern Territory, her chances of escaping from the clutches of the devil will also increase.

"Indeed... relatively familiar."

And when Feng Qing'er once again met Yao Wan's eyes hidden under the cloak, her heart froze. It was a look that had already guessed what she would do, and even after knowing it, she still With her uncaring gaze, how could she not know what Feng Qing'er was thinking? It's just that she couldn't escape her grasp despite all her efforts, so she was treated as unimportant and ignored.

"In that case, you have to lead the way more."

Yao Wan looked at her teasingly, Feng Qing'er opened her lips slightly, naturally understanding Yao Wan's meaning, which was actually very simple. What kind of relationship is between her and Yao Wan now? Needless to say.

Of course it is the mount and its owner, and what is the mount used for?

Feng Qing'er felt her chest was tight and uncomfortable.

If the previous title of master was just a casual shouting, then now that I will completely sit on the name of the mount, it seems that I cannot accept it no matter what. This is for the blood of the Sky Demon Phoenix clan that I am extremely proud of since I was born. It was a great shame, but now the thing that she despised in the past was about to happen to her——

"Little Phoenix, don't you have the strength to fly? Do you want me to help you a little?"

Yao Wan knew that no matter how hard she tried to intimidate Feng Qing'er, she would never be able to commit such a humiliating act that was the most unforgivable for people of the Warcraft bloodline like them.

Therefore, it is natural that she still needs to temporarily add fuel to the flames.

She wants to tear down the wall in her heart bit by bit, until in the end, the vital support is pulled away, and everything left collapses, leaving only her loyalty and loyalty to herself. tame.

Because of this, Yao Wan did not wait for Feng Qing'er to make any choice this time. Instead, she directly pulled out a piece of her black hair, twisted it around, and made a slender but solid chain, and put it on Feng Qing'er's snow neck.

Feng Qing'er suddenly opened her eyes wide, and a trace of despair flashed in her eyes.

But she was not allowed to resist, and an extremely powerful controlling force came from the fine chain around her snowy neck. Then, the noble woman in front of her disappeared, and a head of almost several feet in size appeared, with wings that exceeded More than ten feet tall, a gorgeous divine bird with colorful wings, the Sky Demon Phoenix.

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