Fighting is broken, but the heroine script

Chapter 351 The Beginning of Taming

Tianleizi was stunned, but he let Feng Qing'er follow him and give up his last hope of salvation.

There is no doubt that with the cultivation of the Eight Star Dou Sect of the Beige Pavilion Master, let alone saving her, it would be a good idea not to risk his own life.

And now, it seems that his ominous premonition is about to come true.

Feng Qing'er is like a mud bodhisattva crossing the river. She can't save herself, let alone save him. Maybe she can only see how fast she strikes. If she is a little slower, maybe she can still plead for mercy—— But if he opens his mouth, he may not be able to save Tianleizi.

This woman looks easy to talk to, but in the final analysis, it's just her appearance.

I'm afraid no one can change her decision.

Tianleizi's face changed slightly when he faced Douzun's pressure. No wonder Feng Qing'er didn't say a word, and didn't even dare to say anything like asking for help. She didn't expect that the reason was here.

If facing Douzong, Feng Qing'er, who is at the peak of Douhuang and has the blood of divine beasts, can give it a try for the time being, then facing Douzong, she has no power to resist at all and allows the other party to squish him. Pinch flat.

But now, the person who is about to be squashed may become him.

The sky clouds stirred, the wind roared, and gathered into a terrifying storm. This was originally the weather that the people of Fenglei Pavilion liked best. At this time, those who practiced Fenglei Pavilion Kung Fu can exert their power at 120%. With his own strength, Tianleizi is naturally no exception.

However, even under such weather, when Tianleizi looked at Yaowan again, the figure covered by the cloak seemed more and more unfathomable.

"I heard that there is a special skill called Three Thousand Thunderbolts in Fenglei Pavilion, and its speed is unparalleled among experts of the same level, is that right?"

Yao Wan crossed her arms and looked playfully.

"Then let's do this. If you can escape thousands of miles in just one stick of incense, I will let you live. In order to prevent me from using the power of realm to bully you, an old immortal, I will not move or use the power of space. How about you not using the power of your soul?"

If Yao Wan could take a look at Feng Qing'er stripping her naked and dancing, then naturally Yao Wan, an old immortal Yao Wan like Tianleizi who grabs a lot, would not be interested at all and would even kill him. It won't bring any special feeling to herself, so Yaowan will naturally choose a relatively interesting gameplay.

Anyway, don’t these Dou Zong Dou Zun, who are used to being comfortable, all like this? Let’s add some new fun for now.

When she heard Yao Wan's words, Feng Qing'er's heart suddenly sank, and she couldn't help but look at Tian Leizi with pity.

Tianleizi couldn't care less about this now. Needless to say, he acquiesced to Yaowan's rules of the game.

There is nothing to say about being stronger than others. If Tianleizi herself is stronger than Yaowan, she will naturally be punished by making her pay a hundred times the painful price of Feng Qing'er. This has nothing to do with right or wrong, it is just a position.

If you offend Fenglei Pavilion, you have to pay such a price. If not for other reasons, you also want to warn the world that Zhongzhou Sifang Pavilion is not so easy to offend.

It's just that the medicine is stronger now. Even if Tianleizi is so bitter and unwilling, he can only break his teeth and swallow it in his stomach.

Tianleizi didn't show any politeness to Yao Wan, so he turned into a bolt of lightning, leaving several afterimages and running away in all directions.

The speed of the afterimages is really extremely fast. Almost in an instant, several afterimages can span a distance of hundreds of miles.

There was a hint of surprise in Yao Wan's eyes, and she said, "It's quite fast."

"But if I want to leave, I'm afraid it won't be that easy."

Yaowan shook her head lightly, and then she suddenly said: "Little Phoenix, keep your eyes open and watch."

"The so-called gap is never a difference between realms."

After Feng Qing'er revealed her true form, she raised her phoenix head slightly, and her purple-brown eyes subconsciously looked at Tian Leizi's escaping figure in the distance.

Along with Yao Wan's words, she blew gently, and the breath she exhaled suddenly turned into a roaring wind, but it was mixed with an inexplicable and terrifying aura, as if it was about to tear the space apart, and the storm became more and more intense. It was so intense that it expanded its range to hundreds of miles away almost in an instant, and it was still expanding at an extremely terrifying speed.

The Heavenly Demon Phoenix beneath her opened her eyes wide. What is this? Is it a fighting skill? Or is it some secret method that I don't know?

But in front of her, Yaowan did nothing, just blew a breath.

Can the breath of a powerful Dou Zun change the color of heaven and earth?

Of course that's impossible.

Feng Qing'er, who has been in contact with more than one Dou Zun strongman, understands very clearly that although the Dou Zun strongman is powerful, he has not yet reached the level where he can change the color of the world with a single joy or anger.

The higher the realm, the more frequent the communication and interaction with the world, but the strong Dou Zun obviously has not yet reached this level.

The afterimage of Tianleizi was quickly attracted by the storm, and was unable to resist the sudden explosion of heaven and earth force. It was swept into it by the strong wind that tore apart the space, and was quickly torn into a piece of silver lightning. Disappeared in the storm.

Soon, all the afterimages of lightning were torn apart, but Yao Wan was not in a hurry and took the initiative to control the intensity and coverage of the storm, leaving Tianleizi alone to escape temporarily.

Tianleizi watched the approaching storm behind him getting closer and closer, and his heart was already in his throat. Then he saw the storm receding quickly with his own eyes. He was far behind him. The exciting experience was like riding a roller coaster. Tianleizi couldn't help but feel My back was wet with cold sweat.

But Tianleizi also knew that this was definitely not because the mysterious Dou Zun had no remaining strength, but he just didn't want this game to end so soon.

Sure enough, just as the storm receded, several sword blades formed by condensing energy came from behind, targeting Tianleizi's vital points, without any intention of leaving him any way to survive.

Tianleizi cursed secretly in his heart and immediately increased his speed. However, he felt his wrist suddenly become cold and he suddenly lost consciousness.

Tianleizi lowered his head and saw his wrist dripping with blood. Then he felt a chill on his back and quickly turned sideways. Three rays of sword energy were aimed at his vitals at different angles and speeds. Tianleizi couldn't help but If he dared to attack, he would have no choice but to continue running away in confusion.

But no matter how superb Fenglei Pavilion's physical fighting skills are, it is inevitable that he will fall victim to his absolute strength.

The sword energy lasted endlessly, but after a few rounds of attacks, Tianleizi was already covered in blood.

The sword wounds ranged from minor to severe, but Tianleizi managed to avoid those fatal injuries to some extent, but even so, the feeling of having thousands of swords piercing his body was not at all uncomfortable.

Fortunately among the misfortunes, Tianleizi finally withstood the countless sword energy and finally crossed the thousand-mile distance from Yaowan.

It's just that this is definitely not a minor injury to Tianleizi. The high spirits when he came here are completely different from the embarrassment that he is almost a bloody man now. Yaowan naturally obeyed when he saw this. Promise, the storm and sword energy just dissipated in an instant.

Seeing that he finally escaped from Yao Wan's thousand-mile attack, Tianleizi breathed a sigh of relief, and at the same time, his breath suddenly became weak.

"Oh, I'm not dead yet. I'm a good dancer. Don't dance next time. Remember, stay away from strangers you don't know next time. Otherwise, I can't guarantee that anyone will have such a good temper like me. .”

Yaowan's laughter continued for thousands of miles, but Tianleizi's body trembled violently like chaff.

And Feng Qing'er also felt a sigh of relief in her heart. Is this person a good-tempered person? Of course she has a good temper, but unfortunately she is the type who can joke with you one second and crush your soul into slag with a smile the next second. Whether her temper is good or not is very important to Yaowan. There is no need to judge at all.

Tianleizi's aura gradually weakened, but he still cupped his hands towards Yaowan before leaving in embarrassment.

"Oh, I finally had a lot of fun, but it turned out that it didn't take much beating. I didn't even exert myself, and I almost died."

Yaowan sat on Tianyaohuang's back and said boredly.

Of course, what she said was all the truth. The hands she showed just now were just superficial skills that she had learned when she was teaching Nalan. They were just applied according to her own understanding. They were not even fighting skills, and they were not even a fighting skill. He didn't use his fighting spirit very much.

In the end, he almost beat that Tianleizi to death. Although Yaowan didn't care about the life or death of those who offended her or those who had murderous intentions towards her, since she had made a promise, she would not make amends. Things like knives come.

If you can save a breath, then there is no need to bother.

As she spoke, Yao Wan couldn't help but stroke the soft feathers of the Sky Demon Phoenix and said, "Thank you for your hard work, little Phoenix."

Feng Qing'er secretly breathed a sigh of relief in her heart. What she was most worried about was that the existence of Tianleizi would make Yao Wan dissatisfied with her, so she would torment her even more, but now it seems like -

No, no, isn't she the kind of person who can do very bad things even though she is smiling?

When she thought of this, Feng Qing'er, who had calmed down for the time being, became nervous again.

She did realize that the gap between Yao Wan and her could no longer be described in words. Although Yun Ni was in the same world, Yao Wan and she were not at the same level.

A touch of despair enveloped Feng Qing'er's heart, and this was what Yao Wan wanted Feng Qing'er to see and truly feel.

In the final analysis, Feng Qing'er's arrogance is not about blood, but the strength that is born after blood takes root and sprouts.

But what Yaowan is showing now is also strength, but the gap between the two is enough for the latter to crush the former mercilessly.

And this is the beginning of so-called obedience and taming.

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