Fighting is broken, but the heroine script

Chapter 352 Little Medical Fairy: It’s over and got caught

Tianleizi didn't know what Venerable Lei thought when he later saw him looking bruised and embarrassed, but Tianleizi couldn't keep his old face off.

When he returned to the Beige, Tianleizi didn't even have time to change into his blood-stained clothes before he saw the astonished Venerable Lei.


Tianleizi lost all face, so he naturally had no choice but to smile awkwardly in front of Lord Lei to ease his current embarrassment.

"What the hell is going on?!"

Venerable Lei couldn't help but ask, his tone sounding more like anger than worry.

It was as if his face had been stripped clean by others unknowingly, and he even felt a burning pain as if he had been slapped in the face.

Venerable Lei was naturally furious. He didn't even need Tianleizi to explain anything to him. He could completely guess why Tianleizi was injured like this.

Naturally, Tianleizi had no choice but to tell Lord Lei what had happened to him recently, but he was shocked and angry. A woman with Dou Zun cultivation from a mysterious force enslaved the future heir of Fenglei Pavilion as a mount? He even killed three Douzong elders and seriously injured the North Pavilion Pavilion Master. He actually did so many things to humiliate Fenglei Pavilion?

Even if the opponent is a Dou Zun of the same level as himself, Venerable Lei can't control his furious emotions now. Is this really unreasonable? Does he really think that no one in Fenglei Pavilion can deal with her? !

And according to Tianleizi's description, it is not difficult for Master Lei to guess that the reason why Tianleizi was able to save his life was naturally not because of his own ability, but because he was simply treated as a temporary amusement and joke by the woman. .

It is really unbearable. If this news really spreads, how will Fenglei Pavilion be able to establish a foothold in Zhongzhou in the future? !

After figuring out the ins and outs of the matter, Lord Lei had no intention of settling the matter. No matter how difficult the problem was to solve, he had to solve it!

However, for a strong Dou Zun, this is obviously not something Fenglei Pavilion can solve on its own.

Naturally, it still needs some help.

When he thought of this, Lord Lei's brows that could kill a fly relaxed slightly and said: "Well, it's really hard for you to be able to come back alive from the hands of the powerful Dou Zun without even being reduced to a useless person. , let me handle the rest!"

Tianleizi couldn't help but have a flash of astonishment in his eyes, and a little bit of fear from the medicine that he didn't even realize was slowly taking root in his heart.

"What...what are you going to do?"

"Send someone to contact the Sky Demon Phoenix Clan. All the clan members have been captured by others and used as mounts. I don't believe that they are still turning a deaf ear."

There was a hint of determination in Venerable Lei's tone.

Tianleizi couldn't help but smile bitterly when he saw this. His understanding of Lord Lei didn't just happen in a day or two. Now that he had made this decision, there was naturally nothing he could do to persuade him.

"You mean to let people from the Sky Demon Phoenix Clan deal with that person?"

"That's natural. The battle between Dou Zun is long. It may not be possible to stop this guy. New fighting power must be added. Although he is just a timid person who hides his head and tail, he is still a Dou Zun after all. Just with his strength The power of Fenglei Pavilion is difficult to capture.”

Venerable Lei snorted coldly and then said.

"That's...that's fine."

Regarding Venerable Lei's unknown self-confidence, Tianleizi opened his mouth slightly, but in the end he didn't say much. He could only look at him with a look of hidden pity. It was obvious that he didn't know what he had experienced. .

Forget it, if you speak now, you will inevitably be regarded as that you are afraid of that person... But this is indeed the case. That terrifying figure is deeply ingrained in your mind. Even if you try to forget it, you will probably forget it countless times. Waking up from the nightmare, this lingering nightmare is obviously still punishing me for not having eyes, and I really deserve it.

As for Venerable Lei, I can only wish him good luck and good luck in martial arts.

"Okay, your injuries are not serious. Go back and rest quickly."

Seeing Tianleizi in blood-clothed clothes really made Venerable Lei very uncomfortable. He waved his hand and asked him to go back to rest, which was regarded as out of sight.

After Tianleizi left, Venerable Lei's expression turned completely gloomy. If this revenge is not avenged, how will Fenglei Pavilion gain a foothold in Zhongzhou in the future?

Therefore, he didn't delay in informing Tianleizi just now, and he could send someone to contact the Tianyaohuang Clan.


But until the end, Yao Wan could not find any trace of Xiao Yan and the others in the Northern Territory, which forced her to give up the idea of ​​continuing to search or wait here. After all, it was not like Xiao Yan could not run with a broken leg. , I'm afraid he won't be much slower than himself when he sneaks up.

After experiencing these twists and turns, Yao Wan could clearly feel that the little phoenix beneath her had been tamed a lot invisibly. Although she pretended not to speak from the beginning to the end, not everything was necessary. Speak it to understand.

It was like the reaction of the Heavenly Demon Phoenix under her body, which changed from a trembling of despair to one of peace of mind. This was undoubtedly proof that she was gradually becoming attached to and tamed by herself.

But this is just the first step, the days are still long.

Just when Yao Wan was about to let the little phoenix fly out of the North Territory, there was a slight ripple in the originally unresponsive perception. Yao Wan turned her head sharply and looked at the vague feeling. direction of coming.

It's just that it's not the reaction of the flame of life, but more like other strange fires?

A glimmer of interest arose in Yao Wan's heart. Although she was not very interested in the strange fire, Xiao Yan was definitely interested. If she could get a strange fire in vain, it would not be considered a wasted trip.

"Okay, little Phoenix, it's time for us to go."

Yaowan said: "Go east."


Feng Qing'er was slightly startled, but she couldn't help but feel a little frightened. Could it be that she was planning to go to Fenglei Pavilion to eradicate the weeds?

But she didn't dare to ask casually, so she fluttered her wings and galloped towards the east.

After the Douzong-level Sky Demon Phoenix revealed its true form, it was naturally incredibly fast. After a while, Yao Wan's perception of the strange fire became clearer.

But at the same time, she also realized why she could suddenly feel the presence of the strange fire even though she was thousands of miles away. Just now, the mountains were far away, and the mountains and rivers separated her. She just had a vague feeling in her heart. , and as she gradually approached the breath of strange fire, Yao Wan suddenly realized that this breath of strange fire was extremely familiar to herself.

It seems to be the aura of the Netherworld Poison Fire. If she hadn't personally helped Xiao Yan refine and devour this strange fire, such a thin aura would probably even be ignored by her subconsciously.

However, she didn't feel any other strange fire auras, nor any reaction from the flames of life, so it was most likely not Xiao Yan.

Who could it be if it wasn't Xiao Yan? The Nether Poison Fire is not like other strange fires. It takes thousands of years for the energy of the underground world to take shape. This thing almost only appears in the ancient Nether Poison Lake, and it is only possible to appear in the Izumo Empire, which is sitting on the ruins of the Nether Poison Lake. Although this thing doesn't rank high on the strange fire list, it can be regarded as the only thing that scorpions can do.

Since it wasn't Xiao Yan, there was only one person Yao Wan could think of.

And when the Sky Demon Phoenix flew high in the sky, the silver-haired beauty who was lost here naturally noticed such a gorgeous movement.

As soon as she looked up, she saw the colorful bird flying in her direction, which made her feel alert.

Naturally, she had heard of the name of the Sky Demon Phoenix Clan, one of the three major warcraft races, but she did not expect that she would encounter such beasts not long after arriving in Zhongzhou.

However, why does it look like the demon phoenix is ​​coming for me this day? There doesn't seem to be anything in her that is worthy of Tian Yaohuang's attention, right?

After all, she is covered in poison, and ordinary people can't even get close to her. What is good to her is poison that others avoid, even if it is taken by others, it will be of no use.

But now that they are coming to her door, she is not afraid. The soldiers will stop them, and the water will cover them up.

But when the demon phoenix flew closer, and she was preparing to fight, she caught a glimpse of a familiar figure.

Even though he was wearing a cloak and his figure was completely covered, he could still be recognized at a glance by those who knew each other too well.

"——Sister Wan?"

The little fairy doctor was slightly startled, and then he was full of surprises.

"I knew it was Xian'er. I didn't see Xiao Yan, but I didn't expect to see you first. I haven't seen you for a few years, and Xian'er looks much better."

Meeting an old friend in a foreign land, Yao Wan saw that he was really a medical fairy, so she flew down and gave the medical fairy a big hug.

However, facing Yao Wan who was so enthusiastic and genuinely happy to meet again, the little medical fairy was inevitably a little unnatural in dealing with it, and could even be said to be a little embarrassed.

How can I put it, now that I have met Sister Wan again, the little medical fairy is even a little bit expecting Sister Wan to get angry at me and put on airs, so that at least I can feel less guilty in my heart. Who would have thought that it would end up like this? …

The little medical fairy was embarrassed and had a headache. To be honest, she didn't even think about how to explain it to Sister Wan, but she happened to bump into her not long after she arrived in Zhongzhou.

"Ahem, cough, cough - well, sister Wan, please take off the hat first. It's really uncomfortable for you to hold me like this..."

The little medical fairy said weakly, but she smiled bitterly in her heart. If Sister Wan got to the bottom of it, she would probably want to die.

Looking good? Since Xiao Yan came back, she has been moisturized, and her complexion and other things...can it be bad...

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