Fighting is broken, but the heroine script

Chapter 354 Poison Fire Slough

His eyes moved away from Feng Qing'er unconsciously. To be honest, the little medical fairy himself was still a little hesitant to tell what happened between them in front of Feng Qing'er.

However, Yaowan's reaction was naturally to answer the little medical fairy, and her worries seemed a bit unnecessary.

From Yao Wan's point of view, Feng Qing'er has been unable to escape from her grasp for a long time, so what would happen if she knew about it?

Yao Wan's idea is natural. Although it is risky, it is also a natural reaction. After noticing Sister Wan's reaction, the little medical fairy naturally lost her worries in this regard and continued: "So, I was about to go It’s just that Zhongzhou is so big, it’s not that easy to find them. Is Sister Wan familiar with Zhongzhou?”

"I'm not familiar with it. I'm really not familiar with it. To be honest, it's my first time here."

Yaowan shook her head and explained: "I also noticed that something seems to have happened on your side, but thinking about it since Xiao Yan is here with you, it is estimated that there will not be any big problems, so when you deal with it, When those troublesome guys were in trouble, I went to visit several other continental borders and cleaned up a lot of garbage, and I happened to catch up with you not long after I finished."

The little fairy doctor was startled when he heard this, and couldn't help but said: "Is it possible that Sister Wan is talking about... the Spirit-Devouring Clan?"

"Well, they are the ones who swallow the spiritual energy of heaven and earth, the blood of living creatures, and the treasures of heaven and earth, and turn them into their own use... The name of the Spirit-Swallowing Clan is really well used."

Yao Wan sighed, but she didn't sound very prepared. Just seeing Sister Wan's appearance, the little doctor knew that the Devouring Spirit Clan would definitely not be able to defeat her.

"But I wonder if it's the Northwest Continent. Have the Spirit-Devouring Clan also appeared on the borders of other continents? It seems that the Spirit-Devouring Clan's offensive is far more terrifying than we initially imagined. When we were in the Northwest Continent, we were mostly I thought this was a force similar to that of the Snake People, but in the past two years, in order to resist the attack of the Spirit Devouring Clan, the snakes and humans who had been fighting each other began to unite."

The Little Medical Fairy shook her head, but her reaction and expression were not as relaxed and freehand as Yao Wan's. The Swallowing Spirit Tribe was probably a formidable enemy that would never stop fighting. In the Northwest Continent, its scale was not large enough for the Dou Sect. And that was just the advance team of the Spirit-Devouring Clan. The real main force was far from coming on stage, and I was afraid that it would be another bloody battle by then.

"The Snake Tribe has actually begun to coexist peacefully with humans...could it be because of Xiao Yan?"

Yao Wan tilted her head and asked knowingly.

"From a certain perspective, the snake people and humans can coexist peacefully and fight against the enemy together. Xiao Yan does play a big role."

The corners of the little doctor's mouth trembled slightly, and she was a little unsure about paying attention. What if Sister Wan becomes furious after hearing this? But it was obvious that the little medical fairy's worries were beyond her psychological acceptance.

"What's the role of the relationship between Xiao Yan and Medusa? Isn't it just that a girl...child was created underground in Tianfen Qi Refining Tower? There is no need to make a fuss about Xian'er. Your sister Wan's mental endurance is not that weak. .”

Regarding this kind of thing, Yaowan's memory is not very good and she has forgotten many storylines, but she can only remember this scene fresh.

Yao Wan, who had already expected the incident, naturally didn't bother to pretend to be shocked. She was the daughter of Xiao Yan and Medusa anyway, so what did it have to do with her? Will you give me that little girl to help you take care of your baby in the future? Forget it, if she takes care of others when her problem is too big, she will eventually raise a dangerous sadist. There is no need to have another person with such a bad personality like her.

It's just that the light and gentle smell of the medicine is indeed as stimulating as thunder in the eyes of the little medical fairy.

It can even be described as shocking.

No, why did Sister Wan really not react at all? There was even a hint of happiness in his words.

Such a strange reaction and abnormal attitude made the little medical fairy suddenly have to recall a ridiculous idea he had with Sister Wan during the time they lived together before they left Canaan College.

Well, it’s unclear how Xiao Yan made Sister Wan fall in love, but let’s put this matter aside for now and just talk about the result. Why does Sister Wan always seem so laid-back when Xiao Yan is with other women? It’s gotten to the point where it doesn’t matter if an unknown child comes, and he even wants to pay his share of the money directly.

This is abnormal no matter how you look at it, so the little medical fairy is not going to make excuses for Sister Wan this time.

So...Sister Wan, maybe she has some special hobby for cuckolds or something...

This can't be blamed on the little medical fairy. After all, according to the description, isn't this an inexplicable desire for a cuckold? Even the perspective of substitution is not something that ordinary people can bear, but Sister Wan is able to stand out from it and take on such a... well, special role... The little medical fairy now knows that it is a bad thing.

"Sister Wan, I know everyone has their own interests and hobbies, but you can't be like this."

The little medical fairy was anxious, and now she felt even more guilty.


"What are you talking about? Xian'er?"

Yao Wan's face was full of questions. Was Xian'er thinking about something?


The little medical fairy was suddenly stuck. After all, this was something that was really unspeakable. He could only hint to her crazily: "This... this matter is very important...!"

"Is it important? It's okay. I had already predicted that this would happen between Medusa and Xiao Yan. The two of them tried their best to stop it. It can be regarded as the end of the world line."

Yao Wan calmly said some words that others could not understand, and then said.

The little medical fairy held her forehead, it was over, even though she knew a lot about Sister Wan, she was still deeply shocked when she realized this.

And since Sister Wan didn't admit it, she just pretended that nothing happened in front of Sister Wan.

But even so, you can't really pretend that nothing is wrong, especially in front of other women. Sister Wan's strange hobbies must not be exposed, otherwise it will be over!

The little medical fairy then shook her head, trying to expel all these messy thoughts from her mind.

"Forget it, let's not talk about this anymore."

The little medical fairy could only skip this topic and said: "Anyway, Xiao Yan is... well, quite busy right now."

"Busy, it's better to be busy."

Yaowan didn't understand what the little medical fairy meant, so she raised the corners of her mouth slightly and said.

She wished that Xiao Yan would be more busy in terms of relationships, so that he would not have the time to make plans for herself.

The little medical fairy understood that Sister Wan was probably a little resentful, and couldn't help but said for Xiao Yan: "There is nothing we can do about it."

"Okay, Xian'er doesn't need to speak for Xiao Yan, I understand."

Yao Wan shook her head helplessly and said, "Xian'er, how long have you been with him? Why are your elbows turned outward?"

The Little Medical Fairy was slightly startled, but it was difficult to say. After all, for the Little Medical Fairy today, turning her elbows outward toward Sister Wan seemed to be the way she understood it.

"Forget it, don't talk about this anymore, otherwise you will have to bring it back sooner or later."

Yao Wan couldn't help but look at the little medical fairy curiously, and said: "But I am more curious about how the fairy has the breath of poisonous fire in the nether world. The poisonous fire of Poison Body Young Pill alone should not be enough for me to detect it. That’s right.”

"Oh, this."

The little medical fairy reacted, and a wisp of dark purple poisonous fire ignited on her fingertips, and said: "When we faced enemies before, Xiao Yan often lent me the poisonous fire."

"Oh, that's it. The combination of poisonous body and poisonous fire must be a very terrifying increase, right? Among the same level, there are probably very few people who can be your opponent."

Yaowan nodded, and then looked at the wisp of deep purple poisonous fire ignited at the fingertips of the Little Medical Fairy. Then he caught a glimpse of the center of the wisp of poisonous fire. The deepest purple color gradually appeared. A strange dark green.

"But it seems that the compatibility between Poison Fire and your Poison Body is too good."

Yao Wan signaled, and the little medical fairy was slightly startled, and then noticed that the poisonous fire remaining on his body seemed to be undergoing some kind of change.

"Did the form of the strange fire actually change due to the poison body's transformation...?"

Yao Wan paused, and a thought suddenly emerged in her mind, saying: "Does Xian'er want to have his own strange fire?"

"Sister Wan is talking about the poisonous fire? But the poisonous fire is Xiao Yan's thing, right? The strange fire is very important to him, and I can't steal his things."

At this moment, the little medical fairy shook her head firmly and said.

"Who told you that you were going to steal Xiao Yan's strange fire? Silly girl."

Yao Wan smiled and said: "What I mean is, let Xiao Yan separate out a trace of the original fire of the poisonous fire and give it to you for you to cultivate. You are a poisonous body. The possibility of cultivating other strange fires may be very small, but the poisonous fire The compatibility with you is really high, the probability of success is very high, and depending on how many times you have used Poison Fire, the Poison Fire in your body has already developed a certain degree of evolutionary trend. Given time, your fire will definitely grow into A powerful alien fire that surpasses the poisonous fire itself."


The little medical fairy blinked her eyes. Although she had always known that Sister Wan had some fantastic ideas that ordinary people did not dare to think of, the idea of ​​artificially cultivating strange fire seemed a bit too bold.

"What's so true about this? Didn't I raise the Flame of Life by myself?"

Yaowan scratched the little medical fairy's nose and said with a smile: "Wait, after I find Xiao Yan back, I will try it for you."

"Even after you develop the evolved poisonous fire, you can continue to feed it back to Xiao Yan, allowing his poisonous fire to transform into a powerful strange fire at the Douzong or even Douzun level."

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