Fighting is broken, but the heroine script

Chapter 355 Even if you scream, no one will pay attention to you

"If it can help Xiao Yan - of course that would be great."

The little medical fairy showed little interest in what Yao Wan said about improving her own strength. However, when she mentioned Xiao Yan, she became interested. Yao Wan couldn't help but sigh and shook her head slightly. She really got married. Aunt...

She was slightly startled, then calmly raised her forehead, bah bah bah, what was she thinking? What kind of water is thrown out by a married girl? It's not her turn to say this.

However, Xian'er's being able to be with Xiao Yan now can be regarded as a blessing among misfortunes. It is better than being dragged down by some strange fire.

"Well, if that's the case, can Xian'er feel where Xiao Yan is?"

Yao Wan thought for a moment, and since she had already arrived in Zhongzhou, there was no need to follow any procedures. She should go to Xingyun Pavilion as soon as possible, resurrect Yao Lao, and then join forces with the Yao Clan to pull out the Soul Clan's teeth in the Soul Palace. Okay, let’s think about things about the Spirit Devouring Clan again.

Of course, if the Spirit-Devouring Tribe came faster than she expected, then she would have to deal with the Spirit-Devouring Tribe first.

"There is nothing we can do about this. After all, not everyone is Sister Wan. She has a strong spiritual sense and can see thousands of miles away as if she were just a few feet away."

The little medical fairy shook her head and said.

Yao Wan paused, it seemed like it was true, but she took it for granted.

"In that case, let's go first."

Yaowan said, and then said: "Little Phoenix, let's go."

Feng Qing'er remained silent, thinking that she was mute. The tall and graceful figure was then shrouded in colorful light, and under the colorful divine feathers, the five-colored divine bird appeared.

"Xian'er, come up."

The medicine wand fell gently on the back of Tian Yaohuang, then turned his head to look at the little medical fairy and said.

"...To be honest, even now, I'm still a little surprised."

The little medical fairy shook her head, then took a step forward to generate wind, and landed steadily beside the medicine wand.

The body of the Sky Demon Phoenix is ​​not small. Even if there is one person on its back, it still looks very spacious. Just because the feathers of the Sky Demon Phoenix are soft and smooth, it is not easy for ordinary people to stand firm, let alone the sky after showing its true form. The speed of the demon phoenix is ​​not slow, that is to say, Dou Zong can barely stand still by relying on the power of space. If he is a Dou Emperor, standing on the back of the demon phoenix is ​​worse than flying steadily by himself, so why bother?

"Then our destination is...?"

The little medical fairy said subconsciously.

"Let's just wander around for the time being. Xiao Yan can't be found, and Xian'er isn't safe, right? In addition, the tail is still there. It's easy to get into trouble if you go back casually. If you find me alone, I will naturally accompany you, but if you are troubled, I won't be the only one. Then it’s hard for me to say it, it’s very annoying to be talked about.”

"By the way, has Xian'er's poison elixir method made any progress?"

"We still lack the seventh-level magic core of the Sky Poison Scorpion Dragon Beast...what's wrong?"

"Hmm... Then how far can Xian'er be supported by the current poisonous fire?"

Yaowan pondered for a while. Now that he has come to Zhongzhou, it seems that it is not good to continue leisurely. It is time to speed up the upgrade.

"As long as you haven't broken through Dou Zun, there shouldn't be any problems."

The Little Medical Fairy said that after Xiao Yan lent Poison Fire to her from time to time, the Little Medical Fairy felt that the Poison Body Young Pill inside seemed to take shape further, and the Young Pill became more solid, which to a certain extent eliminated the Little Doctor. Xian's worries, after all, in her imagination, it would take some time for her to break through Douzun, at least not as fast as she could break through Douhuang Douzong before.

"Is that so? Then we still need to find Xiao Yan?"

Yaowan sighed and walked around again.

"Where did this bastard go?"


While Yao Wan and the Little Medical Fairy were in the desolation of the Northern Territory, Xiao Yan slowly opened his eyes.

As soon as he opened his eyes, he felt a burning pain. Xiao Yan suddenly took a breath of air and struggled tentatively for a while.

As soon as he opened his eyes, Xiao Yan saw a vague but extremely familiar purple silhouette flashing in front of him.

Then Xiao Yan felt his body being hugged... to be precise, he was "lifted".

Ah...this is really...a familiar feeling.

Xiao Yan, who was still a little confused, suddenly woke up.

This familiar pushing feeling on the back... Even if he was blind, he knew it must be Zi Yan.

"Xiao Yan?! Are you awake?! You finally woke up... It scared me to death. I thought you were dead!"

Zi Yan's concern was beyond words, but the way this Warcraft girl expressed her concern was a little more experiential than the average person.

Xiao Yan was speechless at the way Zi Yan expressed concern. Those who didn't know it thought Zi Yan was looking forward to his death.

"...Thank you for your concern, but if you keep wandering around, I'm afraid I'm not far away from death."

Xiao Yan only felt that his mouth was so dry that it was as uncomfortable as swallowing sand. In addition, after being tormented by Zi Yan, a girl who didn't know how to take care of others, Xiao Yan only felt that he did not die in the Soul Palace and the Spirit Devouring Clan. He would die in her hands.

It would be too funny if he really died like this.

"Ah, sorry."

The strength in Zi Yan's hands became lighter. She couldn't control her strength when she was nervous. She was originally a monster, and human strength was as fragile and fragile as tofu to her. As for her, she is always cautious when dealing with things on weekdays, but when she gets nervous, there will inevitably be situations where she loses control of herself.

"Is this a little better?"

Zi Yan asked.

"Almost... at least he won't die."

Xiao Yan exhaled and said.

Then, Xiao Yan, who gradually came back to his senses, struggled to stand up and look around. Zi Yan silently helped him up.

At this moment, the two of them were in a cave. There were some blood-stained gauze piled beside them. Xiao Yan recognized that it was the Qiansi gauze that Miss Wan had given him. When he left Zhongzhou, he was worried about Nalan. So I gave her half of the Qiansi yarn.

There are restrictions in Xiao Yan's own ring, and Zi Yan probably can't get her share of Qiansi Sha, so speaking of that

"Where's Nalan?"

Xiao Yan couldn't help but said.

"Sister Nalan said that there are different evil beasts appearing around here. They seem different from ordinary monsters. I can't control them. She asked me to take care of you while she went to clean up the evil beasts wandering around."

Zi Yan explained, Xiao Yan paused, and then said: "Aren't you stronger than her? You would generally like this kind of work more, right?"

"That's because you didn't wake up a few days ago. I have been cleaning up for several days, but I just don't know why. The evil beasts here seem to be endless. Even after cleaning up these evil beasts today, there are only a few The sky will still come out, Sister Nalan has been taking care of you for several days, that is to say, today she really can't stand me running outside every day, so she asked me to change my shift today to take care of you."

Zi Yan didn't hide much, and then she pointed Xiao Yan to look at the pile of Qiansi yarn that had been replaced, and said: "In order to protect Sister Nalan during the space storm, you were seriously injured. It was Sister Nalan who helped you." Bandage, change the bandage, the strong wind carries the power of space, you are a human body, you are very lucky not to be torn to pieces."

"That's it..."

Xiao Yan did have some impressions about this, and then he couldn't help but look at Zi Yan with an incomprehensible look. He suddenly said while thinking: "It seems to be true when I think about it."

Although Xiao Yan didn't say anything, Zi Yan suddenly became anxious and complained: "Hey, what kind of look do you have?! It looks like I don't know how to take care of people at all." Look like that! Even though you didn’t say anything, I always feel offended!”

"So, Zi Yan, do you really know how to take care of people?"

Xiao Yan said half jokingly, half sarcastically, which naturally aroused Zi Yan's competitive spirit.

"Nonsense! Of course I-"

As Zi Yan spoke, she was about to pat her now exaggerated chest, but she got stuck before she could finish her words.

After all, this is more or less lying with open eyes, even in front of strangers, but who is Xiao Yan and her? The relationship between two people is basically that they know what the other person is going to fart at every turn, and it's really embarrassing to say it like this.

"Of course what?"

"Hey - don't you know me yet? Humph, I don't want to take care of you."

Zi Yan couldn't pretend anymore. At this moment, she just felt confused. How could Sister Xian'er and Sister Nalan have the temperament to sit down and accompany Xiao Yan all day long? She would have been bored to death long ago.

Seeing that Zi Yan finally told the truth, Xiao Yan couldn't help but shook his head and said: "I didn't expect you to take care of me - to be honest, when I opened my eyes and saw your shadow for the first time, I still thought I thought I was in heaven."

"Ah? Why?"

Zi Yan asked.

"Because you don't know how to take care of people at all!"

Xiao Yan's answer was so natural: "A person who doesn't take good care of himself yet comes to take care of me? Then of course I feel like I'm dead too."


Zi Yan felt that Xiao Yan's answer was heartbreaking but she was unable to refute, but in the end she heard Xiao Yan say: "Fortunately, after I woke up, your familiar strength and pushing feeling on my back immediately made me understand that I am still alive, thank you, Zi Yan.”

"I - how about I strangle you to death now? When Sister Nalan comes back, I will tell her that you can't hold it back on your own!"

Naturally, Zi Yan couldn't defeat Xiao Yan, but since she couldn't be a giant in words, she might as well be a saw in actions. Whenever this happened, Zi Yan felt a sense of relief. Sure enough, when she thought of such a thing, she I am just a Warcraft, so there is no need to think too much, and many things will naturally be solved.

"Is there anyone who takes care of people like you? Be careful I accuse you of being a quack!"

"——Ha, you sue, you sue, I tell you, no one will pay attention to you even if your throat is broken here!"

Zi Yan laughed wildly.

Only Nalan Yanran, who heard Zi Yan's heroic words but was messy in the wind, was left at the entrance of the cave.

Nalan Yanran: "?"

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