Nalan Yanran was startled, as if she didn't expect Xiao Yan to say this, and subconsciously wanted to pull away her hand. However, although Xiao Yan's hand was not strong, Nalan Yanran felt really bad all of a sudden. Shake him off.

Nalan Yanran's resentment was hard to understand, but seeing that she couldn't escape Xiao Yan's grasp, she had no choice but to say in embarrassment: Can't they be friends?

Xiao Yan smiled, but even if she ignored the thoughts reflected in her heart at the moment, Nalan Yanran saw his expression and knew that her statement could not be justified in any case.

She was secretly worried, what happened to this guy? Have you never seen him like this before?

Xiao Yan was waiting for Nalan Yanran to reply, but Nalan Yanran just wanted to pretend to be dead and avoid this. At this moment, Yun Potian's voice came from under the formation: "Okay, stop flirting now, I There is still some serious business here, so come down first, this old guy like me won’t live long, at least let me finish explaining the matter for the time being, right?”


Nalan Yanran suddenly choked on her own spit, and a violent cough made her pretty face turn red. Then she glared fiercely at Xiao Yan, who had an innocent face, and flew into the big formation in front of him with him. middle.

After flying into the space where the ghost was previously, Nalan Yanran and Xiao Yan no longer felt the ominous and evil aura, but instead only felt a sense of emptiness.

Under the formation was a huge underground space. The closer he got to the ground, Xiao Yan felt an extraordinarily strong sword intent surging like a tide, as deep as the sea.

"here it is……?"

While feeling the surge of sword intent, Nalan Yanran's delicate body trembled, and then she extended her gaze, only to see a dazzling silvery gray below.

Xiao Yan couldn't help but raise his eyebrows. At the lowest point of the underground cavity here, there is a silver-gray crystal with a metallic luster that is a hundred feet high. It maintains the shape of exploding in all directions like an explosion. It seems that all this is... It was as if it was frozen in the moment of destruction.

And from the silver-gray crystal with metallic luster, it radiated an energy that was different from the sword intent that settled and surged around like sea water, which touched Xiao Yan.

"What a pure energy of heaven and earth. Is this actually a naturally formed force of heaven and earth?"

There was a hint of surprise and shock in Xiao Yan's tone. Now that he has become the Dou Huang, both his strength and his vision are different from those of the past. The energy contained in the huge explosive crystal with metallic luster in front of him is much higher than that of the past. Heart Tempering Body Milk is even better.

It's no wonder that Xiao Yan was so surprised. After all, even the birth of the Earth's Core Tempering Body Milk is already a very, very rare thing. Even if the world is so vast and rare and unusual, it is a bit too outrageous.

"No, even though there are many treasures in the world, it is almost impossible to create something with the energy of heaven and earth on this scale."

Yun Potian shook his head and said.

"Then let's put it this way..."

"...This was formed by the final explosion and cooling of the energy of heaven and earth that he devoured at the moment I killed the devil."

Yun Potian said: "That guy was a strong man in the peak realm of Nine-turn Dou Zun before his death. During the era when I was active, he came from the Northwest Continent and devoured and absorbed the energy of heaven and earth from many spiritual veins in the Northwest Continent. He almost reached the level of a semi-saint. realm."

"This is the trouble with the Swallowing Spirit Clan. It's not troublesome to kill him, but you must not let him go. That guy is a fish that slipped through the net. The northwest continent is remote, and if the strong Dou Sheng doesn't take action, naturally he can only let this guy go. He devours all things."

Yun Potian said as he flew off the cloud head.

"Then how did the ancestor give this devil to..."

Nalan Yanran hesitated for a moment and couldn't help but ask. After all, according to Yun Potian, the strong man from the Swallowing Spirit Clan was rampant in the northwest continent for a while, and even his tentacles had reached Zhongzhou.

Semi-saint... this term was too unfamiliar to Nalan Yanran, but she could imagine that it was definitely a chasm and ravine that stretched across Douzun.

"There's nothing to say. I destroyed the devil, but I also died. It was only at the last moment that I used the advantage of the Wujian Mountain to trap the devil's soul, and sealed it for a thousand years. I had a stalemate with him. millennium."

Yun Potian then looked at Nalan Yanran and said: "Speaking of it, I really didn't stay in Yunlan Sect for too long. The original intention of establishing Yunlan Sect was to prevent the situation like that devil from happening again. But later on, in order to deal with the devil, I basically stayed in the Wujian Mountain layout."

"You say I am your ancestor, but I may not be worthy of your title."

Nalan Yanran was startled, but she did not expect that the ancestor would actually say this. But to be honest, although the Yunlan Sect respected Yun Potian as the founder, for this ancestor, apart from his name, The people of Yunlan Sect knew almost nothing about him.

"But even so, you are still our ancestor. Even the dew of kindness should be repaid with springs, let alone the kindness of passing on the teacher?"

Nalan Yanran replied seriously, Yun Potian didn't take it seriously and just smiled. Whether she was sincere or just pretending, Yun Potian was quite happy.

"I have descendants like you, so it's worthwhile to leave a legacy in the past... Oh no, if my legacy was still there, I'm afraid you wouldn't find it here."

Yun Potian was about to sigh, but he realized that he had failed before he could finish his words. He just smiled dumbly and said, "That's all. This was the sin he committed in the first place. He can't blame future generations."

"What level of sword art are you practicing now?"

"Back to the ancestor, it's the Xuanjie Kung Fu, the Qingyun Sword Technique."

"Qingyun Sword? No."

Yun Potian looked at Nalan Yanran, but shook his head: "Your sword energy is like a rainbow, how can you cultivate to such a state at such a young age with only the Qingyun Sword? That would be a bit too scary, and your fighting spirit is not It's like Qingyun Sword was born."

Nalan Yanran didn't expect that Yun Potian could even see this.

"Well, because what I am practicing now is the Earth Level Cultivation Technique modified from the Qingyun Sword Technique, that's why I can practice it so fast."

"Improve the Kung Fu? Who did it? This Kung Fu cannot be modified easily. How can you practice it to the level of Dou Huang?"

Yun Potian was immediately interested. There was a huge fundamental difference between the sword intention skills of the Yunlan Sect and other skills on the Dou Qi Continent. Even though he had only received this inheritance in the past, he had come to this point. It’s just one step. I just introduced a low-level skill that is easier to practice in Douzun. As a result, someone was able to improve the low-level skill into a high-level skill. Not to mention the benefits, it is to eliminate those fatal shortcomings and side effects. It is already extremely difficult, but how can it be upgraded?

This was almost a bigger surprise than when Yun Potian met Nalan Yanran, a descendant.

"Who is this man? Can you let me see him?"

Yun Potian immediately became interested, and he was even more concerned about it than his life which was destined to not last long.

But as soon as she finished speaking, Nalan Yanran couldn't help but look at Xiao Yan.

Just looking at the reactions of the two people, the surprise in Yun Potian's eyes gradually dissipated.

"That's it... that's right. I just can see it. I'm afraid I can't withstand the twists and turns on the road, that's all."

He shook his head, muttering to himself as if he was comforting himself, but the disappointment on his face was clear.

"In this case, I will pass on the Cangyun Sword. If nothing else, based on your current talent, given time, it shouldn't be a big problem for you to reach my level."

As Yun Potian spoke, he pointed his eyebrows at Nalan Yanran in front of Xiao Yan. Nalan Yanran blinked her eyes and felt that the sword's heart suddenly became clear, and there was something more in her mind.

Nalan Yanran subconsciously touched the center of her eyebrows, but Xiao Yan felt that Yun Potian was very happy, giving as much as he said, and not being coy about the presence of himself, an outsider.

But thinking about it carefully, Yun Potian probably didn't regard Xiao Yan as an outsider at all. Nalan Yanran seemed to be the final heir in his eyes, and Xiao Yan, as Nalan Yanran's partner, had nothing to hide.

Besides, it is also a good thing to spread your skills widely and give birth to a few more strong men who can protect the peace of one party in the future.

It's a pity that Xiao Yan's talent seems to be just as good as Nalan Yanran's, but his talent for sword training is two different things. Although Yun Potian also wants to teach him, he is afraid that Xiao Yan already has a teacher and may not be willing to accept it. .

"Then Master Ancestor, what kind of skill is this Cangyun Sword? An earth-level skill?"

Nalan Yanran couldn't help but ask, but she had some predictions in her mind. It was most likely to be an intermediate earth level, or an advanced earth level technique, right?

However, Yun Potian shook his head and said: "This sword technique does not have any level distinction. The strength or weakness depends on how far your sword intention has reached."

As soon as these words came out, Nalan Yanran and Xiao Yan were both stunned. However, the reasons for the accident were different. Nalan Yanran had naturally never heard of the martial arts without grades, so she was surprised. It seemed that this was the first time for Xiao Yan. Know that there are existences similar to Burn Jue.

"I look at your sword intention. Now Cangyun Sword should be an intermediate level skill for you. I'm afraid there won't be any improvement if you change the skill in a short period of time, but as your sword heart becomes clearer, , all obstacles will naturally become a smooth path."

Yun Potian explained.

"Then I wonder where this technique comes from? Is it so magical?"

Xiao Yan couldn't help but ask, seemingly unintentionally, but with intention.

"It was just a coincidence when I was young. There is no big use in telling you about it. But if I have to say it, I am afraid that this technique is not something that was born in Dou Qi Continent. I have also come into contact with it before. There is a huge difference between the ordinary skills and the two. It can be said to be a world of difference. The essence of the worldly skills is to use the power of heaven and earth to achieve one's own body, and this method is to use one's own will to achieve the world. Strength, the two are the reverse."

Yun Potian shook his head and said.

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