"It's not something born in Dou Qi Continent...?"

"Yes, but this is just a casual guess on my part, and it may not be taken seriously."

Yun Potian said, it's just one thing for him to say it, but it's another thing for Xiao Yan to believe it or not.

"I see……"

Xiao Yan couldn't help but was slightly startled and hesitant. After all, Yun Potian's answer inevitably reminded him of his own Burning Jue. After all, Burning Jue was the only technique he knew that went beyond the norm, and it was also everything he had created so far. It is inevitable that there will be some thoughts at the foundation of miracles.

But he didn't expect that this was not an exception. Burning Jue was not the only such special technique in the world. Xiao Yan was not jealous, but he was secretly curious about what kind of existence the Cangyun Sword Jue was now, and whether it was similar to Fen Jue. Is there some unusual connection among the secrets?

However, Xiao Yan will naturally not reveal all this. This question may only remain buried in Xiao Yan's heart until the day he gets the truth. In addition, whether it is for his own considerations or for his With Nalan Yanran's protection, Xiao Yan may not tell other people who cannot be trusted.

"Practice Cangyun Sword Technique well, and I think your future achievements will not be worse than mine."

Yun Potian looked at Nalan Yanran and said with a smile, his eyes full of expectations for future generations.

"Where, I am still far away from the realm of the ancestor..."

Although Nalan Yanran was so praised by her ancestor, she couldn't help but feel happy in her heart. She could only force herself to calm down, at least look more serious, and then said.

Yun Potian shook his head slightly and said: "I am just luckier than ordinary people in this life. I got a different secret book, which opened up the road to becoming a strong man, and killed all the enemies along the way. , all the heroes have been defeated, but when I look back, it is still empty. If I had not chosen to fight the devil in the end, I would never have felt that I had truly lived."

After Yun Potian finished speaking, he couldn't help but let out a long sigh. There was not much helplessness in the sigh, but only a sense of emptiness after letting go of everything.

Naturally, what he said was not some obedient words that would save him some face as a strong man in the end, but that was what he really thought. Xiao Yan looked at the young man in front of him who looked about the same age as himself, but he revealed a trace of helplessness. Covered by Mu Qi, he couldn't help but sigh in his heart that the hero is dying. Although he didn't know how magnificent Yun Po was before his birth, he thought that his last battle was for the thousands of creatures in Dou Qi Continent. You deserve to be called a hero.

"Oh - cough, don't look at me like that."

As if he noticed that there was some hesitation or even pity in the eyes of Xiao Yan and Nalan Yanran that he said he didn't like, Yun Potian coughed lightly. He didn't care about the contempt and ridicule of others, because he could easily These were attributed to the stupidity of others, but the only thing he couldn't bear was the pity of others.

Even though it is no longer a remnant soul, but just a trace of obsession that remains here, a touch of aura that is about to dissipate, Yun Potian does not feel that he is very pitiful.

Only pity is an insult to all the good and evil that one has done.

"Oh, by the way, there is one more thing that I need to explain to you two."

Yun Potian turned his head and looked at the huge metal-colored crystal in front of him, and said: "This object is the crystallization accumulated in the body after the demon devoured countless energies of heaven and earth. Since the demon's physical body died, I have At the cost of burning his soul, his soul was also destroyed to the last bit, so that this thing would not be polluted by the demon again."

"If you want to use it, you can take it. I am a dying person. I won't take things that I won't take with me when I am alive or dead. It's just one thing. I must not let the people of the Swallowing Spirit Clan If you get this thing again, otherwise it will inevitably give birth to an existence like that demon again, wreaking havoc on the Dou Qi Continent and causing disasters. This is the only thing I need to warn you."

Nalan Yanran and Xiao Yan naturally agreed with Yun Potian's words.

"Yeah, we know that."

"You are all sensible people, so you don't need me to say more."

Yun Potian looked at Nalan Yanran again and said, "When you came in, did you see the sword beast used to protect the mountain?"

"Sword beast?"

Nalan Yanran was startled: "So those evil beasts are called sword beasts? Are they used by the ancestor to protect the mountain?"

"Yeah, after all, it's hard to distinguish between good and evil in this world, and it's hard to tell what's true and what's false. If nothing else, even a strong Dou Zun's former dojo will attract some flies. I don't like to be disturbed, let alone Because of these people, the seal that was already on thin ice was broken, allowing the devil's remnant soul to reappear and bring harm to the world."

"Therefore, part of the destructive sword intention that I had spontaneously dispersed in the past in Wujian Mountain created a sword beast, which wanders around the Wujian Mountains every day. When ordinary people see barren mountains and wild ridges, and there are evil beasts around them, it is natural that they will I won’t go all the way to do unnecessary things.”

"However, I think you encountered some trouble because of these sword beasts when you came in. But now that the demon has been eliminated, the sword beasts have lost their target. I think they will return to wandering around the Swordless Mountain again."

Yun Potian explained with a smile: "Looking back, after you replace your own skills with Cangyun Sword, you can try to absorb the destructive sword intent composed of sword beasts, and use it with the Cangyun Sword Intention that comes with Cangyun Sword. The superposition of sword intent can ensure that you are not afraid of anyone at the same level."


Nalan Yanran glanced at Xiao Yan subconsciously, feeling a little competitive after a long absence. Xiao Yan didn't notice Nalan Yanran's little moves. He didn't have any competitive thoughts, and he just felt for Nalan Yanran. Just happy.

"Well... I really can't say this too fully. After all, there are no ordinary people who can reach a higher realm."

Yun Potian thought about it and naturally felt that it would be better to be conservative.

"As for fighting skills, there are a few moves in this Cangyun Sword that I have figured out myself, which are worthy of use. But when you reach my level, fighting skills and the like are no longer necessary. With your own swordsmanship skills, you can break mountains and divide seas with every move."

"Well, thank you, Master Ancestor."

Nalan Yanran nodded slightly. Naturally, she still had not been able to fully realize how precious everything Yun Potian taught her was, and this would require her to realize it herself during the long period of practice in the future.

After all, this is the way of swordsmanship. Although Dou Qi cannot be easily passed on to others, there is indeed a saying of passing on power in Dou Qi Continent. With the help of a strong man who has mastered a certain secret method, he can create another one of the same level at the expense of his own cultivation. Being strong, although it is by no means easy, it is not impossible either.

After explaining these things, Yun Potian's last obsession ended, and the figure that was covered in hazy white shadows became more and more illusory. Xiao Yan and Nalan Yanran undoubtedly noticed this.

A trace of reverence flashed in Nalan Yanran's eyes. Since she already knew that there was no way to keep her, she might as well give her a good trip.

"Lord Ancestor, is it almost done?"

"Well, it's almost the same."

Yun Potian nodded. Until now, his increasingly illusory and hazy appearance has not aged. This is probably the most significant difference between him and many powerful people in the same realm. Even if there is only a little aura left that is destined to dissipate, his My heart is as hot as a young man.

"My aura has been able to survive forever thanks to a trace of obsession. Now that the devil has been eliminated and the matter for future generations is over, I no longer have any worries."

Yun Potian looked at Nalan Yanran and smiled: "Speaking of which, although you are my descendant, it is only the first time that you and I have met, and we cannot say too kind words. I can only wish you good luck in the future. The road will be smooth and the martial arts will be prosperous."

Then, he turned to look at Xiao Yan and said: "As for Xiao Yan, I can only say thank you for my descendants, that's all. As for the matter between the two of them, it's not for me as an outsider to comment. If you can, treat her well."

Xiao Yan nodded slightly when he heard this.

After the words broke through the sky, the figure became more and more illusory, until finally, it turned into a faint point of light and dissipated between the sky and the earth.

"Master Ancestor, have a safe journey."

Nalan Yanran murmured softly as she watched Yun Potian's figure gradually disappearing between heaven and earth.

But there will be no sadness in the words, only reverence.

Xiao Yan looked at Nalan Yanran's back, and after a moment of silence, he held her delicate hand again.

Nalan Yanran did not struggle anymore, but silently tightened her fingers on Xiao Yan.

It's just that the sadness only lasted for a while, Nalan Yanran then said: "I will transform my skills as soon as possible. You can find Zi Yan first. This crystal must be enough for us to practice for a long time."

Xiao Yan then nodded. In addition, with this assurance regarding the relationship between the two, he is not in a hurry now and just let nature take its course.

"Then you practice, I'll go find Zi Yan."

Xiao Yan turned around and wanted to leave.

"That - Xiao Yan."

But just when Xiao Yan turned to leave, Nalan Yanran called out to Xiao Yan.

"What's wrong?"

Xiao Yan turned around with confusion on his face.

"Nothing, just asking you something..."

While Nalan Yanran sat down cross-legged, she couldn't help but said: "When you were healing your wounds some time ago, were you really practicing or just pretending?"


Xiao Yan blinked and couldn't help but feel a little strange about Nalan Yanran's inexplicable words.

"Of course you are really practicing. Why am I pretending to be fine? Was there something...that day?"

Xiao Yan looked at Nalan Yanran suspiciously, and Nalan Yanran suddenly shook her head like a rattle: "No... I just thought of it by chance, so I asked."


Xiao Yan nodded, believing that she had a ghost. Doesn't this mean something was wrong?

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