Unlike the hustle and bustle between Xiao Yan and Zi Yan, Nalan Yanran only felt like she was wrapped in an invisible cocoon, like a chrysalis transformed into a butterfly. Everything that originally belonged to her was shattered and recast. After being refined into steel, it becomes an unparalleled sword intent, like a sharp blade unsheathed.

For Nalan Yanran, this is as normal as eating and drinking.

The past before the cocoon was formed was all melted, and then filled into the butterfly container. This is probably the most appropriate state of Nalan Yanran's transformation today. The old fighting spirit and sword intent gradually merged, but the only difference from before was that the original The fighting spirit that would escape has now merged into the holder's meridians, and it will not be like when the fighting spirit dissipated, it just dissipated. Naturally, this also brought Nalan Yanran's cultivation level which was visible to the naked eye.

When the transformation of the technique was completely completed, Nalan Yanran adjusted her breathing and breathing, and then slowly opened her eyes.

As soon as he opened his eyes, he saw Xiao Yan in front of him.


Xiao Yan asked subconsciously.

"Well, everything goes well... Where is Zi Yan? Why don't you see her?"

"Her? She has gone to practice on the other side. You probably won't see her for a while."

Xiao Yan sat on the floor in front of Nalan Yanran and said.

"Is that so, you can't be the one bullying others, right?"

Nalan Yanran smiled slightly and couldn't help but come up with a very possible guess.

"I bullied her? It would be nice if she didn't bully me. Just when you were practicing just now, that guy took another bottle of pills from me."

There was a hint of dissatisfaction in Xiao Yan's tone, as if he felt a little aggrieved by Nalan's partiality.

Nalan Yanran chuckled lightly, and did not agree with Xiao Yan's words so much, and said: "How can Zi Yan, that girl, take food from your mouth? Since you can give it, you must have already planned to give it to her, right? "

Xiao Yan was slightly startled, but he didn't expect Nalan Yanran to guess so accurately.

"You guessed it right?"

Nalan Yanran looked at Xiao Yan's expression and smiled.

"Is this a guess? Your tone doesn't sound like you are guessing."

Xiao Yan crossed his arms, while Nalan Yanran couldn't help but shake her head and deny it.

Seeing that Nalan Yanran refused to admit it, Xiao Yan changed the subject and said from an angle that she would definitely care about: "Oh, by the way, I still want to ask you. That day you suddenly asked me what happened when I was recovering from my injuries. ?What's matter?"

Nalan Yanran was choked by Xiao Yan, and then her head shook like a rattle: "No, didn't I tell you everything? What a fuss."

"Is it really just me that's making a fuss?"

Xiao Yan didn't take it seriously and still looked at Nalan Yanran suspiciously, making Nalan Yanran very uncomfortable.

"You do not trust me?"

Nalan Yanran had no choice but to resort to the ancestral trust method. Normally, the other party would not dare to reply easily after such a reply.

"I just ask this because I know you so well."

Xiao Yan's answer left Nalan Yanran speechless, and she almost forgot that this guy was no ordinary person.

"Did you say something to Zi Yan?"

Xiao Yan then asked.

"You shouldn't have heard Zi Yan say anything strange, right?"

Xiao Yan's words immediately made Nalan Yanran break into cold sweat, but until now she could only pretend to be calm. After all, the more panicked, the easier it would be for the fox's tail to leak out, although the faint ominous premonition in her heart had become stronger.

"What weird words? No, Nalan, on the other hand, wouldn't have said anything to Zi Yan behind my back, right?"

"No - do you think I am that kind of person?"

Nalan Yanran denied angrily, but Xiao Yan was not surprised at her reaction and nodded slightly: "Of course I know you are not that kind of person."

"So, Nalan."

Xiao Yan was silent for a moment, and then said: "Do you like me?"

When he thought that he might have to keep it buried in his heart for the rest of his life, he asked the question lightly.

Nalan Yanran didn't know what kind of mood she was feeling now. She just took a deep breath and stood up, feeling an inexplicable resentment accumulating in her chest.

"Hey, where are you?"

"Go find Zi Yan——"

Nalan Yanran was ready to silence her. Now she only felt regretful. She shouldn't have talked so much in the first place!

"What are you going to do with Zi Yan? Sure enough, you told her this?"

"What if? Otherwise you have so many inexplicable thoughts in your mind?"

"Then what if I really asked you casually."


Nalan Yanran suddenly fell silent.


Xiao Yan was silent. He could now feel the shameful and angry feeling in Nalan Yanran. He always had the feeling that he had just feinted a shot but managed to dodge the opponent.

"you do this delibrately?"

Nalan Yanran gradually calmed down, but Xiao Yan shook his head: "It can't be said that it was intentional. If it is too deliberate, you will notice it."

"Oh...ah, how could this happen..."

Nalan Yanran couldn't help but hold her forehead and felt a headache. The feeling of having a secret that was supposed to be kept for a lifetime being discovered like this was not a good feeling for her.

"There's no need to hide this kind of thing from me, right?"

Xiao Yan didn't want her to have too much psychological burden, so he comforted her.

It's just that Xiao Yan didn't say this. Fortunately, when he said this, Nalan Yanran became furious: "Hide it? I don't know who you bastard is? You are messing around with others. You don't even know what I know. How many boats are there! Are you happy to have one more of me?!"

"It's not that I'm happy, it's just a bit unexpected and reasonable..."

"Then you still say?! Fortunately, I am still thinking about you. If I reveal myself, it will be difficult for you to do it in front of family or friends - and in the end - you -"

As she spoke, there was a trace of crying in Nalan Yanran's voice, and she choked out a trace of audible grievance, and her beautiful eyes, which used to be as sharp as swords, shone with a trace of tears.

"What kind of person do I like..."

"Ah, Nalan, Nalan! Don't cry, it's all my fault."

Xiao Yan has known Nalan Yanran for so long, but it was the first time he saw Nalan Yanran cry. In the end, he made her cry, so naturally he lost his sense of proportion for a moment.

However, despite losing his sense of proportion, Xiao Yan knew exactly what to do now. He ignored Nalan Yanran's verbal resistance and hugged her.

"...You have the nerve to say that! I really hate you—!"

When Nalan Yanran saw that Xiao Yan had lost his sense of control, tears fell from the corners of her eyes. She ignored the restraint in her heart and just struggled slightly in his arms, then cursed.

"Yeah, yeah, you hate it slowly. As time goes by, you hate it slowly, ah."

Although he had calmed Nalan countless times, it seemed like this was the first time that he comforted Nalan, so Xiao Yan could only follow her words.

Nalan Yanran was almost furious with Xiao Yan, but her heart dropped unconsciously.

"Forget it... falling into your hands in the end is my retribution. I admit it."

Nalan Yanran gradually calmed down her mood and spoke in Xiao Yan's arms without raising her head.


Xiao Yan murmured in a long voice, and naturally he understood what Nalan meant. He still vaguely remembered that when the two of them talked trash to each other during their three-year appointment, Nalan seemed to have said something about being a slave and a maid. Class words.

Judging from the current situation, it doesn't seem to be much better.

Xiao Yan opened his mouth, but gave up the idea of ​​mentioning this matter in front of Nalan.

"……what are you thinking about?"

Seeing that Xiao Yan remained silent, Nalan Yanran couldn't help but frown slightly. As she gradually calmed down, she had not forgotten her original intention, so even though she was being held by Xiao Yan, she still said: "It's okay to let you know about this." , but let’s let this matter end, the relationship between you and me will only cause you trouble, and if nothing else, your other Yingying Yanyans and family members may not be able to tolerate me."

"What does Nalan mean...?"

Xiao Yan just pretended to be deaf and dumb.

"I mean let me go..."

Nalan Yanran twisted slightly, and she felt that Xiao Yan's hug was a little tight.

Unexpectedly, Xiao Yan did not let go of her after hearing this. Instead, he put his hand on Nalan Yanran's cheek and gently exhaled.

"Hey... Xiao Yan... you, what are you doing?"

Nalan Yanran only felt that Xiao Yan's arms were frighteningly hot, like a flame, and the smoke made her feel dizzy.

Nalan couldn't help but amuse Xiao Yan because of his nonsense questions. He couldn't help but said: "Then Nalan thinks I will let you run away."

Nalan was stunned, thinking about it, it seemed like that.

"It's over."

She murmured subconsciously, and then met Xiao Yan's aggressive eyes, which made her feel scared unconsciously.

"You, don't look at me like this - no, otherwise I -"

Nalan Yanran warned, but in Xiao Yan's eyes, all this was like a cat showing its teeth and waving its claws like a coquettish cat, and it did not give him the slightest sense of intimidation he should have.

Xiao Yan smiled slightly, grabbed Nalan Yanran's beautiful wrist, and then slowly moved closer to Nalan Yanran's pretty face, saying: "Otherwise... what are you going to do?"

"I... am a disciple!"

Nalan Yanran spat, but all oral pleasures come with a price.

And Nalan Yanran's price will come soon.

"Does Nalan know what a disciple would do?"

Xiao Yan leaned down as he spoke.


Nalan Yanran let out a few sobs unwillingly, but Xiao Yan stuffed them all back into her mouth.

Beauty is fragrant, and Nalan Yanran is no exception, but different from Xian'er and Medusa, Nalan's lips are more like the clear spring water, clear and refreshing, with a hint of sweetness, but mixed with a hint of something different. Slightly salty taste.

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