After a moment, a nervous and rapid breathing sound came from the calm surroundings.

"Ho... cough cough cough!"

Nalan Yanran coughed for a while, then lowered her head slightly, and gently exhaled a moist and warm breath.

Although she used harsh words, Nalan Yanran was completely defeated in front of Yao Wan in this regard. She was killed and her armor was thrown away, and she had no power to resist at all.

Xiao Yan gently stroked the black hair on Nalan Yanran's temples, and then he came forward reluctantly and kissed her tears that had not completely dried up just now. Nalan Yanran struggled slightly, but did not resist too fiercely. .

But before Nalan Yanran could feel Xiao Yan's honey-like kiss, her fingertips gently touched Xiao Yan's hot neck, and then slid down his neck to Xiao Yan's chest, touching a hot spot. heartbeat.

She almost subconsciously retracted her hand, but after a moment's hesitation, she still put her hand on it.

It's really as hot as fire.

She sighed subconsciously in her heart, then raised her head and met Xiao Yan's somewhat astonished eyes.

"Don't look at me like this... It's like you'll let me go today if I don't take the initiative..."

Nalan Yanran silently averted her eyes, but her pretty face with flying red clouds could not express her shyness. However, she was also worried that Xiao Yan would suddenly say something that would make her extremely embarrassed later. Then she would really have no face to see anyone.


"...So, don't talk too much, I...I will just come with you..."

Nalan Yanran whispered in a voice that almost only she could hear. She must have exhausted all her strength to be able to say these words. If he forced her again, Nalan Yanran would definitely explode with him.


Xiao Yan naturally knew what Nalan Yanran meant, so he naturally stopped talking about those strange topics that could easily lead to death.

Besides, Xiao Yan had come to this point with Nalan unexpectedly. It just happened like this...

"Another, another."

As if she suddenly remembered something, Nalan Yanran muttered something in her mouth, but she was hesitant whether she should say it or not.

"in addition……?"

Xiao Yan naturally took over what Nalan Yanran said, but he still inevitably received a look from Nalan Yanran. What she hated most about Xiao Yan was that he was so sharp when he should be pretending to be deaf and dumb. There is probably no one better than him at poking people where they hurt.

"Besides, Zi Yan is still here...Although I won't be able to get through it for a while, the noise from your tossing is at least a little smaller..."

Nalan Yanran lowered her voice and said, but little did she know that the more such a request is, the easier it is to arouse those strange desires and impulses. After all, no matter how sweet the promise is now, it will be out of your control later. Of course, this point Xiao Yan would definitely not let Nalan Yanran know about it.

You'll find out soon, though.


"I never thought there would be such good things here."

On the other side of the huge crystal, shrouded in an extremely rich energy of heaven and earth, Zi Yan couldn't help sighing, and then she couldn't help but gently break off a piece of the crystal with metallic luster, and then took a bite. The hard crystal was bitten effortlessly by the teeth under the red lips.

Just after taking this bite, Zi Yan felt an unprecedented energy pouring into her limbs. Apart from the uncomfortable texture after biting it into pieces, it was definitely far better than anything she had eaten before. What a treasure.

Any earth-centered body quenching milk is far inferior to it.

Moreover, the purity of the energy of heaven and earth has reached the ultimate level. Zi Yan still needs to remove some impurities in the treasures of heaven and earth before she can use the essence energy for her own use. As a result, the crystal itself is made of the purest Made up of the energy of heaven and earth, she didn't even need to remove the impurities, she just had to eat it.

If this was not Sister Nalan’s ancestral territory, she would even want to use this place as a temporary residence in the future. For no other reason than for the extremely pure energy, sitting on this treasure mountain, not to mention becoming Being a Dou Zong is more than enough to achieve Dou Zong.

Zi Yan didn't want to go back all of a sudden. What would be good about going back? She might even be put under house arrest like the sister who was taken away. She didn’t want to go back. There was Sister Nalan and Xiao Yan here. Now she even had the cultivation resources she wanted most, lying down every day. Sleeping can improve one's realm. It's just a matter of how fast or slow the improvement speed is. You might be locked up when you go back, and you might not be able to run around freely like this in the future.

Thinking of this, Zi Yan couldn't help but feel a lot more relaxed and decided that before she became Douzong, oh no, Douzun, she would never go back no matter what. Even if Xiao Yan drove her back, she wouldn't go back!

"Well, do you want to go talk to Xiao Yan?"

She couldn't help but feel a little confused. After all, Xiao Yan's personality was just like the weather, unpredictable... although she didn't realize it was her fault.

However, with this idea in mind, she couldn't help but go to Xiao Yan and Sister Nalan. She did feel an unusual and sharp sword energy rising into the sky just now. It was obvious that Sister Nalan had completed the transformation of her technique. That doesn't matter. Anyway, with Sister Nalan protecting him, Xiao Yan doesn't dare to do anything to her~~

Zi Yan hummed a brisk song and went to look for the person.

It's just that everyone is there, but it doesn't seem like a suitable occasion to disturb.

The sound of exhalation and rapid breathing that can't help but make people crawl with goosebumps came to my ears. The sound that was forced out of my throat repeatedly seemed like a pair of smart fingertips, lingering in my ears and teasing in my heart. Touching the originally calm heartstrings.

Zi Yan, who was jumping up and down, suddenly stopped her steps and hid behind the crystal, with a strange look on her face.

Sister Nalan and Xiao Yan...? What are the two of them doing? ...Although she didn't know what she was doing, her instinct told her that this kind of situation was obviously not one that could be disturbed casually, otherwise she would have to pay a heavy price.

Therefore, Zi Yan immediately restrained her aura, fearing that she would be outdone by Nalan Yanran and Xiao Yan. Fortunately, both of them seemed to be obsessed with their own affairs, so they were not aware of Zi Yan's existence. Zi Yan was also quite smart and reacted immediately so that she would not be discovered by the two of them.

The sound between the two of them was... so strange.

Zi Yan leaned gently against the crystal, her face full of doubts. At the same time, she was inexplicably curious about this behavior and did not choose to turn around and leave immediately. Although she did not dare to rush in directly, she still stayed here to take a look. There is no problem.

"You~~ be gentle...! Hum~ don't let Zi Yan hear it~~"

Although there was still a bit of toughness in her words, her tone had already softened and turned into a puddle of spring water. Nalan Yanran endured Xiao Yan's wanton behavior and felt his intoxicating breath passing through her hair, intermittently. said.

When Zi Yan heard this, her scalp felt numb. No, it was none of her business. Xiao Yan's answer made her eyes darken.

"It's okay, she can't hear it... maybe she's having fun holding such a piece of crystal right now."

Xiao Yan's words immediately made Zi Yan's eyebrows stand up. What did he mean? He knew that this guy had never had a good impression of him... Zi Yan, who scolded Xiao Yan in her heart, didn't realize that she was exactly like him just now. As Xiao Yan said, there is no difference.

"Besides, what if she heard it?"

Xiao Yan took the initiative to clasp the slender jade fingers of the beauty in front of him that had been holding the sword all year round, and supported her slender waist with the other hand, turning the three feet of green edges into soft fingers.

Nalan Yanran's eyes had already turned into spring water, and she could only curse unwillingly: "Liar..."

But before the next words could be finished, the swaying figure followed and trembled to pieces. Even the voice was broken together and could no longer be put back together.

"Fancy words... I shouldn't believe your lies..."

Regarding all the accusations made by Nalan Yanran, Xiao Yan chuckled and accepted them all: "How could I deceive you without using nice words? Besides, don't you know who I learned this from?"

"You...uh huh~~ did it on purpose?"

"No...don't mention her!"

Nalan Yanran was secretly annoyed, but her slightly locked eyebrows suddenly tightened and then relaxed, as if a flightless person fell into the clouds. When she heard Xiao Yan's suggestion, she reacted even more violently, and Xiao Yan even He couldn't help but be stunned for a moment. He didn't even mention his name, but the reaction was so big that it made him feel a little jealous.

It's just that Nalan Yanran still didn't realize who was occupying the dominant position at the moment. Soon, she paid a heavy price for her inappropriate tone and attitude.

"Damn liar...How can I be worthy of her?"

Nalan Yanran was so anxious that she started to speak smoothly again.

"Shouldn't it be me who should say this?"

Xiao Yan smiled. There was no contradiction between his gentle and meticulous intimate movements and his obedient behavior that treated her immediately. He passed her lips with great nostalgia, leaving a trace of over-excitement flowing down his face. With clear eyebrows filled with tears of rationality, she said: "This is all my fault, but you also brought it on yourself. Whether it is you or her, one day neither you nor she will be able to escape from my grasp. "

"I'm really... convinced by you... forget it..."

Nalan Yanran no longer persisted, she was completely ruined, but now looking back at everything in front of her, Nalan Yanran only felt that she had been tricked by some guy and there was nothing left.

Naturally, it was not just Xiao Yan, but also a certain woman who was both a teacher and a friend to her.

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