Fighting is broken, but the heroine script

Chapter 366: Being remembered

Looking back now, Nalan Yanran suddenly realized that she was probably tricked by Yao Wan a long time ago, otherwise how could she stay with Xiao Yan so often?

It's okay now, let this guy eat up and wipe it clean.

After the joy, Xiao Yan looked at the heroic beauty who was curled up in his arms and seemed to be sulking. In addition to affection, there was also a hint of doubt in his heart.

A strand of the beauty's green hair curled up on her slender fingertips. Nalan Yanran also allowed the vague itching sensation on her cheek. After a while, she exhaled a breath and said: "It's nothing, I just suddenly realized that I I’m afraid I’ve been fooled.”

Nalan Yanran's words couldn't help but make Xiao Yan think that he was talking about himself. He couldn't help but said: "Yes, but even if you put on wings now, it will be difficult to fly out of my palm."

Xiao Yan's tone was mostly joking, but also mixed with a hint of possessive desire.

Nalan Yanran glanced at him, and the severe loneliness and indifference the beauty usually felt turned into a soft feeling around her fingers accompanied by a hint of resentment.

"No, it's not you, you damn ghost, you're so selfish."

Nalan Yanran snorted, but he was already accustomed to Nalan Yanran's harsh words, but he took this opportunity to kiss Fangze again. Seeing this, Nalan Yanran couldn't help but frown slightly, feeling annoyed but also a little helpless. , I just comforted myself secretly: "Forget it, just kiss. Anyway, we have done all the things we should and shouldn't do, and we won't lose a piece of flesh if we kiss." ’

With this idea of ​​giving up treatment completely, he met Xiao Yan's lips without any psychological burden. Nalan's learning speed in this area is also amazingly fast. Or maybe everyone is like this. After the first door to the new world is opened, you will immediately become familiar with things that were originally unfamiliar to you.


Nalan Yanran gently took a bite of Xiao Yan's aggressive tongue as a warning, and then explained directly: "Who else do you think other than you?"

"Miss Wan?"

"Yes, that's her."

When she heard Xiao Yan's unique title for her, the originally weak resentment in Nalan Yanran's heart suddenly became stronger.

"Sister Wan would actually trick you?"

"It's not a trap, but I really didn't hold anything back in the beginning."

There was still a hint of resentment buried in Nalan Yanran's tone. To be honest, even after knowing this, she still regarded Yao Wan as her leader and senior who was both a teacher and a friend, but the relationship between her and Yao Wan No matter how close or good the relationship between them is, it is inevitable that they will feel angry and complaining after learning about this incident. One of the most annoying things in Nalan Yanran's life is to mark her life as destined. Behavior.

Even though she knew deep down in her heart that this was an act that was of great benefit to herself and not harmful at all, Nalan Yanran still inevitably felt a little resentful.

Just as she wanted to break off the engagement, although it was the result of recklessness and impulsiveness, it was also a manifestation of her resistance. Although she was not qualified to say this now... But no matter what, she also hoped that all this was her fate. It's a destined choice, not because of other people's designs, and it's not some bullshit destiny.


Xiao Yan asked.


Nalan Yanran sneered, and then turned over. The tight waist twisted and Nalan Yanran straightened up and climbed onto Xiao Yan's body. She exhaled softly and looked at Xiao Yan with a trace of unknown meaning. smile.

"Even if I overturned, I did it willingly, and it wasn't her instigation."

"And if she overturns the car in the future, I will be defeated by you and I will take it all back from her!"

"Uh huh huh..."

Xiao Yan gave his reaction honestly while giving his own reaction honestly.

The blush on Nalan Yanran's cheeks did not dissipate, but became more intense and moving.

"Smelly man, you are most energetic at this moment!"


Zi Yan didn't know how she came back, but when she came back to her senses, she was already on the other side of the quiet and deserted place.

She frowned slightly, feeling that what she saw was a bit too shocking for her.

What are these? !

Zi Yan shook her head desperately. Forget it, she still didn't want to think about these messy things... With this thought, Zi Yan then turned her head and devoted her mind to the practice in front of her.

But even so, the scene of clouds and rain just now lingering in her mind.


Yaowan sneezed for no reason, and then couldn't help but rub her nose.

"What's wrong, Sister Wan? Are you not feeling well?"

The little medical fairy couldn't help but said when she saw Yaowan sneezing.

"Huh? It's okay, it's okay. It's not that easy for me to get sick. I guess someone is talking about me behind my back."

Yaowan shook his head slightly, as for who? Who else could it be? Who else could be there besides Xiao Yan?

Although there was no response from the flames of his own life, I thought he was having a good time. Maybe he hooked up with a little girl somewhere?

"But we are about to turn this Northern Territory upside down, and we still haven't found Xiao Yan. Is it possible that they are not in the Northern Territory at all?"

"Think about it, right? Although the space storm itself is not big, its range of influence can radiate to several regions. Since no one can be found in the northern region, we can only change places..."

The little medical fairy said, but subconsciously turned her head to look at the top of the cloud where only the howling wind was left.

"What's wrong? Sister Wan?"

"It's nothing, but if there's nothing wrong with my feelings, I'm afraid some trouble will come to my door again."

"A troublemaker?"

The little medical fairy immediately realized that it was probably because of the Heavenly Demon Phoenix under the two of them. After all, this divine bird was from a powerful family, and it was easy for the situation to happen when the young were beaten and then grew old. .

Leaving aside Fenglei Pavilion for the moment, the members of the Heavenly Demon Phoenix Clan would not let it go.

"Then do you need my help?"

The little medical fairy hesitated for a moment, after all, it was hard to say whether she could help Sister Wan now. She flew too fast and too high, so that no one could catch up, but in the end, she couldn't help but ask.

"Help? That's not necessary."

Yao Wan smiled and shook her head with a relaxed tone. Then she looked at the Heavenly Demon Phoenix under her and said, "You and Little Phoenix will just watch carefully later."

As soon as he finished speaking, it didn't take long for Yaowan to feel an unusual aura coming from the east, which turned into several completely different lights and shadows and rushed towards them.

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