Fighting is broken, but the heroine script

Chapter 369 Prelude to Reunion

When rushing to the location of Fenglei Pavilion, the strong wind swept through the dark clouds, and the black clouds pressed down on the city and threatened to destroy it.

This kind of weather was quite normal in Leishan. At the same time, Xiao Yan couldn't help but look at the two girls beside him.

After Zi Yan was promoted to Douzong, her control over the power of space has obviously improved to a higher level. It has even reached the point where it is as simple as eating and drinking to open up space in a short distance to achieve teleportation.

And Nalan's speed was not slow either. There was a translucent sharp sword energy under his lotus feet, tearing apart the space. His speed was not much slower than Zi Yan's.

After this transformation of her skills, Nalan Yanran has been greatly improved in all aspects. The superposition of double sword intent has improved her as much as the two strange fires have improved him.

It's just that Nalan Yanran was on her way and didn't look at Xiao Yan at all, but it was also possible that she ignored Xiao Yan deliberately.

After all, he did seem to have gone a little too far that time. Putting aside Medusa's accident, he was not that over the top when doing it with Xian'er.

The reason was naturally his own fault. After all, when doing that kind of thing with Nalan, he would always have all kinds of strange thoughts and impulses unconsciously.

When he thought of how the heroic beauty who was curled up in his arms now arrogantly broke off the engagement in front of him, Xiao Yan was so excited that he couldn't control himself. It wasn't that Xiao Yan had any grudge, it was just a simple instinct. It was just a reaction. The impact of having the proud daughter of heaven who once looked down on him cry sweetly in his arms was like a flint, igniting the fire in Xiao Yan's chest, almost melting her into his body.

But in the end, Nalan Yanran couldn't even move a finger, let alone raise her hand, so she curled up in his arms and fell asleep.

After working so hard to serve this eldest lady, she turned around and refused to recognize anyone. Fortunately, her brother didn't listen when she was obviously in high spirits.

Alas, a woman's heart is like a needle in the sea, I don't know what she is thinking.

But on the other hand, if Nalan Yanran had the nerve to go through such a thing and still be intimate with Xiao Yan, then she would not be Nalan Yanran.

Unlike Xiao Yan, Nalan Yanran's cheeks could not help but get hot when she recalled her ridiculous behavior that day. How could she have the nerve to see Xiao Yan after she woke up? Naturally, she just kept her head down and said nothing. Act like your own ostrich and pretend nothing happened.

As for his disciple's emotional journey, although Yao Lao has missed everything since his soul resuscitated, there is still a rare sense of déjà vu for him.

"You kid, I haven't seen you for a long time, why did you suddenly hook up with so many girls?"

Yao Lao frowned slightly, saying he was angry, but his tone contained more sighs and complaints.

After all, this is no less elegant than he was back then. He didn't have as much fun as Xiao Yan back then.

"Well...we've already come this far, isn't it a matter of course? Teacher?"

Xiao Yan laughed sarcastically. Facing the teacher's question, he was still a little embarrassed, but it was not something that was difficult to say. Isn't it that a man should dare to take responsibility? It's not like he didn't even have the confidence to admit this.

"It all comes naturally, brat."

Yao Lao glared at Xiao Yan and was not angry, while Yao Lao couldn't help but shook his head: "There is no need for Yao Zun to have too high demands on Xiao Yan. As a man, it's okay to have more women. Besides, he is nothing. No matter how many confidantes you have, a heartless and ungrateful person is better than those hypocrites who keep claiming to be loyal to their feelings."

"...It can't be compared with someone worse."

Yao Lao frowned slightly, as elders are often like this. When others praise them, they always like to pretend to be not so satisfied. But if others make rude remarks, they will definitely be more angry than themselves.

Although Venerable Tianhuo had never accepted a disciple, he somewhat understood Yao Lao's thoughts, so he nodded slightly.

"Teacher, by the way, are you really sure that Master Feng will come to this conference?"

Xiao Yan turned his head and looked at Yao Lao's almost condensed figure, and couldn't help but ask, this time the Sifang Pavilion Conference was not within the scope of his plan. The top priority was naturally to find Xian'er, but that was Yao Lao's recovery. After that, after learning that his disciples had brought him to Zhongzhou, he couldn't hold it anymore and asked Xiao Yan to attend this conference. The target was naturally the Feng Zun of Xingyun Pavilion. .

After all, Yao Lao is undoubtedly more aware of the situation in Zhongzhou than Xiao Yan. Although the talents displayed by Xiao Yan and others are becoming more and more terrifying, a few people alone are still not enough in front of several huge forces. You see, so no matter what Xiao Yan wants to do, the most important thing at the moment is naturally to find Master Feng and return to Xingyun Pavilion, so that they can at least have a place to stay.

But when Xiao Yan asked this question, Yao Lao shook his head in embarrassment.

"Well, to be honest, I'm not sure."

After all, this conference is not so important that even the powerful Dou Zun has to come every time. If Feng Zun doesn't come, there is nothing surprising. This is actually not a big loss to them, but Xingyun Pavilion is a long way from here, and with the speed of Xiao Yan and the others, it is inevitable that some time will be wasted.

Therefore, if you can catch up, it will be the best. If you cannot catch up, you will have to go on your own.

Xiao Yan has already made corresponding psychological preparations. For him, no matter how far the distance is, it is only as far and long as the first time he left Wutan City by himself.

While chatting, the three of them finally arrived at Fenglei Pavilion. However, when they saw the silver-white tower towering into the clouds, Xiao Yan couldn't help but look around. The vegetation here was extremely lush, which clearly symbolized destruction. The place where the thunder and lightning of the attributes gathered seemed a bit too lively.

Xiao Yan was inevitably startled. It seemed that the vegetation here was quite unusual. Could it be that Fenglei Pavilion had hidden such treasures?

Xiao Yan was thinking secretly in his heart, and continued to move forward with Zi Yan and Nalan Yanran.

On the high tower, at the front of the stands, a figure in black robes sat quietly on the front seat, waiting for the arrival of the guests. Then the pair of pale golden eyes turned slightly and gradually locked on Feng Qing'er beside him.

"Little Phoenix."

"Master...what's the matter?"

Feng Qing'er obediently lowered her head and said that her resistance now has become increasingly negligible. It can even be said that she will do whatever Yaowan wants her to do. Of course, this will only be limited to the current stage in the future. Those were just tasks for her to serve tea and water. If she wasn't enjoying the sense of accomplishment that gradually deepened step by step, she would have the habit of a young lady that was even worse than her own. She would chase after every flatterer. Not as considerate and well-behaved as Qinglin.

It's just that Qing Lin is different from Feng Qing'er. Qing Lin says she is a maid, but in fact she is no different from her sister. Asking her to serve tea and water is just to temporarily enjoy the daily life that a disabled lady should have. Qing Lin was just used to doing this. Yao Wan tried to persuade her many times but refused to listen, so she had no choice but to follow her.

"Fenglei Pavilion's appearance in the battle will naturally be arranged for you later. Don't let me down, little Phoenix."

Yao Wan leaned lazily on the armrest, her naturally raised arm supporting her chin, looking at Feng Qing'er in front of her, her eyes full of teasing, and Feng Qing'er had already been used to this in the past six months.

She would not make any more meaningless resistance. What she would incur would not necessarily be physical pain, but other more terrifying things that would destroy her dignity.

What corresponds to her teasing and teasing is Yao Wan's extraordinary cultivation. Ironically, in the past, even she had to fight to the death to obtain resources. Now she has them at her fingertips. Every time Yao Wan confronts Her increasingly cruel teasing was accompanied by huge improvements in cultivation almost every time. Even this was not a trick, and her originally limited talent was completely released.

As long as you obey her, you can get far better than what you can get in the clan and Fenglei Pavilion——

For Feng Qing'er, this was no longer an empty talk, but a fact before her eyes. Naturally, her resistance became even more feeble.

Her delicate body trembled slightly, but she couldn't tell whether it was because of fear or the morbid excitement she was used to withstanding this kind of pressure.

It's just that it seems a little too late to talk about this now.

The little medical fairy watched silently and sighed quietly. She had seen it from beginning to end, but she didn't stop it because it definitely couldn't be stopped. This was a very natural thing.

But she was still a little worried about Sister Wan. It was the half-year stay with Sister Wan that made the little medical fairy gradually realize what kind of hole was hidden in Yao Wan's heart.

Hollow... This is probably the only word that the little medical fairy can think of to describe Yao Wan's mentality. It's like a crack in the void, swallowing everything insatiably, but it can never be filled.

The so-called "don't care" is just a nice way of saying it. Only now, the little medical fairy has realized what the so-called "heat on the outside and cold on the inside" really means.

What is cold is not Yao Wan herself, but the hole in her heart that is different from others and can never be filled. Because there is nothing, being cold is natural.

Perhaps, this is the price paid for Sister Wan's almost terrifying talent and strength that are different from ordinary people.

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