After a lot of twists and turns, Xiao Yan and the others finally arrived at the huge square in the center of the conference. On the stands to the east of the square, several figures flashed past with magnificent momentum.

They are clearly three long-famous Dou Zun experts, which can’t help but surprise everyone present. Unexpectedly, the three Dou Zun experts from the Sifang Pavilion Conference actually appeared. Not to mention, now The only one who is absent is Lord Lei... No, to be precise, it should be the newly promoted Lord of the Wind and Thunder Pavilion.

Except for the matters concerning the Sky Demon Phoenix Clan, although not everyone knows about the changes that have occurred in Fenglei Pavilion, at least it has already spread among the forces at the same level.

Therefore, now that all three powerful Dou Zun masters from Sifang Pavilion except Fenglei Pavilion have appeared, it naturally brings a different kind of food for thought.

Although this time is an old tradition among Sifang Pavilion, it is also a trial.

The three venerables couldn't help but look at each other, and a trace of solemnity inevitably flashed in their eyes.

Although not everyone could get used to the style of Lord Lei in the past, at least his existence formed a stable part of Sifang Pavilion. As this balance has been broken, how to make up for it has become the first question they need to think about now.


When they thought of this, they couldn't help but turn their attention to the current Fenglei Pavilion.

Today, everything in Fenglei Pavilion is as usual, prosperous and lively. It seems that it has not been affected by the sadness and pain of the pavilion master being killed and the sect being taken away by others. Instead, it faintly reveals a vitality that has never been seen before. This alone makes people feel a little intriguing. Normal killing and high-pressure measures can't do what they are seeing now. No matter what means the new pavilion master has to control people's hearts, or whether They are really smart and almost demonic, but it is not a good thing for them.

"The three venerables came really early."

A melodious female voice sounded. Before the three old men could react, Yaowan in a black cloak appeared in front of everyone at the end of the stand with the Little Medical Fairy and Feng Qing'er.

The eyes of the three Dou Zun masters inevitably flashed with surprise, and their faces were full of surprise. The feeling that something was smoldering in the air undoubtedly proved the strength of the people in front of them. The earth is an existence on the same level as them.

They looked at each other, wondering what kind of person the newly promoted Lord of Fenglei Pavilion would be. The three powerful Dou Zun men naturally had many guesses. They thought he was either an old man or a middle-aged man. But now, what do they feel when they hear this voice? More like a girl in her twenties at most?

And when they gradually came to their senses, they naturally quickly realized that the other person's youth was never a good thing, but a bad thing. As for why? They can reach the same position as them at a young age. You can imagine what kind of talents and resources they have. The greatest possibility is those unusual hidden forces. Although they are not famous, they are The power contained in it is completely beyond their ability to resist.

"This is my first meeting with the Pavilion Master. If I offend you, please forgive me."

"Sword Master, you're welcome."

Yao Wan smiled slightly and exchanged a few polite words with them. In a few words, she gradually calmed down the somewhat fearful minds of the three Dou Zun in front of her.

Obviously, since Yao Wan has no intention of competing with the old forces of Sifang Pavilion, they will not be caught in the trap and offend such a murderous star like Venerable Lei.

The politeness and reasonableness shown by Yaowan do not conflict with the rumored decisiveness of killing.

Later, as the conference began, Yao Wan raised her hand to signal Feng Qing'er to leave.

Looking at Feng Qing'er's back, the eyes of several powerful Dou Zun masters inevitably flashed with a different color.

Naturally, they had heard about the rumors about people flying under the phoenix in the Northern Territory in recent days. Therefore, they heard that the Sky Demon Phoenix Clan was also making a fuss, but for some unknown reason, it has calmed down now. Looking at Feng Qing'er today, how does she look like she is being treated as a mount? On the contrary, her cultivation level is a few points higher than the original peak of Dou Huang. Even when Lord Lei was here, her cultivation level had not improved by such a rapid pace as in these days, right?

After all, it's none of their business, so there's no need to worry about it.

Only Master Feng couldn't help but secretly thought that he must take good care of that girl Qingluan after returning, so as not to be captured by her and used as a mount.

And although it was impossible to hear what happened on the stage, the scene of several powerful Dou Zun people on the stage was indeed very exciting and the atmosphere was high.

Someone was cheering below. The little doctor fairy didn't like such noise, so she couldn't help but turn around and planned to go back, not to join in the fun anymore, but she felt an extraordinarily friendly atmosphere coming, attracting her. Attention, the little medical fairy couldn't help but raise her beautiful eyes and look at the crowd in the audience, but almost at a glance she saw that very familiar figure staying with the two girls.

"Xiao Yan?"

The little medical fairy was startled for a moment, and then all the annoyance in his heart was swept away.

Why is he here? Nalan and Zi Yan are also here, great, everyone is safe.

The little medical fairy was overjoyed and couldn't help but breathed a sigh of relief. Although Sister Wan had been saying that Xiao Yan and the others would definitely be safe and sound, she could only be so happy when she saw him with her own eyes.

And it seems that because of the connection established between the two through poisonous fire, when the little medical fairy cast his gaze, Xiao Yan also noticed the existence of the little medical fairy, and couldn't help but look up, and happened to see the absolutely stunning The beautiful silver-haired beauty looked at him, filled with joy.


Xiao Yan murmured subconsciously, attracting the attention of Nalan Yanran and Zi Yan.

"Little Medical Fairy? Why is she here?"

Unlike Xiao Yan, Nalan Yanran was somewhat nervous and at a loss when facing the Little Medical Fairy. She didn't know what to say.

After all, she had made it very clear in front of the Little Medical Fairy that she was not interested in Xiao Yan. But this time, she was so interested that she ended up in bed... No, she clearly didn't even have a bed that time!

When she thought of this, Nalan Yanran couldn't help but cut Xiao Yan in the face, her face full of resentment.


Zi Yan just opened her lips slightly slowly, as if she wanted to watch something good.

But since Xian'er is here...

Xiao Yan couldn't help but look at the figure wearing a dark cloak on the high platform. Although the figure was almost completely covered, it was completely impossible to tell who it was from the figure, but how to put it, the so-called intuition was probably like this It doesn't require any special basis to allow you to make corresponding judgments.

Therefore, when Yao Wan was chatting with the three Dou Zun masters, she had already noticed the eyes from Xiao Yan. She naturally knew that Xiao Yan must be here. Since he entered Lei Mountain, the aura of the Yan of Creatures He has been restless, and it is not easy for Yaowan to get over it even if he tries hard.

It's just that Xiao Yan's overly straightforward and revealing eyes inevitably made her feel a little nervous. After all, this person is a bit too familiar. Didn't she reveal no flaws at all? How dare he admit it?

At the same time, Lord Feng, who was sitting in the chief stand, couldn't help but feel a little touched in his heart, but he couldn't figure out what was going on.

Just a strange intuition, like some old guy who has been missing for a long time.

"That's all, it's probably an illusion."

Lord Feng shook his head. Ever since that old guy died, he had been searching for who knows how many years. Finally, he had no choice but to give up and could only focus on the Xingyun Pavilion he left behind.

Looking at Master Feng on the high platform, Yao Lao suddenly felt sad in his heart, as if he had knocked over the five-flavor bottle, and many thoughts surged into his heart uncontrollably.

Looking back on these hundred years, it really feels like a dream.

As for when to find him, Yao Lao was not in a hurry. There were too many ways for them to confirm each other. Even after the conference was over, they would naturally be more secure. When Yao Lao came back to his senses, he looked at Xiao Yanzhi. At the same time, he discovered that his apprentice's eyes seemed to be a bit off.

"You brat, what are you looking at? You're looking at it so enthusiastically."

After confirming that his old friend was still alive, Yao Lao's mood suddenly improved a lot, and he couldn't help but send a message to Xiao Yan.

"Teacher, look, it's Xian'er and Miss Wan."

There was a hint of excitement in Xiao Yan's tone.

"I did see the little medical fairy. Where's the girl? You wouldn't say that this person is a girl, right? Where's the evidence? Is it just because the little medical fairy stayed with her?"

Yao Lao couldn't help but shook his head. He was crazy. When someone wears a cloak, he looks like a girl, right?


Only two words came out of Xiao Yan's mouth, but his tone was extremely determined.

"I think you're crazy about this girl, you brat."

There was a hint of dissatisfaction as a parent in Yao Lao's tone. He was not only Xiao Yan's teacher, he was also the elder of the girl's clan, the kind of blood relationship. It turned out that this guy had an affair while he was unconscious. He has two little girls. As a teacher, of course it is not convenient for him to say anything, but as a parent of the girl, the Yao Lao would have a big opinion.

Not long after, the conference started. Since everyone was here, naturally they couldn't just watch from the outside all the time. Zi Yan, Nalan Yanran and Xiao Yan came to attend the conference together, and they soon showed their dazzling talents.

Zi Yan's physical strength is extremely strong, and she can break through all kinds of magic with one punch. Nalan Yanran raises a three-foot green blade with superb sword intent. Compared with the two girls who are not inferior to the starter, Xiao Yan, who has never used strange fire, is watching. The most common one up there.

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