Fighting is broken, but the heroine script

Chapter 379 Inexplicable irritability

When Nalan Yanran realized this, she probably couldn't look back.

"Xiao, Xiao Yan."

Nalan Yanran could only endure the embarrassment and the embarrassment that seemed to be shining on her back under the gaze of the little medical fairy, and said bravely: "Don't... everyone is still here..."

This was the first time for Xiao Yan to hear Nalan Yanran's soft tone, and the corners of his mouth rose slightly, but he still did not stop what he was doing, but he did not immediately get straight to the point, and his slender but rough fingertips spoke freely. It slowly slid down Nalan Yanran's thigh, hooking up Nalan Yanran's shapely and slender calves, and then the lotus feet fell into the palm of her hand.

Nalan Yanran couldn't even take off her shoes when she got into bed. Under the hem of her skirt, her ankles, wrapped in smooth ice silk, fell into Xiao Yan's hot palm with a faint sense of coolness.

When she felt his hot body temperature, Nalan Yanran couldn't help but let out a soft cry, and her body trembled uncontrollably.

At the same time, a slight creaking sound came, and the little medical fairy closed the door very wisely and consciously. On the one hand, she naturally did not want to disturb the momentary interest between Xiao Yan and Nalan, but on the other hand, On the other hand, she naturally didn't want to be pulled and slept with her like this.

"You two, be careful and don't go too crazy."

The little medical fairy outside the door spoke softly, and without waiting for Xiao Yan and Nalan in the room to explain, he turned around and left after finishing his words.

Nalan Yanran opened her mouth slightly, and was speechless for a moment. She just stared at Xiao Yan blankly, while Xiao Yan smiled and pinched her ankle. Nalan Yanran, who always thought that she was not ticklish, couldn't help but He let out a controlled groan, and goosebumps covered every corner of his body.

"I didn't notice last time that Nalan seemed to be quite ticklish."

Xiao Yan joked with a smile. The thing he mentioned was naturally the experience he had when he was at Canaan College. He temporarily used her room for the night, but was discovered later and was almost hacked to death. In the previous relationship between the two of them, he was discovered and almost hacked to death. Of course, he would not dare to mention the relationship again, but now, it has become a matter of interest.

Now Nalan Yanran no longer had the confidence to lose her temper. She could only blush and said with embarrassment and annoyance: "Can't you be interested in something a little bit normal?"

"No, I just sighed, I don't have anything to say-"

Xiao Yan drew a long note, but did not let go. Instead, he gently pressed the acupoints under her ankles, which made Nalan Yanran completely silent. She could only lie on the bed and inhale more and exhale less.

"Or is it that Nalan actually likes me like this?"

Looking at Qian Ying, who was almost posing in big letters and could only bite her lips to force herself to remain silent, Xiao Yan smiled slightly and couldn't help but ask.

"No - there is~~~~"

Nalan Yanran drawled her voice, trying hard to pretend that nothing had happened, but her trembling voice, flushed cheeks, and confused expression did not look like she was indifferent at all.

"Eh? Really? Can't Nalan just tell the truth honestly? It's not straightforward."

"It's so annoying~~Huh~~I just pinch you, and I don't ask you to talk too much. If you don't speak, no one will treat you as a mute."

Nalan exhaled a moist, turbid breath, but secretly made up her mind that she would not be so embarrassed in front of Xiao Yan no matter what. She didn't want to lose face, right?


Xiao Yan was not in a hurry and just teased Nalan like a cat. Regardless of Nalan's reaction, he just followed his own pace and did whatever he wanted.

Because Nalan was reluctant to speak, but Xiao Yan had other ways to judge Nalan's current state, but it was undoubtedly painful for Nalan Yanran as Xiao Yan tried again and again.

Not most people could bear being tossed back and forth by him like this, but Nalan Yanran still gritted her teeth and endured it. It wasn't for any other reason, it was just that she was very simple and didn't want to admit defeat, and this inexplicable sense of victory and defeat Naturally, this was also conveyed to Xiao Yan, and he couldn't help but work harder to make Nalan relax as much as possible. It was no longer an easy task to make her submissive for a hundred years, and even if it wasn't the first time she defeated Her competitive spirit and reserve bring satisfaction that cannot be compared to simple sex.

Just fun.

And while Xiao Yan and Nalan Yanran were having a little love affair between them, on Yao Wan's side, Feng Qing'er's spirit was on the verge of collapse.

But along with Feng Qing'er's crying and begging for mercy mixed with choked sobs, Yao Wan felt that the sense of fun was inevitably dissipating.

In other words, even the fun gained from Feng Qing'er's major event could not dilute the annoyance she had just brought to him.

Yao Wan found that she was a little angry, so Feng Qing'er's false obedience did not seem to be as relaxed and generous as she imagined.

The origin of this anger is not only because of Feng Qing'er, but also from Xiao Yan.

In other words, Xiao Yan is the powder keg, and Feng Qing'er is the fuse. Her words ignited the explosive keg in Yao Wan's heart. In the end, an explosion inevitably occurred, and she was not immune. In a sense Speaking of which, there is nothing wrong at all.

And now Feng Qing'er's tragic situation cannot calm Yao Wan's displeasure at all.

But really speaking, Yao Wan couldn't tell what exactly Feng Qing'er said that made her angry. She was just very unhappy.

It was not her turn to comment on the relationship between herself and Xiao Yan - this was Yao Wan's subconscious thought, but she was not surprised by it, it could even be said to be expected.

"Gu?! Lord, master, I know I was wrong, I already--I already know I was wrong... eh?!"

"Well, of course I know that you have sincerely realized that you were wrong, little Phoenix."

Yao Wan gently stroked Feng Qing'er's head and said warmly: "It's just that you know that your mistake does not conflict with my punishment, so remember this feeling deep in your soul. Whenever you have evil intentions, you will Just think back to the punishment that is engraved in your bones."

But Yao Wan's soft voice was far more terrifying than the roar from hell. As Yao Wan's voice gradually fell, Feng Qing'er's eyes silently shed a trembling tear.

"No, don't... you will die, Master——"

Yao Wan no longer had the patience to listen to her begging for mercy, so he simply blocked her mouth.

"Don't you know that the more nonsense you say, the more severe the punishment may be?"

She shook her head lightly and thought it was just a joke, but to Feng Qing'er, it was just one of the waves rising and falling among countless waves.


Yaowan shook her slender white jade fingers in front of her eyes, and at the same time, she couldn't help but start to think in her heart. Since Xiao Yan was already here, there was no point in staying here and playing. It was time to consider the next step.

The three thousand flames in the Dan Pagoda are inevitable for Xiao Yan, and now that Yao Lao is here this time, Xiao Yan's road to the Dan Pagoda must be smooth. Don't worry, the only people who need to worry about it are the Swallowing Spirit Clan. In Harmony Hall, there are very few movements from the Spirit Devouring Clan now. If he hadn't figured out what kind of urinal nature this group of people had, Yao Wan would probably have thought that they didn't plan to come to Zhongzhou.

As for the Soul Palace, the activities are as active as ever, but the strange thing is that this time when Xiao Yan and the others came to Fenglei Pavilion, no Soul Palace followers followed them. It seems that they have been hiding in an inaccessible place for a long time, right?

Yao Wan complained secretly in her heart, she was going to dig up someone's ancestral grave again and explode their ancestor's gold coins. Although Xiao Yan was not a habitual offender in this regard, if he happened to meet him, Xiao Yan would definitely do it anyway. Choose to do it.

After all, people are not brought with them during life or death. Why would a dead old man still keep those useful things? Shouldn't they be used to reward future generations?

Yao Wan exhaled a breath of turbidity. Out of boredom, she couldn't help but sit back on the front seat in front of her. However, she kicked off the cloud boots from her feet in an awkward manner, and then spread her delicate body on the front seat. Along with the comfort, there was a slight feeling of loneliness that lingered from beginning to end.

Although the half-awake nap was short for Yaowan, it was not short for the outside world, and a few days passed quickly.

After Feng Qing'er felt that Yao Wan had regained her energy after taking a nap, she docilely prostrated at her feet. This was no longer a description, but a fact.

Feng Qing'er didn't dare to raise her head and look at the yarrow.

Before she could take the initiative to say anything to beg for mercy, footsteps came from under the tower.

Feng Qing'er never struggled to stand up, but just lowered her head silently.

Yao Wan couldn't help but look at the visitor: "Why isn't Xian'er with Xiao Yan?"

"Nalan and I took turns staying with him for a few days, but we also knew that this time wouldn't last long, so we were ready to leave for the Dan Pagoda to attend the Dan meeting."

The little medical fairy said, and Yao Wan also heard the meaning of her words: "Does Xian'er want to go too?"

"Well, Xiao Yan is always unsafe around him. Although Nalan and Zi Yan are both fighting sects now, one more person always means more safety."

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