Fighting is broken, but the heroine script

Chapter 380 “Sisterly Love”

"Sister Wan...don't you plan to go with us?"

The little medical fairy turned away her head and looked at the yarrow, but her eyes swept over Feng Qing'er's body without leaving any trace. Her nose stretched slightly, but she couldn't help but frown slightly, feeling a little strange.

For some reason, there seemed to be a faint scent that only Feng Qing'er could smell, floating throughout the space, which made her feel a little strange.

Subconsciously he turned his gaze away from Feng Qing'er. Because he couldn't see her face, the little medical fairy couldn't judge what happened to her. He just secretly guessed that it was probably Sister Wan who did it again, right? Don't even clean it up.

When Yao Wan heard the little medical fairy's question, her answer seemed a bit ambiguous.

"There's no need to go with you for the time being. If I go to the Dan Pagoda, I might also take a look later."

"That's it."

The little fairy doctor sighed quietly.

"Don't be so depressed. Without me as the light bulb, wouldn't it be better for you to live your three-person world?"

"not good."

The little medical fairy shook her head and said seriously.

"Okay, what's wrong with this? Xian'er wants to practice. Do you want me to help you?"

Yao Wan couldn't help coughing slightly and couldn't help saying.

"When will Sister Wan stop changing the subject?"

However, the little medical fairy refused to give in. Instead, she took the initiative to approach Yaowan. A trace of embarrassment appeared on her face.

"Change the topic? What topic did you change?"

Yaowan coughed lightly, and then gently patted Feng Qing'er's cheek with her toes, signaling her to go down first. Feng Qing'er stood up with her delicate body trembling slightly, and left here quickly.

"Sister Wan...what do you think of Xiao Yan?"

Seeing Feng Qing'er go down, the little medical fairy naturally got straight to the point.

"Of course you can see it with your eyes."

Yao Wan's answer was very inconsistent, and even the little medical fairy couldn't help but frown slightly, as if she felt a little impatient and irritated because of Yao Wan's answer. This is how she does it, when she takes off other people's disguises. He was straightforward and merciless, but when it came to himself, he was a little too considerate.

"Sister Wan, you understand what Xian'er means."

The little medical fairy sighed quietly, and then said seriously, it would be better to say that she had thought deeply since she came to see Sister Wan, and her seriousness now was just to make her realize the facts, who had not yet understood the situation. There's no way to escape it.

"I don't understand, I don't understand anything -"

But even so, Yao Wan looked like a dead pig who was not afraid of boiling water. She was already ready to be used as meat on the hob. She didn't care what the little medical fairy said.

"But it's useless for Sister Wan to keep pretending to be stupid."

The Little Medical Fairy sighed softly. Although her expectations for Sister Wan's confession and leniency were not that strong, when she really saw her performance of a dead pig that is not afraid of boiling water, , there is only helplessness left.

"I didn't pretend to be stupid on purpose... No, it just doesn't happen. What's there to say?"

Yao Wan sighed, and the little medical fairy was helpless. She was so frightened that she was sweating all over. She just opened her eyes and before she could fully recover, Xian'er came over with an expression and attitude that looked like she was going to explode with her. No one can resist this.

"No? Nothing?"

The little medical fairy keenly grasped the loophole in Yao Wan's words and started to pursue her fiercely.

"——I don't like Xiao Yan——! Do you want to hear this?!"

As if she felt that if she didn't make it clear today, it would be difficult for her to escape. Yao Wan had no choice but to suddenly break the peaceful atmosphere between the two and retorted in an almost unquestionable tone.

The little medical fairy was startled, as if she was stunned by Yao Wan's words.

Yao Wan blinked and immediately realized that her tone and reaction were a bit too intense. She couldn't help coughing lightly: "Ahem - I accidentally made my voice a little louder. Don't mind, Xian'er..."

"I'm fine, Sister Wan."

The Little Medical Fairy sighed. Since Sister Wan had said so, she really couldn't say anything more. She was just a little regretful. She seemed to have pushed a little too hard, and the time was not yet ripe. She was a little bit offended. .

What surprised the Little Medical Fairy was that Yao Wan stood up, walked closer to the Little Medical Fairy, and then took her hand and sat on the seat where she was sitting just now. The Little Medical Fairy allowed Yao Wan to guide her. Due to her actions, she couldn't help but wonder what was going on with Sister Wan.

"...I know what Xian'er is thinking. Don't worry, I won't compete with you for Xiao Yan."

After placing the Little Medical Fairy on the seat, Yao Wan rubbed her shoulders as she spoke. Her slender but powerful white fingertips gently pressed the acupuncture points on the Little Medical Fairy's shoulders and Xue's neck. She was proficient in pharmacology. Yaowan naturally knows the acupuncture points of the human body very well, and her massage techniques are not magical, but they are not impossible to use. The little medical fairy was a little resistant at first, but after her movements to signal Yaowan failed, she just let her do it on her own. .

Yaowan's massage technique was indeed not bad, but just a few acupuncture massages made her originally tense relax a lot.

But on the other hand, what somewhat surprised her was that Sister Wan didn't associate herself with Xiao Yan. Instead, she just felt that she was a little jealous now, so she felt that she was afraid of her end?

Thinking of this, the little medical fairy couldn't help but feel a little funny. How could Sister Wan regard herself as such a person... But think about it, this kind of thing... Human nature is normal. Fortunately, Sister Wan understood it wrong. Otherwise, she would definitely cause some big trouble by rashly stepping forward today.

"I know, so I just asked, but it seems that I was a little too rash. I offended Sister Wan, and it's all Xian'er's fault."

And since Sister Wan has cooperated in this way, the little medical fairy must hurry up and get off the donkey. She must give her a feeling that she is at least one of her own.

"It's okay, it's human nature. Who wants to share the person they like? Besides, I have no good intentions in the first place... No matter you or Nalan, I pushed you down. If you blame me, I don't care. I don’t blame you.”

Yao Wan said softly, she naturally thought of this, because it was a very normal thing to think about, so she naturally did not think about the slight changes in the little medical fairy's attitude in the past few days, and just regarded it as a little emotional change in her heart. It was just a sense of crisis that caused trouble, let alone the waves caused by him.

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