Regarding everything Yao Wan said, the Little Medical Fairy was not unmoved, but the more Sister Wan said this, the Little Medical Fairy felt like laughing inexplicably.

Sister Wan said everything right, but she didn't say the last thing right. No matter it was Nalan or the Little Medical Fairy, they never rejected the relationship between her and Xiao Yan and further things.

After all, in their eyes, Yao Wan was undoubtedly the first person to come to Xiao Yan. However, due to various reasons, he never achieved the true fruition. Instead, he helped them seize the opportunity that may only be once in their life.

How could they be jealous and wary of her? She just wants to be the one who takes charge of the Xiao family's backyard in the future. The Little Doctor Fairy is not someone who likes to argue, and although Nalan has a strong temper, it goes without saying that he doesn't care about Yao Wan.

Therefore, what they thought in their hearts was to help them if they could. Yaowan helped them achieve positive results in the first place, but now it should be the other way around. It's a pity that she herself didn't seem to have that awareness from the beginning to the end.

No, Sister Wan is so smart that she doesn't realize that it's impossible even if she wants to. She's more unwilling to face this kind of emotional entanglement, right?

The little medical fairy guessed, but subconsciously ignored one thing. There is no perfect person in the world, and Yao Wan's extreme talent in cultivation does not mean that she is emotionally different.

It's just that the distance creates an inevitable illusion, causing people to have unexpected reveries.

Yaoshan is never perfect, that's all.

Yao Wan may have some vague feelings, but she still thinks that she can still control the current situation, so there is no need to make any unnecessary adjustments. This is Yao Wan's current thinking, which is different from her ever-changing attitude. She likes to rely on her innate talent to mix various skills to create her own powerful skills. Unlike fighting skills, her own nature seems conservative and old-fashioned, and she is unwilling to accept unexpected changes. with twists and turns.

By nature, she prefers to stay in peace, so naturally she will not do something of her own accord just because of the slightest suspicion, especially in terms of relationships. Self-knowledge is so important, and she also knows that she is not really good at it. A person who plays with people's hearts, her talent and arrogance make her cherish every emotional connection around her more and more.

Because I care, I treat her with care, instead of treating Feng Qing'er like I did, giving up the fun I had expected for three years just because she said the wrong thing, and simply trying to ruin her.

Because even if the loser really broke the toy, it would just be the loss of a dispensable toy. At most, she would just feel a little regretful, lament how the toy broke so quickly, and then forget about it.

"Then, if Sister Wan doesn't come with us, what are you going to do?"

The little medical fairy couldn't help but ask.

"The Swallowing Spirit Clan and the Soul Palace have a lot of things that I need to prepare for."

Yao Wan shook her head calmly. She was not worried at all about Xiao Yan going to the Dan Pagoda. Anyway, Yao Wan was there, so rounding off, there was no big difference between this Dan Pagoda and her own home.

Therefore, the only thing that needs to be taken care of is the Soul Palace and the Spirit-Swallowing Clan... Oh, no, there may be a certain eldest lady from the ancient clan who does not want to be named who also needs to take precautions for the time being. He said, now that Nalandu is here, it would be bad if she really turns into a yandere. This must not be forgotten.

"Then Xiao Yan's side..."

"It's not like Xiao Yan will die if he leaves me. Besides, haven't you been very good along the way from Canaan College to Zhongzhou?"

Yaowan smiled and refused.

"I feel bad!"

However, the conversation between the two women was interrupted by Nalan Yanran's voice. Two familiar footsteps intertwined and echoed clearly like some familiar melody.

Yao Wan turned her head and looked at the beauty who had a pure temperament but a hint of sharpness like a needle hidden in the cotton. She walked with Xiao Yan and raised the corners of her mouth slightly: "Ah, who is this? I haven't seen you for a few years. She seems to be beautiful again?" "

It's just that Yao Wan's teasing had no effect on Nalan Yanran. It only made her snort and said, "No matter how much I change, I'm still not as good as you."

"Who said that? I think Nalan is pretty and handsome, right?"

Yao Wan twisted her head and said from the bottom of her heart, after all, who hasn’t dreamed of wielding a sword across the world and lighting up the fourteen continents with one sword? Not to mention whether the sword cultivator is strong or not, Shuai Na deserves it.

For example, she pretended to want to learn a sword-shaped fighting skill at the beginning. Although it was not difficult for her, in the end it was just a form but not a spirit. Later, she decisively gave up.

After all, the flashy things still don’t suit you, so you should just stick to the hammer.

Sword cultivators like Nalan are the only ones in the Dou Qi Continent. Although some sword practitioners have emerged from Wanjiange Pavilion and other forces, the gap between the sword energy stimulated by Dou Qi and the sword intention is like refining. The gap between the fighting spirit flames and the strange fires among pharmacists is generally huge. Unless there is a huge gap in the opposite direction in terms of cultivation, the one with natural sword intent will definitely be better.


Nalan Yanran muttered, it was not the first time that she knew about Yaowan's talk, but she was still too young at the time and had not seen much of the world, so she was naturally fooled by this bad woman, and now she is completely fooled. Inside, the resentment towards Yao Wan is naturally evident.

Yao Wan, on the other hand, simply regarded Nalan Yanran's resentment as being embarrassed to continue acting like a little sister with her in front of Xiao Yan, and couldn't help but sigh.

"Oh, I like the new and hate the old."

It's a pity that although Yao Wan is not a very emotionally intelligent person, there are probably not many people who can compete with her when it comes to stepping on thunder. As soon as Yao Wan said this, Nalan Yanran paused. , then blushed: "Whose old friend are you?!"

Yao Wan did not argue with Nalan Yanran, nor did she give her a chance to win back the victory. She just looked at Xiao Yan and shrugged, as if to say, "Let's see"?

Xiao Yan is not jealous at all. After all, he knows the relationship between Miss Wan and Nalan very well. They don't have any special tendency to cross gender. They say they like each other, but in fact they are more like the older sister who has been sensible for a long time and just now. Just a mature sister.

The two sisters were quarreling, but he wasn't jealous.

Besides, isn’t it too much to find ways to make up for it?


But after all, Nalan was no longer the reckless little girl she was before. She snorted lightly and stopped paying attention to Yao Wan.

"That's all, Nalan has a home now, but I'm a bit of an eyesore here."

"No one has ever thought of it this way."

Nalan Yanran frowned slightly and said.

"Of course I do."

Yaowan smiled slightly and then said: "So? Why are everyone coming to me all of a sudden? Huh? Nalan wants to come and try?"

After saying that, Nalan and Xiao Yan noticed that Yao Wan's hand movements had not stopped, and the little medical fairy fell limply on the seat in front of him as if his bones had been removed.

"How do you feel, Xian'er?"

Yaowan asked with a smile.

"I'm a little unsteady..."

The little medical fairy muttered, and then looked at Xiao Yan and Nalan Yanran: "Xiao Yan and Nalan, let's try it too. I didn't know that Sister Wan suddenly had this skill before."

"Speaking of which, how could Sister Wan do such a thing?"

"Studying pharmacology and studying the human body, acupuncture points are an inevitable part of it."

Yao Wan said calmly, then looked at Xiao Yan and said, "Which one of you two is coming?"

"Let me try."

Xiao Yan was about to speak, but Nalan volunteered. It was rare for him to be able to summon the medicine mandarin, which was a rare good thing for Nalan.

Then she sat on it instead of the Little Medical Fairy.

But it was not the same as the comfort she had imagined at the beginning. Yaowan stood behind her, feeling her breath blowing through her hair, but it made the back of her neck feel cold and itchy.

She subconsciously wanted to look at the medicine, but she felt the warm and powerful slender fingertips pressing an acupuncture point on the back of her neck, and then pressed lightly, making a crisp sound of bones returning to their positions.

"Are you too tired? You are obviously a sword cultivator, but it seems that your bones are not very good. Do you want to prepare some suitable physical training techniques for you next time?"

With just the first touch, Yao Wan explored Nalan Yanran's body to every detail. Her tone was less playful and more serious.

"don't want."

"Don't be arrogant. Arrogant people can easily suffer losses. These are all outdated attributes of the era."

Yao Wan shook her head, and then said some difficult words such as "lost dog" and "crematorium".

"However, you have already achieved the right results, so feel free to be as arrogant as you want."

She smiled, then touched Nalan Yanran's Tianling Cap with her fingertips, and instilled a piece of her own spiritual thought into it. Nalan Yanran couldn't help but trembled, feeling that there was something more in her mind.

"I already told you I don't want it anymore."

Nalan Yanran sighed, she was here again. Now he was angry with her resentment and complaints, but he also had the factor to prove to her that he had grown up and no longer needed her to worry and take care of him.

But now, she doesn't seem to think so.

"It's your business if you don't want it, and it's my business whether I give it to you or not."

Yaowan leaned in her ear and said: "After all, you don't want to be pressed on the bed by him all the time, do you?... Haven't you ever thought about killing him again? How do you say that? , If a young man is strong, then a girl will support the wall; if a young girl is strong, then a young man will lie on the bed~"

Nalan Yanran blinked her eyes, and then her cheeks inevitably turned bright red, as if the clouds in the sky were rendered red by the setting sun, which was really beautiful.

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