Fighting is broken, but the heroine script

Chapter 383 Poison Fire Split

Xiao Yan's speech seemed incomprehensible at first glance, but Yao Wan was stunned for a moment unconsciously.

"Don't ask me. If you want to know so much, you can go back and ask Little Phoenix."

Yao Wan said in a neutral tone, as if she was just lamenting the continuous rain today.

"Feng Qing'er?"

Xiao Yan was stunned and immediately realized what was going on... It must be that Yao Wan didn't let her go at all after that gaffe.

It's completely understandable, but Xiao Yan doesn't care at all about what kind of punishment she may suffer. Faced with such a woman who likes to sow discord, Xiao Yan has no sympathy at all. Anyway, this woman is just Miss Wan's pet. No matter how she is tortured, whether she is dead or alive, she is still in Yao Wan's palm and cannot choose by herself.

This is the difference between the winner and the loser. After Yaowan wins, Feng Qing'er is raised as a pet. But if Feng Qing'er wins, Yaowan will naturally not be able to escape the fate of death, and may even die. He might have suffered other insults, so being cruel was just his own choice.

"Oh, if you want to go down to find Feng Qing'er, I have one more thing that I need to explain to you and Xian'er."

"Explain what?"

Xiao Yan was inevitably puzzled, but the Little Medical Fairy suddenly came to his senses. The Little Medical Fairy, who had almost recovered, couldn't help but step forward and said, "Sister Wan, are you talking about the one we mentioned before?"

"Well, that's it."

Yao Wan chuckled and nodded, and then said: "Xian'er is indeed the smartest, compared to some people... hum."

"There's no need to hurt me like this, right?"

Xiao Yan shook his head, but still approached Yao Wan and the little medical fairy. Yao Wan glanced at him, and then made a simple outline of the connection between poisonous fire and poisonous bodies and informed Xiao Yan.

"If you can give Xian'er a part of the original fire, this wisp of original poisonous fire can grow like my living flame. And unlike me, Xianer's own poisonous body constitution and the poisonous fire are different from each other. The compatibility can be said to be a match made in heaven. This wisp of fire does not even need to work hard to collect energy from everywhere to grow again. As long as Xian'er continues to practice, the toxins spontaneously transformed by the poisonous body after absorbing the energy of heaven and earth can become the most poisonous fire. Good nutrients, the two complement each other. Not only that, if the poisonous fire cultivated by the evil poison body finally grows into a powerful one, it will definitely not be inferior to other high-grade exotic fires."

"If Xian'er one day steps up to fight for the saints, this poisonous fire will naturally evolve into a powerful strange fire that ranks among the top ten."

Yaowan explained: "However, this is just my guess."

"Oh I see."

Xiao Yan nodded, naturally there would be no refusal, and then said: "In this case, it is not too late, I will give a part of the fire to Xian'er, as long as it is useful to Xian'er, everything will be fine." Let her."

The little medical fairy was naturally extremely moved when she heard what Xiao Yan said, but she still shook her head slightly and said: "No, if giving up the strange fire is harmful to Xiao Yan, even if this poisonous fire is of great benefit, I No, I would rather not have any poisonous fire."

It's just that the conversation between the two of them did not move Yao Wan in the slightest, except that the other party was extremely moved.

She just shook her head, and then slapped each of them on the forehead. The two people who had still had some confidence were suddenly wilted by the medicine, and they leaned together listlessly.

"Those who don't know better think that I am forcing only one of you two to survive."

Yao Wan said expressionlessly: "Isn't it just a poisonous fire? Look, I scared you two so much, don't worry, no one will die, Xiao Yan is fine, and Xian'er can be greatly improved, now you two are satisfied Alright?"

Yao Wan's posture at the moment did not allow the two of them to refute, so she just nodded honestly and did not dare to say anything more.

"Huh, look at what you guys are doing."

Yao Wan snorted lightly, and then said: "It's not too late, Xiao Yanxian'er, it's the same as before."

As soon as Yao Wan said the same thing, Xiao Yan and the Little Medical Fairy naturally understood something. Then the two of them sat opposite each other, while Yao Wan was beside them and said: "Poison fire."

Xiao Yan raised his hand, and a deep purple flame burst out from his palm. It burned quietly without making any sound. Looking at the deep purple for a long time made people's eyes hurt. Now this poisonous flame burst out. The fire has been maintained in Xiao Yan's body for many years. It is no longer the way it was when the medicine wilted away after absorbing the energy of the strange fire in order to cultivate the flames of living beings. Instead, it has once again reproduced the power and depth of the Nether Poison Lake. .

If Xiao Yan hadn't deliberately controlled it, otherwise as soon as the poisonous fire took on a form, the entire Fenglei Pavilion would begin to be filled with terrifying toxins that even the strong men of the Douzong had to avoid. In a few breaths, even the Douhuang would be able to do so. He died with hatred under this poisonous fire.

Yao Wan took a look at the poisonous fire, which was no less powerful than the one he saw in the Netherworld Poison Lake, and couldn't help but nodded slightly. It seems that although the burning technique is life-threatening to practice, it is definitely worthy of the devouring fire. Only after a narrow escape can we face the huge price of transformation.

Then Yao Wan didn't need to say much, Xiao Yan immediately struck the spirit, opened the poisonous fire, just like opening a lotus pod, and carefully revealed the lotus seeds inside, that is, the origin of the strange fire.

Xiao Yan couldn't help but look at Yaowan. He had never done such a thing as dividing the origin of the alien fire. Although he could try it, it was obvious that this was not something ordinary people could do, and even now It is extremely difficult for Xiao Yan to achieve this step.

After all, how to cut the origin of the alien fire without being backlashed and causing one's body to explode and die is one thing. But whether the divided origin of the alien fire can maintain the corresponding activity and continue to act as the tinder of another alien fire, then It's another story.

Back in Canaan College, if Xiao Yan was really 100% sure, he could of course choose to divide a part of the origin of the fallen heart flames and keep it in the Tianfen Qi Refining Tower to ensure that the heart fire in the Tianfen Qi Refining Tower would no longer exist. , the most effective cultivation method in Canaan Academy was cut off.

But how could he have such ability at that time? As soon as he subdued the Fallen Heart Flame, he wanted to divide the origin of fire, even the Fallen Heart Flame, a strange fire that had already produced spiritual intelligence. If Xiao Yan dared to do this, he would be called an old man eating arsenic, because he thought his life would be long.

But even after growing up to this day, Xiao Yan dare not say that he is really sure of this.

Of course, Yao Wan also knew that Xiao Yan might not be 100% sure, so he simply left the most difficult thing to himself.

"Control the poisonous fire and leave the rest to me."

A wisp of extremely deep, abyss-like flame ignited on Yaowan's fingertips, and Xiao Yan couldn't help but be stunned.

It was as dark as an abyss and as faint as the night, but it was wrapped in a layer of outer flames that gradually turned to eye-catching red. When it burned, it only left traces of pale golden embers that drifted in the wind. It is the last bits of residue left behind after the burning of air, space, and all existence, life, and non-life.

Xiao Yan stared blankly as a wisp of black-red flame ignited between the herbs, and he hesitated for a moment unconsciously.

At the same time, the five kinds of strange fires in his body also started to riot. Except for the Nether Poison Fire, which was now tightly controlled by his own mental power and did not allow him any chance to struggle, the other strange fires also started to riot. The city of fire reacted greatly to the strange flame that Yao Wan now displayed, which was obviously different from the flame of life.

Even this reaction was much more violent than when Yao Wan showed his powerful but harmless creature's flames before.

She never needed Yaowan's explanation, but now what emerged from her palm was another powerful strange fire!

It is even a strange fire that is more powerful and terrifying than the flame of life!

After all, although the Flame of Life is powerful, it is indeed not aggressive at all. As the strange fire most desired by alchemists, the Flame of Life does have powerful functions that other strange fires do not have, such as elixirs that promote birth. Prolonging life and longevity, these two points alone are enough to make all alchemists flock to it.

The strange fire in front of him at this moment obviously does not have the magical power of the flame of living things to turn decay into magic, but what replaces it is a particularly pure "death".

That's right, death.

Human beings often want to define death as some embodied force or existence, and they want to do the opposite and escape from the end point that all life should reach. However, this kind of behavior looks at Dou Qi Continent. Countless years, but it only proved that death cannot be restrained by a certain form.

But today, in front of Xiao Yan, the moment he witnessed the flame, this concept suddenly collapsed and disintegrated into dust.

The flame that appeared in front of him was the so-called death. It was not that the flame was the carrier of death, but that flame was the purest death in the world.

He never thought that he would actually witness this kind of existence appearing in front of him in an inadvertent moment, and even more so in the hands of Miss Wan.

But how could Miss Wan possess another kind of strange fire? Has she also practiced the Burning Technique? No, if she also practiced the Burning Jue, he should have an instinctive reaction, but he didn't. It means that Miss Wan has indeed never practiced the Burning Jue, but she has two completely different, even completely opposite, properties at the same time. Two kinds of strange fire.

Life and death actually focused on her alone.

How is this done? Is it because of the exercises? Or is it just because she is who she is that she can do this?

Xiao Yan couldn't figure it out, but while he was confused, Yao Wan took action.

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