Fighting is broken, but the heroine script

Chapter 384 Xun'er is here

The dark but red flames surged, and then twisted into an extremely small, yet extremely sharp blade under Yaowan's control.

The blade composed of black and red flames effortlessly separated part of the origin of the poisonous fire.

Afterwards, Yao Wan pulled it away, and the black and red flames that originally separated the source of the poisonous fire gradually changed color in front of Xiao Yan, turning into the lush green again.

Xiao Yan couldn't help but be stunned. Could this unknown black-red flame be converted into the flame of life?

Or is this flame a part of the flame of life?

Various speculations continued to emerge in Xiao Yan's heart, and the trembling and restlessness of the alien fire in his body gradually disappeared as the unknown black-red flame transformed into the green life flame again.

But even so, it could not calm Xiao Yan's heart.

The five kinds of strange fires are united in his body, and the power is naturally no less than the top ten strange fires. But even so, no matter how powerful it is, death is still an unchangeable end point.

Whether it's humans or alien fires, it's just that alien fires may be able to survive much longer than humans.

But the end point is still death.

Therefore, when facing the black-red flames, Xiao Yan could not even produce the resistance to contend with it, only shock.

He tried hard to search for descriptions about this flame in his mind, but there was nothing. There were black flames in the strange fire list, such as the second Void Swallowing Flame and the sixth Eight Desolate Destruction Yan. , the tenth Nine Nether Wind Flame, but if we talk about it, none of them are black and red in rumors, and none of them are related to death.

Just as the flame of life corresponds to life, the black-red flame in front of you corresponds to death.

"Xian'er, accept this poisonous fire. You have used Xiao Yan's poisonous fire before and have had your first experience, so you only need to use it as you did before."

Yao Wan said lightly, and then the poisonous fire origin wrapped in the heat of life was put into the little medical fairy's body by Yao Wan, and the little medical fairy naturally knew how to deal with it. While taking it into her body, she The surging poisonous fighting energy in his body then ushered in a surge. Obviously, both the little medical fairy himself and the source of the poisonous fire were extremely satisfied with the alien fire (main body) that was about to be fused with it, and they did not reject it at all. .

However, being too compatible is not a completely good thing. Although the little medical fairy has been working hard to control the poisonous fire that is almost growing at a speed visible to the naked eye after the source of the poisonous fire enters the body, and combines it with the poisonous fire that originally gathered in his body. However, she still underestimated the compatibility between poisonous body and poisonous fire. One plus one is far greater than two. The purple-colored poisonous fighting energy can almost inevitably escape from the body of the Little Medical Fairy. Come.

Yao Wan frowned slightly, and the quietly burning flame of ashes silently burned out all the poisonous fighting energy that had left the body of the little medical fairy and became particularly dangerous, but he did not take action again.

Next we have to look at Xian'er and Xiao Yan himself.

After all, she doesn't know how to use poison, nor is she the holder of poisonous fire. In this case, it is safest for the person who is most familiar with poisonous fire to do it. It still depends on the two of them.

But she wasn't too worried. Xiao Yan and Xian'er didn't have to worry about everything.

Yao Wan looked at the two of them. When the poisonous fighting energy on the little medical fairy began to escape uncontrollably, Xiao Yan then used his poisonous fire power to control the poisonous fire for her because the source of the poisonous fire was welcoming her in her body. The power to grow like crazy.

But when he gradually accepted the vigorous and vigorous power, Xiao Yan couldn't help but be shocked. Even if the poisonous fire had just entered his body, the power released was no longer comparable to ordinary strange fire.

The compatibility between the poisonous body and the poisonous fire definitely surpasses the connection between Xiao Yan and Yao Wan and their own strange fire. I am afraid that no one else can possess this unique physique and advantage except her. .

"Xian'er, concentrate on refining the source of the poisonous fire."

Xiao Yan, who had refined and devoured five kinds of strange fires, spoke softly in a tone that sounded like someone who had experienced it. His soft voice carried a power that made the little medical fairy feel at ease. It also made her a little nervous. The restless heart calmed down.

The process of refining the source of poisonous fire is not that difficult for the little medical fairy. The hardships she has endured in her life are not less than refining the source of poisonous fire, not to mention because of the compatibility between the poisonous body and the poisonous fire. However, this wisp of poisonous fire origin did not even have any decent struggle or resistance, and was refined by the little medical fairy.

Then, Xiao Yan was outside and the Little Medical Fairy was inside. He guided the poisonous fire to the dantian, and merged it with the Poison Body Young Pill that had been condensed with the poisonous fire. Originally, an illusory half-like body appeared in the Little Medical Fairy's body. The transparent Poison Body Pill was gradually replaced by a faint flame of dark purple but tinged with a hint of green.

Along with the weak flames that transformed from deep purple to dark green, replacing the original position of the Poison Body Young Pill, the poisonous fighting energy in the original little medical fairy's body was also absorbed by it, and the function of the Poison Body Young Pill was lost. Having completely replaced him, Poison Fire can now do things that Hindan couldn't do before, and even things that Hindan, a poisonous body, couldn't do before.

When all this was done, the little medical fairy felt that her whole body was wet with sweat. The thin lavender clothes were stuck to her body, revealing a faint light pink color, which was not particularly comfortable.

She couldn't help but twist her delicate body slightly, feeling uncomfortable, and then looked at Xiao Yan, who was very close at hand, and was slightly stunned.

She didn't know why, but when she looked at Xiao Yan now, she felt an indescribable but tangible sense of connection in her heart, as if there was an invisible thread entangling the two of them together.

"Is this... done?"

The little medical fairy blinked her gray-purple eyes. The poisonous fire didn't seem to bring much change to her. If she hadn't taken the initiative to refine the strange fire just now, she would have thought she was dreaming.

"Well, it should be done."

Xiao Yan nodded, and then said: "And I don't know why, I seem to be able to feel Xian'er... I can't quite describe this feeling, but I can definitely feel it in my heart."

"So Xiao Yan is like this too?"

The little medical fairy couldn't hide her surprise, but more importantly, she was surprised. This feeling of connectedness between the two made her feel particularly at ease.

Yaowan nodded slightly. In this way, the poisonous body of Ernan was completely controlled. Controlling the poisonous body with poisonous fire was no more convenient than the laborious poison elixir method.

"Don't be too envious."

As she said that, Yao Wan couldn't help but look at Nalan Yanran, and said with a joke.

"Who is envious? I am not envious."

Nalan Yanran glared at Yaowan. She didn't feel unbalanced at all. The relationship between the Little Medical Fairy and Xiao Yan was obvious to all. She was not twisted to the point where she felt jealous even over this, causing her to feel unbalanced.

Yaowan smiled, and then raised his hand to caress her cheek. Nalan Yanran couldn't help but puff up her cheeks. The usually heroic swordsman beauty looked really cute.


In recent days, Xiao Xun'er has been feeling uneasy, as if something bad had happened.

She originally thought it was just her random thoughts, but as time went by, that strong feeling of uneasiness became more intense.

How many things in this world could make her uneasy? Xiao Xun'er almost immediately thought of Xiao Yan.

Brother Xiao Yan...he has come to Zhongzhou?

A trace of speculation floated in Xiao Xun'er's mind unconsciously. During this period of time, she had been practicing. The last time she planned to wait for brother Xiao Yan to intercept the medicine as soon as she arrived, she didn't find a suitable candidate. She just hoped that Don't miss anything yourself.

She secretly murmured in her heart that she was ready to leave the seclusion and leave the ancient world. She didn't have much important matters, she just wanted to confirm the safety and current situation of brother Xiao Yan.

And she also learned something from Yaowan.

The eldest lady’s willful temper and wanton behavior.

Xiao Xun'er realized more and more that she was too gentle now, which made the clan think that she was some kind of soft persimmon who was submissive and easy to bully. The clan elders now even restricted her actions in the ancient world.

Xiao Xun'er couldn't help but smile disdainfully, "Who cares, let's go first. Anyway, even if the sky falls on the clan leader's side, her father will bear it, and as for the rest of the people, she can handle it herself."

With this idea in mind, Xiao Xun'er forced her way out of the ancient world, leaving only a piece of chicken feathers in the ancient world.

The elders of the ancient clan in the ancient world had to feel troubled by Xiao Xun'er's rebellion, but there was nothing they could do except to send people to chase her back.

Xiao Xun'er found a nearby space wormhole formation that was teleported to the northern region of Zhongzhou. She first teleported to the border of Zhongzhou closest to the northwest continent to find it.

At the same time, she also began to inquire about Xiao Yan along the way. Brother Xiao Yan was extremely talented. When he came to the land of Zhongzhou, he would definitely be like a fish leaping over the dragon gate or a wind and cloud transforming into a dragon. He would have gained a lot of fame. He should be found. Not too difficult.

And all this was exactly as she expected.

This time, the leader of the Sifang Pavilion Conference was none other than Xiao Yan.

This made Xiao Xun'er secretly happy. The Sifang Pavilion Conference lasted only a short time, which naturally meant that brother Xiao Yan had not been in Zhongzhou for a long time. Maybe the woman was now trapped in the Medicine Clan and could not leave.

In this way, this time can be regarded as a chance for her to win back the victory!

Xiao Xun'er secretly rejoiced, and then couldn't help but speed up.

Brother Xiao Yan, wait for me, Xun'er is here!

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