But on the way to Fenglei Pavilion, Xiao Xun'er also heard some strange noises.

Something unexpected happened to Fenglei Pavilion. Lord Lei offended a powerful enemy and was killed. Fenglei Pavilion changed its owner. Now the person who sits in Fenglei Pavilion is a mysterious new owner, but no one knows who the new owner is.

There were even some shocking rumors that even the disciples of the Heavenly Demon Phoenix Clan of Fenglei Pavilion were used as mounts by the new master of Fenglei Pavilion and played with at will. Xiao Xun'er couldn't help but frown slightly.

This Zhongzhou has never been here before, so why is there such dirty news?

The ominous premonition in her heart became stronger and stronger.

But even so, now that she found out that Xiao Yan was still in Fenglei Pavilion, she rushed to Fenglei Pavilion non-stop and traveled through the starry night.

But thinking about it, there seems to be no news about Yao Wan... I don't know if this woman is staying peacefully in the Yao Clan.

Today's Yao Clan is no longer making a fuss about Yao Wan's escape as it was a few years ago. She couldn't get any valuable information she wanted even if she deliberately inquired about it, so naturally she couldn't let it go.

But even if there is no news from the Yao Clan, it doesn't mean that nothing is really going wrong. After all, nothing good has ever happened when he got along with that woman Yao Wan.

Xiao Xun'er doesn't want to have any meaningless fantasies. She just hopes that things will not get worse. That's all she needs. As for the rest... let's think about it in the long term.

With this idea in mind, after several days of running around, Xiao Xun'er came to Leishan, where Fenglei Pavilion is located. Looking at the towering silver tower, she didn't feel the joy of finally seeing her sweetheart again. , on the contrary, it was more of an ominous premonition that became stronger and stronger.

When she was finally mentally prepared and entered Fenglei Pavilion, almost at the same moment, she opened her eyes wide. Although the annoying aura was not that strong, But it was still difficult to escape her perception.


When that nightmare-like name echoed like a bell in her mind again, Xiao Xun'er knew that she had let this woman take the lead again.

And when Xiao Xun'er noticed Yao Wan's aura, it was naturally impossible for Yao Wan, whose soul perception was far superior to Xiao Xun'er's, not to notice her.

She couldn't help but sigh, but the corners of her mouth couldn't help but raise slightly, feeling that the fun was about to come.

I don’t know what the eldest lady of the ancient tribe’s expression was when she saw Nalan.

When I think of this, the resentment that Xiao Xun'er choked before can't help but drift away with the wind. There is simply no situation more relieving than this...

But before she could open the champagne to celebrate, she felt the powerful aura of strange fire, like a fierce fire phoenix, hitting the top of the silver tower head-on.

Yao Wan remained calm, but she was a little surprised that Xiao Xun'er's cultivation was not growing slowly. However, if you think about it, as the most powerful eldest lady of the ancient clan among the eight clans, and the daughter of the Nine-Star Fighting Saint Gu Yuan, The resources Xiao Xun'er received were probably much more than hers.

She just raised her hand, and the Ash Flame, which was as black as ink and as red as blood, turned into a giant dragon with four legs and two wings. She grabbed the golden fire phoenix above her head with a pair of thick, long and powerful front paws, and then fiercely He smashed it into the mountains in front of the giant tower of Fenglei Pavilion.

The golden flame and fighting spirit can be ignited, but when faced with pure death, it obviously loses its usual overbearing momentum.

But the golden fire phoenix that fell down showed no sign of weakness. Even after being pushed down into the Thunder Mountain by the Dragon of Ash Destruction, which instantly burned most of the thunder-attributed plants on the Thunder Mountain to ashes, it still turned over. He climbed up and stared at the Ash-Destroying Dragon that was slowly flying down with his red eyes.

Fentian Fire Phoenix flapped its wings, showing no signs of weakness, and stood out particularly tall and straight under the surging thunderclouds.

"Let's not talk about other things for now, Miss Gu is good at controlling fire."

Yao Wan stood on the back of the Gray Destruction Dragon, stroking the hot dragon scales composed of the Ash Destruction Flame on the raised dragon's neck, and said casually.

"Where did you learn these crooked ways? Are you finally unwilling to hold on to the flames of a living creature that cannot hurt others, and start to expose your true nature?"

Xiao Xun'er was not affected by the medicine at all, and said sarcastically to each other.

"Regardless of whether it is good or evil, if it is useful to me, it is a good thing."

Yao Wan chuckled. Moral kidnapping was of no use to her. As long as she had no morals, wouldn't others be able to kidnap her? Yao Wan, who has already understood the truth of life, doesn't bother to pay attention to it.

"As expected of you."

Xiao Xun'er sneered. The Burning Sky Fire Phoenix in front of her was pouring out golden fire feathers like raindrops, and then it showed its sharp claws and grabbed the Gray Destruction Dragon in front of her. It was just a physical fight, and its size alone was enough. Seeing the gap between the two sides, the Gray Destruction Dragon under Yaowan's seat just let out a low roar like a magnetic storm, flapped its wings and flicked away the fire feathers. Even the sharp claws of the fire phoenix pierced the dragon's scales without hindering the movement. The powerful forelimbs broke away the sharp claws, and then slapped down the fire phoenix that had just risen into the air.

Alien fire, fighting spirit, and fire control techniques, the collision between the two women has surpassed the so-called earth-level fighting skills, and the monsters transformed by the two alien fires are fighting together.

Such violent tremors naturally attracted the attention of the powerful men in Fenglei Pavilion, but when they got closer, they found that this was not a battle that their level could intervene in.

Especially when the two different fires collide in the heaven and earth, the energy collides with each other, erupting with extremely terrifying destructive power, no less than Xiao Yan's Buddha's Furious Fire Lotus.

And even Xiao Yan can't help but throw away the Buddha's Angry Fire Lotus for free like a trump card.

There were just violent tremors, and the two monsters transformed into strange fires hit from the ground to the sky, and then from the sky back to the ground. The final result naturally ended with Yao Wan's victory. The Ash-Destroying Dragon pressed the Fire Phoenix directly. When it was broken between the broken mountains of Lei Mountain, Xiao Xun'er was still a little unwilling.

"Okay - stop fighting!"

Seeing this, Xiao Yan had no choice but to risk his life and intervene in the battle, blocking them directly in front of them.

Yao Wan and Xiao Xun'er then gradually restrained the terrifying fighting spirit in their bodies, and the strange fire was obviously more intimidating than that fighting spirit, and they unconsciously shunned it.


Xiao Xun'er glared at Yaowan fiercely, then grabbed Xiao Yan who was guarding her in front of her, and looked at him carefully, with a trace of worry and eagerness unconsciously revealed in her brows.

"Brother Xiao Yan, are you okay?"

Xiao Xun'er's tone suddenly softened. She didn't want Xiao Yan to be injured because of her fight with Yao Wan. If that were the case... Xiao Xun'er, who was thinking like this, couldn't help but look at Yao Wan again, as if It's a threat.

It's like saying: If brother Xiao Yan loses a hair, I will never let you go.

No need to say anything, Yao Wan could see through Xiao Xun'er's thoughts with just one glance. She couldn't help but shake her head gently. To be honest, she really wanted to pull out a piece of Xiao Yan's hair and look at herself. After touching a hair of Xiao Yan, what on earth did she dare to do.

Not for anything else, just for fun.

"It's okay. There's nothing wrong with me. Don't worry, Xun'er."

When he felt the body temperature transmitted by Xun'er's warm fingertips, Xiao Yan was moved again, but he was also helpless unconsciously. What moved him was naturally Xun'er's heart. If there was such a woman who treated her like this I think that no matter what kind of man he is, he will cherish it even more.

What is helpless is the tit-for-tat confrontation between Xun'er and Miss Wan, whether it was the initial show of affection in the Xiao family, or the big fight in Canaan College, until the earth-shattering battle and killing at this moment, the relationship between the two The relationship did not become more and more harmonious as Xiao Yan expected, but instead the attacks became more ruthless each time.

I really don’t know what the reasons were that led to the situation between them in the end.

Xiao Yan couldn't help but shook his head. In the face of this huge contradiction, even Xiao Yan couldn't mediate the two of them. Perhaps the only thing he could do was to stop the two of them from continuing the situation before they killed each other. It will only get worse.

But even so, it had little effect.

When he thought of this, Xiao Yan couldn't help but look at Yaowan in front of him. His subconscious actions seemed to have made a choice between the two, that is, to stop Yaowan to protect Xun'er, but there was nothing else besides the literal meaning. Intentions and ideas, and he only realized that even a genius like Xun'er would not be able to be evenly matched with Yao Wan before he fully grew up.

For this reason, he couldn't help but sigh. Xun'er naturally thought that Xiao Yan had made the choice, but in fact Xiao Yan would do this just because Xun'er really couldn't be Yao Wan's opponent.

If you need to consider who needs priority protection, Xiao Yan will naturally save Xun'er without thinking.

After all, Yao Wan has never been someone she needs to worry about, that's all.

"Okay, I really have nothing wrong with you, Xun'er."

Therefore, Xiao Yan exhaled a breath of turbid air and said softly.

"Brother Xiao Yan?"

"I still think you may have a certain misunderstanding with Miss Wan..."

Xiao Yan felt that it was too uncomfortable to be trapped between the two of them, so naturally he still tried his best to let them reconcile and get back together... No, there was nothing good between them at all.

Just this proves how bad the relationship between the two is.

"Misunderstanding? There is no misunderstanding between me and her."

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