After the Jiama Empire was invaded by the Spirit-Devouring Clan army, the Snake Tribe and the surrounding humans who were originally entrenched in the Tagor Desert were forced to work together to overcome the difficulties.

It can only be said that if you want to unite the two races when they are in conflict, the most appropriate way is to transfer the conflict to a more powerful and terrifying enemy, and the existence of the Spirit-Devouring Tribe is exactly the right one. Such a role.

Even under the leadership of Xiao Yan, the Jiama Empire and other empires crushed the Spirit-Devouring Clan's ambition to annex the Northwest Continent. Now that the Spirit-Devouring Tribe has retreated, the original peace has returned to the Northwest Continent. .

It's just that even after the Spirit-Devouring Clan retreated, the northwest continent gradually returned to its past, but whether it was the snake people, humans, or the various forces in other empires, they were now in a strange peace.

Except for areas like the Black Corner Territory, where killing and chaos are really unavoidable, other places with a little bit of order are now unwilling to continue to cause any disputes.

Even though the defeat of the Swallowing Spirit Clan was a great victory for them, the damage caused by the Swallowing Spirit Clan to the Northwest Continent cannot be ignored.

No one can afford the price of still causing disputes after the Devouring Eldar have wreaked havoc.

In the center of the Jiama Imperial Capital, there is a magnificent and towering hall. The hall is extremely high. Standing at the top, you can overlook the entire city. This is the most powerful place in the Jiama Empire today.

At this moment, at the top of the heavily fortified hall, there was a woman wearing a brocade robe. The woman's figure was extremely voluptuous. Even the slightly loose skirt and robe could still hardly hide the heart-stirring devilish curves. The sky Above, the faint moonlight poured down, illuminating that beautiful face that made people stop breathing.

The first impression of this beautiful appearance is that of an almost enchanting feeling. The red lips are slightly pursed and a curve is enchanting to all living beings. However, between the slender dark eyebrows, there is a trace of the old high-ranking person. The sense of oppression, coquettishness and majesty coexisted, making the charm reach its peak.

At this moment, this woman with a charming appearance that could enchant all living beings had her eyebrows slightly furrowed and she looked up at the bright moon. A thin figure lingered in front of her eyes.

But now her face showed an unnatural paleness, as if she had just experienced something unexpected. After being stunned for a moment, she seemed to notice an unusual touch in her arms, and then she shook her arms gently like instinct. The swaddle, under the soft silk, revealed a cute little face, half asleep in her mother's arms.

She subconsciously murmured something softly, but she was afraid of waking up the swaddled child, so she could only smile helplessly, then gently patted the swaddled child, letting the cool night breeze blow through her temples. .

A moment later, the sound of flapping wings came from far and near, and then landed softly behind her.

"...Her Majesty the Queen, you have just given birth to a saint, so it is best not to stay outside too much."

The elder of the Snake Tribe bowed slightly and said.

"Okay, my health is not that bad."

Queen Medusa frowned slightly, obviously dissatisfied with the elders' control and admonishment, and then said: "Besides, haven't you been cultivating for more than a month? If you were a human, you should have finished your confinement, right?"

"Great Elder, you don't have to worry about me. During my absence, it's important to continue to take care of the snake people's affairs."

"What are you talking about, Your Majesty? The queen and the saint are the pillars and hope of our clan, and the safety of the queen and the saint is the cornerstone of the snake people."

The great elder's words made Queen Medusa frown slightly, and she could only sigh quietly at the end.

She had long been used to the Great Elder saying that he was only talking about the entire Snake Tribe, but now when she was holding the child in her arms, she felt a hint of boredom in her heart.

Saint, saint, saint.

Medusa couldn't help but murmur secretly in her heart, but it made her inexplicably bored.

She is not a saint, she has a name, her name is Xiao Xiao, and she is no one else.

Not to mention my whole life, but at least half of my life has been dedicated to the snake people. But now, is my child destined to be bound by the mission of the snake people from birth?

Perhaps out of motherly instinct, Medusa accidentally had such an idea in her heart, which was extremely rebellious among the snake people.

Since giving birth to Xiao Xiao, Medusa has often recalled the short time she spent with Xiao Yan in Canaan College. She vaguely remembers that when she talked about refining elixirs for the Snake Tribe, Xiao Yan I once asked her, isn't it tiring when her mind is filled with ethnic groups?

At that time, Medusa had no choice but to urge him to just refine the elixir and not ask anything else, so she asked her to stall him.

Now that I think about it, are you tired? Of course she was tired, but she already liked to think about things from the perspective of the snake people's interests, so she didn't think there would be any problems.

But even so, Medusa was not indifferent to Xiao Xiao's future fate.

Of course, Xiao Xiao is still young, and it may have to wait many years before she faces a choice. However, the elders of the Snake Tribe always remind her invisibly that even if she does not have to worry about such problems now, it will be many years later. , this problem will still come.

Alas, it is really unsettling.

When she thought of this, Medusa couldn't help but sigh secretly. She was born to have to bear her fate. This feeling must be terrible even if she didn't say much.

"Okay, let's get down."

Medusa said, the elder of the snake tribe lowered his head slightly, and then flew down.

"If I weren't afraid of waking up Xiao Xiao, I should have beaten you down."

Watching the old woman's falling figure, Medusa murmured secretly between her red lips. Then she couldn't help but hug the baby gently, turned around and slowly returned to the hall.

The scene of Medusa entering the house with her young son in her arms happened to fall into the eyes of the intruders from afar.

"It seems... I'm just in time."

Yaowan pondered and murmured subconsciously. When she saw Medusa turning around and entering the house, she didn't intend to hide anymore, so she wanted to go out.

Unexpectedly, Xiao Xun'er, who came with her, suddenly changed his mind. He seemed to have a trace of compassion and did not go down when Yao Wan left.

"What's wrong? Didn't you come with yourself? Why didn't you come again?"

Yao Wan couldn't help but ask.

"How can I be so thick-skinned as you?"

Xiao Xun'er asked, feeling displeased.

"Yeah, it's all my fault, right?"

Yao Wan didn't bother to pay any attention to her.

"... It's just a whim of yours to meet her alone, so what's the point of bringing me along? Do you really want others to think that I'm just here for some fun?"

A trace of hesitation flashed in Xiao Xun'er's beautiful eyes, but she finally expressed her true thoughts.

"Is not it?"

Yao Wan raised her eyebrows. If Xiao Xun'er could show such kindness in the beginning, she wouldn't believe it even to death.

"It was the beginning, but now that the child is here, how can I end up like this?"

Xiao Xun'er didn't hide it. Anyway, the two of them were destined to hate each other. No matter how much they talked, it would not affect their impression of each other. Naturally, it didn't matter if they talked about other things.


Yao Wan shook her head. She really had nothing to say about Xiao Xun'er's inexplicable and strange logic. Since she was unwilling to go down immediately, then let her do whatever she wanted.

Afterwards, Yaowan fell into the courtyard of the main hall with light steps, leaving Xiao Xun'er alone looking at her back, with somewhat entangled and complicated eyes.

Naturally, Xiao Xun'er's hesitation could not delay Yao Wan's steps. From the moment she landed in the courtyard, the aura spread quietly like a vine.

Medusa subconsciously turned around, only to see the strange woman coming to her side silently.

"It's you?"

She didn't even recognize him at first glance. It was only after she felt the overly familiar scent that she realized who it was. Medusa was a little surprised. To be honest, she and Yaoyuan only met each other once, but they later lived together. In Canaan College, they only knew about each other's existence, but never met each other. After Canaan College, there was no chance of meeting.

In this way, the only official meeting between the two was actually when they were snatching Qinglian's Earth Core Fire. They fought over the strange fire. In the end, Medusa lost, and this became the starting point of her entanglement with Xiao Yan.

But wasn't she taken away by the elders of the clan? How could it appear in the Jia Ma Empire?

But with just one glance, questions about her suddenly came to Medusa's mind.

"It seems I came just in time. I thought you might still be pregnant."

Yaowan looked at the baby in Medusa's arms and said.

"Do you know...? Xiao Yan told you?"

Medusa was startled. Everything that happened between her and Xiao Yan happened after Yao Wan left, but she seemed to know everything.

"He hasn't told me about this yet, but I can probably guess this kind of thing."

Yaowan shook her head, and without giving Medusa much time to think about the meaning of her words, she slowly approached Medusa and said, "Can I hug her?"

Medusa hesitated for a moment. She didn't have a good impression of Yao Wan, but she couldn't say she had any dislike. At most, it was just because she was unwilling to lose to her in the first place. She just took Yao Wan's words as such. She is now a mother. Still couldn't help but feel a little hesitant.

Should I trust the woman in front of me? Thinking that she and Xiao Yan were inseparable in the past, it is natural that they can be trusted. Besides, when this woman came, there was no movement at all. Thinking that her cultivation level is already above hers.


Medusa shook her head, what about trust and strength? Xiao Xiao is her daughter, why should she hug her?

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