Fighting is broken, but the heroine script

Chapter 392 Sense of intimacy


Seeing Medusa's refusal, Yao Wan was not upset. She just took a few steps forward and couldn't help looking curiously at the baby in her arms. She was particularly interested in this little life that might have been born into this world just because of an accident.

Seeing that Medusa did not deny it, Yao Wan went one step further and said, "What about the name? Could it also be called Medusa?"

"Her name is Xiao Xiao, not the next Queen Medusa."

Medusa frowned slightly and said.

"It seems like you don't want her to be like you."

Yaowan looked at Medusa's back with a bit of emotion. Maybe all mothers are like this.

"Of course I hope she is safe and happy. The queen recognized by the snake people has to bear the fate of leading the tribe from birth. Whether it is training or growing up, she is too tired to live. I don't want her to be like this."

Queen Medusa held the sleeping baby in her arms and said.

"What are you doing here? This Jia Ma Empire is too small for you. Do you actually want to come back here one day?"

After the words fell, Medusa couldn't help but look at the medicine, as if she noticed something, and said: "I have no intention of arguing with you. If you are suspicious of this, then I can only say that you are too worried. There’s no need for you to stay here, just go back to where you came from.”

Medusa's tone was very calm, but there was a hint of compromise hidden in her words. No matter how unwilling she was, she had to admit that Yao Wan was indeed not something she could deal with.

Whether it's in terms of strength or emotion.

Before their accident happened, Medusa knew how important the medicine mandarin occupies in Xiao Yan's heart. Medusa undoubtedly made some pointless attempts and just wanted to take care of her children. That's all.

What's more, now that Xiao Xiao is born, she naturally hopes that Xiao Xiao will be safe and grow up healthy and happy. As for other things, how can she dare to ask for anything?

Not to mention that this woman Yao Wan has a bad nature, and Medusa does not want Xiao Xiao to be targeted by her.

If Yaowan could hear what Medusa was thinking, she would probably cry out for injustice.

She does have some unusual little hobbies, but she is not the kind of sadist who picks up people when she catches them. She has a good eye for who she will attack, and she has not seen her do anything to anyone except Feng Qing'er. Such an excessive thing.

But once this idea was planted, it was difficult to change. Yao Wan, who had never known what Medusa thought of her, couldn't help but smile when she heard Medusa's retreat.

"I wonder why you and someone are so crazy about each other? I didn't say I was going to fight with you about anything."

Yaowan could not help but shook his head and said.

Medusa turned her head and glanced at Yao Wan. Her charming eyes were full of surprise, and she didn't believe what Yao Wan said.

But she had a natural expression on her face, and she still couldn't help but hesitate in her heart. But in the end, Medusa realized that no matter what she said, it didn't seem to have much to do with her.

"I don't have any problem with you, but some people may not."

Yaowan looked innocent, but Medusa unconsciously became wary: "Did you bring someone else here?"

"There is no way, she insisted on coming."

As he said that, Yao Wan subconsciously looked at the courtyard outside the door. Xiao Xun'er, who had been paying attention to the conversation between the two, sighed quietly, and then fell down.

Medusa looked at the woman walking slowly, and suddenly recalled the excitement she had in Canaan College, and the stunning appearance of the young woman in front of her became more and more familiar.

She sighed secretly, and couldn't help but scold Xiao Yan in her heart. Look at the good things you have done, but you have never had stage fright again.

Even if a woman is jealous, she would not be too busy to silence the woman who caused some trouble in Canaan College.

Medusa inevitably had many random thoughts in her mind, but apart from the infant child, she really had nothing to fear.

But at this moment, the swaddled baby slowly opened its big watery eyes. It was not like an ordinary baby who had just been born and was wrinkled like a little old man, but more like it had already been born. A two-year-old baby has a rosy complexion and skin that can be broken by blows.

"Xiao Xiao?"

Medusa was slightly startled, and her slightly astonished expression looked a little funny. The shock caused by the sound of the baby waking up made her look more panicked and stunned than her reaction to her love rival.

The baby girl named Xiao Xiao neither cried nor fussed. She just twisted her body slightly, as if she wanted to sit up from her mother's arms. She felt a burst of cocoons in her arms. Medusa was helpless and had to turn around. She made a posture, let the daughter in her arms rest on her arms, and sat up.


Xiao Xiao was particularly happy for her mother's thoughtfulness and indulgence. However, the newly born child, even with the blood of a strange beast, could not speak human words and could only make some rather brisk babbling to express his feelings. My mood at the moment is, I think, happy.

Then, those big watery eyes saw Yaowan a few steps away and Xiao Xun'er who was standing at the door, with a trace of bewilderment flashing across her face.

"Hi~~ little guy."

Yaowan had no hostility toward Medusa from beginning to end. After seeing Xiao Xiao wake up, he bent down slightly and greeted her with a smile, regardless of whether she understood or understood.

Naturally, the elixirs like children. Compared with adults who are already either gray or black, the pure white color will make people pay more attention and cherish it.

Xiao Xiao blinked her big watery eyes, and the confusion in her eyes quickly turned into a hint of familiar joy. She couldn't help but pat her palm, which was no bigger than a fist, and she was babbling, she was extremely happy.

Medusa was slightly startled. This was the first time that Xiao Xiao was so close to a stranger she had never met before. However, before she could sigh in her heart, the little Xiao Xiao in her arms struggled to reach out to the wand. His arms looked particularly close.

Medusa's expression froze slightly, she couldn't help but shake her daughter in her arms, and said softly: "Xiao Xiao, don't mess around."


Although Xiao Xiao was still young and did not know the meaning of her mother's words, she could feel the emotions of her mother who was connected to her by blood. She could not help but shrink her neck slightly, and fell into a brief relationship between the inexplicably familiar woman and her mother in front of her. tangled.

"What are you talking about? Isn't Xiao Xiao quite sensible? Isn't that right~~"

Yaowan smiled softly from beginning to end and raised her fingertips to tease the infant girl.

Xiao Xiao, who was rarely able to settle down at first, became active again under Yao Wan's teasing, and this time, even Medusa, as a mother, couldn't hold it back.

"Uh oh..."

Seeing her daughter, just like her father, being seduced by the woman in front of her as soon as they met, Medusa couldn't help but show a hint of helplessness no matter how resentful she was. In the end, she couldn't stand Xiao Xiao's babbling. Yelling, Medusa carefully carried the swaddled baby in her arms to the woman who made her feel extremely complicated.

Seeing this, Yaowan naturally caught the swaddling clothes with the same caution. At the same time, she also heard Medusa's warning in a lowered voice: "Be careful with her, otherwise, I will not let you go even to death."

Yao Wan couldn't help but shook her head. Is she that scary? Why is it that no one except Xian'er has a good attitude towards her now? Even Nalan has started to become rebellious and have a bad temper.

It's just that she didn't have much time to think about it. The shock that only a living little life could have from the swaddled baby in her arms made her temporarily retract her random thoughts and couldn't help but lower her head and look at the baby in her arms. cute baby girl.


Xiao Xiao was extremely happy because her mother finally agreed to her request, although she probably didn't know what she was doing.

"Yeah, your mother has other things to be busy with now."

How does Yaowan know what Xiao Xiao means by babbling now? The newborn son had an innocent soul. Even though Yao Wan’s soul was extremely powerful, he couldn’t talk to an empty soul, so he had to act as the cradle himself, holding Xiao Xiao while walking and rocking it gently. Walking around the hall, Medusa and Xiao Xun'er were slightly startled when they saw them. Why do they think Yao Wan is so skilled in raising children? Absolutely no sense of having to deal with children for the first time?

It couldn't be that she and Xiao Yan had given birth to an illegitimate child in the past few years, right?

Xiao Xun'er couldn't help being startled by her own wild thoughts, and quickly shook her head to expel this terrible speculation from her mind.

On the contrary, it was Medusa. After the initial surprise, Yaowan's skillful movements in taking care of the child made her sigh in relief.

However, her worries were unnecessary. If nothing else, this child Xiao Xiao was born with the cultivation of Tianhun Blood Melting Pill, and he was born to fight the sect in the true sense. With this background alone, even if he was placed in many Zhongzhou The sect also seemed unusual.

Perhaps only Medusa, a biological mother, would be afraid of being injured due to careless care for a child who can turn into wings without fighting spirit and walk through the air, right?

Facing the slightly exciting swaying of the medicine, Xiao Xiao was not afraid at all. Instead, he was babbling excitedly. He didn’t know what he was shouting. The only thing that was certain was that this little guy was really Just happy.

At the same time, Yao Wan almost realized why Xiao Xiao was so happy.

Probably because of the strong and familiar aura of creatures on his body.

She vaguely remembered that Medusa had indeed come into contact with her own biological aura. Perhaps that trace of biological aura was absorbed by the pregnant Xiao Xiao, and that was why she felt such a closeness to her.

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