However, this is just a reasonable guess made by Yao Wan. She has no way to guarantee 100% accuracy. However, if she thinks about it, this little guy who has no blood connection with her really has some mysterious connection. , then this is probably the most likely guess.

Holding the babbling little Xiao Xiao in her arms, Yao Wan couldn't help but think in her heart.

Then I couldn't help feeling that my cheeks were itchy. I looked down and saw Xiao Xiao boldly stretching out her hand and scratching Yao Wan's cheek. Yao Wan was not annoyed and just let her do this. Act wantonly.

Fortunately, the little guy's hands were not very strong, so he couldn't pinch her in pain. Anyway, he didn't pinch a few ounces of flesh on his chest, so he just let her go.

After all, it seems that the face attracts her attention more.

Not only did this make Yao Wan couldn't help but think secretly in her heart, by the way, does Medusa need to be breastfed?

It's not a dirty thought, it's really the thought that Yao Wan couldn't help but subconsciously come up with after seeing Xiao Xiao. However, it seemed that there was no need for it. A Heavenly Soul Melting Blood Pill refined by Xiao Yan almost allowed her to complete her training in one breath. The basic process, and even the Dou Zong cultivation level as soon as he was born, it is not an exaggeration to say that the future is limitless.

If this little guy is brought to the Medicine Clan for training, it shouldn't be a big problem if he reaches the peak of Dou Zun, not to mention becoming a Dou Sage at the age of ten.

Yao Wan couldn't help but have such thoughts in her mind, but she couldn't decide on this kind of thing. If she didn't do it, she might be sentenced to child abduction.


Yao Wan was thinking about it, but her cheeks felt a little painful. Looking at Xiao Xiao who was becoming more and more unrestrained in her arms, Yao Wan couldn't help but break away from her hand that pinched her cheek. Well, she looked away accidentally. The little girl's hands are very strong, and it hurts a lot.

Yao Wan couldn't help but poked Xiao Xiao's rosy little face in retaliation. Xiao Xiao didn't hide away. He just raised his head and looked at Yao Wan's face, and then subconsciously tried to grab Yao Wan's hair.

Yao Wan didn't dare to let her succeed anymore. Yao Wan quickly held down Xiao Xiao and let the child play with her hair. Yao Wan wouldn't do this even if she thought her hair was too long.

And just when Yaowan and Xiao Xiao were mingling, Medusa naturally took time out and looked at the beauty who was walking slowly.

Xiao Xun'er.

In fact, this name was not only heard at Canaan College, but also from the Xiao family, and Medusa naturally heard it as well.

Most of the rumors are related to Xiao Yan's childhood sweetheart, who grew up together, etc. Although it has never been as high as the rumors caused by Yao Wan's excessive mystery and power, her existence will not be ignored.

Although it is unclear how far the relationship between her and Xiao Yan has progressed, since there is such a relationship, Medusa can probably guess that she will not be able to face her in the future. .

The only comfort came from Yaowan. After all, he had come into contact with the most terrifying woman, no matter what kind of other woman she was. Don't worry too much.

With this thought in mind, the day that had been in her mind for a long time finally arrived.

Medusa is looking at herself, and Xiao Xun'er is naturally looking at Medusa. She has to admit that her attitude towards her flesh and blood Xiao Xiao has indeed changed Xiao Xun'er's view of her. Naturally, she also Invisibly, I gradually let go of the traces of prejudice and hostility.

"I don't have much to say."

Even when the two of them were talking, Medusa's eyes couldn't help but subconsciously glance in the direction of Yao Wan and Xiao Xiao, almost writing that she regarded her daughter as her heart and soul.

However, Xiao Xun'er had no intention of taking advantage of this - she was not a calculating and gloomy woman like Yao Wan, so how could she do such a thing? If you want to win, you must use your own ability to drive out all the women who got involved——

Although, her current rationality has noticed that this kind of thing is probably unlikely.

"Let's each other...but now I have to accept your existence."

Xiao Xun'er's tone was still full of unwillingness, but she was helpless.


Regarding what Xiao Xun'er said, Medusa was touched, but it was not a complete surprise. After all, she already knew about Xiao Yan and the little medical fairy when she was at Canaan College.

Therefore, she didn't care much about the truth or falsehood of what Xiao Xun'er said, but even so, what Xiao Xun'er said next still made her startled.

"It's better... you and me..."

Xiao Xun'er gradually lowered her voice and just gestured. Medusa then understood what Xiao Xun'er meant. Just understanding her intention did not represent her purpose, not to mention Xiao Xun'er's sudden appearance. The expression inevitably left Medusa confused.

However, in addition to Xiao Xun'er's words and deeds that could probably be guessed just by looking at her, Medusa couldn't help but cast her eyes again on Yao Wan, who was taking her daughter with her at the moment.

Apart from Yaoyuan, she couldn't think of anyone else who could hold Xiao Xun'er down, and let this person know through her words that she actually didn't want to share Xiao Yan's true thoughts with anyone. However, This is human nature, and she doesn't need to comment too much.

I'm afraid she has experienced a lot of setbacks, otherwise she would not be able to say such things easily given her temper.

As for whether or not to agree...

Medusa's charming red eyes stared at the happy, even dancing baby in her arms. After the mother's gentleness, there was a hint of indifference.

Mostly they think they are orphans and widowed mothers who are easy to bully.

Medusa is not stupid, not to mention that Xiao Xun'er didn't even drop the bait to get the fish to take the bait. No matter how stupid the fish is, it won't be able to bite the hook.

But it is all nonsense anyway. Although she can't deal with this woman Yaowan, other women can't deal with her either. How can she defeat her just by building momentum? If she really wanted to find the opportunity to monopolize Xiao Yan, her first reaction would be to kick her teammate away.

The dirty thoughts in human hearts have really not changed much from men to women.

Seeing that Medusa didn't express anything, Xiao Xun'er could probably guess what she was thinking, but she couldn't help but frown slightly, feeling quite irritated.

Of course she was able to say this because she was not willing to accept the reality, but when faced with the combination of the little medical fairy, Nalan Yanran and Yao Wan, no one could resist it.

Just facing one Yaowan made her physically and mentally exhausted, let alone two more women?

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