Fighting is broken, but the heroine script

Chapter 394 Yaowan doesn’t understand people’s hearts

The few words between Xiao Xun'er and Medusa were not discussed at the same time. After all, Xiao Xun'er, who was just forced, had to choose to stand up, but there was an inner desire to kill everyone. In comparison, Medusa just wants to live a good life with her daughter.

Concepts and thinking are not on the same channel at all. If we can talk about it, we will really see a ghost.

"...Did Yao Wan tell you, or did Xiao Yan tell you?"

Xiao Xun'er naturally knew what Medusa was asking, so she naturally pointed her finger at Yaowan.

"Although I don't know how she knew it, she did tell me."

"There are so many secrets about her that others don't know."

Medusa didn't express anything about this, even if Yao Wan did it, she didn't show much dissatisfaction. She just saw that her daughter was now getting along with her, and it was inevitable that she felt a little uncomfortable.

On the other side, after Yaowan teased Xiao Xiao for a while, she couldn't bear it anymore. The little guy always had a strange desire for her hair. He wanted to climb up and grab her hair at any time, so she had no choice but to put the swaddling clothes on her. The baby girl was carried back to Medusa.

Seeing that dazzling streak of black hair passing in front of his eyes, Xiao Xiao was immediately frustrated.

Medusa looked helpless, showing a doting look that only a mother would have, and hugged Xiao Xiao again.

"Xiao Xiao is quite talented."

Yaowan gently stroked her hair, and then said casually.

"My daughter is destined not to be a mediocre person."

The affirmation given by Yaowan couldn't help but make Medusa a little proud. Sometimes, the praise from friends around her was far less than the affirmation given by those she didn't like, let alone a strange woman like Yaowan.

No matter how much she dislikes Yao Wan's words and deeds, her talent and strength are undeniable, and her vision is certainly extraordinary.

Xiao Xun'er frowned lightly, feeling something bad, and remained silent. Medusa did not react immediately, but she knew that since Yao Wan would say this, it was not without purpose.

Yaowan is a person who is synonymous with being unprofitable and unable to afford early opportunities. Why do you expect her to have good intentions? I guess it's a dream and I haven't woken up yet.

As expected, Yao Wan said next: "No matter how good her talent is, if there is no environment for her to show herself, it will be useless."

Medusa frowned: "What do you mean?"

"I don't mean anything else. It's just that it's not suitable for Xiao Xiao to stay in the Jiama Empire. Why don't we come to Zhongzhou together?"

Yao Wan's tone was brisk, and she never seemed to think there was anything wrong with saying it.

"Don't even think about it!"

Medusa retorted without thinking, and the aura of the high-level Dou Zong was released, which shocked Xiao Xun'er, not because of her cultivation, but because of her attitude. She is really like a tigress protecting her children. Once anyone shows that they want to have any evil thoughts towards her children, they will be devastated by her violent storm in the next second.

"Don't worry, I didn't say I would only take Xiao Xiao."

Yaowan smiled and looked at Medusa with interest.

"The bloodline of the Seven-Colored Sky-Swallowing Python is not bad. If it grows up, it will be good to add a Fighting Saint's combat power."

She is not stupid, and of course she knows that taking Xiao Xiao away from Medusa is not much easier than ascending to the sky, so her initial plan was to take away all Xiao Yan's weaknesses and improve their combat skills faster. Strength, increase reliable high-end combat effectiveness, kill two birds with one stone.

"Besides, you also want to see Xiao Yan, right?"

At the same time, she also knew and understood that she was probably not a good person in the eyes of Medusa, so she simply moved Xiao Yan out. After thinking about moving Xiao Yan out, Medusa should always be obedient, right?

"...In the past few years since I first met you, the impression in my mind has really not changed at all."

Unexpectedly, the hostility on Medusa's face became more and more intense. If it weren't for the fact that she couldn't defeat Yaodian, she might have driven them away.

But even so, her current words still show her attitude.

"This is our home. Neither Xiao Xiao nor I will leave with you. If Xiao Yan invites you to take us away, then tell him to ask him to call a normal person in the future and stop looking for anything. We can’t afford it when a daughter of a rich family comes to run errands.”

With that said, Medusa hugged Xiao Xiao and left the main hall without looking back, leaving only a confused Yaowan and an expressionless Xiao Xun'er.

Xiao Xiao obviously didn't understand what happened, but saw her mother holding her and walking away. Her beautiful big eyes were full of doubts, and she looked at Yao Wan, who also didn't know much better than her.

Yao Wan was a little confused, but couldn't help but look at Xiao Xun'er after Medusa left with Xiao Xiao in her arms.

She didn't quite understand why Medusa left like this.

Did you say something wrong? Right? Didn't she make a choice based on her own interests?

"Did you say anything strange to her?"

Yao Wan looked at Xiao Xun'er and couldn't help but say.

"I'm not like you."

Faced with Yao Wan's subconscious desire to find problems in others, Xiao Xun'er couldn't help but sneered, and then shook her head gently. She was not surprised at all by Yao Wan's overturning at this moment.

She understands Yao Wan very well. If she can say that she will retain some sense of propriety for the sake of others for the time being, then Yao Wan is the kind of person who will not leave any sense of propriety.

A person who seems to be easy to get along with actually does not regard the other person as a person of equal status at all. This problem is more or less common among talented people.

But Yaoshan is definitely the most outstanding existence among them.

"Speaking of it, it seems like you didn't realize what you did wrong from beginning to end."

Xiao Xun'er looked at Yao Wan. In the rare gap and perhaps the rare moment of counterattack, she did not laugh proudly. Faced with Yao Wan's rare moment of doubt, she felt more of a faint feeling in her heart. Sad and self-aware, no matter what the final success or failure is, Yao Wan's current words and deeds will serve as a lesson for her and a warning to her.

"You did nothing wrong, Yao Wan. From your point of view, this is indeed the case."

"You just... never take others seriously, it's that simple."

Xiao Xun'er revealed Yao Wan's mistake and tore her painful spot open, dripping with blood.

"...I don't need you to teach me, right?"

The confusion in Yao Wan's pale golden eyes receded, and was replaced by a hint of anger - Yao Wan certainly felt that she couldn't be angry because of Xiao Xun'er's casual remarks, but she was just tired of others telling her what to do.

It's just that she has always been the one to play with other people's medicine and hasn't reacted immediately. This is what is called getting angry out of shame.

"Are you angry?"

Xiao Xun'er took a breath, her heart trembled but she felt inexplicably relieved. The feeling of being proud and proud in front of someone who couldn't stand it was probably something that no other feeling could replace.

"You are just a woman who only thinks about yourself. You try your best to pretend to be normal and don't treat everyone else as human beings. What's the difference between enemies and friends for you? It's just that you are just a woman. It’s just a toy that pleases you from a different angle.”

"In the end, you couldn't find anyone of the same kind. Medusa just couldn't stand people like you, so she rejected you."

"This world is never about letting you do whatever you want."

Yao Wan remained silent, but Xiao Xun'er became more and more enthusiastic as she spoke.

But after all, she was not allowed to be led by Xiao Xun'er casually. She quickly controlled her emotions and only regarded Xiao Xun'er's words as farts.

If this time I really couldn't help it and chose to take action, it would be really embarrassing.

"A boring conjecture."

Yao Wan snorted, seemingly dismissive of Xiao Xun'er's words, and Xiao Xun'er no longer cared about Yao Wan's reaction. She only felt that she was more comfortable than ever before, and the humiliation she had suffered was gone for a moment. All paid off.

"But... you are right, why should I care about something that has nothing to do with me? Isn't the purpose of life to make oneself happy and gain so-called value?"

The corners of Yaowan's mouth raised slightly and she retorted sarcastically.

"Why aren't you like this? You pursue Xiao Yan just because you like him. Because you don't want to share, monopolizing Xiao Yan will make you happier, so you want to drive away other people. What qualifications do you have in front of me? Said?"

"Then you... like Xiao Yan?"


Silence and death were coming, spreading in the hall, like ink dripping in hot water and spreading rapidly, surging.

Xiao Xun'er's last question shattered Yao Wan's stubborn words and sophistry.

Perhaps she had undeniably been touched by Xiao Yan in a different way, but it was also because of the sympathy and pity of people of the same kind that Yao Wan regarded Xiao Yan as the only person similar to her in the world, her own kind. This is why Reason, such, reason.

But Yao Wan couldn't understand whether it was really love.

And if her feelings for Xiao Yan were not love, then everything she did to Xiao Yan was exactly what Xiao Xun'er said, it was just a child picking up toys and making up stories for self-satisfaction.

Favor a toy because you like it, destroy a toy because you hate it.

As heaven and man were fighting in Yaowan's heart, after Xiao Xun'er asked those words, her happy mood of finally getting revenge suddenly came to an abrupt end. On the contrary, an unspeakable thought fermented in her heart. , like a rusty key finally opening a lock somewhere, exposing the original doubts.

Did this woman Yao Wan really never like Xiao Yan?

It was obviously a good thing, but her mood became more and more heavy, to the point of sighing, laughing at herself, and feeling disgusted.

The love rival that he regarded as a thorn in his side, turned out to be like this in the end.

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