Fighting is broken, but the heroine script

Chapter 395 What did you do earlier?

Suddenly, she completely lost her interest in Yaoyuan, and even became incapable of generating hostility.

"Really boring."

Xiao Xun'er muttered secretly, feeling that she had misjudged even such an obvious thing.

No longer paying attention to the silent Yao Wan, she turned around and left here. It was unclear whether she wanted to go back or stay in the Jia Ma Empire for the time being.

Yaowan held her forehead slightly, feeling an inexplicable headache.

She didn't expect that things would develop like this, but it was inevitable by accident. She was not unaware of such things.

I just subconsciously ignored this kind of thing.

The relationship with Xiao Yan is probably the same.

Naturally, she is not an emotional idiot in the true sense, nor is she someone who only shows some of her true thoughts at the end when she gets burned out. It’s just that some things are easy to see from beginning to end.

But whether it is the beginning or the end, it may not be the result that I am willing to accept. The emotional entanglement cannot be solved even by the ultimate talent on the road of cultivation. And since there is no way to solve it, it is better to ignore this problem and just treat it as If the problem does not exist, then it can be properly solved before things exceed your expectations.

Although it is indeed shameful to escape, it is also useful.

Yao Wan understands this very well, otherwise he would not do this.

But if you have been an ostrich for a long time, you will naturally be pulled out of your hood and thrown to the ground.

In the end, the problem of subconscious escape still existed in the end, and Xiao Xun'er lit this fuse, forcing herself that she might not be able to continue telling lies with her eyes open.

For Xiao Yan, she always has to make a choice.

Either reject or accept, it's easy to say.

How is it possible to accept...? Yao Wan shook her head vigorously. Even if she was crazy, she couldn't choose Xiao Yan. No, this was impossible.

She dismissed such speculation almost without thinking, and even erased the thought along with it.

There is no excuse or reason, I just subconsciously feel bad, or maybe my nature is still a little resistant to going to the end with a man...even if that man is Xiao Yan.

After all, her self-understanding is probably the so-called so-called man's heart and woman's body. Although she no longer has the low-grade desire for women, it does not mean that she will be happy to be with a man now that she has reached this point.

As for the standard of being connected at the beginning... Xiao Yan can only be regarded as half of his own standard, let alone others?

Not even Xiao Yan... let alone others...

Yao Wan really thinks so. Although she is reluctant to admit it, Xiao Yan is indeed the most likely candidate in her mind. She will not deny it. After all, she can deceive others, but she cannot deceive herself. But , but——that’s all.

Xiao Yan is Xiao Yan, and everyone else is everyone else. Xiao Yan can't do it, let alone others.

As for Xiao Yan, if it doesn't work, it won't work. There aren't many reasons why.

Since the option of accepting has been rejected by myself, the only thing left is to refuse.

And Yao Wan knew that Xiao Yan, in addition to his outstanding talent, had another advantage, or rather a disadvantage. At best, he had a perseverance, and at worst, he had a stubborn donkey-like temper that no one could bring back. .

If I really go to Xiao Yan, explain everything clearly, and then make Xiao Yan obedient, stop thinking about me, and forget about each other from now on, everyone will live their own lives, which is gratifying... Is this possible?

It's possible, of course it's possible, but to be precise, that's because Xiao Yan, who was in love not long after he came out of the mountain, might be so obedient, and that's why it's possible. Yao Wan is also confident that he will never be able to find himself again in his life.

It's a pity that I have already given Xiao Yan a lot of fuel and jealousy, completely letting go of his desires that were suppressed by the normal views on marriage and love. If I say this again, I am undoubtedly telling him that I am going to run away. , it will only determine his determination to win over him, and then it will take him who knows how many years to come to his door. At that time, he may not even need to go through the process, and he will just go up and deliver the food.

Oh, she is a dish herself.


Yaowan sighed.

She suddenly regretted why she had brought Xian'er and Nalan together so quickly just for fun, but Xiao Yan's desire was now extremely expanded.

He probably has been thinking about himself most of the time.


Yao Wan, who realized that the situation was probably a dead end, rubbed the center of his eyebrows. When the ostrich head was pulled out of the sand, he found that the situation that could have been solved more easily has become what it is now. The reason can be explained in a thousand words. It’s hard to escape the fact that this is all your own fault.

If Xiao Yan had not given up on her own initiative, it would have been difficult for her to deal with his persistent pursuit.

Especially since her current strength can suppress Xiao Yan for the time being, but what about in the future? It can be suppressed for a while, but it cannot be suppressed for a lifetime.

What's more, Xiao Yan's cultivation was as fast as taking a plane in the next opportunity. Before Dou Sheng, he was able to suppress it, but after Dou Sheng, it may not be easy to say. But when it comes to Dou Emperor... I'm afraid it will really be impossible to escape. It’s a pout.

She couldn't really chop Xiao Yan into pieces. As for the only way...

Yaowan thought of a feasible guess, but she still needed to take the risk and try it again.

After making up her mind, Yaowan automatically ignored Medusa's refusal to take Xiao Xiao to Zhongzhou with her, and instead left a copy of the elixir, which would be beneficial to her who had not been pregnant for too long. Medusa warms and nourishes the body, as well as gives Xiao Xiao body-tempering pills. However, because Xiao Xiao's starting point is already high enough, most of the remaining pills are used to warm and nourish the body and assist the further growth and development of meridians.

As for Xiao Xun'er, she can talk rubbish to whomever she likes, she doesn't bother to care about her.

...But, is she really that annoying?

Yao Wan could not help but fall into a trace of inevitable self-doubt. If Xiao Xun'er was the only one who was disgusted, she would naturally turn a deaf ear to it, but whether it was Medusa, Nalan, or even Xian'er, they all said it because of their own preferences. This made her feel hesitant for the first time.

She knew that with her own nature, she might not be accepted by ordinary people, but she would not be unable to continue even the most basic disguise.

But now, she couldn't help but have some self-doubt.

She shook her head helplessly, and since Medusa couldn't do anything for a while, there was no need for her to linger any longer.

However, now that they have arrived at the Jia Ma Empire, Yao Wan is not in a hurry and leaves immediately. Instead, he walks around the imperial capital, most likely guessing that the Xiao family will most likely build a new Xiao Mansion in the imperial capital, and the result is naturally as expected.

Yaowan did not alert anyone else, but quietly sneaked into Xiao's house and met Xiao Zhan again.

When Yaowan entered the Xiao Mansion, Xiao Zhan was still thinking about the settlement of the Xiao family in Wutan City. After all, the move was not just a move. The circulation of personnel, the transportation of resources, and various scheduling have become problems in almost every aspect.

Before Xiao Yan left, he had achieved great fame in the Northwest Continent, and the status of the Xiao family also rose accordingly.

"...Uncle Xiao is busy? Can I bother you for a while?"

The soft and familiar voice reached his ears again. Xiao Zhan subconsciously raised his head, only to see a beauty he had not seen for a long time standing in front of him with a trace of unnatural restraint that was rarely seen in her.

Xiao Zhan was stunned and couldn't help but put down the wolf hair in his hand, his eyes full of surprise and astonishment.

"Miss Wan'er? Why are you here? Come on, please sit down!"

Xiao Zhan said quickly with surprise on his face.

Yao Wan smiled sheepishly. Facing Xiao Zhan, he was still somewhat reserved and uncomfortable. He rarely showed some expressions and demeanor that a normal girl should have. She didn't know the reason why - Mostly because of Xiao Yan.

"...I came here this time with the intention of taking Medusa and Xiao Xiao away. In addition, if possible, I might also take away the Xiao family."

Since it was no longer possible to hide his inner feelings, his true thoughts were naturally nowhere to be hidden. Yao Wan smiled slightly and naturally did not want to be polite anymore.

"Take Medusa and Xiao Xiao away...? And the Xiao family?"

Xiao Zhan couldn't help but be stunned.

"Where to take it? Now that the Jia Ma Empire is extremely safe, it is no longer difficult for people from the Spirit Devouring Clan and the Soul Palace to get involved. Why do you say this again?"

"You can live in peace for a while, but you can't live in peace for the rest of your life, Uncle Xiao."

Yaowan sighed quietly and then said.

"After all, you are Xiao Yan's weakness. You will become Xiao Yan's obstacle because of the Soul Palace and the Spirit Swallowing Clan. It is really too dangerous to live in the Jia Ma Empire with such arrogance."

Yao Wan said truthfully: "It's just that when I went to find Medusa, I didn't seem to have the right words, which made her a little angry. This method can only be in vain."

"I see."

Xiao Zhan nodded slightly. He could probably understand what Yao Wan said. As for the fact that he insulted Medusa because of his blunder in the end, Xiao Zhan now had some understanding of his daughter-in-law. Although she was from a foreign race, she was not a superlative. Difficult people.

And since it's not Medusa's problem, it's probably the girl in front of her.

Xiao Zhan glanced at Yaowan and vaguely noticed something.

"Human beings, it's inevitable to make mistakes, so Miss Wan'er doesn't need to apologize too much."

"It's just that I seem to have made too many mistakes recently. Not only Medusa, but everyone seems to say that I have done something wrong."

Yao Wan shook his head, and there was inevitably some bitterness and grievance in his tone. No matter how rational a person is, there are always emotional moments, let alone Yao Wan.

"Everything depends on people, and people have their own way of living. Miss Wan'er just needs to have a clear conscience."

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