Fighting is broken, but the heroine script

Chapter 397 There is no peace on the road

Just when Xiao Xun'er finally lost a powerful enemy for herself, Yao Wan had already left the Jia Ma Empire.

Medusa and Xiao Xiao were not brought back, and the original goal was not achieved. Even this time, they did not get any advantage from Xiao Xun'er, and they were even bitten by her.

Although Yaowan didn't regret this, it was strange that he was in a good mood.

But now is not the time to be upset and complain. The top priority right now is to deal with the remaining unfinished matters, and... Xiao Yan.

Xiao Yan didn't have any problems here. As long as he found some time to be alone with him, give him a slap in the face, and then overwrite or seal his knowledge of himself in his soul, he would be able to get rid of it once and for all.

And where else can Xiao Yan go now?

It was less than a year before the Danhui started, and naturally the only place they could go was Xingyun Pavilion.

It's nothing more than making one more trip and seeing each other as little as possible in the future, or not seeing each other again.

The rest, just leave it to time.

It is possible for Xiao Yan to break through the seal he set in the future. Time itself has become a good medicine for soothing emotions. There is no need to share life and death, and vows of eternal love. Everything is just like a long time, endless. Instead of living together, it is better to forget each other. Jianghu... Yaowan is looking forward to this.

But it's more of hope than expectation.

Just hope that everything goes as smoothly as you imagined.

The slender fingertips tore through the space as soft as cloth, leaving a smooth gap as if it had been cut by sharp scissors, revealing the twisting and surging void inside. Without any hesitation, Yao Wan stepped into the void in front of her. , the fragments of space mixed together in her palm, forming a one-time space channel, connecting the space from the northwest continent to Zhongzhou.

As long as Dou Zun can do this kind of thing, most likely it can be done, let alone her.

But when Yaowan once again crossed the Zhongzhou and Northwest Continent, he saw an extremely strong space storm surging on the dividing line between the center and the border of the continent like a storm on the sea surface, setting off a stormy wave on the spatial level. .

This couldn't help but make Yao Wan feel a little hesitant and surprised.

Since she left the northwest continent, although the space has inevitably fluctuated due to her own stirring presence, it is obvious that this will not lead to the current situation.

Is there something fishy here?

A trace of curiosity flashed through Yaowan's heart, and then she immediately changed her destination and flew towards the center of the spatial storm.

In the gray void right now, there is no light or shadow. From the perspective of human visual experience, it is like a very transparent fog. The gray sky can be seen to the end at a glance, but there is still nothing. nothing.

The only thing that can be vaguely seen is the "breeze" following the flow of the gray mist, but under the mist that seems to be just faintly flowing, it is actually the increasingly destructive Gang Feng and the strong force that tears apart the space after the Gang Feng converges. storm.

This can't help but remind Yao Wan of the process when he obtained the piece of dragon and phoenix scale feathers during a space-crossing storm, but the current situation can only be called similar.

After all, the intensity and intensity of the space storm between the two are obviously not at the same level.

She waved her hand gently, and dispersed the outermost Gangfeng with a raise of her hand. Then she gently swept it down with a finger, and the space storm covered by the Gangfeng was also torn away layer by layer to protect it. The curtain, however, made Yao Wan a little surprised. When the spatial storm was neatly divided into two parts, she vaguely detected an unusual sense of disgust originating from the source.

Yao Wan was startled slightly by this feeling like electric current spreading through her body. She was very familiar with this feeling, and it was as obvious as the shadow under the sun.

They are the Devouring Spirit Clan.

This is can I meet them at any time?

When Yao Wan had this idea in her mind, those hiding in the space storm and planning to sneak into Zhongzhou immediately took action.

In the biting wind, an extremely cold aura suddenly spread like water, and a glimmer of understanding flashed in Yaowan's heart.

The dark shadow distorted the space in an instant, and a cold and unknown weapon pierced Yao Wan's back. Yao Wan raised her brows slightly, turned slightly, and the twisted sword edge grazed against the corner of her clothes. , even the corners of her clothes were not scratched.

But the sword that stabbed from behind did not stop because of this. When he found that Yaowan could even dodge, he immediately turned the sword and attacked her again. However, every time the distance between the sword and Yaowan was no more than that of Yaowan, Even at the slightest distance, Yao Wan could always avoid it just right. Let alone the person who stabbed her, it didn't even scratch the corner of her flying skirt.

The sword-wielding warrior from the Spirit-Devouring Tribe was slightly startled when he saw this. He had completely concealed his aura, so how could he be seen through?

But it doesn't matter. I can't say that I am 100% sure of winning this girl on my own. But this time, many strong men in the clan are taking action together, for a major event that will benefit the clan forever, so I am confident. , but pressed forward step by step, with dark sword lights woven like a cage, intending to trap Yao Wan here to death.

It's just that Yaowan is still not afraid. It may be said that she is retreating, but it is undoubtedly more like dancing. However, in the lightness of her lotus steps, she has escaped all the sword light, and her gait is light and still easy to do with ease.

She had already gotten tired of calculating the distance between the blades when she was training Nalan Yanran, so she still wanted to do it to herself, which was more or less a fantasy.

During the confrontation between the two, several other people also broke through the space storm. Obviously, the existence of the yarrow has been judged as a threat, and naturally it needs to be cleaned up first.

And they also surrounded Yaowan in silence and blocked Yaowan's way.

There is no need for any unnecessary nonsense, but even among a group like the Spirit Devouring Clan, there are not all arrogant lunatics. Naturally, there are also relatively calm individuals who prefer to speak with practical actions.

Yao Wan's eyes gradually turned from curiosity to indifference, Void, and the Swallowing Spirit Clan. When the two appeared together, Yao Wan couldn't help but recall her original guess about the headquarters of the Swallowing Spirit Clan.

"Where do you want to go? Zhongzhou?"

As for the things she couldn't figure out, Yao Wan didn't think too much about it. Anyway, the person involved happened to be here. If you wanted to know something, you could just ask.

It's just that there is no way to know the problem of Yaowan from their mouths.

She just turned her head and checked the number of people again. The number of four Dou Zun was quite auspicious. Even for Zhongzhou, such a vanguard lineup could be considered quite luxurious.

It just so happens that it can be used by her to perfect the magic energy conversion technique that she was forced to put aside.

The four Dou Zun and Yao Wan knew that they could not come to Zhongzhou for an outing.

The stinging magic light was broken by Yao Wan's raised hand. She then stepped forward, her slender jade fingers were wrapped by the power of the twisted space, and directly pressed the head of one of the Spirit Devouring Clan Dou Zun, knocking him out. He smashed down hard towards the space barrier in front of him.

When they saw Yao Wan's actions, several Spirit Devouring Clan Dou Zun couldn't help but be shocked. A trace of astonishment inevitably flashed across their faces. They thought she was a woman, and her fighting style should focus on using magic, but she didn't. Thinking of such a terrifying and rough style, when she raised her hand, her delicate hand burst out with earth-shaking power, I'm afraid no one who saw it would feel frightened.

And Dou Zun, the Devouring Spirit Clan who enjoyed Yaowan's hair washing service, couldn't even say a word. After being pressed against the space storm barrier and rubbed for thousands of miles, she threw him out like garbage.

The other three Spirit Devouring Tribe Dou Zun followed closely behind. Yao Wan snorted coldly and threw away the unlucky guy in her hand like garbage. A light glowing color appeared on her moist skin. Light golden glossy glass color.

"You can come if you want. As for leaving, do you think you can escape?"

Yao Wan sneered, and a line of pale golden energy erupted from her body. Her original plain skirt was covered with a layer of glazed luster, as if she was wearing an unusual armor.

At the same time, the three Spirit Devouring Clan Dou Zun immediately realized who the woman in front of them was.

That woman who went crazy in the southern continent and killed them so much that they gave up on occupying the border of the continent for a while!

The Swallowing Spirit Clan calls her a woman who brings disaster. Once she appears, nothing good will happen.

Although the real strong man in the clan has not yet appeared, with the destructive power of this crazy woman, anyone in the clan who encounters a strong fighting saint will have to take a detour.

But she was like a shark that smelled the smell of blood, and she wanted to tear a piece of flesh from you at any cost.

When they realized who Yao Wan was, several of the Spirit-Devouring Clan Dou Zun thought about retreating.

Obviously, the crazy woman in front of them was not something they could deal with at all.

Since there's no way to win, and there's no chance of dying, there's no need to stay here and die.

One of the Spirit-Devouring Clan Fighters took the initiative and said to the other two: "He and I are holding this woman back. You guys should leave quickly. We're afraid we won't be able to delay her for too long, but it's better than all of us dying here."

The other two Spirit Devouring Tribes did not shirk the blame, but nodded and said, "May your soul and his soul return to the Holy King."

Then without any further hesitation, he turned around and opened a space tunnel in the direction of Zhongzhou and plunged in. Then the crack in the space disappeared without a trace.

"Does the Swallowing Spirit Clan also have the concept of sacrificing for others?"

Yaowan walked slowly, but couldn't help but think in her heart that there must be a conspiracy to go to Zhongzhou.

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