Fighting is broken, but the heroine script

Chapter 398 Reshaping Demonic Qi

"Suffer death!"

Without answering Yao Wan's question, the Dou Zun of the Tunling Clan roared and pounced on Yao Wan.

Yao Wan also knew that he did not answer her thoughts, nor did she care. A fierce light flashed from the cold luster in her pale golden eyes.

"Devouring Demons!"

The Dou Zun of the Devouring Spirit Clan quickly drew out several spells in his hands, and all the demonic energy in his body was mobilized, and then formed a thousand-foot-sized dark skeleton. He opened his big mouth and tried to swallow the medicine. For a moment, darkness The ominous demonic energy almost occupied the void that he could see.

The originally silver-gray space storm around him was also stained with a hint of evil pitch-black color.

Yaowan's hand sank slightly, and the stone mallet carved with golden runes was held tightly by her, and then it was like a flashing golden meteor. She couldn't help but did not escape, but directly hit the huge stone in front of her. Skeleton Golem.

The huge skeletal demon statue's bloody mouth slowly closed after swallowing the witch. Facing the monstrous demonic energy, the light released by the skeletal stick was like a wisp of candlelight in the endless darkness, dazzling but distinct. It was fragile on the outside, and was submerged by the huge waves of demonic energy in almost the blink of an eye, and disappeared without a trace.

However, it didn't take long for the Spirit-Devouring Clan Dou Zun to feel an extremely ominous premonition welling up in his heart.

While the ominous premonition in his heart quickly spread throughout his body, the dazzling glazed brilliance pierced through the gaps in every huge bone of the giant skeleton demon, and was released from the inside out.

When the originally overwhelming demonic energy came into contact with those glazed brilliance, it quickly dissipated like ice and snow under the warm sun at a speed visible to the naked eye.


The withered bones were completely shattered under a powerful force that was invisible but could not be ignored, making a shattering sound.

The huge skull golem disintegrated at a speed visible to the naked eye, leaving only the sturdiest and most demonic skull, which held on for a moment. However, with the crisp stone hammer, the skull was broken, and a streak of colored glaze fell. The medicinal wand wrapped in colored brilliance pulled the Spirit-Swallowing Clan Dou Zun and flew out from the broken giant head. His slender fingers powerfully covered his head and pressed it into the void. The golden sword in the other hand The stone hammer struck down with all its strength without mercy.


It wasn't the dull sound of flesh and bones being crushed to pieces under huge force, being smashed into a bloody mass, but more like the crisp sound of glass, crystal, and jade breaking.

The Spirit Devouring Clan Dou Zun didn't even have the strength to resist. In the end, the flesh and blood solidified by the demonic energy turned into colorless crystals and gradually shattered.

The crystal shattered and flew away, leaving only a fist-sized silver crystal glowing with metallic luster.

Yaowan raised his hand and took the silver crystal into his palm. He couldn't help but take a look at it. Although the Swallowing Spirit Clan devoured everything in the world, it was also a kind of condenser of the energy of the world. The energy of the world that could not be absorbed by the human body was absorbed by them. No matter what, it is absorbed together and gathered into pure crystals in the body.

This can be regarded as the last benefit of these extraterritorial evil tribes.

When Yao Wan closed his hand, the space storm behind him that was contaminated with demonic energy twisted and swept over.

"I wanted to save your life temporarily, but forget it, I'll take your core and keep the demonic energy active. I think it will be the same."

Yao Wan raised her hand to disperse the spatial storm like a fan extinguishing a weak candle flame. She then turned to look at the other person whose head was half worn away by her, and felt a sudden chill.

As soon as he finished speaking, a crystal core that was different from the silver crystal that was simply condensed from the energy of heaven and earth left behind after completely killing the Spirit Devouring Clan, but one that was as bloody as a heart and was still beating was drugged. Wan was cut out of his chest, still exuding an unknown demonic aura.

Only by careful observation can you see the faint silvery gray under the dirty black.

Afterwards, Yao Wan no longer cared about the Spirit Devouring Clan Dou Zun whose heart he had dug out. He lost his evil core. Within a stick of incense, the demonic energy in his body would be counterattacked by the energy of heaven and earth, and he would be torn apart by the space storm. broken.

This feeling of neatly watching death wipe out everything gave Shi Wan an inexplicable and strong feeling of comfort.

You don't need to think too much, you just need to think about who to kill. It feels really good to just kill after giving up thinking.

But she wasn't like that yet.

There are other things that I need to do right now... The demonic energy on the evil core won't last long, so I have to speed up the process and deal with it first.

I hope she can catch up after finishing her busy work, otherwise it will not be too much to seize the time to be alone with Xiao Yan after the Dan Meeting.

Thinking of this, Yao Wan immediately found a quiet and uninhabited place and started her experiment intensively after returning to Zhongzhou.

It is actually not difficult to eliminate demonic energy. In essence, it is just the ratio between two energies. A stronger energy can eliminate another possibility, but it is another matter to transform it.

Dou Qi and the energy of heaven and earth can be converted into demonic Qi, which is essentially derived from the innate ability of the Spirit Devouring Clan.

This ability is not possessed by the native life forms on Dou Qi Continent.

And if you want to transform the demonic energy into fighting spirit, the biggest advantage of this group of locusts will disappear without a trace. The strong men in the same realm will cooperate with the world's rejection of the Spirit-Devouring Clan and kill them. No big problem.

It's obviously not an easy thing to accomplish.

The last experiment was not even completed before the first experiment was completed, and it was canceled with the death of the Spirit-Swallowing Clan Dou Zun.

But this time, Yaowan was naturally very thoughtful, while providing a trace of fighting energy for the demonic energy to swallow, so that while maintaining its activity, it could at least last for a while longer.

But even so, this time Yaowan was patient and no longer impatiently directly used Dou Qi to reversely change the demonic energy. Instead, he turned to insert his spiritual thoughts into the evil core. In any case, he first controlled the operation of the evil core. Let’s talk about it once the principle is clear.

Within the evil core, the most filthy evil thoughts are constantly growing out of the demonic energy.

These evil thoughts usually cannot affect Yaowan, but when the spiritual thoughts penetrate into the evil core, they are inevitably infected by countless evil thoughts.

It is not that Yaowan has not considered using the Ash-Destroying Flame to burn evil thoughts and protect himself, but the evil core is too fragile. Not to mention being burned by strange fire, even if Yaowan exerts a little force, it will be crushed to pieces. In the end, only fragments of the energy of heaven and earth are left.

Therefore, Yaowan just endured the unpleasant stinging feeling silently, trying to trace the origin of the Spirit Devouring Clan's innate ability in the shortest possible time.

As for the rest, she didn't care much, she just waded through the mire to find the truth.

But even so, Yao Wan's spiritual thoughts eventually overwhelmed the evil core. Even though Yao Wan deliberately maintained it, it could only barely last for a stick of incense. The dirty black evil core completely fell apart, leaving only A few shards of silver crystal fell to the ground.


A trace of displeasure flashed in Yaowan's eyes.

No, how can this be done? Even these Douzun-level evil cores couldn't withstand her own divine thoughts, and they didn't give her a chance to fully understand the underlying logic of the Spirit-Devouring Clan's innate abilities.

With this thought in his mind, Yao Wan raised his hand, and his slender white fingertips lightly outlined it in mid-air. The fighting spirit driven by his spiritual thoughts then formed a simple technique according to the impression in Yao Wan's mind.

This was a technique that Yao Wan constructed based on her current understanding of the evil core, but she was not satisfied with the seemingly exquisite technique.

She tried to inject her own fighting spirit into it, but after the magical transformation, only a trace of nondescript "devil energy" was produced, which was spontaneously annihilated before her eyes.

No, not at all.

Yao Wan frowned, how could this be possible? Apart from anything else, it is impossible to imitate the process of generating demonic energy.

With this kind of progress, if she wanted to make any substantial progress, it would not be enough to wholesale the Dou Zun from the Spirit Devouring Tribe for her.

But in desperation, she naturally couldn't find the two escaped Spirit-Devouring Clan Dou Zun immediately, so she could only give up for the time being.

I don’t know if they have escaped far enough or if there is some unusual secret in their bodies. Since returning to Zhongzhou, the traces of the Spirit-Devouring Clan that should have been nowhere to be found have been nowhere to be found.

Although Yaowan had a premonition that they would encounter him again sooner or later, it was too difficult to find him now. Moreover, time was running out, so he could only put this matter aside for now.

After tidying up for the time being, Yao Wan turned around, left here, and galloped towards the direction of Xingyun Pavilion.


The Geography and Dou Qi Continent of Zhongzhou is divided into four border areas. Like Zhongzhou, it is also divided into four areas and the middle territory. Xingyun Pavilion is located in the southern territory of Zhongzhou, in a territory called the Tianxing Mountains.

In ancient times, Zhongzhou, especially the Tianxing Mountains in the Southern Territory, was baptized by a meteorite. Countless meteorites fell here, reconstructing the landform here, and changing the terrain and magnetic field. The Tianxing Mountains were thus It got its name after a huge meteorite fell and became the main peak of the Tianxing Mountains. Hundreds of years ago, Yao Lao and Feng Zun came here and established the Star Meteor Pavilion.

From the Northern Territory of Zhongzhou to the Eastern Territory and then to the Southern Territory, the mountains are so far away that even Xiao Yan and his party spent a lot of time before they finally saw the earth's magnetic field that distorted the light and caused the appearance of light on the horizon. A gaping peak appeared there particularly conspicuously.

Today's Xingyun Pavilion is full of excitement and celebration, not for anything else but naturally because of the return of Yao Lao and his return to the Xingyun Pavilion.

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