Fighting is broken, but the heroine script

Chapter 413 Tribulation Fire Rulian

Xijiao smiled disdainfully. She couldn't wait to see Xiao Yan collapse as he watched his little lover being killed by her palm.

The more painful others are, the happier and sweeter she will be.

The dark energy leaking from her fingertips suddenly burst out from between the slender fingers and went straight towards the medicine.

Yao Wan's eyes were cold. She had already guessed what this woman wanted to do since her eyes were locked on her. However, she seemed to have chosen the wrong target, and she really took herself for granted. So soft persimmon.

Apart from anything else, at least there is no problem in dragging her to die together.

The only thing she needs to worry about may be where Xiao Yan will go from now on - but it doesn't matter, because the distracted information cannot be passed to the main body. She herself can also sense that something must have happened to Xiao Yan, and she will naturally follow him.

Therefore, in the face of Erosion Pepper's blow that was clearly aimed at her vitals, Yao Wan did not resist. After all, the current strength of the junior Douzong was really unable to kill her without a way out.

However, when the corrosive pepper hit, the expected stinging sensation did not come. All Yaowan felt was the wind blowing from Xiao Yan's side, and then a familiar figure blocked her. in front of.

Yaowan slightly opened her pale golden eyes, wondering if there was something wrong with her eyes.

The smell of Xiao Yan, mixed with the faint smell of blood, floated into the tip of her nose, stimulating her nerves that were temporarily down.

"Xiao...Xiao Yan?"

Yao Wan murmured meaningfully, but her eyes, which were usually indifferent and indifferent, now showed a trace of dullness and numbness that could hardly be seen in her eyes, as if what she saw in front of her had a too great impact on her. , so that she didn't react immediately at the first time.

It wasn't until Xiao Yan's body staggered like this, almost losing his balance, and he fell limply into her arms, that she caught him as if waking up from a dream.

"Xiao Yan...! Xiao Yan!"

For the first time, Yao Wan's tone lost its calmness. The usual matters had nothing to do with her, and her indifferent attitude had already scattered like snowflakes and disappeared without a trace.

"Ahem - no, it's okay. He won't die immediately."

Xiao Yan forced a smile and saw that Yao Wan had lost her sense of control for a moment. Although it was really nice to see her caring about him so much, Xiao Yan still didn't want her to worry too much, so he still Try to speak.

"Tsk...Why did you miss the target? It's so boring."

However, Xijiao couldn't help curling her lips. She didn't want to see Yaowan showing such an expression. She was only interested in Xiao Yan.

But her words were like hot oil poured on the smoldering charcoal fire, igniting the fire with almost no hesitation. Yao Wan slowly raised her head while using the heat of life to temporarily heal Xiao Yan's wounds. On the other hand, he was looking at Xijiao with a terrifying look that had never been shown before, as if he had announced that Xijiao's life would end here.


Yaowan's voice seemed to be forced out from between her teeth: "You deserve to die——!"

As soon as he finished speaking, the green flame of life on Yaowan's body began to twist and turn into a black and red flame of ash destruction.

Xijiao was a little surprised. After all, in her opinion, a low-level Douzong couldn't do anything to her even if she thought about it.

But soon, Erosion Pepper discovered that he was wrong, and he was very wrong.

When the black and red flames in front of her eyes gathered on her fingertips and turned into a long sword, the sense of crisis that was enough to threaten her life suddenly made her feel like she had fallen into an ice cave.

what happened? What kind of strange fire is this? Why is she so scared despite having never seen it before?

Even other strange fires, such as the Corroded Pepper, are mostly feared and disgusted by the strong Dou Zun, but not fearful.

Sensing something was wrong, Xiujiao immediately kept a certain distance from the strange woman in front of him without thinking. Although this woman was only a low-level Dou Zong and had no strong strength, the sense of crisis that stung her nerves did not matter. How it cannot be achieved through disguise.

At the same time, Xijiao also saw that from the hair roots of the yarrow, strands of white frost had taken away the green hair and dyed it white.

Could this strange fire be using her own life force as fuel?

When Xiujiao guessed that this was possible, he couldn't help but be extremely surprised. How could such a thing exist in the world?

But no matter what, she must not be allowed to take action again.


Xiujiao made up his mind in the blink of an eye, and then thousands of demonic energies poured in from all directions. Although for Xiujiao, this was undoubtedly a waste of the fighting spirit and blood energy he had devoured for so long, but he She could still tell the difference between her life and the collected energy and blood.

Yaowan's ears twitched slightly. What she heard was not only Xiao Yan's invigorating breath, but also the surging tide of demonic energy that first slowly weakened and then quickly intensified like a sea tide. roar.

"Goodbye, you might as well drown in my blood tide!"

Although Xijiao likes some things that are destined to be more hated, it does not mean that she is stupid, otherwise she would not have gathered them so quickly. At the moment, the blood tide in the surrounding wilderness has been flooded, and at the same time, Xijiao's heart is also There was a premonition that if he could defeat the strange fire and devour the strength and blood of these two people, he would be completely transformed.

"Rumble, rumble—"

The thunderous roar brought a red tide composed entirely of blood, qi and blood, as well as those thousands of innocent souls who were unwilling to die and could not be dispersed. While it was coming menacingly, it also stimulated a short-term breath adjustment. Xiao Yan, who had restored his own state, had no choice but to open his eyes.

What caught his eyes was her beautiful figure as always, graceful and freehand, but hardly free and easy.

Compared with the coming blood tide, the temples where the herbs scattered on the shoulders were dyed into dazzling silver threads.

Xiao Yan opened his eyes slightly.

He saw Yao Wan waving the sword in his hand, and swung it almost with all his strength. A crescent-shaped dark red sword energy flew out, and the sword energy hit the surging blood tide. There was almost no stalemate between the two. In a matter of seconds, the black-red Death Sword Qi split the blood tide in front of him into two along with the violent roar.

The blood tide erupted with a violent roar, trying to drown the two of them, but the sword energy split the blood tide unstoppably, and the blood-red tide around them could no longer get even half a step closer to her and Xiao Yan.

The sword energy split the blood tide in two, and even cut a neat hole in the sky full of demonic clouds, revealing the indigo blue sky covered by the demonic clouds.

Eojiao was startled, and his originally charming and delicate face became distorted due to pain.

The scars burning with the flames of ash began to spread uncontrollably from the exposed skin on her body, and the burning pain of death suddenly made her lose her composure.

"Bitch! Bitch!"

Her voice suddenly became harsh and shrill.

Yao Wan ignored her at all and just looked at the hole that was torn open by her sword. She just wanted to take Xiao Yan away first.

Although it is not difficult to break through this woman's defense with a sword, it is not easy to kill her with only the power of the Flame of Ashes.

Now that his cultivation is blocked, without the support of his cultivation, Yihuo cannot fully exert his power.

Therefore, the most important thing now is to ensure Xiao Yan's safety...

With this thought, Yao Wan couldn't help but look at Xiao Yan, but as if he was aware of what Yao Wan was thinking, Xiao Yan said in his heart: "I have a way."

"What can you do?"

Yao Wan responded subconsciously, not surprised at all because Xiao Yan noticed what he was thinking. Even they themselves didn't notice that their minds were connected as if they were one person.

"Use my fire lotus to fuse your strange fire."

Xiao Yan looked at Yaowan with his dark red eyes, no joke at all, but seriousness.

Xiao Yan's cultivation level is sufficient, but the intensity of the strange fire has gradually failed to keep up with the combat power he needs now, and Yao Wan's Ash-Destroying Flame is a star point that can still burn a Dou Zun-level Spirit Devouring Tribe strongman, just Because his cultivation limits his current output.

And if the fire lotus given to Xiao Yan is fused with the Flame of Ash Destruction, the problem will naturally be solved.

"Can you still condense the fire lotus?"

Yao Wan looked at Xiao Yan, who was as pale as paper. She naturally knew that this method was feasible, but Xiao Yan didn't look like he could continue to support him in condensing the fire lotus.

"Can Miss Wan still be able to fuse strange fire?"

Xiao Yan asked back, just as Yao Wan was worried about Xiao Yan's physical condition, what he noticed was Yao Wan's green hair that turned gray almost in the blink of an eye, and was still burning with the flames of ash destruction. To avoid becoming increasingly pale.


Yao Wan was silent, but a black-red flame ignited at her fingertips, and then grew rapidly in the blink of an eye at a speed visible to the naked eye.

What responded to the medicine wand was the magnificent color produced by Xiao Yan once again merging the five different fires.

Everything was completed in the moment of spiritual communication. Erosion Pepper only took a breath and felt an unprecedented sense of crisis, like the ice water in March in the cold winter soaking into his own bones, which was frightening.

The five-color fire lotus with the texture of glass was now stained with a trace of unknown black and red, becoming deep and eerie.

After merging the five kinds of strange fires and adding the flames of ash destruction, even if the terrifying power released by the six kinds of strange fires was not released immediately, the aftermath alone had dried up the blood tide around them. Dispersed.

Neither Yao Wan nor Xiao Yan gave Xi Jiao much time to think.

"Go to hell - the Spirit Devouring Clan!"

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