The fingertips touched each other, and what came was the intersection of soul power. When the soul power was synchronized, the strange fires held by the two people also merged together.

The originally clear fire lotus was gradually covered with a layer of black and red flames, as if the fire lotus was ignited. However, the two forces did not collide violently, but merged peacefully. Together.

Whether it is the five-color strange fire or the flame of destruction, there is no collision between the two, they just blend with each other, and the terrifying energy slowly flows inside the fire lotus like liquid.

Xiao Yan frowned slightly. It was clear that the fusion of the six different fires was successfully completed without any hindrance after the soul power of the two people came into contact, but he could not avoid feeling a sense of discomfort and burning pain.

He couldn't help but subconsciously look at the curly hair on his forehead that had all turned into white hair. The black hair had turned from white to pure white silver threads, and the silver threads were particularly eye-catching in his eyes.

The fusion of his own different fires does not produce such a burning sensation. In this case, the reason is naturally due to Yao Wan.

Does Miss Wan endure such burning pain every time she uses this flame?

Xiao Yan couldn't help but guess in his heart.

But Yao Wan didn't notice the gaze from Xiao Yan. Now all she was thinking about was how to make the eclipse pepper bigger.

After using the power of her soul as a guide to fuse Xiao Yan's fire lotus with her own Ash-Destroying Flame, Yaoyuan didn't care about the burning pain of the Ash-Destroyed Flame after overload, and just turned around. He first looked at Xiao Yan, the time had come.

"Xiao Yan."

"I know--"

Xiao Yan exhaled, his mouth filled with the faint smell of rust, and the delicate and colorful fire lotus in his hand kept buzzing, but this time it was a little different from the previous situation where Xiao Yan himself fused the five-color strange fire to form the destruction fire lotus. Same.

The originally dazzlingly colorful fire lotus contained more than one kind of strange fire, but now it has turned into a blend of dark and red colors visible to the naked eye.

Although Xiao Yan has long been deeply impressed by the terrifying power of the Flame of Ashes controlled by Yao Wan, it was only at this moment that he faced the control of such terrifying flames for the first time with the help of Yao Wan. Flame comes to real awareness.

Just one flame can completely suppress his five strange fires. This is not a balance like walking on a tightrope, but a simple calmness after the flames of ash and destruction overwhelm the crowd.

It is better to say it is death than flame, but it is simply closer to flame in the form of existence. There is no heat, no burning, and there is just death spreading silently.

Seeing the astonishment flashing through his eyes, Xiao Yan clenched his teeth silently and said in a deep voice: "Go to hell, you Devouring Spirit Clan!"

"Keep this to yourself!"

Erosion pepper's eyes were full of cold light, and the strong demonic energy stirred up with all his strength to kill the flames of ash destruction on his body that had not been completely extinguished, and then turned into a scarlet blade condensed with blood.

"Blood Blade!"

The evil blade that made people tremble even if they just looked at it released an extremely weird light, and then slashed down mercilessly, obviously intending to block Xiao Yan's actions first.

Facing the blow that cut through the space, Xiao Yan was not afraid at all. He just slowly raised his fingertips, and the black-red fire lotus in his hand flew out spontaneously and hit the blow in front of him. The bloody blade comes.

The black-red fire lotus flowed silently, but after crossing the space, it collided with the bloody blade in front of him.

The bloody blade, which was more than a thousand feet long, hit the black-red fire lotus head-on, and then let out a sharp and ear-piercing explosion. Xijiao's eyes were full of ferocity and madness that could no longer be hidden. Today, Yaowan and Xiao Yan were already in her eyes. They are no different from dead people, and it is impossible for them to survive no matter what.

Xiao Yan and Yao Wan breathed a sigh of relief, synchronizing the power of their souls, and then merging the strange fires held by both parties. This was obviously not an easy task, but they did not respond to Erosion Pepper's proactive attack. Worry.

That's naturally because in their eyes, Erosion Pepper is no different from the dead.

When the dark red fire lotus collided with the blood blade and gradually made an overwhelming crisp sound like broken glass, both Xiao Yan and Yao Wan could clearly see the astonishment written on the face of the eclipse pepper. with fear.

----boom! ! !

The shock wave generated by the violent roar directly blew Xiao Yan and Yao Wan away effortlessly like the autumn wind blowing away fallen leaves.

Immediately afterwards came the blooming light and flames, but it was not as dazzling and dazzling as the fire lotus released by Xiao Yan himself before, but revealed an inexplicable darkness, as if everything was falling into place before his eyes. Nothingness.

Black-red death suddenly came, burning away all the demonic clouds in sight at a speed visible to the naked eye. Demonic energy and other ominous things that did not belong to Douqi Continent, this blow would probably hit Eclipse Yu again, Even if he resorts to such weird secret methods to avoid death, he will definitely be evaporated.

Needless to say, there is no need to say more about the eclipse in front of me.

First came the violent wind, then the abnormal dark light, and finally the huge black flame storm that was thousands of feet long. It exploded in an instant. Looking from the bottom up, the storm seemed to connect the heaven and the earth. It was probably one of the myths and legends. The miracles in it are also incomparable.

The fire storm is raging. If you look at the center of the Ash Fire Lotus explosion from a distance, the dark red waves of destruction spread rapidly like ripples at a speed visible to the naked eye. The wilderness in front of you begins to collapse. First, the fragile vegetation is as fast as being ignited by flames. Twisted and turned into ashes, and then countless demonic energies spontaneously ushered in a devastating annihilation phenomenon. Even the demons of the Spirit-Devouring Tribe who were hiding in the demonic clouds, waiting for opportunities but did not dare to approach rashly, even Before he could react, the fragile body like paper was turned into a ball of pitch-black ashes under the hot wind at a speed visible to the naked eye in a flash of dark red fire.

The death that destroyed everything was swept away, and it was no longer just the thousand-foot range in front of him. The scope of this strike remained unabated after burning out all the blocking mountains, and even affected the battlefield of Lord Skyfire and Eclipse Owl.

Eclipse Owl's expression suddenly changed when he noticed the unusual aura of death and destruction.

He immediately chose to give up entangled with Lord Skyfire, and instead opened a light curtain to try to stop the terrifying destructive power. However, even so, he still inevitably underestimated the power of the destructive power that suddenly hit him at this moment. What a terrifying power.

The dark red fluctuations effortlessly tore through the light curtain in front of him, and Eclipse Owl suddenly felt pain, feeling a biting burning pain burning fiercely in his body.


Eclipse Owl felt pain and frowned. He was about to extinguish the Flame of Ashes on his body, but Lord Skyfire did not give him this chance at all. The old hands were wrapped with colorless Flames of Fallen Heart, which then turned into flames. He made two invisible fire pythons and suddenly attacked towards the eclipse owl's front door.

"Damn it!"

Seeing Lord Skyfire pressing forward step by step, Xi Xiao was furious but unable to fight back. He could only retreat a thousand feet in a row to temporarily avoid Lord Skyfire's sharp edge.

But even so, the scars left by Fallen Heart Flame were inevitably left on his hands.

"Tianhuo, you are looking for death!"

Eclipse Owl said angrily, but Lord Tianhuo didn't care. Anyway, the relationship between humans and the Spirit Devouring Clan is life-and-death, so naturally there is no need to be more polite. Just greet the other side, saying it as if they have stopped talking. As if the fighting continues, the Swallowing Spirit Clan may not have any hesitation in devouring thousands of human beings.

"There's nothing to say in taking advantage of your illness to kill you, but now it seems that your witch, let alone your life, can't be saved."

Lord Tianhuo smiled happily, and then subconsciously looked in the direction of the Ash Extinguishing Fire Lotus. If nothing unexpected happened, it was probably the attack concocted by the two young people, right? It's really a terrible life. If you were in the center of the explosion, your life would be hard to save.

And even he could hardly save his life, let alone the spirit-devouring clan who had extremely poor sensitivity to different fires. He knew that the woman was definitely dead without even thinking about it.

And judging from the fact that he could cross such a distance and still inflict such burns on the Eclipse Owl, there was probably not even a single spirit-devouring tribe left around him.

Eclipse Xiao's expression was uncertain, but it was undeniable that what Lord Tianhuo said now was indeed the truth.

Under such a terrifying blow, even I didn't dare to say with full confidence that I could survive, let alone the woman Eojiao.

The other tribesmen have now completely lost news, and are afraid that their entire army has been wiped out.

This time, according to what Your Majesty said, a hole was opened in the defense line of Tianjian Palace, and the plan of driving straight in was naturally ruined.

There is no point in staying here to entangle with Tianhuo, and Eclipse Xiao can't help but have a hint of retreat in his heart.

"Well, this time, two more troublesome people have been born in your human race. I admit defeat, but Tianhuo, don't be too happy too early. Sooner or later, I will ask you to repay a hundred times what I owe you today!"

Eclipse Xiao did not forget to say harsh words when he left. Lord Tianhuo smiled disdainfully and just thought that his old opponent was just farting.

"Let's wait until that day comes."

Lord Tianhuo could suppress Xi Xiao with the power of strange fire, but he could not guarantee that he would be safe and take him down at the same time, so naturally he had no choice but to give up.

After Eclipse Owl turned around and left, Lord Tianhuo immediately turned around and went to look for Xiao Yan and the others. Although it was natural to have a strong presence in front of Eclipse Owl, anyone could guess that it was necessary to unleash such a terrifying blow. No matter what the price is, I immediately went to look for him.

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