When Xiao Yan came back to his senses, there was nothing in front of him. Only a large pit with a radius of more than a thousand feet and a depth of a hundred feet appeared in front of him.

As for Erosion Pepper, who knows where that woman has gone? Maybe he is really dead.

The huge consumption, coupled with the injuries suffered by Yao Wan when he blocked Dou Zun's blow just now, and the backlash caused by the Flame of Ash Destruction on him who was not his master but still controlled him, multiple factors were superimposed on each other. Being together, Xiao Yan couldn't help but feel that his eyes were blurry and he almost lost his balance not long after he came back to his senses.


Xiao Yan coughed a few times. At this moment, it would not be an exaggeration to say that he was burned inside and out. The reason why he did not faint and go into shock immediately was simply because there were still some people and things in his heart that he could not let go of for the time being.

Naturally, he was worried that if the woman from the Devouring Spirit Clan was not dead, then he and Miss Wan would really be doomed.

As for people, who else could it be?

"Miss Wan, we...won, look...Miss Wan?"

Xiao Yan's tone was full of weakness, but he still managed to cheer up. He was about to smile and tell the beauty next to him about the results of their hard work, but he saw her pale golden eyes lowering slightly. The delicate body swayed slightly, then teetered.

"Miss Wan?!"

Xiao Yan was startled, and even his weak tone had to cheer up, and then he held her shoulders.

Yao Wan did not respond to Xiao Yan's words and was completely silent.

Although Xiao Yan also shared part of the backlash caused by the Flame of Ash Destruction with her, most of the backlash still acted on Yao Wan, and her long black hair turned snow-white in the blink of an eye. The silver thread is proof.

If placed under normal conditions, the backlash caused by the flames of destruction caused by the distraction will basically only affect the main body. However, because now in the ruins of oblivion, the connection between the main body and the distraction is getting weaker and weaker. This invisible backflow is close to being cut off. Now the distraction is cut off from the normal connection with the main body due to the existence of the seal, and the backlash naturally acts on the distraction.

Although just one backlash was not enough to cause her distraction to collapse, and at the same time she was protected by the flames of life, she could not withstand repeated attempts and could not return to her original state.

It's just that Xiao Yan didn't know this. Facing Yao Wan's coma from exhaustion, his face was full of worry, especially when he caught a glimpse of her hair now covered with silver hair, he felt even more distressed.

At the same time, the Lord Tianhuo who had escaped the Ash-Destroying Fire Lotus brought the two Dou Zong back to Xiao Yan. Seeing the anxious look on his face, the Lord Tianhuo couldn't help but said: "She is in a coma due to exhaustion. It seems that the backlash caused by the use of a certain secret method is hard to recover from, but there is no danger of life. I have arranged for the two of them to resolve the remaining matters in Jicheng first. For the time being, you and this girl will return to heaven with me. Sword Palace."

Lord Tianhuo naturally had his reasons for arranging this. Xiao Yan also temporarily stabilized his emotions, and then hugged Yao Wan as a princess. Yao Wan's figure was similar to him, so it was not difficult to hold her up. It took a lot of effort, and it didn't require any extra effort. On the contrary, it made Xiao Yan secretly sigh in his heart, Miss Wan, you are so light.

It was so light, as if it were a feather, and he couldn't help but feel that if he didn't hold her tightly, he would fly away.

Xiao Yan's eyes were in a trance, but he heard the voice of Lord Tianhuo: "You are not in a good condition. You don't have to force yourself. I can use my fighting spirit to take this girl away."

"...No, I'm fine."

Only then did Xiao Yan come back to his senses, then firmly shook his head, subconsciously hugged Wan in his arms and closed his eyes tightly, as if he just fell into a dreamland, but he knew very well that Miss Wan would not sleep. She had to die like this... speaking of it, it seemed like she had never fallen asleep in front of him.

Even the rainy night on the road a few days ago only allowed her to take a nap for a while, and even Xiao Yan himself didn't notice it.

Seeing that Xiao Yan was so stubborn, Master Tianhuo naturally didn't force himself too much. He just shook his head and said, forget it, fishing for one person is fishing, fishing for two people is fishing, this kid consumes a lot of money, and he probably won't be able to get to Tianjian Palace. Pass out, and then the two of them will take it with them.

Then Lord Tianhuo exchanged a few words with the two Dou Zong behind him, and then continued on the road with Xiao Yan.

Xiao Yan couldn't help but look down at Yao Wan's quiet sleeping eyes, and then unconsciously showed a faint smile. It didn't matter. As long as he arrived at Tianjian Palace, everything would be fine...

But although what he said was true, Xiao Yan still felt the burning pain of the injury in his body and the strong sleepiness caused by excessive consumption sweeping over him, reminding Xiao Yan all the time that he was now at the end of his strength, and perhaps also supported. It won't be long before he passes out. Every time he closes and opens his eyes, he doesn't know how long it will take.

no problem, no problem.

Xiao Yan gently exhaled a breath, and then shook his head gently, trying to put away these distracting thoughts that were completely objectionable to him.

As long as Miss Wan is safe, it doesn't matter what happens to him.

With this idea in mind, Xiao Yan hugged Yaowan and accompanied Lord Tianhuo across thousands of miles again. Whenever Lord Tianhuo felt that Xiao Yan might not be able to hold on anymore, Xiao Yan still managed to hold on.

When a mountain with a height no less than the main peak of the Tianxing Mountains where Xingyun Pavilion is located appeared in front of them, Xiao Yan and Lord Tianhuo crossed the thick clouds halfway up the mountain. Originally, the mountainside was full of greenery and rare elixirs. The fields were all transformed into a variety of intertwined buildings, including conspicuous alchemies and shops and markets. As you go up, the buildings become more majestic, until you reach the real peak, where the majestic The main hall is located on it. It is obviously a palace, but it feels like a sword has been inserted deeply into this mountain peak.

"Is this where Tianjian Palace is located?"

Xiao Yan was so shocked that he couldn't help but murmur softly, and temporarily forgot about the fatigue on his body.

"Yes, this is the Tianjian Palace and Tianjian Mountain. Other things are not urgent for the time being. I have the right to take you and this girl to recover from your injuries. After you have recovered from your injuries, we can talk about other things."

Lord Tianhuo's words couldn't help but make Yao Wan also nodded slightly to express his agreement. After all, he knew his own situation best. What Xiao Yan wanted to do most now was to quickly place Miss Wan in place. This was enough.

Then, Lord Tianhuo took Xiao Yan to the Medicine Office halfway up the mountain. After passing through the door, which was extremely low-key compared to other places, there was a series of quiet courtyards and medicine alchemy rooms arranged in an orderly manner inside. Together.

Xiao Yan looked at this large-scale medicine shop and was sighing in his heart when he heard Lord Tianhuo shouting a name that he was not familiar with.

"Shanshan, was Shanshan ever here?"

Lord Tianhuo couldn't help shouting.

Along with Lord Tianhuo's message, which spread throughout the entire Medicine Department in just a moment, it spread to every corner. A moment later, a young woman flew over from not far away.

"When did Elder Tianhuo come to me in such a hurry?"

The young woman smiled calmly and generously. Her temperament alone made her look like she was not an ordinary person.

When Xiao Yan saw the woman, he couldn't help but be stunned for a moment, and an inexplicable but extremely vague feeling of familiarity came to his heart.

It's just that Xiao Yan was a little surprised when he realized this. He had never seen this woman before, so how could he feel familiar with her?

Therefore, Xiao Yan could only temporarily blame it on his random thoughts after he was too weak now.

Then, the woman also noticed Xiao Yan, who was carrying a medicine wand behind Master Tianhuo who had been traveling all the way. Although he looked energetic, he was already at the end of his strength.

When she met those dark red eyes, the woman couldn't help but blink. For some reason, this man gave her an inexplicable sense of familiarity, more like...an old friend.

However, the gaze only lasted for a moment, and the woman in front of him took the initiative to break the brief silence.

"...It looks like he was seriously injured."

"Yes, so I'd better trouble Shanshan to take action."

Lord Tianhuo said solemnly, no matter from any angle, Lord Tianhuo did not want anything to happen to Xiao Yan and Yao Wan, not to mention whether the prediction was really accurate, Xiao Yan and Yao Wan have now fully demonstrated their In order to realize his own value, he can use Douzong to kill the strong men of the Spirit-Devouring Clan who are in the Douzun realm. Putting aside everything else, Lord Tianhuo will protect them no matter what.

At the same time, Lord Tianhuo also explained to Xiao Yan: "This is the Master of the Medicine Hall, Han Shanshan, a seventh-grade alchemist, and one of the best alchemists here."

"Han Shanshan...?"

Xiao Yan subconsciously murmured the unfamiliar name, and gradually became convinced in his heart that he did not know this person.

"Okay, let's not say any polite words. Let's settle down for the time being. Let me check on this girl's situation."

Han Shanshan shook her head gently. She was more concerned about the patient's safety than these polite remarks. After all, how could the patients brought by Lord Tianhuo himself be ordinary people? She naturally needs all the medical treatment she can.


Xiao Yan nodded, now the safety of Miss Wan is naturally the most important thing.

So Han Shanshan brought the three of them to a quiet courtyard.

"Okay, you, stretch out your hand and I'll take your pulse."

Han Shanshan glanced at Xiao Yan, judged that his injury was more serious, and then said.

"No, I'd better trouble the hall master to take care of her first."

It's just that Xiao Yan was stubborn and asked her to take care of the medicine first. Han Shanshan couldn't help but shook her head secretly. Her sweetheart was important, but how could she abuse her body like this? She wouldn't do this in her place.

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