Fighting is broken, but the heroine script

Chapter 416 He takes you too seriously

Since Xiao Yan was so stubborn and so determined, Han Shanshan naturally couldn't force him to leave. She just muttered silently, "You can bear it if you turn around." Then she sat down on Yaowan's bed with a wry smile on Lord Tianhuo's face. At the same time, he turned his attention to the silver-haired beauty who was as quiet and graceful as a sleeping beauty on the bed.

But before she could officially start exploring, just seeing the silver thread on the back of Yaowan's head, she couldn't help but frown slightly. This white hair was not born with it.

So those eight achievements are a symbol of exhaustion of vitality, right?

Han Shanshan came into contact with quite a few injured and sick people in the Ruins of Oblivion, but it was very rare for someone like Yao Wan to be in a state of obvious exhaustion of vitality.

Han Shanshan hesitated for a moment, and then common sense put her fingertips on Yaowan's wrist, and her suspicions were confirmed.


It was not difficult for her to determine the physical condition of the girl in front of her. She could confirm it almost at a glance. Taking her pulse was just a practical guarantee, but the problem in front of her was not something she could solve at all.

This physical state is obviously burning away one's own vitality as fuel. This is not disease or injury at all, but simply birth, old age, illness and death. It is an unavoidable fate for everyone. If you can find some heavenly materials and earthly treasures that can extend your life, you may be able to It can restore part of the life force, but even in the Ruins of Oblivion, this kind of thing is almost a unique treasure.

And not only that, in addition...

"Master, how is she?"

Xiao Yan couldn't help but said anxiously. He held the medicine wand and gritted his teeth all the way, just for the sake of Han Shanshan's safety.


Han Shanshan couldn't help but hesitate.

"...She's fine. She's just exhausted. She's not seriously injured. I'll light a few sticks of requiem for her. She may wake up in a few days."

But this hesitation did not last long, Han Shanshan turned her head and said while turning her gaze towards Xiao Yan.


Xiao Yan hesitated for a moment, subconsciously feeling that something was not right in his heart. However, the excessive exhaustion of the battle, the injuries on his body, the backlash of the secret technique and the flames of ash destruction, all these pressures finally fell on Han Shanshan's light response as the last thing that broke the camel's back. Straw, his eyes turned white, and he fell limply. Lord Tianhuo was startled and hurriedly took action to support his body.

"Xiao Yan! Xiao Yan?...Tsk, the brat insists on showing off, how about this?"

Lord Tianhuo was startled by Xiao Yan, but after discovering that his breath was still alive, he couldn't help but breathed a sigh of relief. Why was this young man always so startled in everything he did? His old man's heart was not very good and he couldn't stand it. After being so troubled, he not only curled his lips and said.

"Oh, this man is all supported by this girl. The injuries on his body are much more serious than this girl's. It's really strange that he can resist until now."

Han Shanshan watched Xiao Yan go from a seemingly energetic person to a coma in the blink of an eye. She couldn't help but shook her head, sighed, and said with helplessness, "Forget it, Elder Tianhuo. Put this man in the next room, I will light the incense for the girl and then take care of him."


Lord Tianhuo nodded and left the room with Xiao Yan on his back. When he closed the door, he couldn't help but said: "Can Shanshan take care of these two people? Shall I call more people to take care of them?"

Han Shanshan shook her head: "It's just two people. I won't be able to take care of both of them. Elder Tianhuo doesn't have to worry. Besides, Elder Tianhuo might not be relieved if he calls someone careless, right? Otherwise, he wouldn't call me directly. Come take care of them yourself.”

Lord Tianhuo was stunned for a moment, and then he laughed, which made her guess right.

"What special status do these two people have? Do they deserve to be treated like this by Elder Tianhuo?"

While taking out a few sticks of incense as white as jade from the ring, she lit a vindictive flame from her fingertips, lit a few sticks of requiem incense, inserted it into a small incense burner on a plate, and a faint smoke floated in the air. In the small room, ordinary people smelled it, and their minds that had never calmed down gradually gradually returned to calm.

"It's hard to say what the special status is right now, but just by returning to Tianjian Palace, they killed a demon general from the Spirit-Devouring Tribe. Do you think I should treat them as treasures?"

Lord Tianhuo couldn't help but say, causing Han Shanshan to raise her eyebrows slightly.

"Demon General? They two seem to be just Dou Zong, right? Are they real or fake?"

Han Shanshan's tone was full of surprise, and she couldn't believe it. Two Dou Zong killed a strong Dou Zong? Did he even come back alive?

In comparison, the current injuries of the two of them are simply natural.

"If I hadn't experienced it myself, I wouldn't have believed it."

Lord Tianhuo shook his head. Let alone Han Shanshan, he didn't believe it when he first reacted. But when the facts were in front of him, he couldn't help but not believe it. After all, it was too outrageous.

"Well, I will definitely give you two lives anyway, so don't worry."

Han Shanshan nodded, indicating that she already knew.

Lord Tianhuo hummed, and there was no need to say anything more. If he didn't believe Han Shanshan, he would naturally not be able to trust her and leave the person to her. After all, this professional matter still needs their professional people to do it.

Not long after Lord Tianhuo left, Han Shanshan took a look at the medicinal herbs sleeping peacefully on the bed and exhaled.

Regarding her physical condition... let her talk to him later. How to deal with the interpersonal relationship and physical condition is better left to me.

After confirming that Yaowan might still have some time to wake up, Han Shanshan got up and went to the next room to take care of Xiao Yan.

After all, compared to Yao Wan, who never had anything happen to him even though his vitality was exhausted, Xiao Yan's situation was much more serious. In the final analysis, he still didn't take his body seriously, so he If this delay continues, even if nothing happens this time, there will definitely be some hidden damage.

"This desperate look is quite similar to that guy."

As Han Shanshan pushed open the door and walked into the room where Lord Tianhuo placed Xiao Yan, she couldn't help but sigh subconsciously. While sighing, she couldn't help being a little surprised by her own thoughts.

"Does it look like that guy? Sigh...what am I thinking about."

Han Shanshan shook her head, muttered and put aside these distracting thoughts, and then sat beside Xiao Yan's bed, taking his pulse for the moment. As soon as her fingertips touched Xiao Yan's wrist, the chaotic pulse of her heart stopped. She frowned.

"I told you not to be brave, this retribution will come really quickly."

Han Shanshan sighed, but even though she said she was not forgiving, she couldn't just leave it alone. If nothing else, she had to at least stop the wound from getting worse.

But just when Han Shanshan was about to do this, she discovered that Xiao Yan didn't have any demonic energy in his body. This made her a little surprised. However, before her doubts lasted for too long, an extremely hot feeling forced her to He retracted his fingertips for the time being.

That is……

Han Shanshan slowly opened her eyes.

Strange fire!

And judging from this completely different aura, it is obvious that there is not just one kind of strange fire, but at least multiple strange fires existing in his body, keeping docile and quiet,

He actually holds a variety of strange fires... It's no wonder that he can cross the many realms at present and cross levels to kill the Spirit-Devouring Clan Dou Zun.

Han Shanshan couldn't help but sigh and said that he was really a formidable young man. This young man looked to be in his early twenties. I am afraid that no one at the same level could match him.

However, since Xiao Yan has a strange fire to protect his body, the injuries caused to him by the Spirit Devouring Clan Dou Zun do not have the extremely troublesome demonic energy, which naturally saves a lot of trouble. The only thing Han Shanshan needs to consider is Xiao Yan's simple Injured.

It is not difficult to simply treat the injury, and his physical fitness is much stronger than those of the same level. As long as he cultivates well in the past few days, it is not difficult to recover quickly.

Then, she took out a young elixir, and several rare medicinal materials that were specially used to treat Xiao Yan's injuries but left internal injuries. She refined them in the room and mixed them with medicinal properties. The fighting spirit flames dissipated, leaving only an elixir slowly cooling down in the air. Han Shanshan's eyes did not change, she just pinched the elixir gently, and then stuffed it into the elixir with a trace of the remaining warmth from the furnace. into Xiao Yan's mouth.

The elixir melts in his mouth, so there is no need to worry that he will not be able to swallow it. And after taking the elixir, there is no need to worry that Xiao Yan's injury will continue to worsen.

And the rest is naturally not something that can be solved so easily.

Afterwards, Han Shanshan stood up gently and left Xiao Yan's ward as quietly as possible. After all, although Xiao Yan would definitely not wake up, the patient's rest was also very important, so naturally it was better to pay attention to it for the time being.

But just as Han Shanshan closed the door, from the corner of her eye, she caught a glimpse of the medicine room on one side being opened at some point.

No, didn’t I close it properly just now?

Han Shanshan murmured subconsciously in her heart, but she immediately thought of another possibility.

She slowly turned around and looked at the stunning beauty with silver hair and golden eyes in a plain skirt who was enough to attract attention just standing there, standing behind her like a normal person.

"Has Xiao Yan settled down yet?"

Yao Wan couldn't help but say.

"He has his own strange fire protection, and the demonic energy cannot harm him. This time it is entirely because I miss you too much. I have been traveling for a long time and my body has been exhausted."

Han Shanshan's eyes were always looking at Yaowan's snow-white silver thread uncontrollably, and she couldn't help but say.

"He doesn't take himself seriously."

Yao Wan couldn't help but frown slightly when she heard this, trying hard to recall the last scene of her memory fragment.

"He takes you too seriously."

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