Fighting is broken, but the heroine script

Chapter 424 Breaking the Defense

"Xiao Yan...?"

Xiao Yan felt his arms trembling slightly. The silver-haired beauty who fell into his arms and couldn't sit still at all opened her tired pale golden eyes.

When Xiao Yan heard Yao Wan's pleasant voice that was full of fatigue and slightly hoarse, he felt his heart tightening in silence, and a kind of choking and throbbing pain slowly spread in his throat. , in comparison, even the burning sensation of the Flame of Ash Destruction seems less intense.

"Yeah, I'm here."

Xiao Yan could hear her vulnerability for a moment, but he was afraid that she would run away again, so he took the initiative and said: "Don't worry, I don't have any malice, let alone any evil intentions, but you need my help now."


Even Yao Wan, who had just been forced to wake up due to pain, couldn't help but subconsciously reject this statement. She didn't agree with it, and she didn't want Xiao Yan to bear what he couldn't afford. She didn't like others. Touch your own things, whether good or bad.

"...No...let's forget it."

Yao Wan fell softly in Xiao Yan's arms and let him hold her. Yao Wan, who could not resist now, couldn't help but shook her head. Naturally, she was not resisting Xiao Yan until now, but she saw the slender fingers wrapped around her. The black-red flame ignited on the tip repeated the process of burning and extinguishing. The process of the flame extinguishing and re-burning was like a rekindled charcoal fire, crackling and making a series of sounds.

"Don't get too close to me... let go of me... the Flame of Ash Destruction is too dangerous... don't do unnecessary things for me, anyway, I won't die right away..."

The black flames of death were reflected in the beautiful pale golden eyes. Yao Wan felt that even her head was burning violently. Not to mention her actions, even her words were intermittent and not harmful at all.

As she said that, she tried to push Xiao Yan away, but now that her whole body was literally burning up, she really didn't have the slightest strength to struggle, and she didn't even feel much of the sensation of struggling.

In Xiao Yan's perception, Yao Wan's struggle is not even called a struggle. The so-called rejection is nothing more than a welcome.

The endless rotation of Burning Jue in Xiao Yan's body is still going on. Although Yao Wan's rationality has been burnt by the black flames and knows that it is nothing more than scratching the itch and boiling the soup to stop the boil. It cannot solve the current dilemma at all, but The slight withdrawal of black flames still made her relax a lot.

She sleepily opened and closed her hazy eyes slightly, but she also noticed the traces of black flames that were gradually withdrawing from her body.

In the hazy state of being half asleep and half awake, she couldn't help but breathe in the air around her that was getting hotter, and she couldn't help but make a somewhat shameful sound. Even if the black flames burned her, she could still feel the pain gradually lessening. I feel relieved, as if warm herbs have been applied to the burning wound, bringing a slight sense of relaxation that is like an illusion.

"...Then do you think I will just leave you alone? you think I can really bear to watch you being burned by the Flame of Ashes and remain indifferent?"

Xiao Yan exhaled lightly, does it hurt? Of course it hurt, extremely painful.

To be fair, and to be honest, Xiao Yan was actually a little annoyed when he heard Yao Wan telling him to leave him alone.

When Xiao Yan's murmuring sound came to her ears, Yao Wan felt that his hands hugging her body were a little harder. They were not so rough that he wanted to rub her directly into his body. The toughness, domineering, and arrogance that are integrated with him, but the slight exertion that is only a little taste, seem to be simply reminding Yao Wan of the relationship between the two at this moment in a silent and subtle way.

It was as if he was silently expressing that at this moment, he didn't need to listen to Yao Wan's instructions at all.

At this moment, she was the vulnerable one who needed to be protected.

The so-called offensive and defensive type may be like this.

Yao Wan's breathing stagnated slightly. She really didn't expect that Xiao Yan would have such a tough day... No, that's not right, Yao Wan suddenly reacted.

It's not that Xiao Yan has never been so tough, it's just that Yao Wan could suppress this person before, but now that he can't suppress him anymore, it doesn't seem to be such an unexpected thing that this happens. After all, he can no longer pretend to be an ostrich. Yao Wan knew very well what kind of feelings Xiao Yan had for her.


Yaowan secretly thought something was wrong, but she had already tried struggling and resisting, but now she didn't even have any way to escape.

On the one hand, Yao Wan naturally does not want Xiao Yan to be hurt unnecessarily, and on the other hand, she also does not want to have any contact or relationship with Xiao Yan that goes beyond the boundaries. The mess in front of her has already made her She wanted to quit. She really didn't want the fragile relationship between Xiao Yan and her to be stimulated and teased any more.

Who knows when this scale will suddenly lose its balance and fall into the abyss of eternal destruction?

Naturally, Yao Wan doesn't want to completely sever ties with Xiao Yan. No matter how aloof she is, she is still a human being. Cutting off this kind of thing is not something she can do because she is not pretentious, but if she continues, she will How about it? But it made her feel inexplicably afraid.

It's just that she subconsciously wanted to try her best to stop it, but she couldn't take any substantive action.

Even so, she could only curl up helplessly in his arms, watching helplessly as Xiao Yan was so close to her, even able to do whatever he wanted.

"Okay, don't move around now. I'll help you suppress the Flame of Ash Destruction first."

Xiao Yan guided all the black and red flames from Yaowan's body to his own body, and then used five different fires to suppress it, and then tried to refine the flames of ash destruction that gathered on his body with the Burning Jue. At least the Burning Jue was effective against There is no way to deal with the flames of destruction, but it is better than letting her bear it alone.

"I told you...without your help, can't you just be a little more obedient?"

The burning sensation on her body after the delicate balance between the Flame of Ashes and the Flame of Life was broken gradually lessened, but Yao Wan didn't feel comfortable at all. Instead, she seemed to be grabbed by an invisible hand. Same, inexplicably uncomfortable.

However, this time, Xiao Yan didn't even have the energy to respond to Yao Wan.

The warm and fragrant nephrite in his arms was still struggling pointlessly, but Xiao Yan obviously no longer had the leisure and leisure to flirt with her slowly, or he once again said something to annoy her.

"...Xiao Yan?"

Yaowan gradually regained some strength and couldn't help but try hard to raise her head to see Xiao Yan's face.

After all, it was too risky and dangerous, so how could she feel at ease?

As expected, Xiao Yan was too busy taking care of himself now. He even closed his eyes slightly, and big beads of sweat fell from his forehead. However, it was impossible to judge from the surface what his current state was. That’s it.

Xiao Yan absorbed all the flames of destruction into his body. Because he was afraid that the person in his arms would get angry again through physical contact again, he blocked all his meridians after a very brief hesitation. Seal this death in his meridians and never let it leak out.

Yao Wan was stunned, but felt like something was stuck in her throat.

"Okay... don't do this again... you can't bear it alone... even your current Burning Technique can't refine the Flame of Ash Destruction to at least Dou Zun level."

Yaowan licked her dry lips, and then said: "Let go of the restraint, I can bear it - I can bear this, and I don't need you to bear it for me."


Xiao Yan responded with silence, unmoved.

"Okay... Xiao Yan... don't hold on anymore..."

Yao Wan gradually choked up when she heard her slightly hoarse voice. She didn't know why. The black inflammation on her body was obviously getting less and less, and the uncomfortable burning sensation had been relieved with the naked eye, but why.

Why, her heart hurt so much.

But Xiao Yan still had no response.

Perhaps it was the pain that broke the string that had been tightening in her heart. In Xiao Yan's deathly silence, Yao Wan gritted her teeth. She could no longer pretend.

To be honest, she thought that she had gone smoothly all the way and that she was the only one who bullied others, but she never thought that she would suffer such a disaster.

She is not a person who is very good at enduring pain. After all, she is not the type like Xiao Yan who can go up against the wind. She does not like pain and is not used to pain, but even so, Yao Wan still endures it silently in her heart. Got these.

Since it is something that belongs to you, there is no reason to refuse it.

Underneath that flamboyant and conceited appearance, is her undertone that seems a bit fragile and abnormally fragile.

Anyway, it’s pain, just endure it for a while and it’ll be fine. Anyway, it’s an injury, so just take care of it.

She said this and complained to herself in her heart, no matter how painful it was, no matter how afraid she was of pain, she could still endure it.

As long as this is something that belongs to her and cannot be escaped, then the final result will inevitably be to choose to accept it.

Acceptance calmly and acceptance reluctantly are both acceptances in the end. Is there any difference? In this way, she persuaded and coaxed herself in her heart to do things that she would not necessarily do because it would be very painful.

However, is Xiao Yan going to take away even such rights from himself?

Obviously, she had given him everything she could give him - what else did he want? Why is he still so dissatisfied?

"——That's enough! I don't want you, a half-hearted person, to hold you back in front of me! Weak people, don't act like a hero in front of me! Get out! Get out of here! Stay away from me!"

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